Welcome to Nora's Nightmare
Dinner with spectral hunter should be fun. Shit. Breath. She could do this. Come on, Nora. You can handle one night with spectral hunters. She lectured herself.
Nora sat at the end of the bed and took a breath. She had looked the Lloyd Brothers up again. These guys were real and they were good at their job. That was just great, she thought sarcastically.
They weren't some guys in it for the money or the fame, they were hunters. Real hunters. They were in it for the hunt and the kill. They didn't just look for ghosts but they searched for everything supernatural. Even phantoms, she assumed, and killed them.
They had hunted in actual haunted places and found the ghouls and killed them. Nora didn't even know a ghoul could be killed, but the Lloyd Brothers managed it. Damn it. Where was Hyde?
Nora heard the doorbell. They were here! Damn it. Hold yourself together. Come on, Nora. Go downstairs and be normal. Normal, right. Okay. Normal. Human. Don't be a ghost right now. Calm. Stay calm. Nora lectured herself.
Nora walked into the living room and stopped in the doorway. One was looking at Janice and talking and the other was silent and looked straight at Nora when she walked in. Damn.
"Nora! You are right on time. This is Soren and his brother, Ryker. The spectral hunters." Janice was clearly excited.
"Hi." Nora tried to say and smiled. She was so nervous. She figured they would find her secret and kill her any time now. She took a slow breath. She really hadn't looked at either of them. She couldn't work up the nerve.
She hated what they did and she was terrified they would hunt her down. Nora didn't get scared very often but she was definitely scared right now. She had to stop herself from shaking.
"Hello, Nora. It's a pleasure to meet you." One of them said. Ryker. He walked up and reached out a hand. Nora had her gloves on. Thank all of the ghosts. "You weren't in the files we read."
She grabbed his hand and shook it. Nothing so far. Still alive. "Hello." Nora didn't want to look up at him. He was taller than her and very attractive. Pretty dark green eyes. He had short hair. He was cute. Very handsome. "I'm just visiting. I go to school with Hyde. I just came for Thanksgiving."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nora. I'm Ryker and that brooding mess is Soren." Ryker winked at her. She was really cute. Pretty.
Nora saw the wink and smiled.
Soren looked at her from across the room and stared at her hard. He didn't make an effort to move to her. He was studying her because she wasn't in the file. He was pretty good at reading people and she was very pretty. He wanted to stare at her.
She was shorter than him by a few inches, nothing ridiculous though. She had beautiful skin and pretty eyes. Blue-green, greenish-blue...
pretty. He noticed that she looked nervous and figured she wasn't comfortable either. They had that in common.
Nora stared back and Soren didn't break eye contact. It was getting intense. Neither of them moved or blinked. Nora took this as a dare. She could stare at him all day. This wasn't a challenge because he was very attractive and it gave her a reason to stare at him.
She could tell that he was more wild than his brother. He was very sexy and that surprised her. She never found people attractive, let alone sexy. She let her eyes roam over his body and then put herself in check.
Nora had seen him on TV just that once but he was very....hot. He kept his dark, blonde hair longer and he had a wild look in his eye. She didn't know how else to described his eyes. They were blue. Pretty. Wild.
She guessed he was her height, maybe a little taller. She imagined touching him would be just wonderful. He had a nice body that made her mouth go dry.
Soren stared at Nora. She was very pretty. She was a little above average height if he had to guess, five-nine. She had pretty, thick blonde hair. He couldn't tell because she had it pulled back in a messy bun. Her eyes were a greenish-blue color and she had a wonderful bottom lip that he would love to nibble. He wanted to walk over and touch her face, hold it in his hands and pull her in for a kiss. A long kiss. He wanted to make her sigh.
Soren wondered if she was a good kisser. He was going to find out if it killed him. He would kill Ryker if he thought about Nora. What was wrong with him? Did he just threaten his brother, who hadn't even done anything yet? In fact, Ryker barely looked at her and the wink wasn't important because Ryker winked at everyone.
Ryker looked at Soren. He was looking at Nora. He didn't say hello or shake her hand. He just stared at her. What was his problem? Nora seemed like a nice girl.
Oh, Soren...he had a thing for this girl. Interesting. Soren never looked at girls. Once in awhile he would find some girl but they never held his interest. Not like this. Nora hadn't even talked to him and he was clearly interested. Ryker almost laughed at his little brother.
Soren didn't like strangers and never looked at a girl like this before. Soren was a hunter and he never had time for girls. Ryker almost laughed because Nora was looking back.
Soren needed a distraction, this would be good for him. It was about time he found someone attractive. Ryker didn't have a problem with finding a woman, his little brother was the opposite.
Soren didn't have trouble finding a girl, he was always hit on but he never took them up on their offer. Ryker usually took them up on their offer. He smiled.
Nora studied Soren for some time. She didn't know how much time had actually passed. It could have been three minutes or three hours. She wasn't done looking but she heard the front door open and Hyde was in the doorway. "Hyde, you made it!" Janice smiled. "This is our son, Hyde."
