26. Reunited And It Feels So Good
Laura's POV
I couldn't believe it had been a month since I last saw Chris, one very long month. Thinking about him always gave me stupid butterflies. He called and texted me pretty much everyday but it wasn't the same. I was guilty of horrible flashbacks, imagining him never coming and dumping me. It was a useless insecurity. Chris reassured me with every FaceTime and Snapchat message.
Snapchat was a creative way of teasing the crap out of him. He'd send me selfies of himself at the gym and in return I'd pose provocatively just to rattle him up.
Of course he had to go back to California to quit his job and pack up his things. He escorted his grandmother since she decided to move in with one of his aunts living there. She wanted Chris to have her house because she didn't have the heart to sale it.
"So I'll see you tonight when I get off work?" I tried to keep my cool but I was freaking excited.
He was finally coming back but unfortunately I wouldn't be able to pick him up from the airport.
"Yes. I was thinking of ordering Chinese. What do you think?"
It was like he read my mind. I get so hungry after a long shift. "Chicken Lo mien please. I can't wait till seven." My mouth was watering just thinking about it.
"Alright. I'm about to board. See you in a few hours."
I hung up and clipped my ID badge onto my scrubs. These next few hours were definitely going to drag. Picturing Chris' face made it all the more tolerable.
Even though we had our month long cyber connection no one knew about our relationship. After telling my parents I broke off my engagement to Will I thought it was too soon to mention another guy. Although my mother assumed right about why I couldn't go through with it. She knew exactly what was going on.
I didn't want people to talk. Especially Chris' family. It was better to hold off on labels. I didn't confirm nor deny the questions my best friends bombarded me with afterwards. Demi was the only one I expressed anything to but that was because she was my human diary. And she knew how to keep a secret. Chris didn't seem to mind keeping what we had on the down low.
I would see Will occasionally at the hospital. He kept busy but that was because he was expecting a promotion soon. And he deserved it. Every time he'd spot me he'd dazzle me with his gorgeous dimple smile as if there was no bad blood between us. I think the break gave him an advantage. He didn't have to waste anytime entertaining me. He could focus solely on his career and man was he crushing it. I was so proud of him.
He was sitting in his desk slumped over some paperwork. He looked exhausted. I pitied him with a coffee, and prepared it just like he liked it.
I knocked so I wouldn't startle him if he was napping. His big hazel eyes rose up to catch my appearance. He mustered up a tired smile. "Laura."
"Hey. I brought you a coffee because you look like death and you're starting to scare patients."
He rubbed his face, laughing. "That bad, huh?" He sipped the coffee with gratitude. "Thank you."
"No problem."
Even though we weren't together, those habits were hard to break out of. I liked caring for him. Will worked so hard it was like he needed me to watch over him. It was nice to be needed that way.
"I read your latest case study. It's amazing. You're doing incredible things."
He knew he was amazing but the great thing about Will was he never showed off.
"Yeah. It's been taking a lot out of me." I could tell. "How are you? Are you happy?"
"I'm good and yeah. I'm pretty happy." I was guessing he was asking about Chris and I.
"Why don't I finish up the paperwork for you? It looks like it's going to be a quiet night around here anyway. I'll get bored otherwise."
Honestly I wanted to help out. I wanted Will to go home and rest. Maybe I still felt a little guilty for cheating on him. Will wasn't even remotely mad at me which only added to my guilt. Or maybe he didn't care as much for me as I thought. Or maybe he really believed Chris would mess up and was patiently waiting for his opportunity.
Will was about to reject my offer.
"I've got it and if I have any questions I'll call you." I would under no circumstances call him.
"Fine. You win." I smiled in victory. "Thank you Laura."
It wasn't that bad. It was actually kind of intriguing and kept my mind occupied till it was time to go. Oh my gosh. Chris. Should I change out of my scrubs? Mmm but I was too tired and lazy to change. Did I care what Chris thought of me without makeup and in a uniform? Nope.
Besides I was way too eager to see him.
I pulled into the driveway all jittery and combed my fingers through my hair quickly. As soon as Chris appeared behind the door my breath got caught. How could I miss someone so much and not realize it till I saw them again?
His gorgeous, goofy smile melted my insides. He looked the same but possibly bigger like he had hit the gym five times a day. Chris' opened his arms and I jumped into them not able to contain my excitement. He easily lifted me off the ground and started to carry me inside.
He smelt so good like a musky lavender. He kissed my neck and I had to bite my lip to sustain my raging hormones. Wanting him was an understatement. I craved him like he was my own personal forbidden fruit. He knew exactly where to touch me, to kiss me in order to curl my toes. I pulled back so I could greet him with a proper innocent kiss to the lips.
"I'm really happy you're here." Finally.
He chuckled. "Me too."
I propped my feet on the ground despite how comfortable I was in his strong, muscular arms. He could probably hold me up for days.
"I smell food." My stomach was growling.
