17. Unspoken Words
This chapter is for Bianca. Happy late birthday. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.
Laura's POV
By the end of my shift I was too frustrated to even stop by Mr. Compton's room to see if everything was okay. I didn't want to take the risk of seeing Chris. He was getting under my skin really fast. I knew it would be difficult whenever he were to come back but I wish it wasn't now. I wasn't ready to face this whole thing.
I didn't understand it either. Why didn't he call? All I could assume was that he didn't want me. But then why was he acting this way? By the looks of it, he was acting a little hurt and jealous.
What did he expect? Did he really think I'd wait forever for him? All he needed to do was pick up a phone and call me. That simple.
I got in my car and drove to Will's house. I still lived with my parents but with my crazy schedule I didn't want to wake anybody up. My mother was a light sleep so I always felt guilty when I woke her up at two in the morning.
Will was a doctor so he too had a crazy sleep/work schedule. I can't remember how it started but after a while I'd just go to his place when I got off work too early.
I used the key Will gave me and walked into his three bedroom home. It was beautifully furnished in a modern fashion. It wasn't completely a bachelor pad but close. I didn't mind thou. It was a little ways away from society. Will chose a home in the woods with an incredible view of the lake. He was the type of guy that loved to live and admire the nature.
I dropped my keys and purse on the counter and headed towards the bedroom. I usually went for the guestroom but Will would always complain and ask why I didn't sleep in his room.
It was a simple answer thou. I was still a virgin. I grew up believing that sex before marriage was bad. It stuck with me. I know people now a days are having sex at fifteen but that's just not me. I wanted to wait. I wanted to experience that special bond with my future husband and him alone.
I told Will this and he was extremely understanding about it all. He never pressured me and I think that's why he made it so easy for me. And eventually I gave in and shared his bed. We never had sex but we did like to cuddle.
He was asleep on the right side of the bed with no shirt on when I walked in. My eyes were glued to his incredible chest and abs. It always mind boggled me how he found time to work out with such a crazy schedule.
I took off my scrub shirt and just wore my tank top and scrub pants. They felt like pjs anyway. I crawled into bed as quietly as I could but somehow he heard me anyway. Will instantly wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and pulled me to his chest. I felt him kiss the back of my head before falling asleep myself.
I woke up to the sound of a beeper and almost forgot where I was. I sturred a bit but Will held me tighter and softly whispered into my ear, "Shhh. Just sleep."
His voice was so low and husky and extremely sexy in the morning.
My lips curved into a smile. "Too late. I'm awake."
"Then shut your eyes and go back to sleep." I felt him kiss my shoulder this time. The touch of his lips on my skin always gave me chills.
"Are you going back to sleep?" I asked turning in his arms so I could face him.
His brown hair was a little messy but it only made him more sexier. Sometimes I wondered how I even got him. I was an average looking girl; there are so many more girls that looked so much better than me. How did I land a guy who looked so good and made great money? How?
"Why not?" I pouted a little bit without realizing it. I didn't want him to go.
He chuckled and ran his thumb over my plumped lips. "You know you make it really hard to get out of this bed."
I bet it was the hospital. They were the ones who beeped him. I honestly don't know how he did it. I felt like he just came from the hospital. How does he have the energy to go back?
I kissed his thumb. "Then don't go."
Will leaned in, so close I held my breath. His goldish hazel eyes took in every detail of my face. Why, I thought. I looked hidious in the morning. I wanted to pull away but just as I was about to Will leaned in even more.
I felt his warm lips on mine and I instantly closed my eyes. Butterflies were fluttering about in my stomach like they always did when he kissed me. My arms found their way around his neck and pulled him closer.
His hand went down to my hip and started rubbing small circles on my stomach. I think he knew that drove me crazy cause soon I felt him smirk.
So he was going to play dirty. I raised my leg and wrapped it around his torso before throwing him down flat on the bed. I was on top of him now. I broke our kiss and began to trail kisses down his neck. I stopped at the small area I knew he liked and decided to leave my mark.
He had no protest againt the hickey I was giving him; in fact I felt his hands run up and down my spine as if encouraging me.
"Laura," his husky voice whispered.
I stopped and again trailed kisses down to his chest this time. "Yes?"
Before I could reach his abs, Will took fists full of my hair and gently yanked my head up; devouring my lips with his own.
This kiss was rough and driven with lust. Oddly I yearned for it. I loved the rush and thrill I got everytime we were on the virge of our own desires.
"You're driving me crazy," he barely got out.
That was when I finally realized his excitement. I was so stupid. I could feel his arousal near my pelvis. I quickly got off him and sat on the other side of the bed, a good distance away. I think he was too caught off guard to stop me from moving.
