I awoke with a groan of pain, my head was pulsing. Fuck, how much did I drink?
All the sudden the memories came flooding in from last nights. The unlimited shots, dancing with Avery, coming home... and my encounter with Tristan. I bit my lip at the thought. What the hell?
My mind trailed back to the way his hands firmly helming my hips. How close he was, his lips trailing up my neck. We were so close to kissing.
I felt my body become slightly warm and scolded myself for the feeling.
No Liz, you hate this man.
You'll always hate him.
Hey, a girls got needs babe.
Inner me spoke and I rolled my eyes.
I lazily threw the blanket off and stood up, the world got a little dizzy and the thumping in my head got louder. I shook my head a little hoping to ease the affects of a hangover and walked into the bathroom.
I strip out of my clothes and turned the water on hot. I stepped in letting the scolding water hit my shoulder and I let out a sigh. I attempted to wash every inch of filth off my body and succeeded, stepping out feeling fresh and clean. I looked in the mirror and i looked sick. My Honey colored skin paled and bags under my eyes.
The effects of alcohol.
Trust me I know.
I walked out of the bathroom, changed into comfortable sweatpants and a tank top, throwing my hair up.
I walked down the stairs, my empty no longer alcohol filled stomach, begging for food. I walked into the kitchen and thankfully Tristan wasn't there, I wanted to avoid him as much as possible. I opened a cabinet and grabbed some aspirin, throwing it down quickly with a glass of water.
"Head hurt," Sarah walked into the kitchen chuckling.
I nodded and mumbled, "I probably should've stopped at six."
She pulled the eggs out of the fridge and I sat on the island, "Shit, how much did you drink?"
I shrugged and bit my lip, "I forgot?"
It came out more as a question then a statement and a grin stretched over her face, "I wish I could've seen that."
"Oh no, trust me you don't."
She focused back on the task at hand and I looked out the window letting my mind consume me.
I thought of Tanner and Leo, them fighting over the xbox remote. Legos all over the floor, dents in the wall from things being thrown. My dad flashed through my head and I felt my chest squeeze tighter. His bright smile that made his eyes twinkle, that smile I had not seen since my mom passed. The fact that he is my Father and supposed to protect me, but instead put me in this situation. Where I had to protect him.
I unconsciously let a tear slip out of my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I looked back at Sarah who was looking at me worried.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I attempted a reassuring smile, which must not have been that assuring.
"Ok," she said anyway and slid me the plate of food.
I instantly dug in to the yellow fluffy eggs, feeling the salty taste lay on my tongue.
I finished and went back up the stairs into my room, I pulled my phone that was still in my bag. I hadn't checked it since I left last night. I had a few calls from Avery and a text. I unlocked my phone to look at it, my heart stopped when I saw who the sender was.
Why would he text me?
I opened it and read the message.
Working all day, don't do anything stupid.
And there you have it ladies and gentleman, the words of my loving husband.
I rolled my eyes at the ignorant good morning text and shut off my phone.
Lets do something stupid!
My inner self cheered. I already knew what I was doing today.
My hand hesitated to knock and I felt my anxiety become heavier. I shouldn't be here, this was stupid. I bit down on my lip and let out a breath bringing my fist down on the door.
I waited there a few second and heard feet come to the door opened. An earth shattering screech erupted form the figure in front of me and the tiny body flung itself at me.
"LIZZY!" The little voice rang through my ears and there arms and legs wrapped themselves around me. I squeezed back tightly and fought the urge to cry, I couldn't cry in front of him.
"Tanner," I breathed out not letting go of the little body.
"What is it? Are you ok? Please tell me it wasn't another lego," the nanny, Lisa I think, called from inside running to the door quickly.
Yes thats right, nanny. My dad was always working and Mellissa was always too busy shopping to take care of them.
She reached the door and peaked out, "Oh, Mrs. Elizabeth. I didn't know you were coming today, please come in," she smiled gesturing for me to enter.
Still holding Tanner I walked inside and Lisa watched us, "I'm going to give you guys some privacy," she gave a small smile and walked away.
I carried Tanner upstairs and sat down on the bed not letting him escape my hold.
"Where have you been, I was scared," his little voice asked and my heart broke into a thousand pieces.
"I'm so sorry baby, I'll explain in time, just know I didn't want to leave you," I stroked his back and felt him nod.
He pulled back and looked at me and a smile came to his face, "I missed you!" I loved that he didn't ask any questions and just believed me.
I smiled back, "I missed you too, more than you can imagine."
His face became exited and he hopped up running to the other side of the room, "Look! Dad got me a turtle because I was sad," he said pointing at the small turtle slowing walk back and forth in his cage.
I cringed at his words but quickly replaced it with a smile, "Cool, whats its name?"
Tanner had always had an obsession with turtles, its not surprise thats what my dad got him.
"Porpous," he stated proudly.
"Porpous?" I asked confused by the name they'd given a turtle, it didn't make sense. Then again he's 10.
"Uh huh," he responded, "he won't get that big. So next time I'm making daddy get me a tor-"
"Hey Tanner, did you eat all the chips, if you did your dead. Those are-," Leo walked into the room cutting Tanner but stopped in the middle of his sentence.
He went dead silent and his eyes wide filled with an emotion no 12 year old eyes should have.
I stood up, "Leo," I said softly walking towards him in a slow pace.
He slowly backed up following my steps, I stopped knowing he did want me to reach him.
"Where were you?" He whispered.
