Chapter 3
"You're still not telling me why you switched schools." I halted coming down the stairs when I heard her voice in the living room. She's at it again... another attempt at reaching out to her daughter.
Apparently, she has a daughter back in the province who was a few years younger than me. According to Kirimi-san's stories, her daughter is a kind and gentle girl but Kirimi-san's reactions when interacting with her suggests otherwise. It's not a surprise her personality flipped... after what her mother did to her family.
"I am. I'm just... still not quite convinced. And I know that's not the only reason. Dear, I'm your mother. You know you can tell me anything—" She was cut off, and the person on the other line might have said something snarky again because Kirimi-san's breath hitched. "Kinomi... it doesn't make sense."
I didn't mean to eavesdrop in their conversation, but it wouldn't feel right if I just barged into the scene. It would feel awkward because... Kirimi-san's crying yet again... which was always the end result whenever she tries to talk to her daughter.
"You're still bringing that up, Kinomi? Didn't you already moved on? Didn't you already forgiven me about it?"
"Honey..." Dad went up to comfort her, as she was now already shaking with sobs. I clenched my hold on my gym bag, wanting this scene to end already.
I couldn't bring myself to get angry at Kinomi-san because I somehow understand where she's coming from. Even I am apathetic towards her mother but I still make sure to treat her with respect. She's pregnant and stress isn't one of the things that she needs right now.
"Do you really think I intended to do that? It's hard for me—"
I wish she would just stop talking...
"Kinomi—wait—! She hang up on me... Teshi... my daughter really hates me... what should I do?" She choked a sob, making me clench my jaw at the sound.
"It's okay, honey... shh..." Dad continued comforting her. "Kinomi-chan just needs more time."
I just internally sighed and walked straight to the door. But then she stopped me on my tracks.
"T-tetsurou-kun? You're going already? At least have some breakfast first." Kirimi-san tried her best to sound cheerful but her voice would crack at the last syllable.
I pursed my lips in a thin line before peering over my shoulder to offer them a smile which didn't reach the eyes. "Uh... sorry. I can't. I'll be late for morning practice."
"You shouldn't practice on an empty stomach, son." Dad reminded. My eyes travelled to his arms wrapped protectively around the weeping woman. And before they could trace where my gaze is, I averted it elsewhere before raking my fingers through my hair in an awkward manner.
"Uh—um, I'll make you some sandwiches real quick!" Kirimi-san wiggled out of my father's possessive grasp before quickly disappearing into the kitchen. Dad followed her retreating figure before he shifted his gaze back to me. And there I realized that we were left alone, which means that I have his full attention.
"Will you come here, Tetsurou?" Dad said with a polite tone.
We stared at each other for a few seconds before I just shrug then plaster on a light smirk. "Okay, Dad. Since you asked so nicely."
When I stood in front of him, he let the next words out in a hushed tone. "Son, I know you hate her, too."
"I don't hate her." But I'm not quite fond of her either. "I just hate what she did..." I admitted quietly, looking away.
"I am also partly responsible for this. So if you're going to blame her, blame me, too."
"I just still don't understand." I shook my head, preventing the urge to form my lips in a snide. "There are a lot of women out there, Dad... who're not already tied to someone else..."
"I didn't ask for this, Tetsurou. It just happened—"
"Because of that 'just happened', someone's life back in the province is miserable—"
"Guys?" I cut my sentence midway when Kirimi-san walked in, holding a plastic wrap of sandwiches. "Is there something wrong?" She sensed the growing tension between us, which made me reset my emotions to default which was a cunning smile.
"Nothing, Kirimi-san..." I went to her and just took the sandwiches so that I can leave already. Upon closer inspection, I could see her bloodshot eyes clearly and streaks of dried tears on her cheeks. "Dad was just running me for some errands."
Kirimi-san tried to hide the quirk in her eyebrows. Although not quite convinced, she decided to let it slide.
Kenma and I walked our way to the train station, my thoughts still lingering and circulating back to my father's words.
"Kuro... you're unusually quiet today." Kenma said softly, eyes focused on his PSP. "Did something happen this morning?"
"Oh, it's nothing. It's just the usual morning with my parents." I said nonchalantly.
"Your stepmother called her daughter again." Kenma wasn't surprised either. That was one of her usual morning routines, and sometimes I'm lucky that I'm early enough to get out of the house before she could call her daughter.
"Yeah, and it ended like the usual."
"You're still not used to it?"
"I'm used to it to the point that I'm getting sick of it, actually." I shrugged with a chuckle, finishing up the rest of my chicken sandwich. "So how did your quiz go, Kenma?"
