Stumbling back out with the girls I realized I hadn't been drunk since the club. I was definitely not on that level but then again I still held a mostly full margarita in my hand. We had been getting along really well and I soon learned Iliamna had a sense of humor. But it all made me miss Avery more than anything.
"You know," Ili said while sipping her drink, "you and Tristan don't really love on each other, do you?"
I was took back by her question and almost lost my footing down the patio steps, "What?"
"I mean this whole time you two stay more separate. I don't know it's just surprising for newly weds," her voice began to annoy me and I felt upset. She sounded like she was trying to insult me in a way and I wouldn't have it, "We do love on each other."
She snorted and Marie sent her a glare, "I haven't seen it."
I scoffed and took a big sip of my margarita, "It's a family event!"
Her steps faltered slightly but then she picked up her pace again, "You're right. I'm sorry, I don't know why I just did that. That was rude."
"Yeah, it was," Marie said and furrowed her eyebrows as if in thought.
We neared the guys and I felt something click in my head. By the look on Marie's face I could tell that Ili had a point in a way. Tristan and I weren't super friendly with one and other. And I know both of them know Tristan as the billionaire player who sleeps around. Tristan and the other two had moved more onto the field. I took another gulp of my drink and set it on the table by the fire before following the girls.
They joined them first but the alcohol in my system gave me a boost of confidence. I walked up behind Tristan and wrapped my arms around him and popped my head out to the side with a full smile, "Hey."
He tensed in my hold and looked down at me with a weirded out look. He soon remember that we were supposed to be a couple when he relaxed and slid his arm around me pulling me beside him, "Hi, where'd you guys go."
I opened my mouth and then closed it. Licking my lips I looked over that the girls and Ili glanced at me before going back to her conversation. I looked back at Tristan with a nervous smile, "I, uh, you wouldn't like it."
A frown fell on his lips and he furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't say anything he just stood there and look at me. I began to feel uncomfortable under his gaze and averted my eyes from his. Until now I didn't notice the way his arm held me against him and how I held him.
I sighed and looked back into his eyes, "I swear I didn't know until we got there."
He looked over at Maria and Iliamna and his frown turned into a scowl. I forgot they both held their margaritas. His arm loosened around me and he pulled away, "Hey guys I'm sorry to leave so soon, but we have dinner reservations."
My body tensed because to other it sounded calm I assume. For me it sounded like he was holding onto the last strings before he snapped.
"Oh you're fine, thank you for actually showing up this time. It was good to see you man," Jean shook his hand hand and so did Alex.
I said bye to Ili and Marie but not before getting their numbers. I mainly wanted Marie's. Brandon came up and kissed my hand making me blushed, "I could walk you out if you want."
I shook my head and laughed, "Brandon, you're going to get your ass beat."
He gasped and put his hand over his heart, "What makes you think I'd be the one getting the beating?"
I raised my eyebrows at the man and felt two hands grip my waist again. Tingles ran through me and I looked up at Tristan who had a scowl, "Watch yourself Brandon. You may be my closest friend but I won't hesitate to whoop your ass."
Brandon laughed with absolutely no fear, "It was good to see you too. You know I would never. You just get pissed so easily and its funny."
I couldn't help but giggle at that because he was right. It was kind of funny how mad Tristan got. And he was mad all the time. So it wasn't so funny, "It may be fun for you but I live with him so please don't piss him off too much."
Tristan grunted and told Brandon he'd call him later. A conversation I was interested in hearing. I followed as fast as my feet could carry me in heels. Tristan's long strides were hard to keep up with. My feet ached and my mind was fogged slightly.
We reached the front and stood there for a second. I knew we were waiting for the limo to pull around. I couldn't understand why Tristan decided we needed a limo. This was nothing fancy and it wasn't like we were going anywhere else besides a restaurant. Damn rich people.
"You know," Tristan began and I braced myself for what was coming, "I think you'll be more disappointing in yourself for drinking than I am."
