The past weeks have been weird, from saving a girl who rejected me, to her friends trying to track me down, and then now, where I'm back to my old life. I walk down this alleyway as Aiden and Xander load the truck with the boxes and crates of weapons and drugs. Devon always tells me that I need to stop selling weapons and drugs, doing illegal marketing but once I've gotten enough money to survive fifty lives. Then I'll give my spot to my trustworthy underboss, Aiden, and he will take the spot as the don.
I walk back to the truck as Aiden and Xander greet me. I count the boxes, two dozen crates with weapons, and three dozen boxes of drugs. We're missing another five dozen boxes of weapons and drugs, which is weird because the deadline for them to be delivered is today. I threatened the motherfucker to deliver it safely here today, at 10 pm. It's 11:35 pm.
And now where is it?
"Where are the boxes from Francis Falcone?" I ask the guys. Francis Falcone and I have been working together for a decade now and nothing has gone wrong until now.
"Don, the five dozen boxes never came to us," Xander says as he shrugs. Who could've been able to steal the boxes, especially when we arrived earlier than the delivery time?
I tell them both to bring the crates that we have right now down to the safe house. I dig in my pockets, trying to find my phone. I dial Falcone's phone number as I lean against my bike waiting for the motherfucker to answer the phone.
"Hello, Mr. Castillo." He greets me with an Italian accent that always drives me nuts.
"Falcone, where the fuck are my boxes?" I shout at the phone letting all my annoyance and anger out on a damn phone. It doesn't help but it will scare the shit out of Falcone.
"Castillo, it has been delivered by my loyal American friend, Matthew Christensen," he says with small stutters in his words. Matthew Christensen? That fucker. He tried to advertise his mafia organization a few years ago, but I assumed it would fail. He didn't have anyone, I know he has a wife and a son, but not that he has access to packages from Italy.
"For fucks sake!" I shout.
"Who is this loyal friend of yours!" I shout, letting the whole city hear me as I feel my voice echoing in my throat.
"I-I've told you, Matthew Christensen, he introduced me to his high-tech delivery. He delivered the packages from 3 months ago." He explains. Matthew Christensen is getting smarter, and bigger, he can't achieve New York. He can find another city, but New York is ours, not his.
"Falcone you better send me 10 dozen boxes to me by my man, Aiden Walker, not any loyal Americans of yours. If I don't see 10 dozen boxes at my safe house within three days, I will murder your daughter myself." I threaten, but before he can answer my threat, I hang up the phone, feeling the annoyance creep into me even further. Bullshit.
The only reason Falcone even does shit for me in Italy is because his daughter, Vittoria Francesca Falcone, who lives in New York City where I can easily murder her with my own hands if anything goes wrong. Vittoria the little mafia princess, also my friend, if I'm allowed to say that.
I hop on my motorbike, about to drive back to the mansion before I get a message from Aiden. I opened the message, assuming it's a message about Francis Falcone. But instead, it shocks me as he sends me a message asking me if I want to join him at my club. It shocks me, to wonder how they have brought our stuff back to the safehouse within a good ten minutes or twenty. But going to my club on a random Wednesday night doesn't seem weird at all, might even be the perfect way to calm down.
I park my bike, locking it before I fix my suit and walk into the bar. I get greeted by two girls, a blonde and a brunette, as they start asking me to dance with them. I would've kindly accepted their offer if Aiden wasn't here waiting for me in the VIP room. When I declined their offer they got annoyed and left, bothering another guy. Jesus Christ what kind of whores are they?
My eyes spot Aiden kissing some random girl as I walk to the VIP room. I roll my eyes feeling disgusted by his behavior, yeah he's older than me but goddamn that's just disgusting, hooking up with a random chick in front of basically everyone. At least have some manners and hook up with her in a room, but who cares a club is filled with crazy animal-like humans.
"What's up, I'm Alex" I greet Aiden sarcastically behind him. He turns to look at me, his lips stained with red lipstick and his neck full of hickeys and red kiss marks.
"Castillo you came," he says with a laugh, hanging his arm over the girl.
"Meet the Castillo brothers," Zach says, having his hand around a beautiful woman. The first thought that comes to my mind is, to grab her hand, kiss it, and look her up with my charming, colorful eyes, making her fall hopelessly in love with me. But that failed as she yanks her hand away from my grip with the following "Ew what the fuck!"
"Don?" Aiden asks, catching my mind back.
"Shit sorry, I was just admiring your lady," I say making up a cocky excuse.
"What? Since when did I become a lady?" He asks, shit have I been looking at him? Well damn then.
"So who is this?" I ask him, tilting my head a little as I cross my arms. Trying so hard to change the subject.
"Bianca, my new girl," he says, pulling her in closer to him. She waves at me with her fingers, I give her a nod as I look around. Her blonde hair shines with her light blue eyes that compliments her tanned body, almost orange. Her makeup is weirdly applied, with strokes of brown and orange and big spots of pink on her cheeks like she's been smacked.
"Since when were you into blondes?" I ask him. He used to date Vittoria who is the opposite of Bianca, with dark eyes, dark straight hair, and pale almost white skin. She even minimalized her makeup.
"I've always been into girls who don't use glasses" He answers, understanding what I was trying to say. I loved Vittoria and Aiden, they were perfect, and they even were about to get married.
