Epilogue - Part 2
"Well, I'm an abridger, so I'm entitled to a few ideas of my own. Did they make it? Was the pirate ship there? You can answer it for yourself, but, for me, I say yes it was. And yes, they got away. And got their strength back and had lots of adventures and more than their share of laughs.
But that doesn't mean I think they had a happy ending, either. Because, in my opinion, anyway, they squabbled a lot, and Buttercup lost her looks eventually, and one day Fezzik lost a fight and some hot-shot kid whipped Inigo with a sword and Westley was never able to really sleep sound because of Humperdinck maybe being on the trail.
I'm not trying to make this a downer, understand. I mean, I really do think that love is the best thing in the world, next to cough drops. But I also have to say, for the umpty-umpth time, that life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all." William Goldman, The Princess Bride
Epilogue – Part Two
"Today I am very proud of the house," Kit said powerfully, standing at the front bench beside Prime Minister Ashcroft. "That we could come together to not only invest in the future of this country, but to ensure the immediate futures of our children."
It was difficult for Kit to maintain his firm, unwavering demeanour. Today was a day that he had been working towards for years. Two thirds of the house had just passed a bill making schooling compulsory for girls to the age of fifteen and boys to the age of thirteen. This was Kit's law. This was what he had entered parliament to do.
It was at times like these that there was really only one person that Kit would like to celebrate with. But he never opened that door. He closed it a long time ago, along with it the pain.
"Now as we conclude this session of parliament, I would ask you all to join with me in saying a prayer and sending our deepest condolences to His Majesty on the passing of the Prince of Wales, and we ask for the protection and guidance of our new Prince of Wales."
Kit led the house in a heartfelt prayer. Politicians and the Royals alike were never meant to show an affinity for the other, but the death of the Prince of Wales had quickly shocked London, and would the rest of the nation when the news spread to the papers outside the city.
Charles had fallen from his horse only yesterday, and his death had been swift. Kit had not known the prince well, only that his father loved him dearly, and would be deeply hurt by his loss. Kit felt more for Edward, his greatest, though secret, friend. Edward was now the Prince of Wales, the future King. Kit had not the opportunity to see his friend, though if he knew Edward, he would have gotten himself as far away from London as possible. This sudden pressure, coupled with his father's disapproval of him, would kill him.
"Well said, Kensington," commended the PM upon the parliament's closing.
Kit smiled. "Thank you, sir. I am sorry for the Royal Family."
"Yes, yes, we all are," Mr Ashcroft said dismissively. "It is not as though there is a succession crisis though. What I was talking about was your bill. Excellently said, excellently put, an all-around good job." He slapped Kit on the back.
Mr Ashcroft had been Kit's mentor these last nine years. He had helped Kit rise through the ranks, so that he was now his number two as Ashcroft was PM. But upon the next election in only a month, the aging Mr Ashcroft was to stand down, and Kit, the once illiterate orphan without a name, was to stand as Prime Minister.
Despite the turmoil he knew that his friend would be feeling at this moment, Kit could not wipe the smile off of his face as he left parliament. He had really accomplished something today. The country would be a better place after today. Children would be educated for longer, given better opportunities than their parents.
Poverty, Kit hoped, would one day be a thing of the past.
Kit climbed into his carriage and he was taken directly to his father's house in Kensington. Kit lived there mainly at his mother's insistence. She was convinced it was safer then the rooms he had been renting. Despite thinking her paranoid, he could not deny that he enjoyed the space.
Kit unlocked the gate and went inside the house. He kept a very minimal staff as he paid them out of his own pocket. A housekeeper, a cook, and a driver only. Kit could dress himself and he could answer his own door, so he had no need for a butler or a manservant.
Kit thought first to check his mail for news from Edward. It was highly likely he would have fled to a brothel in France to drown his sorrows and he would have written to tell his only friend where he was going. Kit jogged up the stairs and went into his study. Sure enough, the mail had been left on his desk for him. Kit went directly over to the desk and collected the letters, flipping through them to find Edward's.
One from his mother. One from Lucy. One from Emma. One from Tom, though poorly addressed in his childish hand. But none from Edward.