I placed my hand over my face from embarrassement. I was so, so stupid. What was I doing? How could I let it get this far? I always humbled myself for being celibate but here I was throwing myself into tempation. But not only myself, Will too. I felt so horrible.
What was I doing here? I knew better than to play with fire. I was so stupid to think I could go that far with no consequences. I was working Will up and letting him down. I couldn't give him what he wanted, what any guy wanted. Yet I was giving him the impression that I wanted it. I guess I let it get the worst of me. I was disgusted with myself.
"Laura," he sounded completely sympathtic. Why did he have to be so sweet about everything?
I wouldn't look up though. I was still too embarassed.
"Laura," he said again; his voice closer this time.
"I'm sorry," I murmured through my hands.
I felt him move around in the bed and then his hands on my shoulders. "Laura sweety, look at me."
I shook my head. But he wouldn't have any of it. His huge hand cupped my face, forcing me to look up at him. His face was completely composed and he was smiling. Why did he have to be so understanding? I was thankful for that.
"Don't be sorry."
I placed my hand over his. "But I am. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have done that too you. I know I'm only teasing you. You shouldn't have to put up with it. I'm a horrible girlfriend."
His eyes darkened a bit and he looked kinda mad. "Don't ever say that. You're not a horrible girlfriend. I should have stopped it. I'm the horrible boyfriend. I just couldn't find the strength to push you away."
"You're anything but horrible."
He smiled. "Laura, I love that you're pure and that you want to wait till marriage. There aren't that many girls out there like you."
He gently peaked me on the lips. "You're just to damn tempting for your own good."
I laughed. Right. "You shouldn't have to put up with it though." I still felt bad.
He exhauled. "What are you saying Laura? That I should find another girlfriend?"
I felt my heart break at the thought. Will had helped me with so much especially when Chris left. He was a part of my life I would never want to give up. But if he was suffering in any form and wasn't happy with me, then I would want him to find someone else. Someone who could give him everything he wanted.
"Laura," he said firmly to get my attention. He looked really serious. "Do you want to break up with me?"
I instantly shook my head. "No."
"Then what are you trying to say? Are you not happy with me?"
Gosh I felt like such an idiot. I placed my hand over his frowning face. "I am happy. Will, you're the most amazing person I know and I love being with you...but I can't give you what you want."
"Sex?" He questioned.
I nodded. Both his hands went of either side of my face; making sure he had my full attention. "You're making me sound like a sex addict."
"That's not what I meant."
He chuckled. Of course he found it funny. "I know sweety. I'm not going to lie and say that isn't what I want from you. What guy wouldn't want to have their way with you?"
I started to blush and I'm sure he felt the warmth of my cheeks on his hands. "But that isn't everything I want from you. You're beautiful, smart, funny, and everything I ever wanted. I love the little things you do for me and the things you say to me that no one else would notice."
I was speechless at this point.
"Yes, not having sex with you is a downside but it isn't everything. You're worth the wait. You're worth the numerous torture episodes."
I couldn't help but smile. He was the sweetest man I knew. I was so lucky to have found him. After all this time I was finally being treated right by a man.
I went in and covered his lips with a passionate kiss. "I really needed to hear that."
"I meant every word."
"I know."
We stayed like that for a couple of more minutes, staring into each others eyes. He was so real with me. I felt like there wasn't anything he wouldn't tell me or keep from me.
"You have to go to the hospital, don't you?" I frowned.
He nodded, regretfully.
"I'll make you some breakfast before you go then." I kissed his cheek and got out of bed.
"I'm going to take a cold shower."
I shook my head to myself and grabbed one of his shirt off his dresser. It was a blue button up shirt that smelled just like him. I snuggled in the shirt and took off my tank top as I went towards the kitchen. Will usually had a fully stocked kitchen. Again I wondered where he finds the time to do other things besides work. Maybe he hires someone do things for him; or perhaps his mother does.
I shrugged my shoulders and decided pancakes would be easy to make. Ten minutes later Will came walking out in a purple button up shirt that I loved on him and black slacks. He could pull off any outfit, including a crazy christmas sweater.
I placed a stack of pancakes on a plate and smiled up at him. I could probably be the best stepford wife ever.
Will was smirking at me and staring at the shirt I was wear that belonged to him.
"I was actually going to wear that today."
I dropped my gaze to the blue shirt. "Really? Do you want it?"
"Yes. Take it off," he teased.
I undid the top button and raised my head back up. "Nah, the purple looks so much better on you anyway."
He pouted and I laughed. While he was eating I washed the dishes. I hate when people watch me eat.
Will got up and kissed me lightly on the lips. "Thank you for the breakfast. I have to go now. Get some rest. You need it."
He walked away and a few seconds later I heard the door shut. I was alone. This place always felt so empty without him. It sometimes made me uncomfortable staying alone in his house. I mean it wasn't my house. Sometimes I wished it was. I could easily imagine my life with him.
