7. You Don't Say
Draco was restlessly pacing his suite of a room, the floor probably weathered under his footprints. Merlin, could he use a Remembrall right now! Draco snorted as he recalled a particular Remembrall, one that got Potter into the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He sat on the end of his bed, laughing dryly at Longbottom's expense. He wasn't a bottom now, Neville. Puberty had hit him like a bludger. The spineless boy he once knew grew up to slay Voldemort's python! Impressive!
No! He was getting distracted. What would be impressive is if he could figure out who "Minnie" was. Minnie... innie... Ginny? Merlin, NO! He'd kill himself before Potter or Weasley got the chance. He'd been right about that, hadn't he though?
Potter got himself a girlfriend.
Draco gagged as he considered Minnie standing for Min-
He leapt off his bed and ran to the bar in his room where he poured himself a drink, spilling half of it out of the glass.
"Fucking Minnie."
"Me thinks she's rather lovey," Draco caught the house elf whispering.
"What did you say?!" He barked out of frustration and the elf stopped whatever she was doing.
Draco caught himself and lightened his expression. He'd rather not be doing his own laundry.
"You know... Minnie?"
"All us elveses do, sir. She did not go to the Hogwarts with master? Herminnie?"
Draco's glass shattered in his hand.
Granger? Granger. Granger?! Draco echoed to himself as he stared at the ceiling above his bed. How the hell did he have a child with Granger? He couldn't look at her straight let alone screw her sideways.
He turned over.
How old was Mico again? Four? That was right along the time he'd graduated Hogwarts. He remembered finally being done with the bloody school. There was a party. Everyone was invited. Draco had been bored out of his mind. And then he'd woken up alone and naked in his bed. He was smart enough to figure what had happened, but Merlin he couldn't remember doing it.
He spent the whole night trying to remember.
"How was your day today, love?" Ginny asked her prolific husband as he came home from work.
"All's well on the Western front. How was yours?" Harry kissed Ginny on the head as he shrugged off his coat.
"Busy! I've been making food to take to Hermione. She's been at Mungo's all night with Mico."
"Right!" Harry remembered. "We should go see them soon." He suggested as he settled in.
"Well, I'm going tonight. Take care of Mione. Merlin knows she hasn't slept in two days." Ginny was restless in the dining room, too many things floating around at once. "You'll need to stay with the children. Maybe you can stop by after you drop them off tomorrow?"
"Sounds like a plan. Poor Mickey," Harry grimaced, habitually touching his own scar. "I can't imagine how he must be suffering." Suddenly, that made him remember something. "Actually you know what? The oddest thing did happen today. I heard Malfoy got knocked out today at the ministry. People saw it was as if he'd gotten cursed. He screamed in agony and just...dropped."
Ginny suddenly looked up at the mention of their old school rival. Slowly a curious look dawned on her face.
"You don't say."
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