The first man walked in and could be Soren but older. He was pretty too. Ryker looked more like his mom now. The second man stopped at the door and made eye contact with Nora. He was very beautiful. Dark hair and dark eyes with a great smiled. Any woman would throw themselves at him.
"What is that doing here?" He glared. He pulled his sword.
Soren was in front of Nora. "This is Nora! My fiance. You put that sword away and we can talk."
Clara and Soren's twin were just staring at the man with the sword. Nora didn't know who anyone was but the man with the sword was a demon. She knew that.
She held onto Soren and Ryker to keep from phasing. The demon looked at them and sighed and pointed the sword at the floor. He looked at the floor. He wasn't ready to talk about this.
"Well, shit!" The demon said.
Soren's twin sighed.
Clara was lost. "What in the hell is going on?" She was shocked that Stone pulled his sword in the house at a small woman. Nora couldn't be a threat to anyone. She was just a cute little thing.
"Let's eat and talk. I'm starving." Their uncle said. He turned and left the sword in the laundry room. He was screwed now. Clara didn't even know about this.
"Agreed." Soren said. He stared at his uncle. "Nora. This is our dad, Axel and our uncle Stone."
Nora just nodded. She hadn't let go of anyone. She had a death grip on both Soren and Ryker. They had no idea that their uncle was a demon and she didn't want to be the one to tell them. She hated this.
"Set the table." Clara looked at the boys.
"Sure." Ryker moved first. He had to pry Nora off his arm. "Nora. You want to help us?" Nora just nodded and hadn't taken her eyes off of the demon. Uncle demon. What was going on?
Soren turned with her to walk in the dining room. She flashed from human to phantom a couple of times and took a breath. "What in the hell is going on?" He whispered to her.
Nora shook her head. "You don't want to know, Soren! I can't tell you!" She was in tears. A man that she knew he loved had lied to them all these years. They had no idea. She couldn't tell them. It wasn't her place and she didn't want to. "I don't want to tell you. Talk to your uncle, Soren. I'm sorry!"
They set the table in silence and the food was brought in. Nora made sure to stay away from the demon. She sat on the other side of the table. She was glad this table sat twelve people.
"Well, I am grateful for another day that we all get to spend together." Clara said. She started passing food. No one was talking and the demon kept looking at Nora.
Stone was freaking out since he walked in the house. What in the hell was a phantom doing in the house? They didn't even exists. They were a myth. He thought they were a myth. One was sitting in the kitchen.
Soren was protecting it. No. Both boys were.
Stone thought them to kill everything. Why would they protect that thing?
Now, he was sitting at the dinner table with it. It piled food and ate without looking up. Soren asked it if it was okay once in a while and it would shake it's head.
"Are we talking after dinner?" Axel was scared. He didn't think he would have to talk about it ever. He wasn't ready for this conversation at all!
"Why don't we just start now." Ryker said and looked at his uncle and his father. "Dad? Care to explain some things? Uncle Stone?"
Uncle Stone shook his head. "I don't want to, no."
Clara stared. "What did you do? Axel?"
Axel sighed. He wasn't ready for his sons to hate him. Clara would hate him too. "I don't want you to hate me!" He was talking to everyone.
"What did you do?" Clara was scared. "I need to know what's going on and how does Nora fit into it?" She was thinking that tart had an affair with Axel or Stone. Or both. She was worried.
"What the fuck is going on!" Soren stared at his uncle. He pulled a sword on an unarmed woman.
"I normally hate that word but yes. What the fuck is going on, Stone?" Clara glared at both men. "How do you know Nora?"
Stone looked down. "I don't."
"Axel?" Clara was worried now.
"No. I never met her before. I have no idea what that was about, Clara. Stone you care to explain that?" Axel sighed. "I'm not trying to pile everything on you. I will take half the blame."
"Nora and I are enemies." Stone looked at Nora. She grabbed Soren's hand and squeezed it hard.
"Hey! How is Nora your enemy?" As he asked the question he realized the answer. "You are a demon?" Soren was standing but Nora hadn't let go.
Stone sighed. "Yes."
"What in the fuck!" Ryker was standing also.
"Please sit and we will explain." Axel jumped in. "I am still lost at how Nora fits in here?"
Nora turned white. She was trying not to phase. She was terrified. Soren sat and wrapped around her. "It was a mistake for me to come here!" Nora stated. She regretted wanting to come.
"Nora is a phantom." Soren blurted it out.
Clara stared, Axel was looking for a weapon and Uncle demon glared. Nora had tears.