He made it easy to. Will would make an amazing husband and father. Yeah, sometimes his schedule would get in the way but he'd always find a way to make up for lost time.
I laid in bed for a while but after much tossing and turning I knew it was hopeless. I just couldn't sleep. There was too much on my mind, I guess. I went to my car and grabbed my bag with clothes. Maybe a shower would help me clear my thoughts.
The shower was nice and relaxing but still didn't do the trick. I changed into some fresh clean clothes and decided to go to the hospital. I figured if I went there and saw that everything was ok that maybe my mind would be somewhat at ease.
I swear the hospital felt like a second home. It was a scary thought, but true. As a kid I used to hate going to the doctor now I practically lived in their building. Once I turned the corner I saw Clark outside his grandfather's room. He was pacing a bit.
"Clark, what's going on?"
Clark turned to the sound of my voice and smiled in relief. "Laura, oh nothing. Nothing's changed much with grandfather."
"Really?" That was strange. "Has he woken up at all?"
"Not really."
I didn't know what to say. How was I supposed to comfort him when I didn't know what was going on myself? "Is everyone here?"
"Just about. We're trying to convince Chris to go home. Its not good for him to be here all the time."
I agreed. It wasn't healthy at all. "I'm going to go check on his charts. I'll be right back."
Clark nodded. He looked so sad. It almost pained me to see him like this. To see any of them like this.
The hallways were more quiet than usual. I guess there wasn't much activity today. That was good. Beatrice was at the front desk this time. She frowned as she saw me approach.
"Laura honey, it's your day off. What are you doing here?"
"Just checking on a friend. You don't mind, do you?"
Beatrice smiled and got up. "Not at all honey. We're kinda dead at the moment anyway. I'm going to get me some more coffee."
"Okay." I watched her walk away, whistling to an old song I can't even remember.
I quickly looked over the files and spotted the name. He had new tests done not too long ago but they were still no better than the last. Clark was right. There was no change in response. Getting your hopes up really did suck.
"Laura," his voice was low and laced with concern.
I was afraid to turn around and face him. I knew he'd be mad at me for being here.
"Laura." This time I heard his voice move closer. "What are you doing here?"
I didn't respond. Will's hands went up to cup my face. "You shouldn't be here." His thumbs began to trace the hidious bags under my eyes. I have got to look scary.
"You're tired. You should be resting."
I felt guilty. "I couldn't sleep."
He sighed. "Because of Mr. Compton."
I nodded. Will leaned in and kissed my forehead, lingering longer than usual. "There's nothing we can do for him."
He was right and I hated that he was right. "You need to go home and take care of yourself Laura."
I knew he was only trying to look out for me but it was getting kind of annoying. "What about you? You didn't sleep anymore than I did."
"I'm a doctor Laura. I'm used to these kinds of hours. It's you I'm worried about." His eyes were pleading with me.
"I'm fine Will." I took a step back but he quickly stopped me.
"Just promise me Laura," his hand slowly loosing its grip. "Promise me you'll go home soon and rest."
I took a deep breath. "I promise." I got on my tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow."
He did his best to smile and I walked away.
Mr. Compton's room was pretty packed with people. I over heard them talking to Chris, trying to convince him to leave.
"Chris dear, if anything happens we'll call you but its not healthy for you to be around him this long." Clark's mom tried to reason with him.
Chris was sitting in the back chair with his head down. His dark hair was a little messy and I'm sure he had no sleep since he's been here.
"At least go home and take a shower; clear your head a bit and change your clothes." His grandmother was being sweet and by the looks of it, getting through to him.
"Yeah dude cause you stink." Of course Tommy had to ruin the moment.
"I don't want to leave," Chris mumbled.
"I'll take him," the words were out of my mouth before I could even register them. "I'll take you home Chris."
Chris' head slowly lifted to where I was standing. His eyes were narrowed at me now. My heart sunk at the haunt look of his face. This was a lot harder for him than I thought. He must be really close to his grandfather.
I had to get him out of here, one way or another. "Please Chris, come with me."
He thought about it for a moment and got up. I sighed in relief and I think everyone else in the room did as well.
Chris said nothing more and went right passed me and his family to the exit. His family gave me a few looks of thanks before I too walked out. I followed him to the elevator and that was when it got silent.
We didn't dare say a word to each other while we got in my car. Driving down the road I began to regret volunteering for this job. What was I doing? Nothing, I tried to calm myself down. Nothing was going to happen.
I stole a glance towards him. He was frozen as he was staring out the window. What was he thinking about? I had never seen him so distraught before. It was a strange thing to witness and almost a painful one to watch.
