3. Heating Rage
Okay this chapter is a little different. I want your honest opinions. Please and thank.
Dania had only been in my car for five minutes and already she was going through my stack of cds trying to find something to listen to. All of my music was good but for some reason she wasn’t in the mood for techno tonight.
“So what did you get Clark for his birthday?” I asked her to distract her from rummaging through anymore of my stuff.
“I found this superman tie and I knew I had to get if for him.”
We had this inside joke were we called Clark Superman/Clark Kent. When he dresses up in a suit and wears his thick glass he could totally pass as the super hero.
“What did you get him?” Dania stopped scattering my things and began fiddling with her phone.
“I saw this cute girl at Target and I got her number for him.”
Dania torn her eyes away from her phone and stared at me. “Really?”
I laughed. “No, but you know he’d love me forever if I did.”
Clark loved to hit on girls and bother them till he got their numbers. He didn’t have to try too hard because his devilishly handsome smile would do the trick every time.
We rounded the corner to his house and saw the whole street crowded with cars. It seemed like no one wanted to miss out on a Compton celebration. I parked and got out making our way to the front porch of his house where a few of his cousins were standing.
I was pretty good friends with all his girl cousins because they were honestly really easy to get along with. We hugged and entered the packed house. It was decorated with random blue streamers and balloons. There were so many familiar faces that greeted me with either warm hugs or smiles. I maneuvered my way through the crowd and went to the kitchen. The tables were filled with colorful foods and drinks; there was enough to feed the whole town. Yup, the Comptons sure knew how to throw a party.
I poured myself a glass of red punch and turned to scan the room. My eyes caught a tall dark figure toward the back who was conspicuously talking to a group. His black hair was a little more messy than usual but it only added to his undeniably intoxicating bad boy allure. His muscular tan arms glowed in comparison to his horizon blue V-neck shirt.
My stomach quenched when his green eyes suddenly found mine. I quickly turned with a curse. Why did he have to be here? Wait, cause Chris was Clark’s cousin, I told myself like I was a retard. I knew that there was definitely going to be some disaster going on around here.
“Laura! You came,” I heard an enthusiastic Clark say from behind me.
“Of course I did.” I turned and gave him a tight hug. “Happy Birthday Superman.”
He smirked that signature Compton grin that no girl could refuse. “Thanks.”
We pulled away. “So food and drinks are in the kitchen; help yourself.”
I raised my cup. “I already did.”
“Good. Now don’t leave so soon. We have a few games happening in a couple minutes.”
I nodded my head and he left to greet other people. I guess everyone else was here a bit early but I was like what; one hour late. Who comes early to a party now a days?
I spotted the table filled with wrapped presents and decided to put my gift there too before I forget. Sarah stopped me once she saw me walk past her.
“Laura!” She flung her tiny arms around my neck. “Thank you so much again for helping me out the other day.”
I wrapped my arms around her too and tugged her tighter. “It’s all good Sarah. I’m glad I could help.”
She dropped her arms and gave a loving smile. “You’re the best, you know that?”
“I’m the MOH. I have to be the best.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Hey I’ll see you around. I got to get rid of this.” I held up the envelope that contained Clark’s gift.
She nodded in agreement. “Okay.”
I began shoving through people again and after a hard struggle got to the table. Man, there were so many boxes of all shapes and sizes. I never had that many gifts on my birthday. I placed the envelope on the empty corner of the table. I was sure he would find it eventually.
Right when I was about to make my way to Dania I heard my name being called by a deep manly voice. I twisted on my heels and found Tommy looking my way. He was also a Compton with the same handsome genes as the rest.
His playful blues eyes were sparkling with mischief. He was always the troublemaker of the bunch and sometimes he would drag me into his little endeavors. Tommy raised his finger at me and motioned for me to go to them. He was talking to Chris and Aaron.
I gulped and seriously thought about pretending I didn’t hear him. I really didn’t want to face Chris anytime soon especially after our little cake tasting adventure. I was still completely pissed at him, at least more than usual.
“Laura,” he said again a little louder so it was heard over the music.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Damn, I swallowed my indifference and made my way towards them. Aaron’s welcoming smile did make me feel better about approaching the douchebag. Chris gave me the once over before tilting his head and taking a sip from his cup.
Tommy’s smile grew wide by the time I stood in front of him. “Hey Laura, how are you doing?”
