12. It's Too Late
-Laura's POV-
I woke up alone in my own bed the next day and when I checked my phone I had 20 missed calls. The bridal party was supposed to sleep over Sarah's house last night. I was too mentally drained to put on a happy, brave face for a slumber party. Beside I was kind of mad at Dania. She had no right butting into my life like that. Ben and I broke up for a reason. She needed to trust my decision especially when she didn't know all the facts.
I threw on some sweats and headed downstairs as quickly as I could. It was 5 in the morning so I wasn't going to be late but I was sure Sarah was going to be a little disappointed about my absence. Surprisingly I found my mother already up and making coffee.
I guess those were the few perks about living with your parents. "Mom what are you doing up?"
She shrugged her shoulders and handed me a cup of coffee. "I just couldn't sleep." Man, did I know the feeling. "You slept well it seems. Dreaming about someone?"
I stopped adding sugar to my cup and stared into her brown eyes that were the replica of mine. "Drop it mother. Chris and I aren't going to happen."
I couldn't exactly tell her the truth. There was no earthly way she'd approve. Chris was sick but I was slowing starting to believe so was I.
"We're like to fully loaded cannons aimed at each other. We'll end up killing ourselves."
She took a sip of her coffee with words of wisdom waiting to be spilled from her lips. I knew the talk was coming.
"That's the best kind of love baby. The kind that you really have to fight for because you constantly think it will never work out. Eventually you realize it was always worth the fight."
I didn't need this right now. Today wasn't my day. "I got to go."
"I'll see you at the wedding."
Sarah didn't live far and if it wasn't for the fact that she had my dress I probably would have just met them at the church. Dania was the one to open the door. She looked pissed but I didn't even care. You would think it was her wedding. I walked right past her like she wasn't even there.
"Excuse you. Where have you been?"
I didn't answer and I could hear her footsteps close behind me.
"Laura I asked you a question. We were all worried about you yesterday. You didn't show up." Now she cared. I still didn't answer her.
"Laura Gale Brown," she used a deep motherly voice on me while pronouncing my full name.
Really? She was going to go there. "Just drop it Dania. I'm here now."
"No," she went in front of me to stop me from going into the other room. "What the heck happened to you? You disappeared right after-"
"You made me walk down with Ben," I finished for her.
"Yes," she huffed while crossing her arms over her chest. She was unbelievable.
"Dania I don't know what kind of plan you're forming in your head but you need to stop it."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
I threw my hands in the air. "Like hell you don't. Dania just stop. Me and Ben are done, finished. There is nothing left between us."
"I don't believe that. You guys were perfect for each other."
I could feel my pulse quicken and blood heat up. Should I tell her? I wanted to tell someone the truth but just then Demi walked in.
"You want to know why Dania? You want to know why I broke up with him and why it will never work out between us?" I paused and both Demi and Dania waited anxiously. "He cheated on me. The day of his birthday I found him making out with his ex-girlfriend."
"That A-Hole," Demi spat out with just as much hate as I had about the subject.
Dania had a hand over her mouth. "Laura I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"I know; it's fine. I didn't want anyone to know. Just do me a favor and stop trying to hook us back up. I can't Dania. I just can't." I couldn't trust a cheater.
She nodded regretfully. We spent the rest of the morning getting dressed for the big event. I was grateful when they didn't bring it up. I didn't want to talk about it. I needed to focus my mind and energy on my best friend.
Sarah looked incredibly beautiful in her full lace dress. She was glowing with excitement and I was beginning to envy her. Sarah had found the person she was going to love for the rest of her life. She didn't have to worry about stupid dating or if he was the one. She found it already and I wish I had too.
I started getting anxiety when we finally reached the church. I was never nervous by nature but for some reason the closer we got to the big moment the more butterflies I felt in my stomach.
"Laura do you have the groom's ring?" Dania double checked her list.
I forgot it. "No I don't."
"Can you find him or Chris and get it?"
"Of course." I should have done that a while ago. Where was my head?
I wondered if it would feel awkward to be around Chris. I was actually hoping his presence would calm my nerves. I passed the church entrance and noticed how ridiculously packed it was with people.
My anxiety went up a notch. I searched but couldn't find any of the groomsmen.
"Should I be jealous you're looking for someone?" His voice hummed inside my ears.
I turned. Chris was clad in a slick grey suit and purple ensemble. There was a shift in the atmosphere and my chest finally fell back down. I could breathe again. Everything suddenly felt like it was going to be okay.
His warm green eyes were scanning my face; probably waiting for me to combust. Yeah, I've been feeling like a ticking time bomb lately.
I took hold of his tie and began rearranging it for him; it was a little off.
"Did you tie this in the dark?"
I could feel him examining me, questioning my real motives for moving so close to him.
"Not exactly."
I stopped fiddling with his tie and raised my head to gaze into his beautiful green eyes. They seemed to always know how to stop time.
"I was looking for you."
His brow curled. "Were you now?"
He enjoyed that fact too much. I wouldn't dare admit that I was searching for him also to satisfy my own personal needs.