He sounded angry but reserved. I didn't have time to answer because the limo pulled up and he stepped in quickly. What did he mean I would be disappointed?
I slid into the seat across from him and folded my arms over my chest, "Why are you even disappointed? I'm an adult and can handle myself. I'm not majorly drunk or anything. Just enough to make me relax. You should be proud of me. I am making friends."
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I know you're an adult. But I promise you, tonight was not the night."
This man is never straight forward with anything. Than again neither am I. I tend to beat around the bush a lot. I opened my mouth to ask another question but Tristan's phone rang. His tone changed into a hard professional tone quickly. It sucked that I found it attractive.
I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window. The clouds we dark and looked as if they were to rain soon. I've always found the rain so peaceful. Whether its pouring or sprinkling its enjoyable for me. I looked back at Tristan and his tense figure. Does he ever have a chance to just breath?
"That's none of his damn business," he gritted out. The man on the other end of the call sounded frantic. Although Tristan never talks to me about his company it was obvious something was going on. Every large company seems to get into dangerous usually illegal things. On the front Tristan was the CEO of Denton Enterprises. How they built from the ground up I have no idea. Tristan inherited it from his father at age eighteen. I know they run a lot of stuff online and have bought out half of the surrounding companies. My father's, for example, when close to collapsing fell back onto Denton.
It's a real estate company and it makes great income. They cover the U.S easily and are now doubt one of the largest real estate companies. So how was the company collapsing? My Father got into it with the wrong people. I don't know much about it but a Russian man who went by the name Petrov because of my fathers phone calls. The last few months I spent with them that's all his phone calls were ever about. He was constantly tense and wouldn't let me go out. I went to work and I came straight home. He would've sicked his guards on me if I didn't beg him for privacy.
"Elizabeth," I jumped and blushed. Tristan stood outside of the car waiting patiently for me to join him.
"Sorry," I mumbled before sliding out onto my now very sore feet.
He linked his arm in mine and we made our way to the building. A few paparazzi stood outside flashing their annoying cameras our way.
I rolled my eyes and huffed, "So we're just meeting your parents?"
I hadn't seen his parents sense the wedding. Very sweet people, especially his mom. Tristan didn't seem to get along with his dad which didn't surprise me. I know I'm stereotyping them but his father raised him to take over the business and that had to be ruff on the relationship. It was definitely deeper than anything I would know but the bitterness was expected.
"No," he spoke and my head snapped to him with confusion. He stared ahead but I could see the glimmer in his eyes. Almost as if he wanted to smile but he wouldn't. He didn't say anything else as we walked through the double doors. The smell of fresh Italian food hit me and I took a deep breath. I stomach clenched in hunger and at the moment I had never been more excited for food.
"Hello welcome to Bellezza Della Notte, how may I help you," the girl with short blonde hair batted her eyelashes at Tristan. She wore a regular waiter uniform but had the top buttons of her shirt undone allowing her busty breasts to pop out.
"Reservation for Denton," Tristan's strong voice ordered.
"Denton," she said without even glancing at her sheet, "like, the Tristan Denton?"
I held back my laugh and rolled my eyes. She didn't really bother me it was more of the fact I was fucking hungry, "Yes, now can you please do your job and seat us at our table or I'll do it myself."
I swear it was the hunger speaking but her ogling my husband wasn't helping either. As if she noticed my existence for the first time the girls eyes snapped to me. Her face changed but she kept her composure, "Of course, my apologies this way."
We followed her through the restaurant weaving through tables. Before we even reached our destination my steps faltered and my arm dropped from Tristan's. The man at the table looked up and stood instantly.
I felt my chest well up and I knew tears would fall soon. My feet at a much quicker pace moved towards him and he came to meet me half way.
"Elizabeth," he said opening his arms to me.
