chapter 5
Sometimes we chose the way for our life...........
But someday life chooses the way for us, we can do nothing but just go where the life takes us........
If everything happens for a reason which is good to us ...,,,
I wonder what's the reason behind it is really worth or not.......
A random quote☺
All the cousins went to mansion and went to that room ........
Oh!no the whole room is like a garbage what's all this .. i think hoodie is searching for something .....said pihu
What the heck whr he went.... guys he should be still in mansion lets split and search for him....said rahul.
Oh god my legs are aching said rhea
He is invisible man yar said jenny
Guys that is not devil ok .. that hoodie man wants something here that's it . Said jenny
If so then wt is he dng in our storeroom...
There is something guys.... as u said it is not a devil someone is hiding here he just wants no one to come here said kajal
Commom guys y we r overreacting leave this thing we came here fr enjoying not to investigate in someones mansion whom we even don't know said rahul
Hmm ya common guys its already 4 am we should go home our parents wil be coming said aryan
At home ,
Morning 10 am:
Bhaiyya wt happened to all of u , u all looking so sad and worried is there a problem? Said rhea to armaan
Hmm dont know... i think something might happened in the party....
Then i'll go and ask to mom.
Mom is everything okay?
Ha beta . Nothing we just got tired..
Hmm go and help others today there is a pooja in our home
Hmm kay mom I'll go.
Nishuu these days varun and armaan are hanging together they aren't letting us in their team..said rhea.
They think we r still kids said jenny.
Y r u so silent rahul ? Asked rhea
Do u all remember, when we all r in banglore our hometown , we saw vinay with a girl in a coffee shop.. said rahul
Ya we do, that is 2yrs back ,i think they broke up right , but suddenly y r u thinking abt it. Said kajal
Bcoz i saw her today talking with vinay... few hrs back.
Wt rahul but y didn't u tell us before .said rhea
Tell u wt i think they r so worried she came in a car and talked for few minutes and went away... u know wt she is in hurry ..said rahul
Wt is she dng here ? Oh no wt if they r planning to run away ...said jenny
No jenny ,vinay Bhaiyya doesn't do like that. Said rahul
Guys vinay is going out come lets follow him.said nisha.
Hmm he is walking that means he is meeting his ex... i guess so.said rhea
What he is going to backyard to that mansion.. guys be silent. Said kajal
What is in that bag she is giving to him? Said rahul
We have to find out then !
Rhea i think we should go home ... my mom is calling... we have pooja...said nisha
Guys u all go i wil find out what is in bag said rahul.
At home , 5:00pm
Rahul have u find out? Wts in that asked jenny.
Hmm guys i saw a black coat i mean hoodie.... said rahul
Wt u mean that black hoodie is vinay or maybe that girl said kajal
We can't decide it right now.. we should have proof ok , we can't ask vinay Bhaiyya directly said jenny.
Guys lets split into two groups, one will follow the girl and other vinay .is it kay said rhea.
Me , aryan are gng to follow that girl said rahul.
K then i will join with u guys said kajal.
So rhea, nisha ,jenny and pihu in another team
The next day at 9 am in home.:
Yar vinay Bhaiyya is really hiding something bcoz he is not happy.... afterall its his marriage... said pihu
Look he is talking in phone....said rhea
Guys we shld follow him....
Y is he gng to mansion... i think we should inform rahul said rhea
Hey rahul we followed vinay we are outside mansion said rhea
K we also heading towrds it that girl is cmng u guys hide in those bushes
Hey that girl came they r gng into mansion...m said pihu
Rahul i think we should go into mansion said nisha
Guys there they r in that corner bedroom whr we find out that hoodie.
Said pihu
K they r also searching something in that room... said kajal
Vinay's and that girl's conversation:
Vinay that is not here whr it is...
Listen samara , there is nothing here someone must made a prank call to make us worry
Someone! No he is not someone he is the one who knows everything abt us he knew everything...
