Chapter 4
"I'll see you later." Yuka giggled through her cellphone, which caught my attention. I raised my head from my worksheet to her direction. "Hehehe, I like you, too." She smiled. Keiji and I shared a look, his expression telling me that he's used to it. "Yeah, I really like you, too. Yeah, okay." Then she cut the call, her smile immediately shifting to a grimace. "Ew."
"Who's that, Yu-chan?" Kotaro-senpai asked as he gobbled up the snacks I've brought for our group study session.
"Just some random guy that I met on OKcupid." Yuka shrugged with a small smile, grabbing a cookie from the plate.
"Oh..." Kotaro-senpai's eyes gleamed in astonishment. "What's an OKcupid?"
"It's a dating site, Bokuto-san." Keiji informed.
"How do you know, Keiji?" Yuka asked with a teasing look.
Keiji gave her a 'Don't get started with me' look. "Because that's one of the chat sites you always use aside from Omegle and Chatroulette."
"Cool! I want to chat and meet people, too!" Kotaro-senpai beamed.
"Here, I'll find you a match, Ko-chan!"
Yuka and Kotaro-senpai then became engrossed in their own business, causing Keiji to let out an exasperated sigh. I smiled sympathetically at him, thinking about how he manages to keep those two at bay now that I'm already in another school.
Keiji turned his attention to me, giving me one of those pretty smiles. He really has a pretty smile. No wonder a lot of girls in our batch like him regardless of year.
"Are you finished with your worksheet, Eira-san?"
"Uh, I think so." I replied sheepishly, scratching the back of my head.
"May I check?"
"Go ahead."
Keiji took my worksheet and checked it using a red pen. I put an elbow over the small table then rested a palm under my chin while I watch him with Yuka and Kotaro-senpai's loud voices as background noises.
"Yu-chan! Why did you disconnect it?" Kotaro-senpai whined.
"Didn't you see what she just said?!"
"Oh yeah, she said that she wanted to eat a banana..." He said, confused.
Yuka sighed. "Let's try someone else."
"We'll have to focus on this section, you're having quite a difficulty in here." Keiji pointed his pencil at a complex Math equation. Then he scribbled the solutions on the paper, trying to talk through the loud chatter of Yuka and Kotaro-senpai.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Kotaro-senpai greeted to their new chatmate.
"Oya oya, oya!" Yuka added with the same enthusiastic energy.
"You see, Eira-san, think of the equation as an equation for a line of y is equal to mx plus b where in this case the temperature—"
"Oh my god!" Yuka squealed, crackling in laughter.
"Oi! Why did you disconnect again?" Kotaro-senpai exclaimed, breaking the both of our focus.
"Didn't you see that?! That guy just showed his micropenis—my gosh..." The next words were in Tagalog which I didn't understand.
"Yuka-san, Bokuto-san," Keiji cut the duo off with a bland stare. Then with a sigh, he spoke in a calm tone. "I don't mind you guys doing something else when we're supposed to be studying, but Eira-san must ace her next quiz this coming Friday and she won't be able to do that if there's a lot of noise."
"Sorry, Eira-chan!" Kotaro-senpai closed the app and handed Yuka's phone back to her.
"Keiji, don't be such a boomer!" Yuka pouted at Keiji.
"I'm not being a boomer."
"Yes, you are!" She rested a chin on the table, shifting her gaze at me. "I don't know what's worse... being neglected or being put in so much pressure." She leaned backwards, lying on Keiji's bed and staring at the ceiling. "But oh well, anything is better than having my parents..."
"Yuka." Keiji called, seemingly scolding her.
"Oh, sorry!" She grinned and then offered a peace sign.
Then all of a sudden, Kotaro-senpai rolled Yuka over in a blanket. "Wahahaha, you look like a burrito, Yu-chan!"
"Ko-chaaaan!" Yuka whined, struggling. She laughed with him afterwards.
When I looked back at Keiji, he still wore that same serious expression before going back to check on my worksheet.