I finally pulled up in his grandparents driveway after what felt like an eternity. As soon as I put the car in park Chris' door flew open and he was out of the car. He was angry. I could sense it, feel it. Every bone in my body was telling me to stay in the car and mind my own business; that he would work it out by himself. Every fiber in my being thou was telling me to go after him; to make sure he was okay. He needed someone.
It just happened to be me.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and decided my fate. Chris was already inside and the door was wide open; like he was expecting me to come inside. My feet were dragging on the pavement. Each step was like a whisper of warning. Nothing good would come out of it.
Chris was standing by the glass double doors just looking out. I could feel the tension radiating off his body. In one quick swift action Chris took hold of a glass vase from the table and threw it across the room. The clashing impack echoed throughout the room as tiny bits of glass floated in the air.
He took deep breaths to calm his nerves but the anger raging inside of him was nowhere close to settling down. I was scared. Never have I seen him this way; or any man for that matter. Silence was in the air and I'm sure the heavy beatings of my heart could be heard clear as day. His back was towards me so I took the advantage and slowly backed away.
Chris almost instantly turned to face me. His dark piercing emerald eyes were burning a hole in my soul. They were haunting and on the virge of destruction.
I couldn't move. Everything in my body was telling me to get out but I couldn't move. His deep stare was paralysing me.
Chris then began walking towards me; he was set on a mission. I knew what was coming and I couldn't stop it. Did I even want to stop it? His left hand encircled my waist as his other took a firm grip around my neck. He forced me back till I hit the wall, hard. His body pressing against mine so there was no space to separate us.
My mind quickly flashed to the memories of the past as deja vu consumed me. His familiar touch and intoxicating scent was making it so hard for me to function or think. I felt the tips of his lips teasing the skin at my neck. There were no chills when he touched me, no it was far more than that. His touch only left fire blazing in its path. So hot I could barely breathe.
"Chris..." I whispered through my panting.
He didn't reply; at least not with his words. Chris was softly trailing kisses up and down the length of my neck.
Why was he doing this to me? I could hardly think with his lips on my skin. He was trying to pull me back in. I couldn't let him do that, but yet he already was.
"I hate you," I whispered into his ear.
His arm tightened around my waist. I did everything in my power to keep my hands to my sides.
I thought I felt him smirk. "What's changed?"
"It can't be sweetly this time." It took all my will power to get that sentence out. It was so hard to think straight with him so close.
"I need you. I need you so much Laura," his voice was weak with desperation. "Only you."
I hated this. I hated myself. Why was he making it out like I was the only one to help him? Like I'm a cure of his. That's how I fell into this mess the first time. I thought I could help him or save him from whatever was pulling him down.
I shook my head because I didn't trust my voice at this moment.
"Help me..." His voice cracked. "Help me forget."
This was our way. Our sick twisted way of doing things. I don't know what possessed me to bite out of this temptation but I did. I took a fist full of his hair and yanked his head to the side. Slowly I kissed the base of his neck; in hopes of kissing away his pain.
Chris instantly relaxed at my touch. He needed this and I knew exactly how to give it to him. I clawed my hand up his shirt and dug my nails into his skin.
This kind of pain was a distraction; a distraction for a much bigger pain.
I forced Chris back till he hit the edge of the sofa. Where I made him sit and we lost all contact. Finally giving myself air to breathe. His head was down and his arms hung loosely to the side of his body; useless.
I was confused. What now? Do I walk away? I should.
"I'm sorry."
His voice was so sincere, it tore at my heart. Was he being serious?
"I shouldn't have forced myself on you."
Yes. I definitely hated this. I was feeling sorry for him. No. No. No. I was supposed to hate him yet here I was feeling sorry for him.
I went and sat closer to the edge of the sofa. Chris still didn't make any farther moves so I raised my hand to his face. He finally turned to me with pitiful eyes. I forced his head down on my lap and he didn't complain. I started to massage my fingers through his hair and eventually he closed his eyes.
Good, he needed rest.
"What's going on in your head?" He needed to get it out.
"Everything," he replied.
"Is this bringing back memories of your father?" I hated to bring up the question but it had to be done.
He nodded. I wish there was some other way I could take away his pain.
"Your grandfather lived a good life."
I could feel his deep even breathing. "I just want more time. I'm not ready to say good bye."
"No one ever is." The words he once told me came flooding back to me. "We can't always get what we want otherwise this world would be filled with rockstars and superstars."
"Wise advise." I knew he was smiling now.
I laid my head back on the sofa; getting into a comfortable position. "Just relax Chris and think of good thoughts, of nice memories, and unforgettable moments; because those are the only things that last in life."
I ran my hands through his hair; soothing away all the tense consuming him. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next but for once I felt confident that Chris was going to be okay. That no matter what the outcome was going to be that Chris could deal with it now. And with that in mind I closed my eyes and took my own advice.
Let me know what you think...I'd love to here your opinion.
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