Chapter 5
This chapter is slightly shorter but hope you still enjoy and I need some help with a cover for the book, please send me any recommendations , all will be appreciated greatly . Thanks :-D
Natalia's P.O.V
" Hey beautiful! How's your time so far without me , what's your new town like, when are your school holidays, have any guys asked you out, oh and I'll be coming over in a week or two , I miss you so much already..." Luke quickly said without me even catching a word to understand what he was saying.
" Wait slow down , slow down one question at a time and I've missed you so much , why haven't you called sooner, of course I would have called but let's just say I'm low on credit and reception is very bad up here" I replied whilst laying on my bed hearing the sweet voice of my boyfriend through the phone.
" I've missed you so much too, but like I said I should be coming over in a week . Sounds like your in the middle of no where to get no reception , so what have you been up to , can't be anything that fun because obviously I'm not there but..." He commented acting funny but I never found it as funny as i would of if he was actually here with me. I missed Luke and I had only been away for a few days so to make up the time we had a full 3 and a half hour conversation full of our memories together and Luke's sweet words of the future he dreamt with me until the doorbell went....
" That's Zac now , don't worry he knows I have a boyfriend so he won't steal me from you but I've got to go love you !x" Luke's voice suddenly became serious as he said " he better well know otherwise I won't hesitate to drive two hours to come and kick his ass and make sure he doesn't take what's mine, and I love you bye " he said before hanging up .Eventhough he seemed protective over me and said I love you I couldn't help but to think that he didn't say it with as much commitment as he normally would, but I let it pass and headed my way downstairs to meet Zac at the door.
As soon as I opened the door I saw Zac looking very handsome in a pair of dark denim jeans , a white t- shirt and a black leather jacket." Hey Talia , ready to go ?" He asked , "of course why wouldn't I be?" .
"I dunno , you just seemed slightly flustered and had a weary expression on your face when you came down , are you sure everything is okay?" Zac questioned as I could sense the concern and worry in his voice.
" Oh no , I was just thinking of some homework I need to do by the end of the week..." I lied , hoping that he wouldn't realise I was, but thankfully he didn't . "Okay , just let me know if you need anything okay or summets wrong "
" Yeh I will don't worry , you know I'm not shy if I thinks something's wrong"
" Totatally true " he replied whilst I playfully slapped his arm not happy about the grin on his face. I said goodbye to my family and we headed to Zac's sleek , white Audi R8.
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