A small horrific scene, read with caution.
To say the Livinggood mansion was in a commotion was an utter disgrace to the horror the grownup felt when they knew about the disastrous truth while the youngsters were scratching their head in utter confusion. To exert over emotions were stupid according to them.
It was morning by the time they calmed down but still, the tension was clear in the wind. Katie, Emily, and Lucy tried many times to coax their mothers for answers but they provided none. They heard snippets of their hushed whispers and some of it was letting their local church know about it.
The girls looked each other in real mock pretense while discussing but Lucy was the only one who expressed seriousness. Even Tina expertly advised that might be the right thing to do which was met with Mina rolling her eyes.
After a very light breakfast with no parents accompanying them to eat, which was breaking rule number one in the house; the girls left to the garden to be away from their dramatic parents.
Katie couldn't focus on her interesting mystery classics. Emily had thrown up the fifth attempt in knitting and Lucy was frustrated with Rocky wanting her to pet him quite often. Tina was reading through some scriptures. Mina was the only one who was happy with what she was doing, eating.
"I say," she munched, drank the juice of her crunchy apple, then said, "We pay a visit to the house and spook your parents real tight." She chewed again.
The girls lightly chuckled at her enthusiastic joke which they knew was partially a request too since Mina was dying to see what caused this circus amongst her parents.
By her word, it was just a house.
"Well, no... Mina, I am not going back there again. Our parents are not usually like this, so there must be a real reason, you see." Katie said hanging her legs from the hammock and keeping her book away, marking with the flower bookmark she loved.
"I understand. However, I wish if they could just, you know, let us know. I don't think and I don't understand what is the meaning behind this." Mina replied.
"Listen..." Lucy said suddenly sitting straight in her hammock with her fingers pressed close to her lips, really listening. She looked around for the origin of the sound but couldn't find anything. A Little while later, she heard it again and unknowingly she broke into a cold sweat.
A slow whistle and a slow music of a soft instrument, more like a flute; combined to form an eerie yet beautiful tune. The music drifted through the air as if warning that something is going to come. Lucy listened intently to fall in love but also fear the music at the same time. Her eyes closed unintentionally and her body relaxed with her heart thundering against her ribcage. Her gut whispered this is not good but her mind was suddenly intoned with the music. The sporadic fluctuation of the eerie music lulled her to sleep with panic coursing through her body.
Apparently, it was only Lucy who heard this mixture of deadly music. Everyone did keep their voice low when Lucy asked to listen but then they horrifically saw Lucy smile as her brows started to drip in sweat. Her unnatural smile scared her friends and sisters alike yet they knew it was not fine with the way her body was shuddering slightly with sweating. It was bizarre.
Also, they were in a kind of trance making them sit still, watching Lucy. Suddenly Katie broke free and jumped to shake Lucy wildly. But by then, it was too late. Lucy had fallen asleep.
Lucy in her sleep was lying on a hard floor with dried grass, pebbles and broken twigs piercing her porcelain fragile skin on the back. The horrific reality of she lay down naked made her breath haggard and shallow. It tightened her chest, gripping her heart painfully. She looked here and there to find her lying with men standing in a circle around her.
She trying to get up but something was pinning her down. She could feel her hands holding something and that spooked her. Thus, she raised her head to look down and found that it was a human skull. Lucy screamed, trying to throw it away, but couldn't. The men continued chanting and Lucy continued to scream.
After a lot of screaming, Lucy stopped to do so but cried quietly instead feeling her throat sore. The chanting continued with her holding the thing in her hands. Out of nowhere, Saiorse walked in, draped in a long red robe and kneeled down, then said, "I have been waiting for so long Rose, neither you nor your father could take this from me. Prepare to meet your mother." A dagger was raised and chucked at Rose's throat, or at least Lucy's throat; giving her no chance to scream at all.
Gasping awake, Lucy could see she was still in the same place. The men were long gone, the blood had stopped flowing. The fragile body of a small girl lay there glowing unnaturally pale in the moonlight. Saiorse walked in again from somewhere and demanded someone to help lift her up. After much persuasion with the man in darkness, he lifted the girl up and walked with the maid. Lucy walked too.
Rose was laid on her own bed and the Saiorse slashed the girl many times with a knife.
"Nick, hide when the bastard comes; you must make him seal the papers."
The man walked in after a while and saw his daughter brutally murdered. He cried, screamed and held the little girl in hand and wept. It was then he saw the maid with the knife.
"You... Did you kill my little girl? But why?" he then ran to her and tried to strangle her but she was stronger than him. She pierced the long dagger onto his both thighs and got him on his knees.
Nick came out from the closet and asked him to sign the papers when he refused to; Saiorse stabbed both his cheeks and scalp. In pain, he cried and signed the papers as per she requested. Without any remorse, she stabbed him, repeatedly. His last words were only this, "I will haunt this house to no avail, I curse whoever to live or to come here forever. You can't have this you lying bitch." He died with tears kissing the ground.