"Keiji..." I whispered, scooting closer to him. "Does Yuka have a problem?"
Keiji only smiled, then patted my head. He shook his head. "I can't speak for her, Eira-san. You can ask her later. Right now, I want you to focus for your upcoming quiz."
I nodded, then went back to work. I'm a little worried about her, but decided to put it on-hold. Yuka and Kotaro-senpai also studied a little bit, but most of their time was spent on either eating, laughing or playing on their phones. Keiji's attention was on me for the most part.
When it was already 5 pm, it was time for me to come home.
"Eira, can I borrow your dress? I have a dinner date this evening. Please?" Yuka said, giving me those hopeful puppy eyes.
I smiled. "Of course—"
"You still haven't returned her top and jeans, Yuka-san." Keiji reminded.
Yuka blinked in recognition. She must have forgotten. "Uh... I promise I'll return it along with the dress!" She wrapped her arms around me. "Please, Eira? Pleaseee?"
"Of course. You don't have to beg." I chuckled.
"Yes, you're the bestest!" She hugged me tighter and jumped in excitement. "Are you coming, Ko-chan?"
"I'll come home a bit later!" Kotaro-senpai grinned.
"Okay, make sure you don't stay out late."
"I could say the same to you." Keiji narrowed his eyes at her.
"Oh please. I'm a big girl now! I can take care of myself." Yuka smirked.
"But... your mom might get worried." I said with a worried tone.
"Don't worry. She's used to it." She shook her head with a laugh.
"But still..." I countered.
Yuka only rolled her eyes, a bit irritated at my trepidation. "Ugh, come on, let's go!"
Yuka and I took the train back to my home. I looked at her through my peripheral vision, seeing she scratching her cheek, looking lost in her thoughts. We have been friends ever since we were first years in Fukurodani. I was being confronted by these group of girls who accussed me of flirting with a boyfriend among their group. They tied me to a tree. Yuka found out. She confronted the girls and one thing led to another. She punched the lights out of the girl and sent her to the hospital. Yuka was suspended for a solid three days because of me. Even though she told me that she didn't have any regrets, I'm willing to help her in any way that I can from then on.
"Yuka..." I pouted at her, which caught her attention.
Yuka snorted, amused. "You look so adorable when you pout, young miss!" She pinched my cheeks.
"Please tell me what's bothering you... I'm willing to help if you need me..." I mumbled.
"You're literally the sweetest." She chuckled. "But it's nothing to be all concerned about, Eira. Mama and I just had an argument... as always." She drawled then rolled her eyes again.
"What argument?"
"You know," She shrugged. "Same old. I told her to leave her good-for-nothing husband already, and then she said that... if she did that, then nobody will provide for us anymore. I told her look for a job, then she made all sorts of excuses blah, blah, blah." She flailed her hands in frustration.
"Oh no..." I said in horror, putting my hands over my mouth.
But she didn't even look the slightest bit bothered. She giggled instead at my reaction. She spoke in Tagalog again, laughing at me.
"What are you saying?" I asked with a creased forehead.
"I said, you're overreacting, young miss." She chuckled again. "But yeah, I guess I better look for a sugar daddy right about now." She joked, but I know that she's considering it.
It took me a while to answer. "I can help you."
"You'll find me a sugar daddy?" She put her hand over her chest, fake surprised.
My forehead creased. "What? No."
Yuka shook her head. "You're not going to let me borrow some money from you. You know that I wouldn't be able to return that."
"It's alright." I said firmly.
Yuka looked at me, smiling woefully. She took a breath. "Eira, I know you mean well... but I don't want to take advantage of your kindness—"
"That never even crossed my mind."
"I know. But then I'll feel bad, and I don't want to come out as a charity case." She took my hand. "You're one of the sweetest people I know, and I don't want you to get involved too much because I know for some reason my father will take advantage of that... so please, don't worry about me."
"Okay..." I sighed in defeat. "But can I worry... just a little bit?"
"Okay, just a little bit." Yuka laughed.