Hyde was tall and muscular. Nora was happy he was there to protect her from the monsters. The very attractive monsters. She may need protection, maybe from herself.
She found Soren very attractive and that was just stupid. Hyde moved in front of Nora to keep her away from the hunters. He was keeping his friend safe and Soren noticed.
Soren thought that Hyde was with Nora. Oh, man. Of course they were together. No. No way. She was looking at him too intently. He was having this battle in his head. He would have to ask Hyde.
Ryker smiled and introduced himself and Soren did the same but a little reluctantly. Nothing weird.
She just got stared at by Soren and Hyde got smiles. What was his problem? What was that about? Did he know that she was different? Nora had to hold back the panic. Nothing had happened here.
She was safe. She was fine and undiscovered. Well, Soren did glared as his brother winked at her. She noticed that. Maybe it had nothing to do with her being...different. Nora had no idea what it meant. She was still alive and that was what mattered. So far, so good.
Introductions were over and people were talking before dinner. Janice had a ton of questions for the brothers. Nora pulled Hyde into a room. "What am I supposed to do?" She was freaking out.
Hyde was distracted and still drunk. He was trying to pull himself together and he was excited because he was actually a huge fan.
"I have to get their autograph! I can't believe the Lloyd Brothers are at my house! This is so cool. Hey, Nora, do you think they will let me get a picture with them?" Hyde was excited and off topic. He wasn't helping right now.
Nora just stared. "Maybe after they mount my head on their wall!"
"Oh, right. I know but you have to admit that this is cool." Hyde looked at Nora. "I know. Bad guys. Right." He walked out of the room probably to get a seat next to one of them.
Nora shook her head and reluctantly went to dinner. Clearly, Hyde wasn't helping right now.
Janice went all out on the decorations. It looked like the Thanksgiving department at the local store puked in the dining room. There was even a cornucopia in the center of the table.
Everyone sat at the table, getting ready to eat. Great. Janice seated everyone and Nora was sitting across from Soren. Not good. He already didn't like her.
Stay calm. The brothers chatted and talked about how they became spectral hunters and Soren explained that it was more like supernatural creatures that they hunted.
Nora could tell that this topic of conversation excited Soren. He was talkative and animated when he talk about killing supernatural creatures.
Great, that was great. This was the area that he was passionate about. He loved his job, killing supernatural creatures.
Great. Nora looked at Hyde. Like phantoms? I bet they will kill me and Soren will smile while he is doing it! Nora kept thinking.
Just breath. She had to repeat that over and over. She couldn't stop the thought that at least she would see that smile one last time before she died. His smile would be the last thing she saw.
She had to get a hold of herself. They needed to find a reason to go back to school. Football practice or something. Anything. Nora hoped that Hyde was thinking the same thing. What were they suppose to do?
Soren was talking about killing a creature that hadn't done anything to anyone. It was, in fact, hiding from them and they hunted it down and killed it.
He was excited about it and started to tell them every detail. "So, we chased it to the basement of this abandon church building. It was hiding in the corner. I found it and..."
Nora was kind of getting pissed. "So, you just kill anything that you feel like killing?" Nora couldn't help but ask.
It was Soren that answered. He stopped talking and looked at her. "Yes. Pretty much." His gaze held her's.
Well, great. He looked smug and that really pissed Nora off. She glared at him. "Really? No matter what it is and even if it has never harm anyone? Human or otherwise. You kill it anyway?" She couldn't stop asking questions or glaring at him. She couldn't shut up.
"Yes." Soren answered. "No exceptions." He glared at her. She must be a 'save the whales' kind of person.
"I don't agree with that way of thinking. That is barbaric and idiotic! Did you know that humans are the only animal that kills for sport?" Nora asked.
Hyde elbowed her. Nora couldn't stop herself. She just insulted him. She just called him an idiot. Shut up! She was yelling in her own head.
"Yes. It's what separates us from them!" Soren answered. Did she just call him idiotic? Well, his job. She just insulted his profession. No one ever talked to him that way. Women always just threw themselves at him. He kinda liked this challenge.
Nora glared at him. "That is atrocious!"
Soren glared. "Who cares!" It didn't matter to him what this one woman thought. "At least it's dead and we can go hunt something else. Leave nothing alive." That was his motto. He kind of wanted to make her mad.
Nora glared at Soren. He was a jerk. A very insensitive jerk. "That is just stupid and narrow minded. How could you be so hardhearted? You really don't think that some of those creature want to live out quiet lives without the threat of being hunted in their homes and killed! Do you ever think for yourself or do you just follow orders?"
Nora jumped up and ran to her room. She couldn't stop the phantom. She was floating when Hyde knocked.
"I'm fine. Come in." Nora sounded annoyed.
Hyde walked in and stopped. He closed the door and locked it. "What are you doing? Do you have to do that right now? This isn't exactly the best time!" Hyde was freaking out.
"I didn't do it on purpose! It is emotional sometimes." Nora explained.
"What was that downstairs?" Hyde whispered.
