I bit my nails nervously as we sat in the car. We had been driving for 45 minutes and Avery said we were going somewhere big.
I hadn't been clubbing for a while, I felt my stomach churn at the remembrance of the last time. Lets just say I went home with someone, who ended becoming my boyfriend and breaking my heart. The usual.
"A, how much longer?" I whined.
She rolled her eyes and chuckled, "God you're such a child Liz, we're almost there."
I huffed and looked back out the window becoming anxious from waiting.
We pulled up to a huge building that said 'TOXIC' across the front ten minutes later.
"You're fucking kidding me?" Toxic was the new best club in New York, it was going to be absolutely packed.
Avery gave me a cheeky smile and shook her head, "Dead fucking serious, cmon lets go."
She opened her door and stepped out. Her dark hair fell to the middle of her back, perfectly strait. She had on a black romper that was to die for with black heels. I looked down at my feet to find regular hightop converse and shrugged. Thats just who I am.
I stepped out of the car and followed her towards the loud building in front of us cautiously.
People were lined up outside stretching around the building. I groaned as we headed towards the long line not wanting to wait for more than 5 minutes. I went to go stand in line when Avery grabbed my hand and started to drag me past the large crowd.
"Aves, what are you doing? We can't cut in front of all these people," I tried to stop but she kept on pulling.
"Just cmon."
I rolled my eyes and stay silent as we made our way to the front of the line, I watched Avery's face changed as she spotted the man guarding the door.
She quickly put on a flirty smile and we stopped in front of him, "Hey Jason," She ran her hand through her long brown hair.
A smile spread across his face, "Avery, you look good," said the cute man looking her up and down.
"Thanks babe, not so bad yourself," she flirted back. I gave her a 'what the fuck' look but she ignored it.
"And who's your lovely friend?" Jason asked smirking at me.
I looked down and blushed and responded for myself, "Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzy."
His smirk widened, "Well nice to meet you Lizzy, I'm Jason."
Well no shit, I thought you were Tim.
The words threatened to come out of my mouth but I just gave him a nod.
Avery changed her face to a pout and turned on the charm, "Do you think you could let us in, babe?"
He put his hand on his chin and tapped in thought, "Whats in it for me?"
"The joy of seeing me happy?" She shrugged.
He shook his head, "Not good enough."
"God, whats taking them so long?" I heard a person ask from behind us. I nudged Avery in the shoulder hoping to speed up the process.
She let out a sigh, "Fine," she leaned forward and whispered god knows what in his ear and a smirk spread across his face.
He stepped aside and opened his arm up gesturing us inside, "Welcome to toxic ladies, hope you enjoy."
Avery giggled happily and grabbed my hand pulling me into the building. I stepped in and was instantly hit with the smell of sweat, alcohol, and bright flashing lights.
Music blasted in my ears as we pushed through the crowd towards the bar, we stopped at the counter and I huffed.
"How did you know him?" I asked her.
She shrugged and gave me a cheeky smile while the bartender made his way over, "A friend, Four shots of fireball please."
I rolled my eyes and watched the small glasses slide in front of us.
We both downed the first two and she ordered 8 more of vodka making me gawk at her, "Avery, I don't want to drink a lot tonight."
"Oh cmon Liz, live a little. Just for once, have some fun with me," she begged pouting like a child.
I rolled my eyes and waved her off, "I have fun."
She shook her head, "If you call wearing footy pajamas and eating hot cheetohs while binge watching Lord of The Rings fun I'm going to die."
I huffed and crossed my arms, "Fine, but just remember, you asked for this."
She nodded excitedly handing me the glass.
I took it bringing it to my lips dreading the hangover I knew I was going to have tomorrow.
6 shots later my world was dancing around me and I was being dragged to the dance floor by an overly spastic drunk girl.
She pushed us through the crowd until we reached the middle of the dance floor.
She instantly started to dance on me throwing her hands up in the air. I mirrored her actions swaying my hips to the beat pf the music.
My mostly drunk self took over and I lost control dancing everywhere. I lost Avery's contact and kept dancing, my adrenaline kicked in and I felt like I was on cloud nine.
Guess who wouldn't approve of this?
Guess how much I don't care!
You wouldn't approve of this.
Shut up, I am me.
Yay! We're having fun!
I giggled and felt the other bodies move around me move to the music.
Fuck everyone!
My inner voice yelled inside me, and I couldn't agree more.
We should do this more often.
Drunk me was damn fun.
Wheres Avery?
Oh right.
I turned to search for the small brunette and found her in-between two guys who didn't have shirts on.
Where did there shirts go?
I shrugged and yelled over the music, "Avery," I slurred, "I'm gonna go pee!"
She nodded basically ignoring me.
I turned around and stumbled through the crowd, in search of a place to liberate my coochie.
What the hell did you just say?
I shrugged and giggled at my thoughts finally getting out of the crowd.
I stumbled around the building drunkly for a bit and got frustrated, the need to pee increasing.
Wheres the fucking bathroom??