"Do you have Michael's ring?"
"Right." He dropped his gaze to my lips. Was that a hint of disappointment? "Yes."
He slipped the silver ring inside my hand but then took hold of it. He gently caressed my fingers. My instinct was telling me to draw back. Anyone could walk in and see us together.
"How did you sleep?"
I pursed my lips to keep last night's dream to myself. It was considerably inappropriate for church environment.
"Fine. You?" I bit my lip out of habit to stop the naughty thoughts from surfacing.
He raised his hand and ran his thumb over my lips. "Great. I was having flashback actually of me and you. We were on your bed. You had no clothes-"
I covered his mouth before he could spill anything else out. He was laughing but I was on the verge of...I don't even know what. Last night was not me. I was never that promiscuous.
"Shhhh. Not another word."
My warning meant nothing to him but he did remain silent as the bridal party fell into an assembly line. Chris took my arm and escorted me to front.
Soft, joyful music started to play in the background and the church doors opened. Everyone in the pillars stared but Chris was my rock. I held on tight and we glided down the aisle more gracefully then I ever could have imagined.
I watched my best friend marry the man of her dreams as she declared her love for him. She even made Michael cry. It was so beautiful. While he said his part I had this urge to glance at Chris. His eyes were fixed on me and I had a weird suspicion they were on me the whole time.
His stare was so intense and serious. I was surprised I didn't fold under the trance he had me under. We were locked on each other until the pastor declared our friends man and wife. They kissed and the church rose to celebrate their union. When Chris looped his arm over mine again to walk me down I felt shaky with emotion.
The guests rushed over to congratulate the bride and groom and that was how I lost him.
Chris' arm left my presence and when I turned to find him he was gone. A dreaded feeling washed over my body because I didn't want to be alone.
We went down to the reception area to delight in the delicious food. The bridesmaids sat at their own tables on the opposite side of the groomsmen.
I saw Chris in the center of a crowd making his way around the giant room. He was playing the part of a perfect host. I guess I was too much of a wreck to be social besides Dania seemed to be in charge. Let's be real, I was not a very good maid of honor.
The noise was pounding against my head. This was the worst moment to get a headache. I got up suddenly feeling claustrophobic too and maneuvered around people to get to the exit. The open night air was exactly what I needed to heal my mental chaos.
"You look beautiful," his deep luscious voice startled me.
I knew he'd find me. Ben wasn't the kind to just drop a subject.
"I try." I wanted to dive into a dark pit when I heard him move closer to me. What did he want?
"Laura," he caressed my name like it was gold and precious. He had a habit of doing that when we were together. He made me feel so loved and I think that was why it hurt so much.
"What?" The sooner I knew what he wanted the sooner I'd get rid of him.
"I'm sorry."
Those were the words I longed to hear from him but they just didn't make a difference anymore. When we broke up he cussed me out and told me I was making a mistake. He was so pissed and never once did he think he was the problem. He had no guilty conscience and that was the deal breaker for me. He never admitted to his faults. How could I trust him?
"It's too late."
He blocked my way and forced me to look into his haunting baby blue eyes. I used to melt at the sight of them but that was a long time ago.
"What do you mean?" He couldn't grasp the concept. He was in denial if he thought sorry was all I needed from him.
"You had a year to say you were sorry Ben."
He shook his head like he was shamed. "I know Laura. I know. I was so stupid and just angry. I'm so sorry."
I was sure guilt was the driving force of his emotions. Ben rarely apologized. He was only sorry because he got caught.
"Ben stop, please." I just didn't want to hear it.
I was over it. It was a part of my past. I didn't like thinking about it or talking about it. It only made me angrier.
"No, Laura listen to me." He was pretty much cornering me.
I knew I had to just suffer through it. If he didn't get it off his chest now, then I would never get rid of him. He was wearing a look of desperation on his gorgeous face. His plump lips were parted and his eyes were sucking me into another vortex.
"I've missed you. I've missed you so much."
His silky pleading voice was torturously killing me. My insides were in knots since a small part of me wanted to believe him.
"I kept replaying the moments of us in my head and I'd try and find what went wrong with us. I just couldn't find it." His hand gently grazed my cheek and I had to bite my tongue. "I was so stupid. I never meant to hurt you. There were so many times when I wanted to just come back and pull you into my arms."
Why didn't he? He was a coward and a deceitful jerk. Maybe if he would have confessed everything to me in the beginning I might have forgiven him.
"I want you back Laura. I want us to start over. I will never hurt you again."
I shut my eyes. This can't be happening. He wasn't going to hurt me because I wasn't going to let him hurt me. "Ben, stop. It's too late."
"No, no it's not." He caged my face within his hands in an attempt to get my attention. I had never seen him so open and vulnerable before. "You know me Laura. Once I make a mistake I never do it again. That was the worst mistake ever. I promise you; I swear to you; it will never happen again."
My walls were gradually falling down. Ben used to be everything to me. I was getting caught up in our old feelings and emotions. At one point in my life I thought I even loved him. How was I just going to throw that away?