Yuka and I just walked on the way home to my house, the shadows lengthening and informing us of the night that is yet to come. The city is still bright and alive, unlike the night sky that is calm and at rest.
"Hey, Eira, can I borrow your phone for a sec? I'll just text my date. My phone is dead."
"You memorized his phone number?" I asked while fishing out for my phone in my bag. "You can borrow my powerbank for your date."
"Thanks. And well, yeah. I do it in case for times like these." She winked.
I just smiled then shook my head. Then I just let Yuka do her business while I take in the gentle, calming wind.
"Who's this Kuroo-san?" Yuka inquired.
"Oh," I looked over the screen, noticing dozens of his pointers that were left unanswered. "He's my... classmate's friend."
"Oho?" Yuka smirked. Then she sniffed the air. "Do you smell that, Eira?"
"That smelly smell..." Her eyes narrowed. "That smelly smell that smells... smelly." Her smirk widened.
"Did you just quote... Mr. Krabs?" I winced at her, getting nervous to where this conversation is heading.
She spoke in Tagalog again then: "Why is your classmate's friend texting you?!"
"He tutored me before then he asked for my number so that he can give me pointers."
"Weh? You might believe that, but that wouldn't work on me." She grinned. "I can't believe that someone's hitting on you already! It has only been your, what, first month in your new school?"
"He's not hitting on me, Yuka..." My heart throbbed for an unknown reason at the thought.
"Wanna bet on that, young miss?"
"Please don't call me that." I pouted.
Yuka and I stopped walking just to open Kuroo-san's messages, and there I saw the contents mostly only school-related, but there were a few unrelated to school questions like questions wanting to get to know me better.
We had a group study session. Why didn't you join us?
"Why aren't you answering his texts?" Yuka scowled at me.
"I—uh, because we're studying earlier?"
Yuka typed a reply for me.
Hiiii, sorry for the late reply. :) I studied with my friends today hehe. . .
"I don't text like that." My face crumpled.
Oh, I see. Am I getting a bit annoying with sending you pointers?
Oh no no! I totally appreciate them :) Thank you. And sorry if I don't text back often, I just don't know what to say :3
Haha it's alright. I figured that you were the shy type.
My cheeks now feel hot for some reason.
So, you won't be joining us for the sessions anymore because you're studying with your friends now?
I will study with u if u send me a dick pic first ;D
"YUKAAAA!!!" I screeched, then hastily snatched my phone from her hands. She was crackling in laughter as I panic on typing a message before he can reply.
"Damn, even the way you scream is so elegant, Eira." She continued to laugh. I glared at her. "Your glare is beautiful, too." She gave me a thumbs-up. I walked on ahead, with Yuka catching up apologizing and laughing.
I'm so sorry, Kuroo-san! That was my friend who texted you. :'(
I was so anxious as my eyes were still glued to my phone. I was striding the street when I bumped into a person, dropping my phone in the process, but then that person was fast enough to catch my phone before it could land on the ground. I heard a meow, seeing a tri-colored cat by his side. I looked up and saw him with a surprised look on his face.
"Don't text while walking, Masafumi-san." Kuroo-san smiled... smirked at me. Then he handed my phone back to me.
"K-k-k-k—" I was so shocked and embarrassed that I wanted to just run away and live under a rock! I looked around and realized that we were already by his street, the reason why he's nearby.
"Hello~! You two know each other?" Yuka interjected with a cheerful tone.
"Yeah, I'm friends with her classmate." Kuroo-san answered for me with a smile.
"Oh... small world, eh?" Yuka's eyes dilated at the breathtaking smile, catching on and reading between the lines, looked at me then back at Kuroo-san, her smile widening even more. "So you must be Kuroo-san?"
"And you must be her friend who asked for a dick pic?" He joked with a light chuckle, making me choke on my own saliva.
"It's Saito Yuka." She laughed with a light bow, then scratched the back of her head. "I was only kidding." Then she looked at me. "Or am I?"