I drifted my gaze up towards Chris’ towering body. He was barely acknowledging my presence. “I’ve been in better company.”
I watched Chris’ eyes drop down to me. I smirked before looking at Tommy and Aaron. “How are you fellas doing?”
“We’re a little troubled,” Tommy said in a velvet voice that he only used when he wanted to seduce someone.
I raised my brow. “Oh really, and why’s that?”
“You see,” he took a step closer and patted his hand on Aaron’s back. “Aaron here has a bit of a girl issue.”
I covered my mouth to suppress a chuckle. “Is that so?”
Tommy nodded. “And we kinda need a woman’s advice.”
“And that is where I come in,” I glanced up at Aaron who was revealing nothing on his face. Was he embarrassed? This was too cute. I think he was.
“Exactly. You see Aaron has a crush on this girl but he doesn’t know what to do about it because he doesn’t know if she feels the same way.”
I wrapped my long hair in between my fingers. “And he doesn’t want to make an ass of himself if she doesn’t like him.”
Aaron eyes’ finally focused on my words and he nodded.
“Do I know this girl?” I was curious not doubt to know which lucky girl caught the eye of Aaron Compton.
“Oh that’s really not important.” Tommy spoke up trying to get me to drop that subject. I guess he didn’t want me know.
“Well Aaron you’re handsome, smart, funny, and a complete gentleman. This girl would be insane not to like you back. Just tell her how you feel.” That was the best advice I could give him.
“This woman is also older than him.”
Wow. That caught me off guard. But hey I would go cougar for him. “I still think you should tell her.”
Aaron’s soft eyes were searching mine as if he thought I’d take back my advice.
“Aaron,” Chris finally spoke up and I groaned. It was better when I forgot he was even here. “This girl is a complete waste of time. And to be honest, you could do way better.”
I frowned while I turned to scowl Chris. Now I really wanted to know who this girl was. “He can’t just drop it without trying.”
Chris narrowed his eyes at me, probably trying to intimidate me. I was way past cowarding down from his crazed harsh stare by now. “Yes he can.”
“If they are happy together, why is it any of your business? Age is just a number and besides Aaron is a big boy he can make is own discussion without you crushing them down before they have a chance.”
Chris cold stare didn’t leave me cause I could still feel it when I turned to Aaron. “Do whatever you think is worth doing?” With that I took a step back and faded into the crowd to put as much distance between me and Chris as possible.
The party was pretty fun once the games began. Everyone got involved and I tried my hardest not to notice Chris every time he somehow found his way in front of me. We didn’t look at each other, not even when we played twister.
When the sun was finally gone and every one huddled inside the living room that is when the best game was played. Clark was sitting in the middle of the room while everyone else was standing around him in a circle.
“Alright, so the point of the game is to tell one secret you know about the birthday boy and then describe one person in this room so that we can guess who they are. When that person is discovered they are next in playing the game and telling everyone a new secret about the birthday boy,” Tommy explained looking through the crowd.
“Everyone understand?”
I had only played this game once or twice and I have to admit it was pretty fun. Everyone nodded their heads and Tommy began.
“Clark likes to sleep with a night light on.”
I could hear a few giggles and Clark’s face flashed a slight pink. “I’m sure I’m not the only one,” he tried to defend himself.
“No but you’re the only guy,” Dania shouted and I laughed as did everyone else.
“Okay, okay,” Tommy had to hush the crowd. “Now I am six feet tall, I wear jeans when I sleep, and my dad owns a bakery.”
He was describing someone in the room and the only person whose parents owned a bakery was Evan. Evan rolled his eyes and continued the game which lasted a pretty decent time. It was incredible how many secrets about Clark people could come up with.
“When Clark was seven he stole his sister’s skirt and wore it around the house,” Chris said making sure everyone heard him.
Clark’s jaw dropped and I’m sure he wanted to die from embarrassment his family was putting him through.
Chris continued before Clark could say anything. “I am an annoying brown noser,” he started as his eyes landed on the person next to me, “who likes to use sarcasm to make fun of people because it makes me feel better about myself.”
My throat went dry. He wouldn’t? His eyes shot to me and I knew he wasn’t finished. “And my last name is Brown.”
Everyone in the room jerked their heads in my direction. I was the only one with that last name. I wish my eyes had laser powers because my death stare was doing no harm to Chris. That ass seriously just went there. I honestly didn’t think he would go so low. Man was I wrong; well two can play that game.