I ran into them and clutched to him for dear life, "Dad," my voice was already tight and a small tear slid down my cheek, "I missed you."
His hand stroked my hair, "I missed you too, muffin," he pulled back and looked at me, "How have you been? Are you okay?"
I saw the true concern in his eyes and my heart clenched. I put a half smile on my face, "I promise I've been alright. It's not that bad. Honestly it's getting better."
"I told you it would," I heard a voice that quickly changed my mood. Vanessa came around my father and towards me. He tried to hug me but I stepped back; not without my father giving me a look.
I ignored it a glared at the she-devil, "Vanessa," I greeted her sourly.
She rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip, "Don't be like that Liz. How have you been?"
My lip curled up slightly, "Like you care. You're just happy you got your money."
I knew I shouldn't be starting anything here but I was mad. Luckily my father jumped in before anything could happen, "The boys or here."
My throat squeezed, now I was definitely going to cry, "Where?"
"They're in the bathroom. They should be back soon," him and Vanessa sat down next to Tristan's parents.
I didn't sit but I stepped forward and smiled, "Mr. and Mrs. Denton it's so good to see you."
"Oh, I've told you before call me James," Tristan's dad said.
"You look stunning Elizabeth. It's truly good to see you, both of you," Clara Tristan's mom said looking over at Tristan, "I miss my son."
Tristan sighed and grabbed her hand, "You know I'd come around more but-"
"But your busy," James said with an upset tone and Tristan retracted his hand from Calra's.
"Actually, yes I am. I'm barley home," I don't know why those words made me sad but they did, "and I can't set foot into your house without you yelling at me for doing everything wrong."
"Because you have been," James began to get angry.
"It's not your company anymore," Tristan held his ground.
Clara held a sad face but it still rained dominant, "You are not doing this tonight so help me god."
They both shut their mouths and Tristan grumbled.
"Lizzy!" A loud voice that no doubt had heads turning in the fancy restaurant. I turned and saw Tanner sprinting full speed towards me and my heart swelled.
I squatted down and took his embrace with full force and almost got knocked over. I heard Clara 'awe' and could feel everyone looking at us. For some reason its like I could feel Tristan's gaze. I squeezed the boy almost to the point I was scared her couldn't breath, "How are you, munchkin."
He groaned and pulled back, "Stop calling me that I'm too old."
My eyes were foggy and I held his little face, "You'll never be to old to be my munchkin."
He pouted but quickly smiled, "I have so much to tell you. Daddy's happier," he leaned forward and whispered the last part, "Nessa's been a bitch."
I gasped at the dirty word that left his lips and Tristan laughed. Him being the closest he was able to hear, "Tanner, don't say that!"
He shrugged his shoulders, "That's what Leo says."
Leo. I looked up behind Tanner and just now noticed him standing there. He had wide eyes and looked like he was about to cry. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and stepped forward a little and he didn't make a move.
"Please," I whispered searching his eyes, "hug me."
Tears spouted in his eyes and he flung himself into my arms. I held him close and felt my lip tremble. He started to shake with his tears and clung to me for dear life, "I'm go--ing to kill y-ou."
"I'm so sorry," my hand stroked his hair as my father did to mine.
His cries lessened and he took a deep breath, "I," he pulled back sightly and look at my face, "I miss you."
His puffy green eyes looked at me and he sniffed. I ran my hand across his wet cheek and said softly, "And I miss you. More than you could possibly imagine."
That's when the waiter came and placed waters around the table and began to speak. I took a seat next to Tristan and Leo sat beside me. Tanner sat on the other side of Tristan and I had no doubt the kid was going to talk his ear off.
We all ordered and the rest of the night went smoothly. Both Tristan and I would be slightly snippy whenever James or Vanessa would talk to us but other than that it was pleasant. Turns out my dad had a big deal and was going on a business trip in three weeks. I was happy for him but hated the fact that the boys would be with Vanessa.
