13. Farewell
Happy Thanksgiving to all my lovely readers. Hope you have a blessed day. Enjoy
Laura's POV
The next morning I woke up exhausted. I didn't want to get up but I knew I had to. Everyone was going to the park to let off some wedding stress steam. It was already 1pm and as tempting as laying in bed for the rest of my life sounded I knew I couldn't. I quickly changed and headed over to Demi's since my brother Garret had obviously left without me.
Demi was in her room throwing clothes in every direction. "Hey Laura."
"Hey," I jumped on her bed, completely exhausted.
"Soooo," she asked curiously while getting closer to me. "How did your night end? I saw you talking to Chris."
"Did you also see me talking to Ben?"
"What!" She hopped on the bed beside me. "No. What happened?"
I trusted Demi. She was the only person that knew about me and Chris so why not tell her the whole story. So I did. I told her every last detail from the moment Ben walked back into my life to last night when I was in Chris' arms.
She was anxiously soaking up every word I was telling her. "Oh wow Laura."
"That's all you have to say?"
Demi leaned back until her head restlessly hit the pillow, hard. "I can't believe everything you've been through."
Yeah, me either.
"So what are you going to do about Ben? Do you still have any feelings for him? Is there any chance you'll forgive him and take him back?"
Oh gosh I knew the bombarding of questions were going to come.
I shut my eyes and really thought about her questions. How did I really feel about Ben? "I wanted to forgive him...lastnight. I did but I couldn't. Ben just isn't the person I thought he was."
"And Chris?"
That completely threw me off guard. "What about Chris?"
Demi moved in closer like she didn't want anyone to hear. "How do you feel about him?"
I didn't reply. I didn't know what to say so she started talking again.
"I personally think there's something wild but very good happening between the two of you."
I rolled my eyes. "Nothing good can come from the two of us."
"Laura he cares about you."
I pushed myself off the bed. Standing always makes me feel like I have things under control. "Like hell he does."
She crossed her arms over her chest. "Laura he went after you...after you confessed. He followed you home to see if you were okay. Then, then," she stumbled to get the right words. "Then he took you away from Ben when you needed to escape. Laura, come on. You have got to see that maybe Chris isn't as bad as he tries to make himself seem."
She did have some good points. "Maybe you're right."
Demi clapped her hands together. "This is more exciting than soap opera. When you two have babies you must name one after me."
I took the closest item of clothing and threw it at her. She blocked it easily and laughed.
"Shut up Demi."
Chris' POV
I was debating on whether to come or not. The park did not sound appealing in the least especially after the long wedding night. This little get together was supposed to be a stress reliever for all the drama packed wedding planning we've been through the last few days. I wasn't exactly sure who all was coming but for some reason I was finding myself hoping Laura would show up.
I rode over with Clark. He seemed pretty excited about hanging out with everyone. I guess that's just the way he's always been; a social butterfly. I haven't seen or spoken to Ben though, not since last night.
I wasn't sure what he was up to or if he was going to show up. But then again I have been ignoring him in a way. Ever since I found out why he and Laura broke up I just haven't been able to look at him the same.
Why didn't he just tell me? Yes, I'm sure he was ashamed to admit he cheated on her but at least it would have been the truth. At least then I wouldn't have treated Laura the way I did. I wouldn't have hated her or used her so poorly. Well I think I wouldn't have.
The park was already filled with many familar faces. It seemed like everyone came regardless how tired they were. From the corner of my eyes I also saw Ben. He was talking to Aaron about something.
When we felt like everyone was accountable for we decided to start the games. First game; football. Garret and Aaron were captians; picking off people one by one. I happened to be Aaron's first pick. I was actually really good at sports especially football and soccer.
When Garret called off his sister's name I quickly turned to see her. Laura came up and stood next to her brother.
Yes, this was good. Since she's on the oppposite team that means I get to tackle her all I want. This was going to be a very fun game, indeed.
The game started off slow at first but eventually everyone got really competative so it got more intense by the second. The guys were all over the place trying to score a goal while most of the girls fooled around.
I kept a close eye on Laura. She was surprising actually trying to play. She wasn't that bad of a player either. So when I had the opportunity to take her down I took it. I raced towards her from behind and tackled her to the ground. It was a rough landing but I did my best not to hurt her...much. She grunted underneath me.
I had the widest grin on my face when she opened her eyes to see the culprit who brought her to the ground.
She narrowed her eyes at me and I chuckled. "Sorry pumpkin. I couldn't exactly let you score a goal, now could I?"
Laura forced her head up so her lips were at my ear. "But you've let me score before...with you."
My grin turned into a devilish smirk. "Oh baby, that's because you let me return the favor."
She pushed me back and I was forced off her. "We'll see about that."
Laura got up and walked away as I stayed on the ground laughing. She was something. The game lasted another hour and by that time we were all exhausted. I was talking to Aaron when I saw Laura heading back towards the playing field.
She was looking around like she had lost something. As soon as she walked into the patch of wood trees towards the edge of the field I knew I had to follow. I went the direction I saw her go through and very quickly found her. She didn't hear me approaching which was the best advantage ever.