"I thought I would bring it myself," a dull voice sounded from the corner.
Kit spun around, startled, to see that Edward was crouched in the corner of the study, his head between his knees. In his hand was a letter.
Edward looked dreadful. His eyes were red, from crying or from lack of sleep. His hair and clothing were dishevelled and Kit could now pick up the scent of whiskey. How had he managed to get in the house? The gate had been locked. Had he scaled the gate? Kit was certain Faith would be very happy to know the house was not impervious to intruders.
"Oh, my friend," Kit said sympathetically. "I am so terribly sorry."
"So am I," he replied bluntly. "He falls from a bloody horse and dies. How does that happen? People fall off of horses all the time and they are fine. My brother falls and suddenly I am next in line."
Kit walked over to Edward carefully. "Edward, you mustn't panic about such things now. It is a time to mourn, a time to grieve. When is the funeral?"
Kit could see the anxiety in Edward's fearful blue eyes. "Do you want to know what he said to me when Charles died?" he asked, his voice breaking. "He said, 'Better it had been you'"
Kit sucked in a breath in shock. "He can't have meant that."
"But he did," insisted Edward. "Charles was the perfect son. He was the one who was meant to be king. My father would rather have me dead then take the place of Charles." Edward sniffed as he started to cry, wiping his eyes on his very expensive sleeves.
"Your father is upset," Kit offered quietly. "He has lost his son. When the funeral is over and the grief passes I am sure things will be different." Kit was not certain that he believed his own words. In the decade or so that Kit had known Edward, he had not known Edward's father to offer him a single word of kindness.
"I am not going to the funeral," Edward said with determination. "I am going to France." Kit had been right about the destination. "I cannot pray and mourn over my brother's coffin with my father standing beside him wishing it were me that was inside it."
Kit did not have an argument for that. But he did know of a safer place then France for his friend to hide for a while. "I am going to organise a bath for you," to get rid of the whiskey smell, "and then I am going to take you to Norwood. You can stay there as long as you like."
Edward sniffed as he started to cry, wiping his eyes on his very expensive sleeves.
And perhaps Edward would feel capable of ruling an empire after being around Kit's family for a little while. Their support had given Kit all the confidence in the world.
While Edward was in the bath, Kit wrote his apologies, excusing himself from parliament for the next week or so, citing a family emergency. Edward was like a brother to him after all. Kit organised some clothing to take with him and decided on some items to lend to Edward. Kit was taller than his friend so he would have to tuck his breeches into his boots.
Only an hour or so later, they were both in the carriage on their way to Derbyshire. They stopped only to change horses and to allow the driver to rest. They made excellent time and found themselves travelling through the gates of Norwood Cottage two and a half days later.
Now that Edward was clean and sober, he was functioning a little more rationally. He had not cried, though Kit was unsure if that was a good thing or not, seeing as his own brother had only been dead a few days.
"Are you sure your family won't mind my intrusion?" Edward asked quietly as the carriage pulled to a stop.
"Not at all," Kit promised.
They climbed out of the carriage and were quickly met by his father's servants. Kit gave them instructions before leading Edward into the house. Edward had not been to Kit's house for several years. In fact, Kit could not recall the last time. It was not often that Edward's father allowed cross-country trips.
Kit's mother was the first to greet them. She appeared from the drawing room and excitedly hugged Kit in greeting.
"We were not expecting you!" cried Faith, before she turned to see that Kit had brought along a royal guest. "Oh my, Kit you might have warned me. Your Royal Highness," she curtseyed respectfully. Both Faith and Cassian were acquainted with Edward properly after having visited Kit in London last year, but his siblings had not met with him in several years.
"I am sorry to trespass on your hospitality, Mrs Kensington," Edward said regretfully. "I took Kit unawares as well. I do not know if the news has reached you yet."
"What news?" Faith asked, alarmed. Cassian had just emerged from somewhere as well, and joined the gathering in the foyer. He immediately sensed the tension and did not offer his son more than a smile in greeting.
Kit watched as Edward turned his face, the words getting stuck in his throat. "The Prince of Wales was killed in an accident on Thursday," Kit said softly.
Faith gasped and Cassian's expression dropped.
