Chapter 61
Pain seared through my head as my mind slowly dwindled to consciousness. I lifted myself from the ground with a loud groan and rubbed at the ache still shooting through my head. It took me several moments to gain my bearings before I mentally cursed myself for yet again fainting. It was seriously starting to become a problem.
I rose to my feet and headed back over to my door. If I was still locked in this blasted room after having lost consciousness to get out, I was going to lose it. I wasn’t sure what “it” was, but it was going to be lost. There was nothing I hated more than being made to feel helpless, and that was what Andreas hadn’t understood. By locking me in my room, I was left to feel helpless. And damn it, I was not longer a helpless child, and damn him if he made me into one again. My magic might not be advanced as much as anyone else in this manor’s was, but I could still help.
My chest rose sharply as my hand covered the doorknob. I turned it, slowly, almost tentatively at first. Click. The door swung back revealing the empty hallway to me. My eyes widened in shock. Whatever spell I had cast, worked. It actually worked. By some miracle I had been able to break one of Andreas’ spells. Andreas’ spells.
For a moment, I was rooted in place. How had I done that? How could I possibly have known a spell strong enough to undo Andreas’ magic? The words had just come to me, words that I have never been taught before. The spell had drained me of my energy, the same way the healing spell had when Andreas had been injured. But how? And more importantly, why? There was no way I could possibly have known these spells. What was going on?
I heard a yell from outside, snapping me out of my thoughts. I would have time to ponder my mysterious moments of power at a later time. Right now, my friends needed help. And I would give it to them anyway I could.
It slightly surprised me still when I was able to step through the threshold of my room. Once I got into the hallway, I started running. I almost tripped over my own two feet as I flew down the stairs in my haste. Only one thought consumed my mind as I ran: I needed to get outside. And for this reason, I wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on around me as I ran. I hadn’t seen Leita until I ran smack into her, causing both of us to hit the ground hard.
She hissed at me the moment she hit the floor. “What the hell are you doing?! Don’t you ever watch where you are going?” she yelled, her otherwise beautiful voice coated heavily with malice. If I hadn’t been so used to Andreas, her tone would probably have scared me.
I glared at her as we both got to our feet. “I’m sorry, but I’m in quite the hurry and I don’t have time to deal with you.”
She grabbed my arm as I pushed past her. Her lips were twisted into a sly smile. “Unlike the other people who currently reside here, I do not worship your every move, Lana. You should think twice before messing with me.”
I felt the now familiar energy sizzling in my blood vessels and smiled sweetly at her in return. “No, Leita. I believe it is you who should think twice about messing with me.” Her eyes widened before she was flung across the room. There was no doubt in my mind that my eyes were now flashing a bright blue. I spared one last glance, and smirk, at a very startled Leita. Quickly, I pushed all thoughts of the mermaid from my mind as a loud clank sounded against the front door. The energy pulsating through me was still present, and I knew without a doubt, that if I wanted to, I could in fact cause some damage to whatever was out there.
Fragile Lana was no more.
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