"Yukaaaa," I almost whined. "I'm sorry about that, Kuroo-san..."
"It's alright. I knew that it's not you."
"I'll never ask for a dick pic!" I grimaced at the term. Yuka laughed softly.
"I know. But you don't really text back so..." He shrugged nonchalantly. "I knew it really wasn't you."
I bit my lips as I look up to his calm, relaxed face. Why do I suddenly feel guilty? It's not that I don't want to talk to him or anything... but I just feel so intimidated by his aura and stare that looks ready to devour a person at any given minute. I don't know what to say to him...
I looked at the red scarf around his neck. "I'm sorry. I'll reply from now on."
"Don't apologize. You don't owe me anything, Masafumi-san."
"Yeah, but it's only common courtesy to reply when somebody texts you, right?"
Kuroo-san smiled, then tilted his head to the side. Like a cat. Cute...
Then I found myself staring at his glorious face. I looked away.
"Then," He mused. "I'll text you later."
"Okay," I mumbled with a single nod of my head. "I'll wait for it..."
A few series of silence...
Yuka coughed awkwardly.
"So, uh... we're heading home." Yuka excused ourselves from the awkwardness that can slice up my whole existence.
"Okay. Be careful." Kuroo-san reminded, looking at me. But I was too nervous to even spare him a glance. "See you tomorrow, Masa-san?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow."
It felt like I was still short on air right after Kuroo-san is finally off our radars. Yuka let out a laugh once again.
"I'm never letting you browse through my messages again..."
"You guys were totally oozing with sexual tension back there."
"We are not." I countered.
"What? It's true." She shrugged. "He looked like he wanted to fuck you right there on the spot."
My eyeballs almost popped out of its sockets. I know that Yuka has a very vulgar mouth at times, and I'm used to it. But I never thought that it could sound so intense when it's directed to me.
"Yuka, your mouth will be the death of me. Oh my!" I covered my face with my palms.
"But in all fairness, he's not all that bad, Eira! He looks like a guy who can fulfill your fantasies; like a guy served on a sizzling plate..." She sighed dreamily.
"Hot!" She winked then gave me a thumbs-up.
When we arrived home, we were greeted by Hanako who was still preparing dinner. We went straight to my room so that Yuka can choose dresses from my walk-in closet while I sat down on my bed.
I just got home. Have you?
Yes. I just got home as well.
Hahaha wow you're really replying!
What do I reply to that?
What the heck... I erased that message then thought of a more meaningful reply. But before I could do so, Kuroo-san texted again.
How's your studies?
"Eiraaaa!" Yuka called from the walk-in closet, then she peeked her head out of the door. "Oh sorry. Continue sexting—I mean, texting Kuroo-san." She smiled sweetly before closing the closet door.
My friend and I tackled Mathematics today. He's a very good tutor. ^^
I grimaced at the emoji, then decided to erase it.
That's good. Tell me if there's anything I can do to help. :)
I deleted the exclamation point, not wanting to sound very eager for his help.
Um... Kuroo-san's not replying...
I'm sorry. Am I boring you?
No. But I could say the same thing about me tho
You're not boring me at all. It's just that... I'm nervous around people, that's all.
That's understandable. :) I can handle that.
That's good.
I smiled, then bit my lip.
Does that mean we're friends now?
I won't go out on my way sending you pointers if I didn't consider you a friend, Masa-san.
My mouth formed an 'o' shape.
Then, you can call me Eira.
Okay, Eira. You can also call me by my first name.
Tetsurou... I pronounced his name on my mind. And it felt strange saying his name even on my mind.
Is there anything I can do to repay you?
Repay me what? :)
You giving me helpful pointers...
Nothing. I'm just glad I could be of help.
After a few moments, Kuroo-san texted again.
Actually, can you meet me before club activities tomorrow?
Welp, hi? XD
A long update, I think.
Sorry, I still have hangovers from Philophobia even though a while has passed. I wrote that story for five years, it feels weird to write in another character voice XD bear with me pls
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