Leo an d Tanner filled me in on almost everything that had been going on. Tanner had a little 'girlfriend' and Leo got Horizon Zero Dawn which he had been wanting forever. Leo was tense as first but the more we talked the more he remembered he could trust me.
I looked down at my almost empty plate and felt stuffed between the pasta, calamari, and fresh baked bread. The food was amazing.
"Yeah but then I fell out of the tree," Tanner said and Tristan laughed. Like a full, rich, beautiful laugh. It sent tingles through me and a smile started to spread across my face, "And Leo just laughed!"
"Well, I told you not to climb the tree if you couldn't get back down," Leo crossed his arms and glared at his little brother.
"Is this what happens when I'm at work? Vanessa do you even watch them?" My dad said with an accusatory look.
"Of course," Vanessa said defensively but at the same time both the boys said 'no'.
I glared at her and clenched my fist beside my plate. I felt a hand placed over mine and I snapped my gaze on Tristan. His eyes for the first time looked soft. Like he was telling me it was fine. My lips parted slightly and I looked away. He pulled his hand back and my dad spoke, "You know, it's getting kind of late and we should be going. You boys need to get to bed."
"No," Tanner let out a long whine, "I don't want to leave Lizzy."
"You will come see us, won't you?" Leo looked at me with hopeful eyes.
"As much as I can," I said lowly feeling weary.
"Tell you what," Tristan said after taking his card from the check, "you boys should come stay with us when your dad goes on his trip. I've got plenty of extra bedrooms and game room. Tanner I got big oak trees, pool, and some toys I'm sure you like to play with. Leo I have both Red Deads."
I looked at Tristan in surprise as he looked between the two boys waiting for an answer. I wanted to grab him and kiss him right there and felt surprised by the sudden urge.
"That's sounds great," my dad happily. Clara looked just as surprised as I was. But her eyes held a large amount of love in them.
"Um," Tanner played with his fingers, "can I bring Nova?"
I felt unsure how Tristan would react to this but might as well try, "The husky."
His attention turned to me and I could see thought swirling in his eyes, "Well," he said looking back at Tanner, "I guess that would be fine. But you'd have to take full responsibility for everything. Poop, pee, food and water."
Tanner's face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, "Yes sir!"
Tristan chuckled and I looked at Leo, "You in?"
He had a weary look in his eyes as he studied Tristan. It was the man that took me away from him. He looked back at my and I gave him puppy dog eyes and he rolled his giving, "Best option so far."
"Yay," I squealed pulling him into a tight hug.
"Get off me crazy woman," Leo tried to get out of my grasp but couldn't stop the laugh leaving his lips.
After that we all went out of the restaurant and said our goodbyes. I held both of the boys for two minutes.
I now sat in the car staring out the window. I couldn't help but repeat the conversation I had with my dad.
"I want you to be safe Lizzy," he said with a weak voice.
"What do you mean?"
"It's really not something I should be telling you," he ran his hand through his grey peppered hair, "Look, I don't know what Tristan had told you but it's not safe. You're the daughter of a business man and married to an overly famous CEO."
His words just had me more confused, "I still don't understand."
He sighed and shook his head, "Just promise me you'll be safe."
"Elizabeth, promise me," his voice sounded urgent and worried.
"Fine," I gave in, "I promise."
What had happened? Why do the men in my life never give me a straight damn answer to thing. Was I really in danger?
When we got back to the house we both silently made out way up to our rooms. I stopped at my door and Tristan continued down the hall.
"Tristan," he halted in his steps and glanced over his shoulder, "Thank you, I mean it."
He just gave a curt not and continued in his glorious stride to his room. I would just have to ask him about what my dad said tomorrow.
For now I was going the hell to sleep.
pretty long chapter this took me a second. It's like 3:30 in the morning and I have exams tm..
Ya all this corona shit and I still got exams
Hope you enjoyed if you have any questions or ideas lmk!
Love ya!
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