spooky sleepover / plantonic
robert's pov
"UGH why do we have to hang out with those losers?!-" roy said angily i just looked at him and sweetly said "bcuz my dear tiny gremlin- you need more friends--" roy just rolled his eyes and groaned again "whatever this is going to be dumb anyways!-" roy pouts slightly and leaves the room so i turned to ross and said "i think he need to calm down a bit-" ross just nodded slightly but i wanted more of his attention so i stole his hat and ran out the room as he chased me quickly "GIVE MY HAT BACKKKKK-" then he pounced on me but it didn't hurt that much so i just started huggin my lovely emo boi when the doorbell rang and roy dashed up to open the door but ross had already beaten him to it i just sat on the floor watching
rossy's pov
i had just beaten roy to opening the door (which he wasn't happy about-) i looked dwon and notice skid and pump staring up at me "aye hi guys come inside-" i stepped back so that they could enter i looked back and saw robert and roy cuddling so i went over and joined them skid and pump just turned on the tv and started watching spongebob- soon after i quickly fell asleep so now skid and pump were the only ones awake-
skid and pumps pov
i looked over my shoulder and saw ross,roy,and robert cudding when suddenly pump tapped me on my shoulder so i turned to look at him and he said "hey what if we prank them by handcuffing them together?-" i stared at him for a few seconds before whisper-yelling to him "THAT IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA-" so then pump left to get the handcuff while i waited downstairs for him minuites later he came back down with the cuffs then him and i started the prank...
that's all for now buh bye my cuddly lil ribbets-
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