"Well I'm ready to get drunk, are you?" Biance laughs awkwardly trying to change the subject as she tries to drag Aiden to the booth.
Sometimes I forget how amazing it is to spend time with Aiden, someone so similar to me. He's only a year older but he lets me act as if I'm 50 years older than him. He's more wild when it comes to drinking, that man can drink his weight in whiskey without being crazy drunk. I've known that man since the worst accident happened 12 years ago. He's like a brother to me, my number one supporter but not as good as Devon and Nataniel. I could never replace Devon and Nathaniel with anyone even though Devon is a little daddy's princess and Nathaniel is a little fragile pearl, they are the two pillars holding me up.
I sit here, empty as I drink this hot chocolate cup this girl with curly blonde hair gave me. But each sip of this warm liquid turns ice cold in my mouth. Everything tastes and feels cold, exactly like snowflakes.
"Hey." I turn around as I hear a guy's voice. The guy is about the same age as me, with striking blonde hair and blue eyes. The tag on his chest says Walker, guess everyone got the tag with their last name on it. Motherfucker looked even worse than crybaby Nathan.
My head turns around, ignoring his presence. "The name is Aiden Walker, assume you're Weston as in Weston motors?"
"Alex," I reply. "Castillo."
"JESUS FUCK GET OFF ME!" I hear a girl scream. She's covered by a huge figure over her that has her trapped next to the female bathroom. No not today, nope I'm not getting involved in another assault. I'm done with this shit, after helping Rosabella, her full name I found out some days ago, I'm not helping anyone else, not even Rosabella again. It was a fucked up mistake I swear I'll never do it again. Even if it's Rosabella again, I won't help her, I've told myself plenty of times and so has she "forget everything about the party and today" That includes forgetting her so no.
As Aiden continues talking about his new Mercedes Benz, I hear the same girl scream again to let her go again and again. And there's a part of me that wants to go there and help her, but that part is so little that I'd much rather stay here and enjoy the night without any drama or whatever. I'm the troublemaker, not Prince Charming to save the hopeless princess.
"Rosabella, such a pretty name." The man says. Well hell, I'm going to be the Prince Charming now.
"Wait excuse me Aiden." I excuse myself as I walk away. Taking a swing to see where Rosie is getting harassed, again. God, can this girl just stay out of trouble?
I push the fucker down as he looks at me from the floor. He pushes himself up as I push him down once again. It doesn't take him much longer before he gets pissed standing up again as I push him down again.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The fucker asks. I cock an eyebrow at him before I answer. "I don't know why don't you ask yourself?" I say cringing at his behavior. The thought of someone needing to force another one to like them, kiss them, or do anything to them is just disgusting. Makes me want to throw up on myself and destroy my clothes.
"God, fuck you" He swears, crawling away backward as I turn myself to look at Rosie. I cup her face with my hand as I search for any marks on her face and body. Luckily that fucker didn't kiss her and suck on her like a piece of candy.
I haven't realized until now what she's wearing. A light pink, silk dress with a lace outlining, and a v-neck that shows her cleavage a little too well. My other hand is suddenly on her curved waist as I feel her small form against my body. Her green eyes stare into mine, traveling into my eyes like I have a universe in it as I stare back into her little universe. There's only an inch of space in between our faces, spaces I wish could disappear. The tension between us is intense, so thick, I fear to jerk away and break it. Her rosy plump lips are so close to my lips, that I can feel her breaths hit my lips as she looks up to me, so sweet and innocent. She's absolutely stunning, so beautiful, she was God's favorite before he sent her down to me, for me to look at as a reward.
"Let. Go. Of. Me." She says as she pushes me away with her palms, breaking the tension we had. "YOU FUCKING TRY HARD!" She yells at my face, almost throwing a burning slap to my face but I catch her wrist in time and yank my grip off her wrist as I step away, fixing on my tux. Or maybe she's the devil from hell with the beautiful face of an angel to summon me down there with her.
"Jesus Christ, I was literally helping out!" I shout at her. Her eyebrows are so narrow in anger that another slap tries to hit my face again. But I catch her wrist again, this time I'm not the one yanking my grip off her wrist, this time she's the one yanking my grip off her wrists roughly.
"I don't need you to save me every damn time a guy walks up to me!" She yells, anger building up her chest as punches my stomach.
"I'm not trying to save you every time either!" I yell at her back. "And don't try to fucking deny that he wasn't making you uncomfortable, because I heard your screams from the booth over there," I say pointing behind me, my voice in anger, it might as well break my voiceband. Her eyes are burning with a desire to fracture and burn every bone and limb in my body until I'm nothing left but ashes floating in the air.
"Maybe it's because I wanted a hotter guy to save me." She says, her eyes strolling around the room. I cup her face to catch her eyes back on me as I say "There's no one better than me out there, Rosie." I say with a smile, Before she says something, she yanks my grip off her face and he pulls me by my shirt, closing the space between us until there's not even a gap of an inch between us. Her lips are so close to mine as her eyes filled with madness stare into mine.
"I'll make your life a living hell, so you better back off." She threatens as she pushes me away. I pull her by her waist, her body hitting mine as she stares up at me.
"I will gladly see you try, Rosie" I whisper to her lips, almost touching them.
"Be glad when I destroy you, rebel boy."
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