"So you're the bitch who ruined his life?"
I turned and looked at the blond girl standing with her arms crossed, the girl who laid hands on the person who supposedly belonged to me. I scoffed, "And you're the whore sleeping with my husband."
I took in her attire, which was nothing, but his shirt. I clenched my fist and tried to keep myself from punching the person in front of me. Honestly I didn't care that she slept with Tristan, I just cared that she had the audacity to come here and talk to me. To insult me.
She raised her eyebrows and stepped forward, "Oh yeah? Well at least he wants to fuck me," she smirked at me like she won a battle and I gritted my teeth together.
"Trust me, he's the last person I'd want to fuck me."
Shut it.
It was mostly true, if he wasn't my husband, the person I had to spend my life with, I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole.
Bitch you're lying to yourself.
Well its better I believe that!
"Oh really? Because your reaction says otherwise," she still held her smirked licked her lips, "stay away from Tristan, bitch, he's mine."
My fist tightened and I felt my nails dig into my palms, "Last time I checked, I was the one married to him. I'd watch what you say and remember your place. Now which one of us is living in this house and not in a whore house selling their body?" venom dripped in my voice. I didn't like how I was fighting for Tristan, but this was my home now. I wasn't going to let some bimbo come into it and disrespect me.
"My place? You should probably check yours. If your such a good wife why did Tristan come running to me? It's obvious he doesn't want you or like you. So get the fuck out of my face because he wants me stupid bitch," she chuckled. Before my mind could comprehend anything my fist connected with her face, yes what she said wasn't even that bad but I was already mad. She fell back against the counter which sent a glass flying to the floor and shatter.
I heard large footsteps make its way to the kitchen and a booming voice echo through the house, "What the fuck was that."
He stepped into the kitchen and she lunged at me gripping my hair. I swung my fist at her face again but this time much harder. I heard a crack and she gasped and stepped back holding her perfect nose. Not so perfect anymore, huh?
"You fucking bitch," she smeared lunging again and I prepared myself again. She never reached me though, Tristan had a tight grip on her arm and his jaw was clenched tightly.
"Leave," he demanded and she looked at him like her was crazy.
"But-" he caught her off quickly with a threatening tone that even though not directed to me made me shiver, "Leave."
I walked out before she did and headed to the living room, my nails digging into my palms. He should've let us fight. I wanted to beat the shit out of her.
I paced back and forth and heard the front door slam and my head snapped in the direction of the noise. Thank god she was gone.
Tristan's angry tense figure approached me and I glared at him, "What the fuck was that?"
Really? What the fuck was that?
I ignored him and walked passed him, making sure to bump his shoulder hard as I made my way to the stairs.
"Don't fucking ignore me," he growled out and I bit down the fear and continued to walk away. He was scary, his demeanor, the intensity of his voice, just him.
I felt a large hand grab my wrist tightly and I quickly turned my head. My eyes met hard dark blue ones that bore into my soul and I felt my body shrivel in fear.
Stand your ground.
His gripped tightened slightly but not painfully, well if it was I couldn't feel it from the adrenaline coursing through my body.
"Let go," I grumble through my gritted teeth not looking at him.
He took a step closer and I looked back into his eyes attempting do as the little voice in my head told me to. But honestly I was terrified. His entire build changed and his eyes held something I hadn't seen before. I couldn't make it out but the anger was clear.
"I don't know what the fuck your problem is," he yanked my body to turn to his and I felt the heat radiating off his, "but you need to learn your god damn place. Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. It was immature for you to react that way about me being with someone else."
I couldn't focus on his words because his body was so close to mine. My brain screamed get the fuck away but my body screamed the exact opposite. He released my wrist and started walking away. I felt my fear dissolve and anger take over once again, before I could stop myself I heard words tumble out of my mouth.
"My place?" Oh shit.