"No way!" Axel was shocked. "Really? How did this happen? Phantoms don't exist. They aren't real." He was sure of that. They never studied them because they were a myth or extinct.
Ryker started the story and Soren filled in parts but left out the intimate parts. "She just helped us kill the last demon and came here to ask some questions of our own."
Nora was silent and didn't look up at all during the story. She wanted to leave. "Nora, are you okay?" Soren was worried.
She shook her head. No way was she okay. She hadn't touched her food and wanted to leave. "This is worse than when I met you."
Soren laughed. He couldn't help it. Ryker smiled too. "Sure. Demon sitting at the dinner table and all." He looked at his uncle. "What is going on with the demon? It's your turn."
"Right." Axel sighed. "Uh, Soren was sick. The doctor said he wouldn't make it to his fifth birthday. He had a rare bone disease." He stopped.
Clara stared at everyone. "What did you do?"
"I summoned a demon." He looked at Stone.
"What?" Soren stared and Ryker said what at the same time. "Please don't tell me any more!" Soren knew what they did and it didn't want it verified.
Axel had to. He had been hiding this for too long. "I made a bargain with him. He gave me his blood and..."
"You fed our baby demon blood?" Clara stared at her husband.
"Yes. I did. I know that you will hate me but I couldn't lose Soren. I hated seeing you cry and Ryker was sad all the time. They were close." Axel sighed.
"The doctors said it was a miracle." Clara's voice was flat. "It wasn't. All these years I thought that it was a miracle. It was demon blood."
"What did you get in return?" Soren asked.
Uncle Stone sighed. "Family. I didn't want to go back. I wanted to stay here. I got your guys as family. I taught you to hunt and Soren was healthy and happy. I was hoping that we never had to tell you but here we are."
"Well, that explains the stuff that the demon we took out said." Ryker smiled and sat back and crossed his arms.
"What did he say?" Uncle Stone asked.
"He said Soren would make him invincible. He said he was powerful." Ryker stated.
Stone laughed. "Sure he would. Soren is very powerful and that explains a couple of things. Soren can fight a demon barehanded and it explains why he was attracted to Nora."
"What? Why?" Soren stared some more.
"You are both part supernatural. I'm sure that you both were attracted to that. Angel and demon blood is closely related and you both recognized it in the other. I'm not saying that you aren't in love but that is the reason that you share an appeal to each other. You make a dangerous couple." Stone actually smiled for the first time. "It's the same reason that I knew she was here when we arrived."
"What do we do now?" Soren asked. He was trying to keep his girl calm.
"Get to know each other. I think. Clara, are you okay?" Stone had to ask. "I'm sorry about this whole thing. I know what I am but I love you guys." He was afraid they would kick him out.
Clara started laughing. "No! I'm not okay, Stone! So, you are a demon and helped our kids learn to kill your kind?"
"Yes. basically." The demon nodded.
Axel laughed with Clara. "I'm sorry, Honey. I am. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you to hate me! I couldn't get the words out and then years past and everything seemed okay so I let it go. I had no idea Soren would find Nora! What are the odds!"
"I have a question." Nora spoke up. She had to talk and cursed herself quietly. She was still holding onto Soren. Stone looked at her. "Uh, how did I know you were coming? I can feel demons when they are close. I could feel the one we killed also. I could track him."
Stone nodded. "Sure you could. Demons began as angels, fallen angels. They were the same, the same blood. They made themselves their own race after a time. They are now separate from angels but they still share the same blood. It recognizes itself in others."
Nora thought about this. "So, we are related?"
Stone stared at Nora. "uh...."
"No. Not really then? Never mind. I just don't have family and I thought it would be cool if I had actual blood relatives. Forget it though." She was clearly wrong.
Clara gasp. "Yes! You would be related to Stone! You technically share the same blood. Cousins maybe! You wouldn't be related to Soren though because it isn't his blood." She cleared her throat.
Stone stared at Nora. "Cousins?"
Nora couldn't stop the smile. "Sure. I don't have any cousins!"
Axel breathed a sigh of relief. "You do now!"
Soren shook his head. "I should be pissed!"
Clara agreed. "Me too. I am. You both are in the doghouse for a while but you also saved our son. I'm very conflicted. I don't think I am cooking dinner for the next couple of months until I think of a punishment."
Axel and Stone both nodded. "What do we do now?" Stone asked.
"Practice!" Ryker wanted to fight. They all agreed except Nora.
Practice went well and no one died. Nora didn't really fight either. She was very uncomfortable and just ate cookies. They were great. Clara sat beside her. "Are you okay, Nora?"