"Oh, God," swore Cassian. "Your Royal Highness, you have our deepest condolences."
Edward regained some of his composure and offered Kit's parents a grimace-like smile. "Thank you."
"Come and sit down," urged Faith, directing them all towards the drawing room. "I shall ring for some tea. Cassian, go and fetch Emma and Tom."
"Where is Lucy?" Kit asked.
"Oh, she should be home soon. She is out with Violet today," replied Faith.
Wade delivered afternoon refreshments and Kit's siblings joined the gathering in the drawing room.
Sixteen year old Emma sat beside Faith on the settee, and nine year old Tom beside Cassian. Both favoured Cassian greatly, sharing his dark curly hair and charcoal eyes. Though luckily, Emma's features were soft and feminine, like Faith's. It had only been four weeks or so since Kit had last seen Tom but he was already growing like a weed. It would only be a few short years before he would be away to school.
Kit's family tried their best to make cheerful conversation with Edward while Edward acquainted himself with Kit's younger siblings. Edward had never met Tom, and Emma had only been small when she had last met the prince.
Already Kit saw a sense of relaxation in his friend. How could Edward possibly handle his grief when his father was so venomous in his?
"Oh, I did not realise we had company," cried Lucy, who had entered the drawing room unbuttoning her coat. She froze when she realised who their guest was.
"Edward, you remember my sister, Lucy, don't you?" introduced Kit. "She was smaller when you knew her last."
Edward looked over to the doorway and his eyes widened. He immediately rose to his feet and bowed his head at Lucy before she had a chance to curtsey to him. "You have only grown more beautiful in age, my lady."
Kit immediately exchanged a look with his father. Was Edward taken with Lucy? Kit knew that Lucy was very pretty. She had inherited their mother's beauty. But Edward couldn't be taken with Lucy. Such a connection was quite impossible for reasons that seemed to consistently embarrass and limit Kit's sister.
Lucy's cheeks reddened. "Oh, well, thank you," she stammered, managing to clumsily curtsey. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance again, Your Royal Highness."
"The pleasure is all mine." Edward had not broken eye contact with Lucy and all in the drawing room were very aware of it. Were Edward not a prince, Kit was certain his father would have knocked him out for staring at Lucy so.
Lucy seemed to be terribly self-conscious at the attention. Attention, at least positive attention was not something she was used to. Lucy was used to abrasiveness and snide comments. She had certainly not been on the receiving end of a gentleman's attention before now.
"Emma, would you play for us?" Faith almost shouted, cutting the awkwardness in the room.
Emma quickly scurried over to the pianoforte and began to play a tune. Attention turned to her, at which time Kit rose from his seat and went over to meet Lucy.
Kit loved all his siblings, but he had a particular affection for Lucy. She had the same privileged upbringing, but the prejudice she endured was like nothing else, especially in such a little village. Kit felt very protective over her, and she was the one he regretted being parted from the most when he was away in London.
"Where were you today?" he asked her.
"I was with Violet," she replied.
"Seeing as I saw and spoke to Violet on Piccadilly Circus the other day, and she informed me of the length of her stay in London, would you like to try again?"
Lucy looked down guiltily. "Alright, alright, I visited the Women's College today," she confessed.
Kit felt the blood leaving his face.
"I spoke with Olivia Pendleton," continued Lucy. "She runs the college, you know."
Kit did know. What Lucy and his siblings were unaware of was Kit's previous attachment to Olivia.
Kit knew all about Olivia's college. It was a frequent cause of scandal in the newspapers, although the outrage had died down in recent years. It had not surprised Kit at all that Olivia had founded a school, a college, for women. She had been determined to change the world and she had found an extraordinary way to do it.
Kit had been angry in the beginning. He would have supported her in founding her school. He would have helped her. But as he grew up and matured over the years, he could only be proud of her.
The hurt, and the love, was still there. It always would be, Kit was certain. After nine years and still feeling such love towards another person, Kit was absolutely certain it would never go away. That was why he locked it away and tried not to feel it. Love was supposed to be wonderful. But it only could be when it was reciprocated.
"W-why did you speak with Olivia?"