He stopped walking but didn't turn around so I continued, "Last time I checked my fucking 'place' it wasn't under your shadow. I didn't want to get married to you, you may legally be my husband but you will never be my husband. You can't tell me what to fucking do. You now what, maybe you should grow the fuck up a little bit, because everything you just did was immature. I get that men have 'needs' but don't bring a whore into our home and let me know your fucking her. Learn how to control yourself because I'm tired, I'm so tired. I'm not okay here," my voice cracked slightly when I thought of the whole situation, " You think you're the only one having a hard time? I had to leave my family, leave my brothers with a monster and give up my life. My brother hates me now. Fucking hates me, all because my stupid stepmom thought this was the only way to keep my fathers company in business. Now I'm stuck with a man who doesn't love me who treats me like a dog. I will stay out of your life, trust me I never wanted to be in it."
I took a breath after my long tangent, sadly it felt nice to yell at him, to let it all out. I could feel the tension building up in the room and I chewed on my lip. I stood there for a few more seconds but got no reaction and turned to leave.
I put my foot of the first step and was forcefully grabbed and shoved against the wall. I felt the air get knocked out of me and let out a gasp of surprise.
My eyes met the now too familiar dark blue ones. His body was close to mine and his hands were on either side of my head.
"Now don't act all innocent, Mrs. Denton. You and I both know you're far from it," his eye left mine and traced every inch on my face before landing on my lips. My entire body was frozen from the words he had spoken to me.
"Mrs. Denton"
The way he said it had my body in a state of panic. Heat bubbled up inside me and my muscle tensed up.
His entire demeanor had changed in just seconds. My heart was beating rapidly and I bit my lip in loss of words. His eye darkened and shot back up to mine.
It was like he sucked the breath out of me along with my anger. Now I just felt confused and hot. How can he have that kind of affect on me already? It wasn't fair how he could just break me in a matter of second.
Because my body obviously loves to go along with my mind my eyes dropped to his lips. All the sudden my lips ached thinking about them against mine. No no, bad thoughts Liz.
I was taken out of my head when Tristan leaned in closer, his eyes on my lips.
I swallowed, "Tristan."
It came out sounding breathless which made me bite my lip again. Shit fuck my stupid voice.
That's when Tristan mumbled the words that were almost inaudible 'fuck it' and pressed his lips onto mine.
I stood there stunned as his firm lips moved against mine.
My voice screamed inside of my head and I tried to push him off. He grunted and kissed me harder in response, not budging.
I tried to push him with all my strength but he only shifted slightly. I wanted to scream out in frustration but his lips were pressed against mine.
He bit down hard on my bottom lip making me gasp in pain and slight pleasure that I didn't want and muttered, "Kiss me back."
He shoved his tongue into my mouth quickly and let it dominate it. My mind rejected the kiss but my body wanted it. Frustration grew in me as my body started to react to the kiss. I felt my lips start to move back against his. My mind began to fog up with bliss and I gave up the fight. My hands made there way around his neck and pulled him closer.
Our tongues clashed both desperately fighting for dominance. It was a kiss of bliss, hate and frustration. His hand wrapped around my neck giving it a light squeeze and his thumb tilted my chin up for more access. It was like he knew exactly what I liked and I hated it. My knees felt weak and my core started to heat up with pleasure.
My mind being distracted he won the fight going on in our mouths and pulled back. He placed his forehead against mine and breathed deeply. Me on the other hand was panting like a dog for air, kind of ironic.
His deep blue eyes bored into mine and he run his thumb over my bottom swollen lip, "Learn who's in charge," he paused for a second, "pet."
He pushed himself off me and walked out of the room.
I stood there stand trying to wrap my head around what just happened. His words sunk in and now I stood there in silence, angrier then when we started. It did trigger something in me though which made me groan in sexual frustration.
Then it hit me.
Ew! I kissed him after his mouth was all over that whore!
that just happened
was this too rushed? I don't know if I should've waited longer but it felt like it was time.
I missed u my loves!!!!!!!
Happy to work with u again.
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