No sammy he doesn't know anything so be calm he could do nothing to us kay so dont worry he is just fooling us that he knew everything.....
Hm maybe you r right...
K then if anything is there I'll cal u be careful sammy
K vinay ...
Guys it is clear that hoodie is not anyone of them . He came here to take that yesterday... i think he got that thing that's y these 2 couldnot find it said aryan
Hmm wt is that big thing these r hiding .... maybe that hoodie is blackmailing vinay said rahul
So do we tell this to him?
No rhea first of all we shld wait for sometime said kajal
K then i will follow vinay through gprs... we also shld get samara's number said rahul
...... ...................
Rahul this is the perfect time vinay is busy in taking with relatives his phn is in charging ...said aryan
Aryan u keep a look at him until our wrk is done said rahul
Hey there is passwrd to acess his phn said kajal
Hmm let me type that samara's name......
no its not that name kajal.......
Hmm k then type nivedita name his gng to be wife...
Kajal it's correct ......
Wow ! Be fast ....rahul
Yeah i got her number......
Check messages too... said kajal
To nivvi...... i lv u .... frm vinay
There is no doubts in messages kajal We should go
Guys from his phn we got to know that he loves nivvi his fiancee so sammy is just a frnd there r no that type msgs to sammy..... said kajal
Hmm vinay is our brother guys we shld protect him... we shld take on his side whatever it maybe but there shld be right time to tell to him... we also shld enquire sammy said nisha
K we will search the frnds list of vinay in fb simple said pihu
Good idea ! I will log into fb said rhea.
Hmm hey here she is...... samara tripathi.. and her place is also banglore. Said rhea
Is she wrking ?asked pihu
No she did psychology in banglore women's college , said aryan
But vinay did engeenering , so they r not in same clg said pihu
Hey they were in same school (sacred hearts) said rahul.
Oh k then if they are meeting again there must be a reason .... said kajal
Maybe its related to their school , that they only might know said jenny
Hmm i guess so , but there is onething how these all matter is related to that mansion.... we know vinay , he stayed till now in banglore ... then he too can't know abt this mansion... like us its the first time we all even came to dehradun... said kajal
But this farmhouse is our grandfather's , but we never came here but heard frm our parents... . Said rhea
Then vinay might know abt this place , wht if he visited here more times and stayed here said rahul
Y r u sure rahul asked kajal
Bcoz he knew even shrtcuts in this village.... he knew the restaurants , etccc.. u guys remember when we went for site seeing .... said rahul
Ya.. he knew this village.... so he could also know abt this mansion too said pihu..
Watever .... we shld fnd the face behind that hoodie....said jenny
I have an idea said nisha
What's that tell us nisha
Hmm we wil arrange camera's all around the mansion to find what's gng on .. if in case hoodie again comes...
Good idea i will get spy cameras ... no problem said aryan
That's great .... be on that wrk then Said nisha...
Good night.....
....... .........
Guys i got these cameras totally it costed 9000rs my 2mnths pocket money ....said aryan
Its ok aryan now we have to set these and connect to my laptop...... ee will go there at night...
.......... .........
Guys i think some of us should stay in house if anyone comes we can manage said kajal
K pihu , nisha u guys stay in house ....
Hmmm we got only few cameras so we should fix it in a way that we can view the entire mansion said rhea
K then first of all in hall ....
Hey see in laptops kajal till then we fix .....
Kajal frm this corner is it clearly visible.... asked rhea
Ya hall is ok.. but what abt that room...
Hmm i hid it behind this painting is it okay kajal said aryan
K all set....
Ya 1 in hall ,kitchen, bedrooms ....
There is 1 camera left said rahul
Hmm keep at the entrance.... said kajal
K we shld go now......
At home
Guys have u all set the cams...said nisha
Ha all set then who will check out looking that screen for 24/7. Said kajal
I ... i will do that said pihu
Okay evryone one us shld do it upto 2hrs..... said rahul...
K .....
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