Twenty out of forty-five. I flunked it. I totally flunked it. I am so going to be dead if my father learns about this. I have to tear this paper to millions of pieces... no! I have to burn it! I have to burn it before it lays eggs!
I buried my face into my sleeves as I pillow my head with my arms on my desk, letting out a deep sigh.
What the heck? Even after all the helped I received, I even pulled an all-nighter because I didn't understand a thing that Kuroo-san taught us. Kenma even passed the quiz!
It's not that he was a bad tutor for me, I just couldn't put my focus to one thing. I couldn't comprehend anything other than the fact that his voice naturally sounded so sensual... and alluring. It's the kind of voice that wouldn't put me to sleep. It's the kind that makes girls fantasize on how it will sound like when—so now, after I just gracefully flunked my quiz, I'm now having inappropriate thoughts about the person who tutored me.
Am I attracted to him?
Well, I guess it's normal to be attracted to him because he's good-looking. Besides, he wasn't even my type to begin with. And by the likes of him, I'm sure I'm not his type, too.
"Masafumi Eira-san," I heard the baritone of his voice. What has gotten into me? I'm even imagining him pronouncing my full name now.
"Leave her alone, Kuro." Kenma scolded. "You can ask her later. You should return to your classroom now."
Wait, what?!
I slowly angled my head forward to take a peek, and I... oh.
I almost fell over in a haste to hop off my chair. I took a few steps backward in an eager attempt to distance myself from the guy whom I just came face to face with.
"What the heck?" I almost shrieked.
Kuroo-san just laughs at that, climbing up to his full posture. I looked around to see my classmates chancing me a weird look. Including Kenma.
"Still alive?"
"What the heck?" I grumbled again, holding my chest in an attempt to try to keep my wild heart from jumping out of my chest. "You scared the bejesus out of me, Kuroo-san!"
"I don't know if I should feel hurt because you got scared at my face." He put a hand over his chest, smiling as he faked hurt. "I just wanted to ask you how did your quiz go?"
At his question, my eyes wandered off to find my worksheet and it felt like my world stopped right there when I realized that Kuroo-san's holding it. I stomped my way over in the speed of lightning then went to snatch it from his hands. But then he was agile enough in lifting his arm to where I cannot reach it.
"Kuroo-san!" I protested, reaching up but to no avail. "Give it back!" I even jumped but it was also futile.
"Masa-san, you should stop reaching up... remember what happened the last time you did so?" Kuroo-san slightly bent down to whisper those words in my ear.
I immediately backed away at the warm sensation his breath left on my sensitive ear. I have learned my lesson... right after he saw my panties, I always made sure to wear tights underneath whenever I wear skirts at any length. Kuroo-san just chuckled and looked down at my worksheet, turning my cheeks scarlet in sheer shame.
"Arara, what happened?" Kuroo-san mumbled to himself in amusement so I could only hear it.
"I... uh..." I looked away, not being able to think of a valid reason why I still failed the quiz even if I was already tutored.
"Am I not an effective tutor, Masafumi-san?" He smiled.
"No! It's not that..."
"Uh... what's happening in front of me?" I heard a classmate mumble to the person beside him. "Are they flirting?"
Someone laughed. "Yep, they're definitely flirting."
"We're not flirting!" I denied, flailing my arms around in a defensive manner. I can already feel steam coming out of my ears because of absolute embarrassment.
To make things even worse, Kuroo-san just pulled out his phone and reached it out to me. I stared down at it then back at his smiling face.
"Um... what is that?" I asked with a quizzical tone.
"Put your number in my phone." Kuroo-san said simply.
"H-huh? Why should I do that?"
"So that I can give you pointers?" He cocked a brow, making the other girls in my class squeal.
"Come on, Eira-san! Give him your number already!"
"Yeah, give it! GIVE IT!"
"I can give you my number instead, Kuroo-san!"
The whole class went wild with the encouragements, excessive fangirling and even the fits of laughters of amusement. Even Kenma who always seemed to have his own world with his video games even looked at us and waited for what I'm going to do next.
In the end, I gave him my number so that he can give my worksheet back already. I'll make sure to burn the abomination later.
Right after Kuroo-san left, some of my classmates even teased me. I clarified to them that I shamefully flunked our quiz and that he was just feeling responsible because he was the one who tutored me.
When they finally left me alone, my phone suddenly vibrated in my skirt's pocket. I fished it out and saw that an unregistered number was calling me. I think I already know who's calling me, he must have only wanted to confirm if the number I gave him was mine. My chest constricted at the words of the person behind on the other line.
"I think I need to give you some special attention in our sessions, Masafumi-san."
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