Virgil's (pov)
As we heard the door slam shut I jumped down from the fridge. "Alright you fuckers, I'm gonna go cry and contemplate why I'm still here." I went to walk through the wall before I heard Patton clear his throat. "Actually kiddo I thought we could spend the day together." I shrugged turning to him. "Whatever."
I jumped slightly as I heard the quick snap of a book. "Apologies Patton but I'm afraid not. I'd like to work on how Thomas can see us." Logan stated pushing the glasses up the bridge of nose. "Uhhhhhhh you hit him over the head with a book? Mystery solved." Roman exclaimed sheathing his sword on his belt. "Well I've hit and walked through many guests before either out of anger or accident though this time a guest can see us." Patton looked between all of us a watery smile on his face. "Oh. A-alright then. I might just clean. Be a nice surprise for Thomas." With that he walked out the room head low. Logan and Roman following after him. Well shit. Now I feel bad.
I made my way up to Patton's room which was actually just the guest bedroom. I knocked on the door and he opened it within seconds. A bright smile upon his face yet slightly puffy eyes. "Oh hey kiddo! What can I do for ya?" He asked cheerfully. "I know you hid your disease at the orphanage but you don't have to hide anything now." His smile dropped as he looked down, fiddling with the end of his jumper. "You uh you know that huh?" I nod lightly. "I learned about Tuberculosis in school before I died. You were one of the people we had to study." He chuckled sadly. "Care to fill me in then? I still can't remember how I died. Other than the illness of course." I simply shrugged. "From what I remember a few months before you died you already knew you had the disease. You just didn't tell anyone. Eventually you were admitted into a hospital and....." I trailed off making a small gesture to his outfit. He nodded firmly a tight smile on his face. "Yep. Sounds like me." We both just stood there in a sort of awkward silence. Until Patton finally managed to break it. "Wanna listen to the radio? You can tell me about that uh that new telephone your so fond of!" I smiled at how he phrased it. "Uh sure. Shall we?" I gesture downstairs as Patton gladly steps out his room. "Lead the way!"
Logan's (pov)
I flipped through a page in my book whilst simultaneously taking down notes. Thomas seeing us doesn't make any sense. Unless he somehow has something to do with our unfinished business then......Our unfinished business. Eureka! That's it. I pulled out a brand new notebook and began writing everyone's names down, everyone's death as far as we know and what we forgot.
For you see every ghost has Unfinished business thus making them ghosts. The days leading up to a ghosts death however, are forgotten. Making it a never ending journey of figuring out your past and what you need to accept or know. I sigh looking down to my notes though the slight shimmer of my golden engagement ring draws my attention.
I smile bitterly looking to it. You see my wife and I had met the normal way. Through friends who thought we would be metaphorically cute together. Which we indeed did. Yet she murdered me. Why I have no idea. Perhaps that's my Unfinished business. Finding out why. Finding out ho-"Peasant! Your assistance is required!"
I groan as I heard Roman on the other side of the door. "Yes your stubbornness." I reply sarcastically opening the door. "First off rude, second off which sash matches my outfit better?" Roman then proceeds to shove two sashes in my face. One red, one green. "You see this one matches my blazer but this one goes with my cuffs. What do you think?" He asked raising the two as he talked. "With all do respect Roman I don't give a damn in what you wish to wear.......However, red. It's just your colour." He smiles brightly nodding. "I knew it! I'm off to change thank you Professor Nerd!" As Roman ran off I retreated back into my room.
Delving straight back into the chaos.
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