I turned and saw a sign and sighed in relief. I quickly ran, well tried to, towards the bathroom throwing the door open. I entered a stall and did my business, feeling much better afterwords. I pulled my phone out of my purse that I forgot I had, thank god I didn't lose it.
After two tries I unlocked my phone. The time read 10:30, had I been here that long? I shrugged and started to scroll through my missed calls.
I ignored the ones from Mellissa and continued until my fingered hovered over an unexpected call.
No not a good idea, I told myself.
My inner drunk self evilly smirked.
Let's call him.
I smirked and clicked on the contact bringing the phone to my ear.
It rang once and the phone was immediately answered and an angry voice came from the other line, "Where the fuck are you?"
Bad idea, bad idea. Hang up now.
But instead without control my drunk self slurred out, "You're an asshole."
Silence fell on the other side.
"Elizabeth, are yo-," he began to speak angrily.
I cut him off, "Stop being so grumpy its annoying."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, I'm tired of you being a dick. I wanna live life wild n free," I drew out the free in the end and giggled. Oh god, this was going to be the end of me.
"Elizabeth, are you drunk?" His voice filled with venom as he spoke.
I shuddered at his tone, "So what if I am?"
I heard him mutter incoherent words and he brought the phone back to his mouth, "Where are you? I'm coming to get you."
I scoffed, "No you aren't, I'm having funnn," I terribly slurred using Avery's words.
"Where are you?" He growled.
"You're really fucking hot, you know?" Shut up, please shut up.
The other end of the line went silent and drunk me ignoring myself continued to talk, "Did you know the earths spinning? I can see it. Wooaahh, I'm everywhere."
"Holy fuck," he muttered.
I stepped out of the stall and screamed.
"What? What is it?" he asked his voice worried and angry.
I giggled, "I saw the mirror, the reflection. Shit, my reflection in the mirror. Why? Are you worried?"
He grumbled obviously annoyed and angry, "Just tell me where the fuck you are so I can come get you."
"Nooo, thank you. I'm having good time, got to go. Imma go daaance, byeee," I lowered the phone and heard yelling from the other side as I hit he end call button.
What the hell did I just do?
I don't know, but it was fun.
I shrugged and made my way out of the bathroom to find Avery.
I stumbled around until I spotted her at the bar with Jason. I made my way towards them and Avery saw me and a grin spread across her face.
She ran drunkly towards me and fun her arms around me, "Yay! The love of my life!"
I giggled and hugged her back tightly. God I love this girl.
We stumbled around in each others arms and Jason walked towards us, "Hey, I'm taking Avery home, need a ride?"
I let go of Avery and looked up at man standing in front of me.
Wow, bitch is tall.
I smiled and shook my head, "That'd be great."
He nodded and grabbed Avery's hand, Avery grabbing mine, and led us out of the club.
We made our way to Aves car and climbed in.
I slid in the back and leaned my head against the door.
Avery slid int the passenger seat and instantly took control of the music.
She put on payphone and I sat up, "I love this song!"
Jason laughed and we pulled onto the road.
We rolled down the windows and blasted early 2000's.
I was having the time of my life until we pulled up to the huge mansion and my stomach dropped. Well there goes my fun.
"Wow," Jason muttered.
I nodded, "I know, that's what I said."
Shut it.
I opened the door and slid out, "Thanks for the ride, nice to meet you. Bye Avery I love you!"
They both said goodbye and I shut the door and timidly made my way up the steps without tripping because I wasn't as drunk.
I opened the door quietly, holding on to the small chance of Tristan being asleep.
I almost got excited when I was greeted bye silence but as soon as I shut the door I was instantly slammed against it.
Slightly sobering me up more I let out a gasp and stared into cold blue eyes, "L-let go."
"What the fuck, Elizabeth?" I could smell the alcohol in his breath, I'm sure he could smell it in mine too.
I bit my lip, "What?"
He groaned running a hand down his face, keeping me trapping against the door with the other, "You're never leaving this house without me again."
I got angry, "You can't do that! I'm not a child!"
He narrowed his eyes at me, "Well the stunt you pulled tonight proves otherwise."
I pursed my lips unsure how to respond, "You can't control me."
He chuckled sending vibrations through my body and I bit my lip, "Watch me."
His hand gripped my waist tightly and squeezed, I attempted to pushing him away but failed miserably.
He started to rub circles on my waist and I bit my lip hard to distract myself from the feeling, "Stop."
My breath quickened and his lips hovered over my neck.
His warm breath hit my skin and my eyes fluttered closed, "This isn't part of the contract," the words came out shakily.
He chuckled making me shutter, "My dear Eliza, the contract states that you are my wife," his lips trailed up my jaw to my lips, "and I do what I please with what's mine."
His lips hovered over mine for a second and then he pushed him self of me walking away. I stood there unable to move and stunned.
This was going to be a hell lot more interesting than I thought. And maybe not in a good way.
He he he
*smiles evilly*
and its only just begun
hope you enjoyed
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