"I don't know! I was freaking out and couldn't stop yelling at Soren. I think he hates me." Nora didn't need to point that out. "I just made an enemy with a spectral hunter. No. A supernatural hunter!" Nora was hyperventilating and pacing in the air.
"Calm down!" Hyde didn't know how to calm her down.
"Really! Did you know that saying calm down has never really calmed anyone down? I can't just stop it and I am freaking out more because of it. This is terrible."
She rubbed her face and sighed. She kept seeing Soren. He was tall and he looked nice in his dress clothes. He had pretty dark blue eyes when he was mad and great hair. Dark blonde and long. He looked a little wild. "He's really cute!" She covered her mouth. "Annoying. I hate him." Where did cute come from?
"Please don't tell me you have a crush on the one person that could kill you. He will kill you!" Hyde pointed out as he watched his friend pace in midair.
"No. That is stupid. Of course not. I'm not an idiot, Hyde. I just think he is attractive and that's all. He is very cute." She had to stop saying that. Calm down.
Nora heard something. She peeked through the wall and they were coming up the stairs with a freaking EMF meter. The one thing that could detect her. Great. "I take that back. Not cute! They are coming with equipment!" This wasn't helping her calm down.
"Go. I can handle this. Just go. I will meet you at the Miller house at sunrise. Go!" Hyde whispered.
Nora didn't waste any time. She flew through the open window and glided to the Miller house. She was haunting it for the night. She paced.
Stupid spectral hunters. Soulless monsters. They can't stay forever and we are leaving in a few days. Good. We could do this. Right. Calm. Please calm down.
It was almost sunrise. Hyde was coming up the steps as she finally landed. Normal. Human. Inhale, exhale. Good.
"You okay?" Hyde handed Nora some clothes.
"Much better. I need to go, Hyde. Today. You can stay. Thanksgiving is tomorrow but I have to leave." Nora pointed out the obvious.
She had all of her marks covered. "Thanks for the clothes. I hadn't thought of them." She finished putting her long sleeve shirt on. If this was any indication of what Thanksgiving will be like, she was doomed.
"Your welcome and I was hoping you wouldn't want to stay. I will make an excuse for you. Go. I will bring your stuff back with me. Will you be okay?" Hyde was worried.
"Yes. I'm fine and I will be..." Nora stopped. They were coming here. "Damn it! They suck! They're here. They just pulled in and they're coming. What are they doing?"
She didn't have a lot of time to panic because the brothers were at the door. Hyde didn't have time to answer because the door flew open and Soren was the first one inside. Of course. He was armed and looked dangerous. And hot. Nora needed to stop those thoughts.
Soren stopped. "What in the hell are you doing in here?" He stared and had a flashlight shining in Nora's eyes.
He clearly wasn't expecting them here. Nora was here? Why would such a pretty girl be in this run down mess? Please say there is nothing going on with her and Hyde? He would hate to have to kill this kid.
"Looking for a vacation home. This one seems perfect!" Nora glared. Hyde just laughed. Nora had balls, that was for sure. "What are you doing here?"
Soren glared at Nora. Man, she was cute. He cleared his throat and couldn't think of anything to say. Nora was so pretty. He just wanted to touch her for the day.
Ryker answered after he gave his brother a weird look. "We followed a spectral trail and it led here from the house. We thought that your house was haunted because there is a spectral trail, that is a path that a ghost or supernatural used, and it seems as though it came to this house. We are trying to find it." He wanted to elbow his brother. Soren was acting weird.
"Right. Well, we scared it away so you will have to come back and kill it later!" Nora yelled at the brothers. "Killing just because you can! You disgust me!"
Nora stormed out of the house and back to the main road on foot. She wasn't thinking about anything. Hyde stayed to keep an eye on the hunters.
"Man, your girlfriend is a handful!" Soren said. Please say she isn't your girl.
"Oh, no. She isn't my girlfriend. She is just a friend and please don't give me any crap about it. We have some things in common and she is easy to talk to. Not my girlfriend." Hyde threatened and pointed out.
Good. Soren thought. "Oh..." He couldn't think of anything to say. Inside he was celebrating. Wait, was she seeing someone?
"Where's her boyfriend?" He couldn't help but ask. Ryker laughed. Soren glared at him. "Shut up!"
"No. She isn't interested in guys." Hyde repeated what Nora told him.
"Gay?" Soren couldn't stop himself.
Hyde laughed. "That is what I asked but no. She just has some trust issues."
"Uh, baggage." No way was he pursuing that. He didn't need any more problems. He had his own. She was awfully cute though. Maybe he would pursue her just a little.
"No. Not really. She just likes her space. She doesn't want a guy." Hyde started. "You should talk to her about that stuff. I'm not that kind of friend."
Soren smiled. Nora was single. That was good news. He almost sighed out loud.
"What is going on with you?" Ryker asked his brother. Shut up." Soren stormed out of the empty house. He had no idea what was wrong with him.
Ryker looked at the meter. It was quiet again. The ghost was gone.
Thanks very much for reading and please don't forget to vote! ;)
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