Nora laughed and shook her head. "No! I'm freaking out."
"What do your parents have to say about the phantom thing? Oh, are they phantoms?" Clara was curious.
Nora sighed. "No. I don't actually know. They left me when I was eight. They moved while I was at school."
Clara gasped. "They what?"
Nora nodded. "Yes. I got home from school to a very empty house. I spent the next few years in foster homes. I left when I was thirteen. I have been alone since then."
"I don't know what to say! I am so sorry, dear!" Clara really was. "How do you handle being a phantom? I don't even know what that is?"
Nora smiled. "I am...I don't know."
"Show her." Soren smiled as he walked up.
Nora shook her head. "I don't want to scare you and have Uncle Stone kill me!"
"Uncle Stone will try to refrain and he doesn't want to hurt his cousin!" Uncle Stone teased. He smiled.
Nora shook her head. "No. Bad idea. I should really just go."
Soren touched her arm. "Nora. You are safe here and I will kill them if they think about hurting you. I love you." He was hoping she could relax and trust him. "This will be your family also. They have to get used to you too."
Ryker smiled. "You're awesome. Show them. If you tell anyone I said that, I will deny that I know you!" He winked.
Nora smiled at Ryker. "Are you sure?" She was sure this was another stupid idea. She was full of them.
"Can't be more risky than dating me!" Soren smiled and kissed her. He wrapped himself around her and sighed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they slid into his hair.
"That is what happens when they are together!" Ryker smiled. "Hey!"
"Go away!" Soren was happy where he was. He chuckled. He slowly let go. "Now, show them, My Dear."
Nora sighed and looked down. She was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. "What could go wrong?"
She took her shirt off. Clara gasped. Nora looked at her and Uncle Demon. She should explain what she was doing. "I have clothes underneath and it's easier to phase with less clothes. They are confining. I know it's weird. I won't hurt anyone. I promise." She took the rest off and phased. This actually felt so nice. She sighed.
"Holy shit!" Axel stared at her. "That is so..."
"Cool!" Ryker finished. "That's what I said."
"Can you fight?" Stone smiled. "I won't hurt you. I couldn't hurt Soren like that."
His eyes changed to a glowing blue. She smiled and then stopped. "Clara, are you okay?" This was a huge night for her.
"That's so...How...Are you a ghost?" She had no idea.
"Same question." Axel smiled.
"No. A ghost is dead. I'm not. I can move like them but there are some differences. It's tough to explain." She didn't want to tell them any of her weaknesses. "And I have these markings."
Stone walked up slowly and unarmed. "You have been busy." He smiled.
"What do you mean?" Nora still wasn't getting close.
"Those markings are earned." He looked at them closely.
"I know." She gasped. "I got a new one this morning and I forgot to tell you, Soren!"
"Really, where?" He was beside her. She held out her arm. The mark was on her upper arm and Soren touched it. "I don't know what it means though."
"I can't believe you have them on your arms!" Stone was watching.
"Why?" Nora sighed. "What now?"
"You have to be very noble to get them there. I have seen a couple of demons with one on their arm, well, the wrist. But to get one on the upper arm. It's unheard of." Stone stared some more.
"Oh. I didn't know that. I knew that placement mattered but I didn't know how. I don't know a whole lot." Nora sighed and floated close to the floor. Soren was twirling her hair with his fingers.
"You are strong." Stone watched Soren touch Nora's hair.
"She is amazing. I hope it's okay that we get married?" Soren smiled at Nora.
Nora rolled her eyes. "I'm an idiot!" She smiled at Soren as he kissed her.
"Are we fighting or making out?" Ryker asked. He smiled at his uncle.
Soren pulled Nora closer. "Making out." Nora laughed through the kisses.
Clara had to ask some more questions. "So, are there others?" She watched her son and the phantom.
Nora backed away from Soren. "Oh, I haven't found any. I did find an old medicine man in Brazil a few years ago and he said that they were extinct. I don't know anything else. Any information that I have is all myth and legend. I have nothing concrete except what Stone told me tonight."
Axel watched Nora. "So, you are alone?"
Nora smiled. "I was. I have Hyde and Poppy. I met Poppy three years ago and Hyde last year. Now, I have you guys. I mean if...we don't kill each other."
Stone smiled. "I won't if you don't."
"Deal." Nora smiled.
"Nora. I have never seen Soren happy before you." Stone smiled. He hoped they could get along. Nora seemed cool. He hoped she was but he knew she was family.
Thanks very much for reading and please don't forget to vote! ;)
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