"I wanted to speak to her about attending her school," replied Lucy nonchalantly.
It was an incredible thing to suddenly comprehend. His sister had been in the same room as Olivia today. She had conversed with her as if it were something that happened every day. Had Olivia's thoughts gone to him when she had spoken with Lucy? Had she thought of him at all? Had he even entered her mind these last nine years?
"She helped me to realise that I was not there to seek further education. I am lucky that Mama and Papa secured a well-rounded education for me. I suppose I was afraid that my position would prevent me from ever marrying. But she helped me to see that the right man will love me, support me, listen to me, believe in me, and he will advocate for me. It is a rule she has. Why chain ourselves to someone for life if he does not do those things?"
Kit could hear Olivia's voice in Lucy's words. It was startling to know that he could still recall her pitch and tone after so long. But those words, didn't she know that she already had that herself? "Indeed," Kit managed to say. "And has she found such a man?"
Kit had not heard that she was married. But if Lucy answered yes to this question he was sure he would need some help to remain standing.
"She did," replied Lucy. "She told me that she almost married a man that loved and supported her beyond anything, but that she couldn't go through with it because being married and going about her goals didn't correlate."
Olivia was talking about Kit. She had to be talking about him. Kit had loved her more than words. And that was the excuse she had given him when she had left him all those years ago. She needed to go out into the world and achieve her dreams. She had done that.
"I think she still loves him though, which is so terribly sad," Lucy continued.
Kit's attention suddenly snapped back to his sister. "What makes you say that?"
"Her expression when she spoke of him. The way she looked told me that he was still so important to her. But they are obviously apart, which is sad."
Could it really be so? After all this time, could Olivia still feel some regard for him? Could she feel love for him?
The thought made him feel sick. He had suffered a heartbreaking rejection once before. How could he endure such a thing again? How could he even entertain being in that position again?
"Because I love her," Kit whispered to himself.
"What?" asked Lucy.
"Nothing," Kit retorted quickly. "I am glad Miss Pendleton helped you to find some clarity, Lucy. You know how much we detest the way people vilify you."
Lucy actually laughed. "That is the word Olivia used to describe it. But now I have to find something to do with myself. I am twenty now. Violet is in London buying wedding clothes. She was my only friend here."
"Pardon my interruption." Edward was suddenly beside them.
Kit checked behind him to see his parents and Tom still watching Emma at the pianoforte.
"Not at all Your Royal Highness," Lucy curtseyed again.
Edward's eyes looked over Lucy fondly. Kit did not feel at all comfortable with his friend's sudden attraction. He was in a terrible state of grief, and he was not thinking clearly. Lucy would not be his plaything.
Lucy, however, seemed innocent, or oblivious, to the attention she was receiving in that moment.
"My sister, Alice, is in need of another lady-in-waiting. You would be her attendant at court, accompany her, and be her friend. You would not know a better friend than my sister. I adore her. And if you are looking to leave Derbyshire, I can promise you that London can be a wonderful distraction from the woes of life."
Kit had not been expecting that. Edward was offering Lucy a place at court. She would be in attendance to Princess Alice. That was an incredible honour. The most Kit could want for Lucy. But, there was one obvious hindrance to this plan.
Lucy seemed to realise this, too. "That is incredibly kind of you, sir," she said gratefully, "and I know what an honour it is to be asked. But I cannot accept. Surely you know what I am." Lucy's cheeks flushed red as she looked away from Edward.
"I only want good, kind people around my sister. With the way your brother speaks of you, I know all I need to," replied Edward confidently. "Besides, I am sure that parliament will not object to the new Prime Minister's sister at court. In fact, I think they would look at it as an advantage to them."
Kit could see the excitement building in his sister's brown eyes. This would be good for her. This would give her confidence and, Kit prayed, a level of respect and acceptance.
"Well, I would have to ask my parents first." Lucy smiled widely. Her smile made Edward smile, and it was the happiest Kit had seen his friend look all week.
Kit could not see how this could end in anything but tears.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Edward challenged Kit, raising his eyebrows.
"What are you talking about?"
"I was eavesdropping on your conversation. Isn't there a certain redhead that you ought to be chasing right about now?"