“Clark’s favorite movie is ‘The Vow’,” I declared and surprisingly Clark didn’t try to comment. He was still probably a little shocked over what Chris just said about me.
“I am an arrogant piece of ass that talks to no one outside my circle because everyone else isn’t intelligent enough to get on my level. My nose is so high up that I don’t realize I am stepping over people, Oh wait I’m too heartless to care.” I emphasized each word as I stared into his haunting evergreen eyes.
“I am none other than the unmistakable Chris freakin Compton.”
The tension in the room was growing with each second. Chris took a step closer in my direction. I stood my ground and tried to control my rage.
“Clark sniffs his armpits before he walks out of the bathroom.”
All eyes were on us. Everyone was waiting for Chris’ next words, no one daring to stop the insults. “I am a two faced manipulative little girl that finds pleasure in others humiliation. The only reason people talk to me is because they feel sorry for me. I am nothing but a pathetic excuse for a being.”
That stung more than I thought it would. Why did his words have to cut so deep? I promised myself that I wouldn’t let him have that kind of power over me but here I am. His dark eyes were filled with hate and to be honest I didn’t even know why.
I dropped my gaze to ground underneath Chris’ feet. “Clark asked me to do his nails once.” I paused a moment and noticed everyone’s still expressions. No one knew what to say or do. I turned to Michael and he had a weary look on his face.
“I am about to marry the woman of my dreams.” I’m sure Michael caught that one.
I spun on my heels before anything else could come crashing down on me. No one said anything as I dodged my way through the clustered bodies. I held in that one tear that wanted to escape as I slammed open the back door. It was entirely dark outside but the glowing moon made it easier for me to see.
I needed air; I needed space. My hands began to shake as the events played over in my mind. This was unbelievable. I hated him. I hated him so much.
Gaw, I ran my hands through my hair roughly. Why was this happening to me? Why did I care? What he said was definitely not true and I knew it.
But then why did it hurt so much. No, no, no push it to the back of your head Laura. Let it go. He is rude and selfish and insensitive. Everything he said about me was honestly describing himself.
I stormed off a little further till I reached the edge of the small lake. It was quiet and calm; exactly what I needed at the moment. The still water was glistening from the moon and the light breezes felt like heaven against my face even though it was a lot colder out here than I remembered.
I needed to gather my nerves. This was not how I planned on spending my night. I took deep, long breaths but the fire of anger was still rumbling inside me.
I wanted to go back there and claw his face for being so nasty. Why did he hate me so much? Did he think of everyone that way or was it just me?
Oh God why do I care? In the end he’s still a jerk and I don’t think any amount of therapy would change that.
I was so engrossed with my private conversation and watching the small waves moving back and forth that I hadn’t heard anyone approach me from behind.
“You’ll catch a cold out here,” his low voice sent new shrills of fury throughout my body.
I clenched my fists together to keep from attacking him. “Don’t act like you care.”
“I don’t.”
Oh God give me patience, give me patience. Why the heck was he out here? I came to get away from him and now he won’t leave me alone. Damn him. Damn Chris freakin Compton.
“What are you doing here Chris?” I asked through clinched teeth.
All I heard was the sound of crickets and nothing from his mouth. What? Nothing to say now.
“What the hell is your problem?” I shouted but didn’t bother to turn and face him cause I knew that would only provoke me.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” his smooth voice was slicing through my soul like a razor of irritating poison.
“You’re such a vile snake. All you know how to do is deceive people with your flawless exterior but all you have inside is a rotten, hateful soul.”
His chilling laugh made the hairs on my back stand. “Is that how you see me?”
“Yes. Was that image not descriptive enough? Cause I can easily add on to it.” A breeze hit me like sharp ice. Damn it was cold out here. I wanted to go back inside but I knew I would have to walk past that thing and at this moment it was not an option.
“You’re the one to judge.” He spat back. “All you do is put on a mask and focus your sarcastic intendances on people you think are too weak to do anything about it.”
I was fuming at this point and I knew I had to turn around and face that jackass head on. My eyes left the lake as I pivoted my body around.
I was taken aback when he was standing directly in front of me, no more than three inches separating us. I had no idea he was this close. My breathing kicked up a notch and the warmth radiating off his body was giving me a tiny whiplash.