I bit my lip contemplating what to say. I couldn't think of how to begin so he spoke again.
"How could you? How could you leave us?" Tears pricked in his eyes but all the emotion they held was gone, just a wall, a wall he shouldn't know how to build.
But thats how Leo is, he doesn't like getting hurt. He never lets people in, not even my dad. Only Tanner and I.
"Leo, I'm sorry. I didn't want I promise I had no choice," I explained with haste, not wanting to be shut out.
He shook his head and a tear fell onto his cheek, "No choice?"
He turned and ran out of the room leaving me standing there.
I turned to Tanner and quickly pulled him into a tight hug, "Hey T, I have to go talk to Leo, I love you bubs," I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
He sighed in annoyance not understanding Leo's state and just nodded.
I let go and quickly walked out of his room into Leo's.
I opened the door to see him sitting at the edge of the bed holding himself, he stared blankly at the ground with tears still on his cheeks.
"Leo, listen. I wish I could tell you I really do, and I will. But I can't right now. You must know I would never want to abandon you." I couldn't tell him now, too much was at risk. I couldn't lie to him either even if he is a little kid. He's too mature for me to lie to him, when I tell him what happened I want him to know everything. I don't want to lie and say I'm happy and in love.
His eyes slowly came up and met mine and he shakily spoke, "You may not want to but you did, it happened. You left me with her, and the nanny? Don't even get me started with her, even Tanner doesn't like her. Dad's never around you know that, all I looked forward to when you were in college is that you were going to be home. And I was going to be okay, Vanessa's a beast. You of all people know this, and you still left us," when he finished he was out of breath and looked like the strength left him.
I stepped forward wanting to pull him into my embrace and tell him how sorry I am but he put his hand up stopping me, "You need to leave, I don't want to be around you," his tone angrier now.
A tear slipped out of my eye, "Leo, I didn't have a choice, I'm sorry. I wanted to see you, yes I know she's horrible and I dreaded having to leave, just hear me out," I desperately pleaded to my little brother.
Anger grew on his face more so, "Leave."
I shook my head, "That's not fair."
"Whats not fair is how you left! Get out," he yelled pointing towards the door and I felt myself crumble.
"Leo, I got married," I slightly yelled back, "I had to leave!"
His eyes filled with shock and then he quickly covered it up, a skill that reminded me of Tristan, "You got married? That's your fucking excuse?!?"
"Leo!" I yelled disapproving of his language.
He shook his head, "Don't you dare lecture me on language, not right now. You got married, and that's why you left us?!? You didn't even try to come see us! That's a pathetic excuse!"
I wanted to tell him everything but held my tongue, he may be way too mature for his age but I can't lay my problems on him.
He stood and yelled at me once again, "Get out! I don't want to see you anymore!"
"Leo I-" I shakily begged my little brother but he caught me off.
"I hate you! Leave me alone!"
He slightly pushed me and I stumbled out of the room and he slammed the door.
He hated me? I felt like I couldn't breath and I felt hot salty tears fall onto my cheeks, spilling out of my eyes and down my face.
I turned and saw Lisa standing there fidgeting, "I took Tanner and put a movie on for him so he wouldn't here the yelling. I think you should leave," she mumbled the last part and I instantly disliked her.
I pushed past her, frantically trying to control my breathing and made my way out the door.
I opened the door to the nice car I took from Tristan and let myself break down. I let out a sob and wrapped my arms around myself breathing uncontrollably.
You brought this on yourself.
It wasn't my fault, I didn't want to leave them.
All I knew is that once Leo had those walls up, they were nearly impossible to get past, and I was terrified I would never get him back.
Leo's words repeated in my head as I started the car still crying. I pulled out of the drive way and sped down the road quickly. Tears continued to fall down my face while speeding, I was close to the mansion. My clouded vision and distracted mind nagging at me and I kept my foot on the gas.
You're so stupid, you didn't even go see your brothers.
I wanted too! But so much was happening! I couldn't even leave the house till yesterday!
God, you worthless fuck up.
I let out another cry and my breath came out shaky.
All the sudden a car came flying out from the side and I slammed my foot on the breaks as did they swerving slightly.
The car jerked me forward and I felt my heart pick up an inhuman speed. I felt myself start to hyperventilate and I looked up to see a black Lykan. AH fuck that's expensive.
My hand gripped the steering wheel till my knuckles turned white and I myself become slightly dizzy. I hit my head on the steering wheel.
"Shit, shit, shit," I repeated and rested my head on the wheel. Tears falling in my lap. I'm such a fuck up.
All the sudden I head someone knock on my window and I jump rolling it down without checking who it was.
"You stole my fucking car and almost fucking crashed it? I thought I told you not to do anything stupid, this is the definition of stupid," an angry recognizable voice spoke that made chills run down my spine.
My foggy eyes came up and met Tristan's holding my breath.
His expression changed to an almost concerned one then back to anger, "What happened?" He demanded.
I pursed my lips and squeezed my eyes shut cause more tears to slip down my face, I never wanted to have him see me cry.
"I-i," I couldn't speak, I was choking up and I knew I was about to cry more. I hated feeling so weak and vulnerable around him.
I turned away from him and he opened the door and grabbed my arm pulling me out of the car before I could speak. I thought he was going to yell at me but instead he did the last thing I thought he would.
He hugged me.
Cliff hanger
I feel evil.
I felt so sad writing this tbh
sorry for the emotional chapter babes
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