8. Until We Meet Again
So it took so long to upload. I'll get the next chapter up as soon as possible.
Laura's POV
I didn't know what to do or what to think. What did I want to do? I don't know. Aaron was a great, kind, incredible guy and for some strange reason he wanted to be with me; even after everything I've been through with Ben. My past was messed up and to be honest no one really knows what happened between Ben and I except for us.
It was a subject I didn't like to talk about.
Thinking back though I should have seen the signs. Aaron had given me so many I was just so caught up in my own little world that I didn't see it. I didn't want to hurt him and I really didn't want to hurt myself but was it worth the resist. Was this really what I wanted?
Chris kept flashing through my thoughts. I didn't understand him. He was too much to take in all at once. Why me? Why did he have to choose me to let out all his frustration on? I knew it wasn't just his hatred for me; there was something more, much much more. He was hurting inside.
I could feel it in the way he kissed or touched me. I know I could have stopped him every time. He wasn't the type of guy to actually physically hurt a girl so I knew he would have stopped if I pushed him away. But I didn't.
I guess some stupid part of me wanted him to kiss me; to come to me with his problems. In a way I wanted to help him and a part of me thought that maybe I could, in the end, help him conquer whatever demons he had.
I am such a stupid girl. Chris would never change, at least not because of me. I was foolish to even think it.
I needed to straighten it all out. I needed to get my head together and figure out what I wanted. And I was going to start by going out with Aaron like I promised.
Aaron drove up my driveway and I quickly went for the passenger door. I didn't want to waste time. He had a huge smile on his face once I got in.
"Hi," I smiled back.
"Hi, you look beautiful."
He was seriously too sweet. I was wearing my usual casual wear of black leather jacket over an old baseball t-shirt and demin jeans. Nothing too beautiful about it.
"Thanks. So do you." He looked yummy indeed with his tight v-neck shirt and ripped jeans.
"Thanks," he backed out and we were now on the main road.
"Where are we going? And don't say it's a surprise because I hate them."
He shook his head and chuckled at me. "We going to have fun so don't worry your pretty little head about the location."
"Fine," I pouted looking out the window. Eventually we pulled up in front of an old ice skating rink that I haven't been to since I was ten.
"We're going ice skating?"
He took my hand in his warm one and dragged me to the door. "Don't be so negative. You know you're going to have a blast."
Yeah, making fun of everyone who fall on their butt; including me. "Okay but if I fall I'm taking you down with me."
He smirked and paid for our skates. "I'll be right there to pick you back up."
He just said every girls' knight and shining armor line. Why haven't I noticed how cute and adorable he is?
I slipped on the skates as easily as I could and made my way towards the ice before him. There weren't that many people occupying the ice like I thought they would be. But to be frank I liked it this way. It was like we had the whole place to ourselves.
"Didn't you play hockey in high school?" We didn't go to the same school but I remember everyone talking about how good of a player he was.
Aaron gave me a devilish grin while nodding his head and getting up. "Yes I was."
He was walking/skating my way a bit slowly and with caution like he was a predator stalking towards his prey. Oh no. He was like a professional skater; I stood no hope against him.
I raised my hands in his direction. "Now Aaron lets behave like adults."
"But we're not going to be adults today. Today we are forgetting everything and leaving it all behind us." He was now skating faster towards me.
I was doing the best I could going in reverse but I knew it was only a matter of time til I loose my balance. I bumped into a wall and felt some frost and decided to make a mini snowball.
"Well then I guess the only thing keeping us apart is this space." I wonder how long that's going to last. "Wonder if your mighty hockey skills are still good."
I turned and started to skate as fast as I could but of course it wasn't fast enough; exactly how I predicted. His arms went around my waist and he lifted me off the ice with what felt like no effort at all. I was laughing so hard that I didn't even sense his lips next to my ear.
"Running away can never solve your problems."
His deep voice was soothing and warm. I twisted a little so I could face him. "What about a little manipulation?" I ran one of my hands up to his neck seductively before smashing the snowball in his face.
That completely caught him off guard and his arms left me, giving me plenty of time to escape.
"You're going to pay for that pumpkin."
My stomach was hurting so bad from laughing. "Whatever you say cupcake."
We spent the next hour or two playing and fighting back and forth. It was incredibly fun and entertaining. I was so glad I decided to come. It was a good way to forget life and escape all the things nagging at my brain.
When we had finally had our share of fun Aaron led me to the front entrance where he started pulling off my skates. My feet were sore and tired but I bet he was used to all the pain, thanks to high school hockey.
I took my sneakers from him and put them on myself so he would have time to take off his own skates. The place was literally empty at this point. No one was around not even the guy working. At least I couldn't see him.
"So did you have a good time?"
I glanced up and my heart almost melted at the sight of his wondering hazel eyes.
