After visiting the rooms, and seeing the creppy dolls that made Juniper want to go home, they were ready to have a conversation with Abigail. One wierd moment though before the three were ready to film, Colby had his voice echoed back towards him, which made the trio feel something that they've never felt before. Standing in a circle in the living room Sam asked if the couple could re-introduce themselve. "I'm Satori Hawes,'' Juniper smiled at the girl. She loved Satori's name, known one else that she has met in a really long time has a unigue name like hers. "And I'm Cody Desbines." Satori spoke up.
"We are part owners of the conjuring house, and we also communicate with the other side I guess you could say," Satori laughed a bit. "A very interesting way we kind of found out by accident. So the first day that we met, we were paired with each other to investigate a private residence, it was very active and the next one we went on, we could hear a lot of footsteps and banging sounds," he started off while moving his hands.
As Cody talked some more Juniper felt something tug at her necklace, which was just a little heart necklace in silver that her mother gave to her when she was three for her sister that passed away in a car accident when she was sixteen.
"Wow," she said as everyone stopped and looked at her. "Are you okay?" Colby asked while putting his hand on her arms. "Yeah I mean I guess, It's just that I felt something tug at my necklace and that's never happened before," the couple nodded.
''That can happen from time to time," Sam pointed the camera at Juno as they conintued talking. "We found out that over time, when we hold hands, it's almost like flipping on a light switch, and draws us a little closer. We're not mediums we can't sense anything, what ever happens everyone is here to witness it, we can't control it, we don't do it for money or anything like that it just is what it is."
"We can't guarantee who comes through," Satori said while moving her hands around looking at the group, "so that's just your warning, it could be literally anyone that wants to talk to you guys, so if you guys get uncomfortable at any point, let us know."
"Do you guys have a name for this technigue?" Colby asked. The couple laughed, "That weird thing we do!" "You do weird things the spirits come," Sam joked as Juniper watched Colby point and look at Sam weird based on his joke he told.
"You want to sit next to me?" Colby whispered to Juno as she nodded, while Sam asked who wanted to speak to the three tonight. Juno Sat at the end of the couch next to Colby, he wanted to protect her this week any way he could.
"Is it best with lights on, lights off?" Sam asked, really wanting to see what the couple could do. After talking a little bit, they got started.
"If anyone is here and can hear my voice, I am going to connect with Cody now. And whereever you are, I am going to ask you to come close to us, stop your feet or hit something as loud as you can." As Cody and Satori hled their hands together, Juno looked up as she heard footsteps, trying not too be loud or anything.
"Feel the vibrations," Colby said as Juno nodded, while scooting closer to him. The spirit made the sound four different times to make Satori know that they could hear her. "I'm going to play a little game, so you can tell me your first name, I am going through the alphabet. When I get to the first letter of your name, you are going to knock. So on and so on."
Abigail Arnold was with us right now, and it was blowing the trio's mind. Juno was watching everything intesnly. "Is this normal?" Sam asked, "For us," everyone said. "Can I ask her something first?" Jacquline asked as Satori nodded. "Abigail, do you see me pointing? Do you know who this is?" She asked while pointing towards Colby,"
"Okay perfect, How about her, do you know her name Abigail?" she asked while pointing at Juno. The trio was starstruck, Colby was looking at Juno to see her reaction. However it took a mintue to get to her first letter.
"Juniper, perfect!" Juno was shocked, confused and a little scared. As she finished her name, she reached for Colby's arm and held onto it, a little scared.
"And finally, what about him?" Satori went on to wait for Abigail.
"I just want to like, talk," Sam annonced, not knowing how to feel. "Is it always the stomping," he asked. Cody was stopped because Abigail wanted to speak. Sam kept pointing the camera over to Colby and Juno, to see their reactions. People Here. "they're are living people here? no, not from the house?" Satori asked, going to spell out the Alphabet again in a minute.
"Are they new? How many people," you could hear the stomps. "Five to seven," Sam said.
"You guys might have brought things with you," the owner said. Juno saw how Colby had his shirt in his mouth, while shaking her head a bit giggling. That made him relax a little.
"Can someone come forward first?" Satori asked. Cody conintued. "We just need your full name, to find out who you are."
"M?" satori asked as she nodded.
Maggie Barnes. Juno's sister was here? The boys stopped and stared at Juno as she stood up, these people didn't know about her sister, no one did. "Can we stop, please for a second." Colby asked knowing Juno needed a minute. Juno didn't know what to do. She walked behind the couch, and bowed her head down, crying.
"Whose Maggie?" Satori asked.
"She was my sister," Juno replied wiping her eyes.
I wanted Juno's sister to come first, so in the next chapter get ready !
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