I grabbed her from behind and felt her jump with shock.
"You shouldn't wander off alone," I whispered into her ear and I felt her relax in my arms a few seconds later. "You never know what's out here."
She turned in my arms to face me. "Like a psycho by the name of Chris?" Laura's lips curved into a seductive smirk.
I swept in and pressed my lips to her's; stealing a kiss. "Exactly," I grinned.
"Thanks for the concern but I can take care of myself."
I pulled away slightly. "Really?"
She nodded, still having that beautifully seductive smile on her face.
"How's that?"
Laura got up on her tippy toes and gently but teasingly gave me a soft lingering kiss. "He's easy to tame."
I wanted to laugh. She was cute; really, really cute. I took hold of her body and forced her to walk backwards. "I wouldn't be too sure about that."
I pushed her back against a tree trunk before I devoured her sultry lips with my own. I only pulled away for a second to catch my breath.
"And he's back," she whispered onto my lips. "The Chris I know and hate is back."
"You missed me, didn't you?" I teased.
Laura shook her head to answer. I bent down to her neck and suckled her skin, knowing very well it would drive her to the edge.
Laura's hands went up my spine and her fingers twisted themselves into my hair.
"Maybe..." she spoke breathlessly.
I smirked while still kissing the soft skin at the crook of her neck. This was the reaction I wanted from her.
She pulled on my hair, hard; forcing my head back slightly.
"Just a little," she whispered before crushing her yearning lips to mine.
Yes, this was exactly the reaction I wanted from her.
I dug my fingers through her long silky hair till I reached the bottom where my hand landed on her butt. I always admired her curves and to actually touch them was ten times better.
She didn't pull away either when I traced the length of her body. I wasn't sure what always drove us to this point; this point of passion and lust. I wasn't sure what it was or what was happening between us. All I knew was that I didn't want to stop. It just felt too right.
Laura pulled away panting and so did I, reluctantly.
"I hear someone coming," she whispered trying to take a step back, out of my arms.
I refused to let her go. "I didn't hear anything."
"Chris," she panicked. "Let me go. I'm serious."
I did as she said and she was out of my arms just in time too. Out of nowhere Ben walked into our view. His face was hard and cold while he examined us both like we were a science project.
After his thorough investigation of us his eyes darted towards Laura. His lips were pursed like he usually did when he was getting into ass-hole mode.
"So this is why you can't give me another chance." He gave me a side glance like I wasn't even worth fully taking in. "There was someone else in your life. Oh but not just anyone one, my own cousin."
He made his way in front of her. She stood straight and her face was emotionless. I wanted to step in and shield her from his view but somehow I figured it would make things worse.
Ben took a strand of her long hair and twirled it between his fingers. She had a disgusted look on her face while watching him.
"Classy Laura, very classy. You couldn't have me so you go for the next best thing, my cousin Chris."
For some reason that struck a nerve.
Ben turned to me then. "Aw but Chris I thought better of you. Why go for my sloppy seconds?"
What the heck was his deal? Ben was typically a nice guy and only a major ass-hole when need be. I guess he was really hurt. He must of really liked Laura or possibly even loved her.
"Ben you don't know what you're talking about." I tried to sound as calm as possible.
"But I see it with my own two eyes." Ben's hand went in to cup Laura's cheek. She pulled away but he held her still, forcing her to look up at him. "You've been seeing each other behind my back."
I went still. What was I supposed to say? Do I deny it?
Ben leaned in closer to her. I wanted to rip his hand off her but that was not a good idea at the moment. Ben gently and causally placed a kiss on Laura's cheek. Her eyes were shut so I couldn't make out what was going on through her head.
"Tell me Laura," Ben taunted so she finally opened her eyes. "Is Chris a better kisser than me?"
Laura's eyes darked a bit before she pushed him away. "NO! No. You don't get to do this. You don't get to play the victim." She pushed his chest once again.
Ben didn't even try to stop her.
"You hurt me remember. YOU! You chose her, over ME. You made your decision and that didn't involve me in your future. So you don't have a say in any of this or my life."
She was fired up and surprisingly Ben stayed as calm as possible.
"Laura I told you nothing happened. It was a mistake. People make mistakes. And I've regretted it ever since." He took a step closer to her. "You have no idea how many times I wanted to come back here just to see you. I've missed you so much. I've missed us."
Her cold expression was slowly melting to a more compassionate look. Was she falling for it? Was she actually going to take him back? That was his plan wasn't it, to get her back. Was I suppposed to be happy for him, for my cousin?
Laura looked torn. "If you would have said those words to me a few months ago I would have melted into your arms...but things have changed."
Ben looked confused but determined to figure out what she was talking about. "Laura we were perfect for each other. Don't do this. We can still be together. I promise I will never keep anything away from you."
I even believed that last part. Ben desparately wanted her back.
Laura shook her head. "No we can't. Things have changed."
Ben looked like he was about to ask her what she meant but then he figured it out and turned to look at me. I had changed things.