"Yes, the best. Thank you so much for taking me."
He scooted a bit closer to me. "We'll have to come here more often."
I nodded my head because words were not functioning in my mouth due to his closeness. My heart began to drum faster when I noticed him leaning in closer.
Could I do this? Would me and Aaron work out? Could I really be with him? Did I want to be with him?
My brain was going crazy with unanswered questions. And in the end the image of Chris popped into my head. I couldn't do or be with Aaron til I settled whatever I needed with Chris.
"Aaron I can't. We can't."
He stopped all advances towards me and a small frown formed on his face.
"Things are a little complicated in my life now. I just can't do this without getting things straight. I don't want to hurt you or myself. I'm sorry."
Aaron shook his head and smiled. "No don't be. I understand how things can be complicated."
He had no idea.
"I'll give you time Laura. When you finally decide what you want then you know where to find me."
I nodded and went in to kiss his cheek. "You're a good guy Aaron."
"Yeah and sometimes I hate it."
He drove me home and the ride was anything but awkward. It was always a natural flow with him around so there was plenty to talk about. When we pulled in I wasn't surprised to see Demi's car in the driveway. I thanked Aaron once again and went inside.
Demi was plastered on my bed reading one of my books like she had been waiting forever. She dropped the book down immediantly after she heard me walk in.
"So how did it go?"
I slumped onto the other side of my bed she wasn't occupying. "It was nice; really, really nice."
"And," she asked bouncing excitingly around me. "Are you guys going on another date?"
Demi was the only person I told about our little date. I figured if she already knew about Chris then why not tell her about Aaron too. I needed all the help and advice I could get.
"I don't know."
She gently shoved my shoulder. "What do you mean you don't know?"
"Demi I can't. I can't just start going out with him when I have this crazy messed up relationship with Chris." This sucked.
"Ooooo," she calmed herself. "I see."
"I need to talk to Chris and tell him whatever we have or have been doing needs to stop. I can't be with any other guy when I still have him down my back."
"More like down your throat," Demi quietly commented.
I took the pillow and chucked it at her face. "Hey."
She easily pushed it away. "What? Its true and I totally agree. You need to straighten the jerkface out and tell him it needs to stop. You can't move on otherwise."
I shook my head. I agree 100%.
"Well you'll have the perfect oppertunity to talk to him tonight." It was Chris' last day so everyone was getting together at Michael's house. I wasn't really planning on going but I guess I had to now. Chris may be leaving tomorrow but he will be back in a month for the wedding.
Chris' POV
It seemed like everyone was over Michael's place tonight. The house was packed and people were everywhere having a good time. I was kinda glad my stay here was coming to an end. This whole trip had turned upside down from the moment Laura came along. I wasn't exactly sure what was happening between us so I was thankful for the small break I'll get once I'm out of this state and back home. I needed to clear my head and get my priorities straight.
"I'm going to be honest man; I'm going to miss you." Michael said while patting my back.
In truth, I was going to miss him too. "Hey bro I'll miss you too."
"Then why don't you move back? Why live so far away?"
I shook my head. "Cause there's nothing for me here."
"You're wrong Chris. You got your whole family here."
He was right in some way but still I couldn't bring myself to come back here. "Yeah."
I had to get myself out of this conversation. I hated when people tried to persuade me to do things. It never worked. I'm a pretty stubborn person so no amount of convincing would really work on me.
"Hey Chris wanna play some wii?" Tommy asked making his way towards me.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Why not?"
Dania was already deeply into her game of tennis. She was actually really good. I ended up going against her and lost. I'm not much of a tennis person so sitting out the next game felt like a good idea.
I spotted Demi standing next to the table piled with drinks and called her name. She looked a little confused scanning the people around her. I raised my hand and she narrowed in on me.
"Hey, can you get me a drink?"
Typically I'd get my own drink but I was sitting down and the table was literally two feet away. She wouldn't have to do much walking.
Demi raised her eyebrows. "Why? Did your legs stop working or something?"
I was used to her smart playful remarks but for some reason the way she said it made me question if she really was playing around with me.
"No; its just that you're closer."
She gave me a sickly sweet smile before grabbing a drink off the table and heading towards me. As soon as she got in reaching distance she somehow tripped and ended up spilling the cold wet liquid all over me. I got up instantly and gave her a 'you got to be kidding me' face. Looking into her brown eyes I knew there was something deceiving about them.
I could swear she spilt that soda on me purposely.
"Oh gosh Chris I'm so sorry," her innocent voice sounded too sweet to believe.
I grabbed the nearby towel and started wiping some of it off. "Its fine."
Demi smiled again and walked away without saying another word. What was her problem? Whatever it was I didn't really care. I just needed to get out of this shirt so I made my way upstairs towards Michael's room. He could spare a shirt.