Lucy stood shuddering in a corner, forced to watch both gruesome murders with her own eyes. Crying and trying to shut her eyes, she stood still, forced to watch it all. Then she saw Nick attempting to walk out with the papers. That wasn't what Saiorse planned. In a rage, she tried to stab Nick but he strangled her to death and left her there. However she didn't die, and she screamed as Nick poured the gasoline on the floor, "You will regret it," he let aflame and walked out without even watching if the fire will spread out or not.
Lucy woke up from the sleep slowly. Her eyes stung, cheeks were wet, body shuddered and her sisters were looking at her with concern. Her hands had a sensation as if she was burnt and indeed she had a black word charred in her inner palm, "Help."
Though everyone asked her what happened, she couldn't remember what she saw. She was completely blank about it all and that scared her. She knew she wouldn't hyperventilate if the dream wasn't real and bad. But, trying to think about it actually hurt her head. Only the word help promenaded through her memory.
The incident was ignored, when Patrick barged into the girls, demanding answers.
"You didn't go in, didn't you?" he sounded really angry.
"We did and it was an accident." Katie replied.
"How much did you explore?" he was currently pacing in front of them. It gave Mina a head spin.
"Not much, we just stood in the living room and we went back."
He didn't say anything for a while then stopped and looked at Katie with a hard cold stare and asked, "Did you feel, see, hear anything unexplainable? Something extraordinary...?"
Katie was ripped with the question.
Of course, they heard, saw and felt things but how much can she tell her father? Deciding it wasn't the best time to worry her father, even more, she proceeded to say nothing extraordinary; but Lucy jumped right in and said what she had felt and seen in her dreams and reality. For the love of dreams in her, she couldn't recall what she saw recently; Lucy stopped explaining.
He sighed in frustration and walked back in without giving an explanation. He picked up the heavy receiver but kept it back down and then walked here and there in the kitchen. Deciding it was enough; Katie walked in and looked at their grave faces.
"What is it?" Katie asked. But nobody dared to turn a finger towards her.
"What is it?" she asked loudly and still she was met with cold ignoring stares.
"For the love of lord, can you tell us what is wrong?" Katie bellowed making them all turn to her. The girls were spread out behind her and her family in front. She looked at each and every face, waiting for them to say something but it looks like they were still contemplating whether to talk or not.
"It was a bad thing you went there, girls." Lydia issued much courage to even address the matter.
"We figured it much, now tell us why," Katie said, scoffing at her mother.
"There has been a story; dating back to hundreds of years ago that the place belonging to a bridge family had to die brutally in there. The maid killed the family who had an only child. The maid was later killed the same time by her partner. Some say it was murder to acquire his property and some say it was satanic..." Lydia stopped there when Patrick demanded her to.
The girls shuddered at the thought of maid killing family with no clear motive but hundreds of years ago? Katie couldn't ask anything as her mother started talking again.
"The place was partially burnt down. The partner was nowhere to be found. Later, after so long, a wealthy businessman in the line of Mr.Bridge family started remodeling the place to sell but unfortunately, he died there by unspecific reasons, or at least we believe he died. No one found his body. Later on, other people got the mansion ready for housing but no one could live there peacefully. Someone or the other will always die there. After many death's the place was sealed shut by a Catholic church with the help of government and it was said to never open or the curse will start again." Lydia has tears in her eyes as she said the story.
The girls could only shudder and fear thinking that they entered a house which housed brutal deaths. They couldn't get past that part.
"Mom... it's, and after... after all these years, we... We are the one...?" Katie couldn't continue.
"Oh, Katie, yes, after so long you went to that forsaken place. Only then have we seen such a drastic change in our house. I did doubt something might have happened but I never in my million dreams hoped nor prayed that it shouldn't associate with it, now I am scared." Lydia cried feeling utterly helpless.
"We will find help, the church will help us, and it has always done," Katy assured Lydia with a hesitant smile.
The fact was no one knew how to console themselves. Their fear radiated painfully into the daylight that the gloomy clouds tried to shed some sunlight into their house. But it was met with dull eyes. No amount of sunlight cheered the family.
However, the girls were the one affected much with the predicament. They needed to go to college soon. The knowledge that they are the only one who entered after so long; plus to know that anyone who entered into that house has died revolved around their head like an untamable tornado which got their heart into violent spinning.
Suddenly Lucy remembered the dream she saw in detail.
What Lydia said coincided with the dream in clear details and the death part ate her soul. Somewhere in her mind and gut said that she was marked and she will die no matter what. She looked around at each other and found how grave everyone seemed.
Patrick seemed like the only one with hope since he was waiting for the return message, Lucy heard him saying that to Peter.
She walked to her room, took out a paper and stared at it so long, wanting to write something to her family. She held the paper to her chest and cried hard into it. the feeling, atmosphere, and situation all weeping with her into the solace of darkness.
Sorry for being late, or am I? Anyway, was so very ill :) Hope you love it so far.
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What do you think will happen now?
thank you, and keep reading :)
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