His head was bent down towards me and I could tell he was just as thrown off as I was by our closeness. His brows creased like he was thinking really hard about something.
My feet were stuck; I couldn’t move, heck I could barely breathe. Those green alluring orbs were effortlessly pulling me in.
His lost and confused expression lasted only a few seconds. Just as I was about to take a step back Chris crushed his lips against mine. I froze. What the hell?
One of his hands somehow found it’s around the back of my neck and forced me to lean closer. His harsh demanding lips were devouring mine with no shame or care. This kiss was dark, rough, and above all heated with rage and ignited by hate.
My lips began to move on their own will, pressing against his commanding flow. The fire I felt building up between us felt good after spending so much time out in the cold. I wanted more. I traced my right hand up his button up shirt and pressed my palm against his chiseled chest immediately feeling the heat underneath it. I’ve never felt such a rock hard chest in my life.
I felt Chris’ other hand run across my thigh to my hip where he slightly lifted the hem of my shirt and trailed his fingertips against my skin. His touch was hot and I felt like I was burning.
He completely threw me off guard when he forced me to take a few steps back where my back hit a large tree. He was in no way gentle with the impact and I knew my back would most likely be hurting the next morning.
Chris never pulled away and once he heard my painful groan he bit down on my bottom lip. He bit so hard I even started to taste blood. I refused to let him take control. My hands swiftly wrapped around his neck and I curled his hair between my fingers. I was soon forgetting how cold I was since I now had Chris’ entire chest pressed hard against my own, there was definitely no space separating us.
His crude soft lips smoldered mine and there was no way he was going to let me pull away to even breathe. I felt his short nails dig into my hip and I whimpered giving him a slight advance to bite my bottom lip again.
I clinched his hair and tugged it hard before taking my own advantage and biting his top lip. He instantly opened and our tongues collided. Chris took over giving me no room to even try and conquer over him.
Everything in my body was telling me to pull away but for some reason I couldn’t.
I could still feel the venom and fury he had emanating off his body with each vicious caress he gave me. It felt so dangerous to be in his tight and incredibly strong arms. But I was like a moth to a flame at this point. I just couldn’t pull away even if he did let me
Our lips finally parted and our panting filled my ears. I was scared to open my eyes but knew I had to. He was already staring down at me, his expression unreadable. But his eyes were dark with lust and something else I wasn’t quite sure. I felt like the beast had finally satisfied his thirst by the way he looked now and just a few minutes ago.
I blinked a few times as reality came flooding back to me like a train hitting a wall. What the hell just happened? Did Chris…did I…did we just…no, no, no. This has got to be some sick dream.
My hands slowly unraveled themselves from his hair while our eyes were still locked on each other. I guess we were still trying to make some sense of it all by the silence surrounding us.
This can’t be happening. We hated each other; there was no doubt about that so how in the hell did it lead to this? That kiss definitely did not spring up from gentle, affectionate feelings. It was an act that happened through our rage and hatred for each other, nothing more.
This was insane. I didn’t know what to do or say but I did know I needed to get away from him. I dropped my hands from around him and pushed past him. He was still drawing a blank expression so he didn’t try and stop me.
I rushed to the house and sighed in relief when I was sure no one saw our little incident. Sarah and Dania easily spotted me and I knew I had to leave quick before they asked me how I was doing. Oh God, I was a train wreck at this point. Damn Chris freakin Compton.
I went straight up to Clark and pulled him into a hug. He was a little surprised but hugged me back. They weren’t playing the game anymore and I didn’t blame them.
“Enjoy my gift,” I whispered into his ear.
He straightened before giving me the puppy eyes. “Laura I’m really sorry about tonight but please don’t go. Please.”
I smiled as best as I could with all these jumbling emotions running through my head. “I’m fine Clark but I’m tired. I have a big day tomorrow so I have to go.”
He looked as if he wanted to protest but stopped himself. “Ok have a good sleep and thank you Laura for coming. You’re the bestest friend a person could have.” I’m sure he was just saying that to make me feel better about Chris’ outbreak.
“Thanks Superman. You are too.”
I stepped away before he could try and lure me more. I made it to the front door without anyone stopping me and I took one last back glance. I regretted it immediately.
Chris was back inside, towards the corner away from everyone else. His hooded eyes again revealed nothing and once he spotted me I looked away completely disgusted with myself. What in the heck was wrong with me?
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