"What are you both talking about?" asked Lucy.
Kit exhaled, smiling. "Yes, I think there is. Pray for me. I will go to her directly." God help him.
"Olivia?" gasped Lucy in realisation. The reality seemed to dawn on her immediately. "She was talking about you! Oh, Kit, you ought to hurry! She told me she was leaving for London soon, off to scout another location for her school!"
"Thank you, Goose. Tell Mother and Father where I have gone," Kit instructed, kissing his sister's forehead. "Goodbye!" he shouted over his shoulder as he ran from the drawing room, hearing the sudden confusion of his family as he ran into the September air.
Kit had never saddled a horse faster in his life, and was away to Olivia's school within minutes, it felt like.
As he rode, Kit's heart beating out of his chest, Kit put behind him all fear, all hesitation. He could not be afraid. He had to trust that the years had been good to them both. They were older now, more mature, more prepared to take on the world together.
When Kit reached Olivia's school, he leapt of his horse and ran up to her door. Lord, he was certain her looked dreadful. He used his handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his brow and attempted to comb his hair with his fingers right up until the door was opened for him.
Kit recognised the butler, Stoughton, but he was not certain if he recognised Kit.
He looked at him with a quizzical expression. "Yes?"
"I seek an audience with Miss Pendleton ... please," Kit stammered nervously.
"Do you have an appointment? The mistress has already been disturbed enough today," he said stiffly.
"No, I don't," confessed Kit, "but I am an old friend. She will want to see me." At least Kit hoped she would.
"Your name?"
"Kit Kensington," Kit replied. This would prove whether or not she wanted to see him.
Stoughton seemed to recognise his name and he invited Kit inside the house. "Very well, I will tell the mistress you are here. Please wait in the drawing room." Stoughton directed Kit to a room off the foyer.
Already Kit could see the changes made to the house. Doors off the foyer were open, and Kit could see that what once were private rooms were now classrooms. The drawing room was not at all conventional either. It looked more like a book room, an extension of the library. Books occupied every shelf and surface, and an array of different sofas were positioned at odd angles to allow private reading and conversation.
The house seemed quite quiet, so he assumed the students were out and about enjoying their weekend.
No sooner had Kit chosen one of the odd settees to sit down on, the door to the drawing room flung open. Kit spun around and there she was.
He froze as he looked on her for the first time in nine years. She was still so beautiful, just as he had remembered. Her skin was pale, like porcelain, and perhaps showed her maturity around the eyes a little, just as his now did. Her beautiful blue eyes were wide, but wise. They shone experience. She wore her lovely red hair down, as she always had, with a few pieces pinned back. It still had is natural wave and hung around her waist. She wore a sturdy, practical navy gown on her delicate figure, something fitting for a college founder. She looked like a grown woman now. Kit hoped that he had aged as well in her eyes and she had in his.
"Stoughton told me you were here and I couldn't quite believe my ears," Olivia remarked breathlessly after a long silence.
"Would you sit down with me?" Kit asked her. His voice was remarkably stead, not at all an accurate representation of how he was feeling on the inside.
Olivia nodded and tentatively walked over to the settee he was standing in front of. She sat down and smoothed out her skirt. Kit sat down beside her, though leaving a distance between them. Olivia showed the nerves Kit was feeling internally.
"What you have done here is incredible," he said softly.
She dared to look up at him, her vulnerability showing. "I am so glad you approve."
"You never needed my approval."
Olivia laughed lightly. "No, I didn't. But of anyone's opinion, yours is the one I value most."
"I kept up my end of the bargain, you know," Kit added.
Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"
"My education reform bill passed this week," he replied.
Olivia realised what he was talking about. "I read that in the newspaper. Compulsory schooling for boys to thirteen and girls to fifteen. You cannot know how happy I was to see you achieve such change."
"It took long enough," Kit joked and then took a deep breath. This light, nervous conversation was not what he was here to discuss. He had already failed at this once before.
But Olivia beat him to it. "I should have known you would have never made me become a political wife," she exclaimed suddenly. "I thought I needed to go it alone, but I should have known you would have supported whatever I decided to do, even if it involved leaving London." Olivia was turned to face him, her hand gripping the back of the sofa.