Ben's dangerous eyes took me in. He was furious. "So you choose him over me."
"I don't choose anyone," Laura whispered before walking out of sight.
It was just me and Ben now and I'm sure he had a lot to say.
"My own cousin," he laughed. "This is just great."
"I didn't plan any of this. It just happened."
"What just happened?" Ben shouted out.
Good question because I didn't even know. "I don't know."
He started laughing again. It was that sick twisted laugh that made no sense what's so ever and all it did was make that person look more crazy and unstable.
"You. Don't. Know. What the hell do you know? Because all I know is that the girl I love won't take me back because of you."
He was blaming this on me. Really? "Maybe if you hadn't messed up in the first place we wouldn't be here."
Ben clinched his jaw and made his way towards me. "Maybe if you hadn't put the moves on my Ex I wouldn't feel the need to kick your ass."
"Don't even try blaming me. All you had to do was apologize. It's your fault you lost her not mine."
Ben flared up and shoved me. "You're my cousin, my brother for a lack of better words, how could you do this to me? She was mine!"
I grabbed his hands and shoved him back. "But you're mistaken COUSIN she wasn't yours anymore. You told me you hated her and wanted nothing to do with her."
Ben raised his fist and aimed for my face. I didn't see it in time so I was forced back by the blow. Damn that was hard.
"That doesn't give you the right to move in on her."
Now I was pissed. I got up quickly and rammed my knuckled fist to his strained jaw. A cheek for a cheek. "I didn't plan on it. Like I said it just happened."
Ben groaned while staightening up. "We're no longer cousins."
It hurt me to hear him say that but I knew he was just mad at me. Eventually it would all blow over.
So I walked away. I didn't want to hurt him anymore. I took out my keys and headed for my car. I saw Clark and shouted, "Where's Laura?"
He shrugged his shoulders and pointed in a random direction. Some help he was.
I got into my car and slowly drove around till I spotted her walking aimlessly around the sidewalk. Probably filling her head with today's events.
"Laura get in."
She hesitated for a moment but she probably knew better than I that we needed to talk. The car ride was quiet. I didn't even have the courage to open my mouth. What exactly did she confess back there? So I changed things. How? For what? The better or worse?
I drove up to her empty driveway. I'm guessing no one is home then.
"You're leaving in two day...back home," she finally broke the silence.
Was that a question or statement? "Yes."
"What am I to you?"
Her question completely threw me off.
My silence made her turn to look at me. Her eyes were dark and sad waiting for my reply. "Do I mean anything to you?"
How was I supposed to put my answer? What was she to me? I wasn't entirely sure. My head was throbbing from thinking too much about it.
Laura clinched her small jaw and opened the door. "Right. Of course. Why did I even ask? How stupid of me."
She was furious, I could feel it. Laura got out before I could even come up with a response. She slammed the door shut and started walking towards the house.
"Laura, wait." I quickly opened my door and rushed to catch up with her. Now I was in for it. "Laura wait, please."
We were inside her house now. But she still wouldn't stop. She was storming through the living room when I finally grabbed her arm and forced her to look at me.
She tried jerking out of my hold but I wouldn't let her get her way. "Laura talk to me."
"I WAS talking! It was you who didn't answer."
She was right. "Because I didn't know how to answer you."
"Really? It was a simple question Chris which I deserve to know the answer to."
She was right...again. Damn why was she making this so hard for me? "Laura it's complicated."
"What is?" She was pressing my buttons trying to get a reaction from me.
"This. Us."
She stopped wiggling in my arms. "What about me? What do you feel about me?"
Her dark brown chocolate eyes were melting into my soul. She was desparately waiting to know how I felt.
"You...I feel different when I'm with you." This was definitely harder than I thought.
She wanted more. I don't think I can give her more right now. I guess she pick up on that and dropped her head to the ground.
"Why does it matter anyway? You're leaving." She pulled out of my arms.
No, this was not how I wanted it to end. "Laura."
"Just get out Chris. We're done. The wedding is over and you get to go home. You won't come back so it's done. You had your fun. Now go."
Her strange calmness was freaking me out.
"Laura that's not-"
"Chris get OUT!" Her eyes were blazing. Yeah that's the reaction I was waiting for. But the thing was I didn't want to go.
There was nothing else I could do. She was right. I was leaving soon and I probably won't be back for awhile. I didn't mean to hurt her, well maybe at first I intended to but not anymore. Things changed, like she said. I just didn't know where it was all going. What was going to happen?
I took one last final look at her beautiful and almost torn face before turning and walking out the door.
So it was brought to my attention that someone else had stolen my stories and tried posting them on another website as their own. Not one of my stories but BOTH. Like really? They were reported and now its all taken care of. It honestly hurt me. Why take someone else's work? What satisfaction do you get? You didn't write it, all you did was copy. It was ridiculous.
So I would really appreciate it if you would all keep an eye out and let me know it you notice someone taking my work. I promise I would owe you greatly otherwise I'll stop posting my stories, Period.
Thank you so much. Happy Thanksgiving
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