He pressed his forehead against mine and I could smell his cool mint breath on the tip of my tongue.
"I want you," he whispered kissing my cheek. Tingles were placed on my skin before his lips left me to do the same on my other cheek.
I was trembling. I wasn't sure if it was from the helplessness I felt or the feel of having him so close to me after all this time.
"I need you," he breathed.
"Ben," my plea did nothing to stop his actions.
Could I bring myself to forgive him? Could we truly start over without repeating the past? Could I ever trust him again?
"Ben stop," I pulled away but he quickly wrapped his hands around my waist.
"Laura you want this just as much as I do. You can't tell me you haven't missed me."
I was locked in place by his strong grip. I couldn't move. "I did miss you...for the longest time but I got over that."
"I made a mistake. Nothing really happened. I made Ashley-"
"What do you mean by nothing REALLY happened?" It was such an obvious word. "I couldn't bring myself to stay and watch you with her. What time did she leave? Was that kiss the only thing that happened?"
His morbid silence was enough for me to rip myself from his grasp.
"Tell me! I deserve to know!" I tried not to shout by my emotions were clouding any form of control.
"No." His voice was now hollow.
Just like my heart. Sex was such a touchy subject for me. He promised we would wait. I didn't want to have sex before marriage. Ben would always assure me he was okay with the idea and that there was more than sex between us.
But like a disgusting man he lied. The physical attraction was there and it drove us mad sometimes but I couldn't give up my virtue. I guess he was tired of waiting. I wasn't worth it to him.
This was the end for me.
"We're done you asshole." There was no way I could forgive him now.
Ben wasn't one to give up. He shook his head while scrunching the satin fabric of my dress in his hands. "Laura please."
I pressed my palms to his chest and tried pushing away from him. "Get off me."
"No," his helpless voice echoed into the night.
"Ben let her go," Chris' deep voice brought relief to my soul because I was just about to sucker punch his cousin in the throat.
Ben turned his head to the direction of where Chris was standing. Chris's jaw contracted and his hands were balled up in fists.
"This is none of your business Chris." Ben tossed Chris' presence to the side.
Chris started to take steps towards us. "Laura are you okay?"
Ben clinched his jaw to restrain his frustration and answered for me. "She's fine."
"I was talking to her. I want to hear it from her lips." His daunting eyes were glued to me.
I shuffled out of Ben's arms and put plenty of distance between us. "I'm good now."
"See she's just fine. There's no need for you to become a hero." Ben was angry and suddenly I wanted to laugh.
"I was actually coming to get Laura." Chris didn't bother to cover up his irritation. "Sarah was looking for her."
There was no need to tell me twice. I grabbed a fist full of my ridiculous dress and practically ran for the exit. I spotted Sarah in a circle of bridesmaids.
"Do you need anything?"
I was hoping it was something small because I wanted to get out of the crowd again. I had a massive headache developing and needed to pop some pills.
"We're going to take a few pictures. Where's Chris?"
Before I could answer I felt a hand on the small of my back and his voice besides my ear. "I'm here."
Immediately the photographer began snapping pictures as the rest of the bridal party tried finding their partners. Mine had found me. Chris concealed any source of emotion from his face but his hand squeezed my waist. I welcomed his comfort because for the slighted second it dulled my throbbing headache.
Once the camera was laid down I bolted for the door. I couldn't remember if I had any medicine in my purse. I bumped into my aunt and called her my savior when she spared me some Advil.
I found myself outside again but deep down a hidden path in the field that only few knew about. I was in front of a wide open clearing that had the most fantastic view of the stars. Suddenly I felt a warm coat being placed over my shoulders. I relaxed once the familiar cologne hit my nostrils.
"Are you alright?"
He had asked me that twice in one day. Who would have guessed that was possible?
"Careful, I might mistake your concern for compassion? We both know you don't have a shred of sympathy for me." He said so himself once.
"I do now."
I started to peel of his coat. "I don't need your pity."
Chris stopped me from sliding the coat off and instead pulled it over me again.
"Would you just let me apologize?"
My stubbornness had gotten him angry. "I'm the one that needs to thank you."
We were in a dark grassy field with hundreds of fireflies surrounding us. It was like a romantic movie scene where we were under the light of millions of stars.
"Ben wants to get back together."
Chris circled around me like he couldn't stand still. "How do you feel about that?"
"I loved him once. Sometimes I wish I could forgive him. But this isn't a fairytale and things can't go back to what they were."
"Why not?" He just wanted to hear me say it.
"You know why?"
"If he makes you happy-"
"Since when did I have need your permission, or even blessing for that matter?"
Wow. I couldn't believe how stupid he was. I tried stomping back to the church but Chris grabbed my arm from behind.
"That's not what I meant."
"What exactly did you mean then?" I had a feeling I already knew exactly what. "You think I should go back to him even after everything we've done? Do I really not mean anything to you?"
His gaze was lost to me which only added to my fire.
"You can honestly stand there and say you haven't developed any sort of feelings for me." He remained silent. "You're just as bad as him."
He didn't even bother to stop me.
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