I asked him about his flight as we ate. It was a generic answer as expected. I couldn't help feeling like there was something on his mind, something he wanted to tell me but didn't know how to say it.
"Is everything ok?"
He placed his fork down. "Ben is moving in here with me."
Well that was unexpected. "I thought Ben loved Cali. Why would he move?"
I needed a drink to sooth my unlawful anxiety. Demi gave me a bottle of wine to take with me to celebrate Chris' return. I twisted off the cap and easily drowned half of it while he explained.
"They offered him a better position here. When grandma found out she suggested we be roommates." He seemed disappointed. "I couldn't tell her no."
He was so freaking adorable. "You would have broken her heart."
"I know he hasn't made things easy for you lately."
He was worried about me. "I can handle Ben."
"I don't want to keep you a secret from him. He still has feelings for you."
I could sense my sudden urge to drink kind of bothered him but I just liked the taste of Moscato. I wasn't a drunk nor was Ben the source of my drinking.
I slid onto Chris' lap. "I'll have to make it very clear I'd never get back together with him."
The wine was gently whisking my thought and absorbing my stress. I ran my hands down his biceps. I couldn't even connect my fingertips around his huge muscles.
"How did you get so massive?" I couldn't believe how big he was now compared to when we first started talking.
I was undeniably attracted to his body before but now it was ridiculous. He was so built. No doubt if he'd try and slam me against a wall now he'd send me into a coma.
Chris laughed, grasping my waist. "Working out helps me with my recent sexual frustrations. I think about you way too much."
He works out because of me, because he has naughty thoughts of me? My face got embarrassingly hot and not because of the alcohol. He wasn't the only one with a dirty mind.
Chris pulled me into a steamy kiss. "You're blushing."
He had no idea what he was doing to me. Honestly I wanted to wait till marriage to have sex but with him I wasn't sure I could. I was weak and tragically so sexually aroused around him.
I crushed myself against him so we were chest to chest. It was a tortuous month without him. Now was our time to make up for lost opportunities. I was starting to realize I no longer belonged to myself. Chris could control my body. He had a power over me no other man has ever had. It was a scary yet exhilarating feeling.
He flipped me over pressing me into the couch. I curled my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Our tongues were dancing and my heart was aching with need.
I wanted, no needed, more but Chris pulled away. I concealed my disappointment with confusion.
"I have something for you." He pecked me sweetly before disappearing.
I was dying of heat and my skin was getting damp. I peeled off my cardigan and scrub shirt so I would remain in my tank top. I took a few more sips of wine even though I didn't need it.
Chris came back with a bag and a plate of cupcakes. There were four cupcakes, different flavors, and several candles on each.
"Happy Birthday Laura." His lustrous voice sang to me.
Oh my gosh. "My birthday is tomorrow."
"I know." He sat next to me and raised the delicious desserts to my face. "I wanted to be the first to spoil you and wish you happy birthday."
I shook my head. I couldn't believe how much he changed. This was not the same man who insulted me in front of my friends, or the man who took advantage me with seduction.
"Chris..." I was blissfully speechless.
"I stopped by Flo's bakery. Do you remember that sweet old lady? We had a cake tasting with her for Michael and Sarah's wedding."
I nodded. We acted like animals in front of her.
"She remembered us. I told her how great we were. You should have seen her face. She was happy for us and glad we worked everything out."
I couldn't believe it. How cute and adorable.
"Make a wish."
I held my breath. I couldn't be happier. For once my life felt complete. All I wanted was for it to last forever.
After I blew out the candles Chris handed me the gift bag. I pulled out a picture frame with us on the cover. It was from Sarah's wedding. Chris and I were staring into each others eyes, not with hatred but with admiration. It was after he saved me from Ben, at the reception.
"Sarah posted wedding photos online. I browsed through but stopped on everyone of you." I found his slight obsession with me a bit flattering. "This was my favorite of us."
"I love it." I also browsed through the pictures but I couldn't remember seeing this one.
I leaned over and claimed his sensuous lips. He was mine, even if it wasn't forever, although I hoped it was. At least he was mine right now.
I climbed on top of him, pulling him into the tightest bear hug.
"I couldn't have asked for a better gift." I whispered into his ear while massaging my fingers through his silky hair.
Chris rubbed my back forcing me to close my eyes in ecstasy and exhaustion. "So diamonds wouldn't have impressed you?"
"I don't really wear jewelry." I was dosing off. His warmth and magical hands were putting me to sleep.
I woke briskly with my head still on his shoulder and Chris calling my name.
"Laura did you fall asleep?" He chuckled.
I pulled back too quickly making my head spin. Thank God I didn't drool on him. "Sorry. I should probably go before I pass out."
I tried climbing off him but he only pressed my head back onto his shoulder. "You can barely keep your eyes open. You're sleeping here tonight."
I shook my head in protest but who was I kidding. He was right. I couldn't even drag myself out of his arms and I might be a tiny bit tipsy.
"Besides we have this entire house to ourselves. You can sleep in the guestroom." He had already carried me down the end of the hall.
