The Lloyd Brothers
Gasp! my spicy boys are here!!!
"I can't believe that you took this gig without consulting me, Ryker!" Soren was pissed. "We are suppose to agree to things."
"I know but Ray said it was a good idea. We are done shooting for the season so this gives us something to hunt and they already paid." Ryker smiled.
Ray was their producer and he recommended this family. They had a very tainted history and thought it would be good for the guys. It would keep Soren busy. He liked staying busy.
"Great. I am not happy. I was ready to go check out that ship that we heard was haunted. I know we are doing it on the show but I wanted a crack at it before the cameras get there. You know, in case we find something bad to hunt." Soren tried to stay calm. They were suppose to go to a haunted war ship in a few months.
"Relax. This is simple. They want to see if a house in the neighborhood is haunted. Easy enough." Ryker smiled at his brother.
"Right, easy money." Soren hated this stuff. "Why do I have the feeling that this won't be easy. Whenever you say easy, it isn't."
Soren loved hunting. That was all he ever wanted to do. He had other interests but he loved killing things. Ryker talked him into the show and now they were on season seven, they just finished season six.
Soren had no idea people would love them that much. They never faked anything and a lot of time, they didn't find anything. Some of their shows were filler, which he hated.
The producers and director would make it seem spooky. Much spookier than it was in real life. Soren hardly got scared. He really loved hunting the bad ones. The evil witches and demons. Spirits that weren't particularly nice.
Sometimes they would and it was a harmless ghost. People loved ghosts. They never filmed the darker hunts. The demons and black dogs, bad omens and dark witches, the list was long, never filming the truly terrible.
None of the things that were dark and terrible. No one wanted to know about them. Not really. Ryker said he wanted fans to enjoy the show, early on. He wanted them to be able to sleep at night.
"We are staying through Thanksgiving, so four days. We can hunt and get a home cooked meal. We have never hunted in this area. Should be fun!" Ryker smiled. "I hope that we find something that you can kill. I know how much you love to kill things."
"Sure. Fun." Soren wasn't convinced. He wasn't as comfortable with people as Ryker was. Ryker loved people and press conferences, photo ops. Red carpet events. Soren didn't but he smiled and faked it. He liked the people but he wasn't comfortable with attention like Ryker.
Ryker had other interests also. He loved flipping houses. Buying houses and fixing them up and selling them.
Ryker loved working with his hands. Making something better. He flipped houses for fun and made money from it.
He enjoyed other things and some of those involved women. Ryker loved to find his next hookup. He never wanted a meaningful relationship, Soren did.
They were opposites and that always made Soren smile. They had always been close growing up. They were only about sixteen months apart and he loved his brother.
Some people thought that maybe they would get jealous of each other and fight, especially while shooting. Their friend Ray was sure that they would get big egos and fight about work.
They worked together and had lived together in the beginning but they really did get along. Ryker bought one of his run down houses, fixed it up and kept it. He fell in love with it.
Soren had a house but they never stay in them, much. He rented his out to a family that needed help after a fire. He gave them a good deal until they could find a place or rebuild. He wasn't heartless.
Soren took a breath. The only fun he had was hunting down supernatural creatures and killing them. He never had a hobby like his brother. He loved to kill those things. That was his fun.
He read through the file on this family which he had read three times already. They had a history connected with this Miller house. That was interesting.
Soren was reading the file on the history of the family while Ryker drove. "The father, John, is a businessman. Something in the stock market and the mother, Janice owns the inn in town.
The file said John and Janice own it and Janice is the manager. John doesn't do anything with it. It seems to be Janice's baby and she takes care of it. They had two sons, Hyde and Willem.
Willem was the youngest by three years, almost four. He disappeared a year ago from the Miller house. There are no clues and the police found nothing." Soren stopped.
"So, were the parents suspects?" Ryker asked.
Soren flipped through the file. "No. No suspects. Weird..huh?"
"Yes. That is weird. Maybe the brother, Hyde?" Ryker was trying to get a handle on this. He figured the baby got the attention and Hyde was jealous...killed him and hid the accident? He was going crazy. Not all things were terrible and devious.
Soren was reading. "No. Says here that Hyde searched and it sounds like he is still searching." Weird. "Ghosts don't take people."
"Right. So, I wonder what it was. If the family isn't guilty then what happened to Willem?" Ryker was curious now. He couldn't wait to get to the house. He was leaning toward the parents.
"I know. I can't wait to kill this thing. If there is a thing. I hope so." Soren was eager to kill something. "Since this was your idea, you are doing the talking. I can't believe you signed us up for this. They better not be weird!"
He was making a list of creature that took people and also made a list of why. The top of the list was demons and demons were bad. He hoped it was a demon. He loved a challenge. Usually, if it was a demon there is a person involved also. Two for one. He couldn't wait.
Ryker rolled his eyes. His brother was high maintenance. "What do we have on the house?"
He knew that Soren was hoping for a demon. Those things were terrifying. He hated dealing with them. They took a lot of energy and effort. Ryker was almost killed by one, once. Soren loved to fight with demons. Ryker didn't prefer it.
"Oh, the Miller house. Well, there was a group that came out and did some ghost hunt there. Do you remember Reid?" Soren asked with a smile. He knew that Ryker knew Reid. That moron.
Ryker groaned. "That idiot. He faked most everything just for views on his stupid website. He almost ruined hunts for everyone."
Soren smiled at his brother's reaction. "Sure. He is the one that said there was a ghost and even caught it walking but it was never duplicated. No one could. The footage was found to be fake and several haunts since that airing were faked."
"That guy made everyone look bad for a while. We had to actually prove that we were hunting ghosts. Real ghosts. Had to sign that statement from the lawyers that we would never fake a finding. I hate that Reid!"
Ryker wanted to punch that guy. At least this family knew better and called them and not Reid. "They didn't call him first did they?"
"No, but there were a lot of faked findings so I don't have a lot of hope that this is actually a haunted house. It doesn't help that Reid was here once. That idiot." Soren knew this was a waste of time. "Reid couldn't find a ghost if it was inside of him!"
Ryker laughed and agreed.
Thanks very much for reading and please don't forget to vote! ;)
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