hey babes
TRISTAN'S POV 1 week later
I swirled the ice around in the cup of whiskey trying to control my thoughts. My mind was unable to comprehend any of my actions so why try to comprehend anything. Drink it away like I usually do.
I was angry with myself for the mess I had created. It was already hard being forced into marriage and having to live together. But as much as I ignored my attraction to her I slipped. Could you blame me for my attraction? She was stunning and there was no doubt about it. Very independent but that made her stubborn. I have a problem when people don't listen to me so I found the constant urge to want to make her submit.
She blames me for ruining her life like I wanted to do this. I disliked her just as much as she did me. Though my addiction to submission and my hate towards her just built up tension.
Its been a week since the disruption in out daily routine of hate and she hasn't spoken to me. She had been avoiding me at all costs and I don't blame her.
I currently sat in my office at Denton Enterprises with a bottle of alcohol next to the mountains of work I was close to being done with. I rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands and let out a long sigh.
I looked down at the ten pages I had left and glanced at the time, 4:30. Fuck it, I'll just finish it tomorrow. I stood up and put on my suit jacket and grabbed the bottle. The whiskey was needed if I had to deal with my wife once I got home. The word still made me cringe.
I slid into my beautiful car, my baby, and headed home.
"Mr. Denton, you're home early," Sarah said with surprise. She sat on the couch in front of the TV looking at me with fear.
I wasn't in the mood to get angry at her I was honestly just hungry, "Yes, and starving. Make me dinner."
She nodded her head and stood up quickly, "Yes sir."
She scurried towards the kitchen but my voice made her halt in her movements, "Where's Elizabeth?"
"Um, I believe she's outback, sir."
I nodded and she headed into the kitchen.
Wanting to get out of the uncomfortable clothing I was in I headed up into my room. I set my stuff down on my king-sized bet and began to loosen my tie. I glanced out the window and saw Elizabeth getting out of the pool. Her long wavy hair now wet and sticking to her body. The bikini exposed most of her skin showing off her soft curves and long legs.
I clenched my jaw and looked away. I didn't want the sight of her to please me. I wanted to be displeased. But what was I supposed to do, her beauty was unfathomable. It's not that I felt a connection with her.
The sight of her just aroused me and the sexual tension between us was strong, whether or not either of us liked to admit it. This week had been difficult.
I took off my suit and slid on a white t-shirt and sweatpants. The feeling was relaxing and I felt much better not feeling like I had to be professional. I was so damn tired of people and being worried about what they thought. My home was my safe place.
But ever since Elizabeth got here I've hid behind my anger. Now my dominance is me. That's just how I am. I like the control and I hate to be defied, something she does a lot.
I headed downstairs into the kitchen and sat down at the island. Sarah had just finished the steak and turned to me with a timid smile, "Would you like gravy?"
I couldn't help but smile back, as much of an ass I'd been to her she's kept her composure and respected me. Something I'm very thankful for, "Yes please, that'd be great."
She looked at me as if I had two heads but cleared her throat and said 'yes sir' then continued to make my plate.
"Wait Sarah, before you finish that could you get Elizabeth to come and eat dinner."
She nodded and headed out of the kitchen to get the thick headed girl that gives me a head ache.
I stood and walked over to the stove and started to make my plate. The steak was already on it so I added a large scoop of mashed potatoes and put gravy on top.
I noticed Elizabeth walk into the room and my mood dropped immediately. I knew we were going to get in a fight ever time she was around. The urge to yell hit me instantly when she walked into the room. Bitterness radiated off of her, that's all I felt when I was in her presence except for one time.
The one time I didn't feel bitterness it was a pool of lust, want, and hate and it is the strongest thing I've felt.
Sarah walked in from the other entrance and headed to the stove to make Elizabeth a plate. I had moved to the side to get the silverware from the drawer.
"Hey Sarah you don't have to get that, I'll get my own food, " Elizabeth said with a smile.
For some reason her kindness made me want to smile too but I held my scowl and picked up a knife. For the steak I mean.