"Are you happy, Olivia? Have you achieved everything that you wanted?"
Olivia bit down on her bottom lip for a moment. "I have created something that I am so incredibly proud of. I have achieved goals that I never thought I could. I have goals now that I want to pursue. But I know I am not as happy in myself then when I was when I was working alongside you," she confessed.
Kit's heart seized in his chest. He was on edge as she continued.
"You knew my lofty ambition, to change the world. I somehow convinced myself that being married would get in my way. I know I was too young back then, Kit, but I was wrong to reject the idea entirely. I don't think I understood how good you were, Kit. I tell my girls to only accept a man if she can answer yes to these questions." Olivia took a breath. "Does he love me?"
"Yes," Kit replied.
Olivia paused, not realised that Kit had intended to respond. He watched as her blue eyes became glassy. She was trembling. Kit took the hand that had been gripping the sofa and he squeezed it comfortingly.
"Do you support me?" she continued, her voice shaking.
Kit looked into her eyes. "Yes."
"Do you listen to me?"
Always. "Yes."
"Do you believe in me?"
More than anyone. "Yes."
Olivia smiled as the tears began to fall from her eyes. "Do you advocate for me?"
Kit smiled. He would always advocate for her. "Yes."
Olivia used her free hand to wipe her face, smiling, laughing, as she cried. "How can you say these things after how I left?"
"I will not lie to you, Olivia. I can say that I have experienced a whole hoard of emotions and feelings, thoughts and opinions on the manner in which we left things. But what we need to know is that we were both young with big dreams and high ambitions and we did not get married. It is in the past. What happened made us who we are today. We are older, more mature, and ready, I hope, to take on this world together." Kit hoped what he was saying was making sense. He could hardly hear himself over the thunder in his chest.
Olivia beamed through her tears. "I am. I am ready now," she promised.
Elation filled Kit as he said, "I don't have a ring," comically.
Olivia laughed. "I noticed Lucy was wearing it."
Lucy still wore the ring Kit had given her for her eleventh birthday. She didn't know that it was meant to be Olivia's engagement ring. But it belonged to Lucy now. It was purchased by a different man for a different woman.
They would start afresh. "I don't want a wife," Kit said with conviction. "I want a partner. I am about to take a big step in my career, just as you are, and we shall help each other. There has never been anyone else for me. It was always you, Olivia," Kit said sincerely. "Will you marry me?"
Kit did not have a chance to be nervous about her answer. Olivia practically launched at him, landing on his lap as she pressed her lips to his eagerly. Kit reciprocated immediately, wrapping his arms around her tightly and holding her close.
Olivia kissed him repeatedly, moving away from his lips and kissing whatever part of his face she could find.
"Is that a yes?" Kit chuckled between kisses.
"Oh!" cried Olivia, pulling away and cupping his face. "Yes, yes, of course."
A joy like he hadn't felt in years filled Kit as he kissed her again.
There was much to talk about, much to work out, and surely conflicts to arise. They were both very determined people with big futures ahead of them. But they would handle it together. They were better together. They would make a happy life together.
The end!
One epilogue of epic length! That was more that twice the length of my usual chapters and took me a few days to get right! I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to this story!
I've never chosen a quote so long for the beginning of my chapters but I thought this excerpt from "The Princess Bride" was perfect. Endings aren't always perfect because people aren't perfect. But we can only do our best and hope for the best with what life gives us.
Aaaaaand now I want to watch "The Princess Bride".
I will do my best to get the first chapter of Lucy's story up soon. I am back at work this week and back at uni as well so my work load is more than I've had for a while.
I'm watching the Wimbledon men's final at the moment. I was so rooting for Nadal to get through but he lost in the semis! Now going for the underdog Anderson!
And you guys!?!?! I've forgotten to have my Poldark rants in my author's notes!!! That last episode OMGGG. When Drake went to Morwenna and she said she was tainted my heart!!!! I'm so looking forward to the next episode. Airs in the UK Monday morning my time so I'll be jumping on that ASAP.
Okay, vote and comment! I'll see you all soon x
Thanks so much for your support on this story.
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