"What's wrong with your room?" I don't think I've ever seen his room.
He gripped my ass tighter and jerked me up to whisper in my ear. "I'm trying to be a gentleman."
I sucked a small spot on his neck. "No. Don't be."
"On a scale of 1 to 10 how drunk are you?"
I finished the hickey and grinned. "Maybe a 5." Then I started nibbling his earlobe.
He put me down on a bed and I pouted a little. "Is this your room?"
"Yup." I heard him shuffle through draws before tugging on my shirt. "Lift your hands."
I was so lightheaded I complied. "Yes daddy."
He took off my tank top and helped me in another shirt that smelled like him.
I shook my head and peeled off my pants then my bra. His shirt came down to just above my knees. I crawled inside the covers until my head reached the fluffy pillows.
"Aren't you sleepy too?"
When he didn't answer I finally opened my eyes. He was tugging the hair on the back of his head and stalking me with erotic dark eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have taken my bra off. Opps.
"I'm wide awake now."
"Lay next to me." I cried like a child. I wanted to be close to him.
He hesitated, possibly wondering if it was a good idea.
"Please. It's my birthday." What I really wanted this year was him.
He lifted the covers to get in.
"Take your shirt off."
He smirked and obeyed my command before climbing in. The glorious view of his rippled abdomen drove my hormones into a frenzy. I threw my leg over him and grazed my lips over his bare chest, showering him in lascivious kisses.
"Laura," his breathy voice only encouraged me. I knew he was trying to be a good boy, probably for my sake.
But I didn't want him to behave.
He cupped my face, quickly jerking me up. The movement secured me more soundly on top of his erection. He groaned and I saw my old friend coming to life. The beastly Chris he was trying to tuck away was finally coming out to play.
"What are you doing? I thought you were tired."
I bit my lip. He couldn't be mad. "I was." Rolling my hips, I left his hard length pressed against my roused core. "Now I want to play."
"I really don't think THAT'S the game you want to play with me right now."
I tapped my chin. "Maybe you're right. I'll see if Ben wants to-"
Chris spun me around so I couldn't finish my sentence. I giggled and it added to Chris' raging disposition.
"You want Ben to what?" He threatened lowering himself to my chest and lifting my shirt.
Once I felt his hot mouth over my nipple I clinched his hair into my fist. He swirled his magical tongue bewitching my body into a surge of tingles. He bit into my flesh reviving a side of me I never let out. My body fell into a trance where I no longer controlled it. My back arched, craving more of his vexing yet lustful torture.
"You want Ben to what?" He repeated his lips moving up to the curve of my neck.
"I want you."
He froze, considering my concept. Why was he so hesitant?
I couldn't take the rejection any longer. I flipped us over since he was too occupied with his thoughts to stop me. I slammed him down the second he tried to resist.
I slowly rocked back and forth to deliberately drag out the unbearable sensation. I wanted to torture him the way he was torturing me. Instead of fighting me on it like I thought he would, one of Chris' hands gripped my hip and the other slid inside my panties to clench my ass cheek. He started to speed up the rhythm as frustrating pleasure surged through both our bodies.
His bulge got bigger and harder as I rode him. My insides got tender while his eyes got darker. He was hungry. We were both hungry for each other.
Why was he so quiet? Every sexual encounter we had, he had never been this quiet.
I took the hand he had on my hip and kissed his knuckles. "What are you thinking about? Don't you want this."
"Are you sure YOU want this?"
I didn't blame him for questioning my motives. I had in the past stopped him plenty of times from attempting to take my virginity.
I placed his hand under my shirt and over my boob. I didn't just want this anymore. I needed it.
"I'm not drunk if that's what you're worried about. I want you Chris." Why did I feel like the one stealing his virginity?
He pinched my nipple and I whimpered in delight. His other hand trailed into the front part of my panties to the most tender area. His questing fingers stroked my sensitive lips. Everything was becoming a blaze of fire and passion as the strong build up consumed us.
Chris pushed himself upward to kiss me at the same time the explosion shook us both. Our withering bodies fell back onto the bed. His heavy panting filled my ears.
"Happy Birthday Laura." He laughed breathlessly.
"Shhh." He pulled me into his chest. "You're tired. Go to sleep."
Why was I suddenly feeling guilty? Did he not want to sleep with me?
"Chris?" I buried my face so I couldn't see his expression. "Are you ok?"
He hugged me tighter. "Why would you ask that?"
"Because before you wouldn't hesitate this much to sleep with me."
He kissed my forehead. "It's because before I didn't love you. You wouldn't sleep with Ben because you wanted to wait till marriage. I don't know what you did with Will but it doesn't matter. I want you to be completely sure. I don't want you to have regrets. We don't have to rush into anything."
"So you want to wait till marriage?"
"If that's what you want."
He was only obeying my wishes. He was trying to save me from breaking my own personal belief.
"Will and I never had sex."
He exhaled. "That's good to know."
Thoughts, opinions?
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