"No dear its fine, I got it," Sarah replied.
"Make your plate of food and I'll make mine, you're probably just as hungry as I am," just as she spoke this I quickly turned and my toe hit the bottom of the counter with a great amount of force.
"Fuck," I said in pain not noticing my grip slipping on the plate in my hand.
It slid out of my hand and hit the floor with a loud shattering sound, "Shit!"
Sarah gasped and ran out of the room; I assume to go get the broom. I looked up and saw Elizabeth staring at me with a surprised look on her face. We held eye contact and I waited for the insults to flood out of her mouth.
Instead she did something that surprised me just as much as I surprised her. She laughed. And when I say she laughed I mean she fucking laughed. I could see her eyes start to water and I fought back the chuckle that was attempting to build its way up my throat.
I should be pissed because she's laughing at me. But instead my body had the opposite reaction. It wanted to join her. Her laugh made me want to smile and I hated that.
I managed to keep the blank stare I always carry and I glared down at her and watched her laughter die down.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she giggled, "you just should've--- God you should've seen your face."
She broke out in a fit of laughter and I rolled my eyes.
Sarah ran back into the kitchen and quickly started sweeping it up, "I'm sorry, Sarah."
Her head shot up and she just stared at me, "No, no its fine its my job. I'm just glad none of the glass got on you."
I nodded my head in agreement and watched her continue to clean my mess up, "Trust me, so am I. These are my favorite sweatpants too."
I glanced down at my comfy grey sweatpants that had no stains or tares on them. I mean, they were really comfy.
I looked back up and both Elizabeth and Sarah were both looking at me confused. I made sure not to look at Elizabeth and turned all of my attention to Sarah, "Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing its just, you usually don't talk this much. Are you ok, Sir?"
I was about to reply but Elizabeth quipped in, "Oh, he has plenty to say. It's just surprising he's saying something nice."
I looked over at her and she had her arms crossed and was glaring at me. Mood swing much? I smirk formed on my face at the idea that had popped into my mind.
Instead of fighting I took a different approach on her insult, "My dear Eliza, you look absolutely stunning today."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "You're so full of yourself."
My smirk just widened and I shrugged, "Is that a problem?"
Was he teasing me? I looked at the man in front of me who just a week ago slammed me into a wall and gave me a sensation I had never felt before. But also the same man who was angered over the slightest things and never spoke to me unless with anger, was teasing me?
It was unbelievable. What was also unbelievable was how he still managed to look flawless in sweatpants and a t-shirt. But what got me the most was how my body reacted to the nickname and him calling me stunning.
Why did that even affect me.
"Do you not think it is?" I countered is dumb question with my own.
This is the first real conversation with him.
You consider this a conversation?
Not really, but I like it.
"Only if you make it one," he took a step towards me making me take one back.
"I'm gonna throw this away... outside," Sarah said with awkwardness. She scurried out of the kitchen wanting to leave the conversation as quickly as possible.
"And what if I do?"
He took long strides towards me and I backed up into the table. He was now standing a foot away from me looking down at me, "Then I'm going to have to fix that."
I sucked in a shaky breath, the close proximity already getting to me, "And how are you going to do that?"
He chuckled and studied my face for a second before leaning down. His lips brushed against my ear and I couldn't help but shiver slightly.
He chuckled again informing me that he saw my reaction and then spoke into my ear, "I guess you're going to have to wait and see."
He pushed his body away from mine and looked into my eyes. Not long enough for me to get sucked into the empty void of his emotionless expression but long enough for me to want to jump him. Before that thought could fully process in my mind he turned and walked out without another word.
Why the fuck does he do that? Get you all heated up and then just leave you a hot mess. It's not fare!
I agree, its not fare. But I don't want to even think about that, or him.
So, food.
I'm begging you not to kill me
ive been gone forever
I'm rlllllllyyyyy sorry ok. I have my reasons I promise I didn't just dip.
Anyways I missed this and you guys!
I hope you enjoyed!!
I love you guys, have a good night/day, whichever one your having
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