Everything in his room was clear and organized. He was such a neat freak, it made me laugh. I went to the closet in search of a shirt but stopped once I heard the door shut behind me. Someone was in the room with me.
"We need to talk." Her voice was hard and demanding. I'm guessing she was in a good mood, not.
"Aww but things are so much better when we're not." I wonder if she caught my drift.
She prefered to ignore it if she did. "I'm serious."
"You sound serious." I knew mocking her would only set the mood.
"Chris," again her raging voice echoed across the room.
I sighed and decided to give in but not before pulling off my shirt. It was sticky and already clinging to my body.
I turned to find her openly gawking at my chest. My lips curved up into a satisfied smirk. She shook her head slighting and glared at me.
"Put on a shirt," she demanded.
What was with the attitude? "Well I was looking for one when you rudely interrupted me. Now Laura you have my attention, so talk and stop wasting my time."
I could tell that last comment nerved her. I crosssed my arms over my chest to give her some relief from the sight of me that was distracting her.
"This needs to end."
I decided to have so fun with it. "What is 'this' we are speaking of?"
She raised her hands and waved them betweens us. "US! You and me and this stupid thing we got going on between us. It needs to stop."
I took a step closer to her and she raised her head higher like she was trying to hold herself together. "Why?"
I had a feeling I knew why. My gut was telling me she couldn't get the thought of me out of her head whenever she was with another guy. I know for a fact Aaron had probably already made a move on her and so all of a sudden her conscious won't let her betray him with thoughts of me.
"Because it's wrong. I...I don't want to do this anymore. It's leading to nothing."
Did she honestly think it would lead to something?
"Is it because of Aaron?"
Her jaw tightened and I knew that was the reason. "No. What you're doing is wrong. You can't just corner me whenever you want and use me like I'm a worthless rag."
I advanced closer and to my surprise she didn't step back. I was getting pretty angry at this point. "Don't try to put all the blame on me. It's not like you were pushing me away. You wanted it and invited me in."
There was no way I was letting her off the hook. She could have easily pushed me away or told me to stop but she didn't. She craved our twisted little moments of passion just as much as I did.
Laura's eyes were sad and stricken with truth because she knew I was right.
"You used me," she accused threw her clinched teeth.
I laughed and raised my hand to her long soft curls; playing with it between my fingers. "Are you crying 'wolf' now? I think its a little too late for that, cupcake."
She pushed my hand back and shoved me in the chest. It wasn't hard enough to actually make me move but she was pretty strong for a girl her size.
"You're sick and pathetic. I don't know what happened to you to make you so cold but I'm glad your dad isn't here to see it. He'd be sadly disappointed in the person you've become."
That cut deep and clawed at my core building up a fire to burn with my anger. She had no right to talk about my father or even mention him. And I think that's why she said it. By the hurt and determined look in her eyes she knew it would anger me to no end.
"You're crossing a line Laura."
She laughed menacingly. "And you already have."
I hurt her and this was her way of hurting me back.
"You're a disgusting excuse for a man."
That hit my boiling point. I grabbed her small fragile neck with one hand and pushed her back with the other till she hit the wall. Her normally warm brown eyes were iced over with pain and cold intent and I'm sure mine reflected the same image.
"If I'm so disgusting," I whispered trailing my lips up and down the soft skin of her jaw. "Then why not stop me? Why not push me away Laura? Huh?"
I gave her a moment to reply but when she didn't answer I closed the gap between our lips. She was warm and her mouth molded to mine. I felt her hands crawl up my shirtless back and then with no gentleness she dug her nails into my skin.
Her nails trailed down my back with painful pursues and a low growl escaped my lips as chills ran down my body. Our lips parted and she pulled away to look up at me.
"Because a part of me thought that maybe I could help you with whatever demons you were trying to fight. I thought...that it was a way to help you."
Demons. She was the only one that noticed it. I put on a mask for my family and acted like nothing was wrong with me but I feel it deep within. I'm lost in the painful memories and they drag me down to a large pit of darkness.
I took a fist full of her hair and yanked her forward. I took advantage of her lips again. She didn't try pulling away even though I knew the rough way I was handling her was going to leave both of us with sore lips.
"I don't need to saved." I didn't want to be saved.
Her soft pantings filled my ears and her sweet breath was brushing against my face. Her eyes darked and she pushed past me. I knew she was mad, beyond mad really.
"Soon you'll shut the whole world away," her voice was low and I almost didn't hear it.
"But I'll still survive."
She shook her head and shut her eyes for a moment. "I hate you."
I smiled more for myself than anything else. "Not as much as I hate you."
Laura turned and headed for the door but stopped just before walking out. "You're getting what you want. I'll stay away from Aaron. I'll stay away from everyone in your family especially you."
She went down the hall with nothing more to say. I guess I got what I asked for.
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