I wake up to people talking quietly in the hall. It must be morning or early afternoon because the sun is up causing shadow leaves to sway across the cream walls. The room is good size, it has a queen size bed with a beautiful dark wood frame that matches both the dresser and nightstands. There are two doors on either side of the dresser on the wall opposite of the bed. The bed spread is a dark burgundy color, as are the curtains on the window to my left.
My body aches as I get out of bed and check one of the doors for a bathroom, I get it on the first try. I make a mental reminder that its the door on the left and walk into what has to be the most beautiful bathroom I've ever been in. There's a stand up shower with floor to ceiling marble tiles. Next to it is a Jacuzzi style bathtub big enough for two. A double vanity sink and a door into a private toilet. This is every girls dream bathroom hell, this is anyone's dream bathroom.
Before I wash my face my reflection in the mirror catches me off guard. Mascara stains my face, my shirt is ripped open showing bruises on my torso that almost blend in with my black bra. Lost in thought, I jump when a knock sounds on the door.
"Carla? A friend of mine is here to take a look at your.." Gray's deep voice almost soothes me.
He doesn't continue but I already know what he was going to say so I open the door. He's closer to the door than anticipated and I end up face to face with him. I inhale and am immediately assaulted by his smell. It does something to my body making me feel not so innocent.
"Ill be outside, he's just going to come in and make sure there aren't any internal injuries. Maybe give you something for the pain."
I reach out and grab his arm making sure to thank him. A few moments after Gray leaves a man not much older than Gray himself walks in. He has lighter hair almost blond but not quite. His eyes are blue and would almost be piercing if I hadn't already seen Mr. Haughtins grey ones.
"Hello Ms.Brooks , I'm Doctor Collins but you can just call me James. Mr. Haughtin called me over to take a look at you. Says you got some real bad bruises. Do you mind if I take a look? If you feel uncomfortable at anytime please let me know and I'll stop." I nod my permission and he continues. After about twenty minutes he finishes up and walks out of the room to get Gray. I sit up and grab my shirt, putting it back on I hold it tightly against myself.
"You're sure you don't mind me discussing this I'm front of Mr.Haughtin?" Dr. James asks before proceeding. I assure him and listen as he speaks. "Most of the bruises are older and healing well. But there are some that were created very recently. I'm concerned that two maybe three of your ribs are fractured and your right wrist is sprained. I highly recommend you relax until your bruises are gone and you can breathe normally. Here's a prescription for pain killers, muscle relaxers, and anti-inflammatory. If anything worsens call me or 911 immediately. Do you have any questions for me Ms.Brooks?".
"No, thank you for everything. How much do I owe you?" I don't have much left but I refuse to let him do his job for free.
"Its taken care of. Thank you James, I appreciate you coming out. I will call you soon." Mr.Haughtins voice vibrates through my bones. I can feel the anger rolling off of him and have to fight the urge to curl into myself. Dr.James walks out leaving us alone. He stares off into space causing his brows to furrow. I, for the second time had to hold back my urge to run the creases out and kiss away his worries. As if he read my mind, his eyes shoot to my mine, He takes a few steps closing the gap between us.
Gray places his hands on either side of my face making me stare into his electric eyes. I can no longer control my breathing as his lips brush mine sending chills down my spine. The kiss is soft, sweet, and was over way to quickly. Immediately the warmth leaves my body but I am still buzzing like an electric current. With that he takes my hand and gently pulls me out of the room mumbling something about food.
When we reach the kitchen he lets go of my hand and searches the cupboards as I take my chance to look around. The room I woke up in is nothing compared to the actual living space. The whole back wall to the house is glass looking out into woods and a small pond. The entrance has huge doors and windows on either side that lead up to one huge window above them. The house is warm and inviting making me wonder if he decorated himself or if he paid someone. It's open concept, the rooms flow into each other making the space bigger. A fireplace on the left wall leaves it feeling cozy. The kitchen though is what really catches my eye. The cabinets are white with dark charcoal granite counter tops, A double sink and an eight top gas stove. I'm pretty sure I died and went to heaven.
"Do you know what you're in the mood for? I haven't stocked up on groceries yet so we will have to do take out until I can go out." Gray is leaning against the counter holding his hands on the edges. The way his biceps flex under his white t shirt almost distract me.
"Um... anything is fine with me. Pizza or Chinese sound good though." My head drops to look at my shoes. I'm not used to being asked my opinion on these things, and if I ever voiced it, I was beat for being disrespectful. My body tenses as he puts a finger under my chin gently lifting. When my eyes meet his he smiles and I find myself thinking back to our kiss. It almost seems surreal.
"Chinese sounds perfect." He leans in and gives me a small peck before pulling out his cellphone and putting in our order. "Should be here soon, wanna watch a movie?"
Gray chooses the whole fast and furious series. Half way through the first movie our food arrives. We eat and laugh making jokes and after we eat he pulls me closer to him letting me cuddle into his side. For the first time in a while I feel wanted but most of all I feel safe.
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