Chapter 43
Even though it was too late, you dashed upstairs to the VIP room, swearing in your head at what a bizarre coincidence it had been.
"(Y/N)? What happened to you?" Senju asked as they were sitting on the couch relaxingly while gambling and drinking.
But your brows furrowed in analyzation, quickly noticing that half of the Brahman were drunk, inebriated, and barely sober or conscious. You know what kind of people Brahman were, and when they hear that one certain word, they'll be easily agitated. They're aggressive, and they lose control of themselves, especially from alcohol.
And you never wanted to see Brahman and Bonten together... fighting. It'll cause more chaos and it'll be a bloody scene. All of those horrid scenes flashed in your head, and your heart pounded in fear.
"Nothing, it was just my hallucination." You said as you went back to their couch.
"Oh— are you sure? You look like you just saw a ghost." Senju commented.
"Hey, (Y/N), calm down with the alcohol." Takeomi said while gambling with Wakasa. "Getting so drunk that you started to hallucinate."
"Is Mr. Mel here yet?" Takemichi asked, and Mr. Mel is the one who invited them here for the event organization, it's one of Takemichi and Takeomi's acquaintances.
"He called a while ago, he said that'll he'll be here in five minutes," Takeomi replied while blowing a cigarette while playing cards with Wakasa.
"Hey, Wakasa! You're losing man." Takeomi's attention averted to the game.
"Nah," Wakasa muttered as he dropped his last card, and the old man's eyes widened.
"Never mind, I lost," Takeomi said.
"Okay, you take all the bets." Takeomi rolled his eyes as he just leaned back at the seat, "Let's wait for Benkei so that we can play another round— and what the hell is taking him so long in the toilet?"
"He's there," Wakasa nonchalantly said as the doors opened.
"Yo, so my shit won't flush down the toilet." Benkei barged inside the VIP room.
"What the fuck?" Senju groaned while gulping the glass of beer.
"Must be humongous and massive." Takeomi casually commented while scrolling on his phone.
"Hmm, my shit isn't the only thing that is humongous and massive though," Benkei said as he sat back on the couch.
"Wha—?" Takeomi's brow raised as his jaw hang open in disgust and shock, "The fuck?"
"Wanna see?" Benkei smirked.
"Hell no!" Takeomi punched him straight in the face.
"Fucking hell..." Wakasa can only rub his temples from embarrassment and stress by his co-executives.
Senju is laughing beside you while recording Takeomi and Benkei fighting, cheering with a bottle of beer. Takemichi had to dodge Takeomi and Benkei or else he'll be included with a punch in the face.
While your heart is racing rapidly, still scared with your hands trembling, yet you attempted to hide it as you just exhaled.
Takeomi suddenly side-eyed you while fighting with Benkei, and he noticed you. "(Y/N), you good?"
"She looks like she wants to shit as well," Benkei said as both of the men calmed down.
"What? No," you blinked.
"Mr. Mel is here!" Takemichi gleefully shouted as he received a text message.
"He said he's downstairs, let's go! The event will start!" They said as they stood up from the couch, except (Y/N).
"No!" You suddenly stood up, and their attention turned to you.
"Can we just stay here, please?" You convinced.
"The event is the reason why we came, tho'."
"But, I mean, we can go next time, right?"
"Oh c'mon now (Y/N)!" Takeomi laughed as he slung his arm around your shoulders and pats your back, "Mel will promote our business! And you'll be included as one of Brahman's leaders too! And if a fight would happen? We'll take them down, easy as that, plus you trained, right? We have our trust in you!"
You didn't want a fight to happen, but Takeomi's latter was right.
Those months of training that you worked hard for, the responsibility and trust that Brahman bestowed on you, plus you didn't want to disappoint, but something was brooding you.
"Okay, let's go downstairs." You said to them. "You can go first, I'll follow." You added as they soon nodded and went out of the VIP room, leaving you alone in the room.
"Okay then! By the way (Y/N)! Don't forget to wear your mask!" They said as they each wore their masquerade mask, and you were thankful that there's at least something that is covering your face.
As they were now out, you quickly ran to your bag to secretly get your gun and your Kumpur, commonly known as the cloth wrapped around your knuckles for fighting or punching.
"Brahman saved and protected me back then," You thought as you were preparing your weapons and wrapping the cloth around your knuckles as you grabbed a glove to cover it so that the others won't be suspicious of it.
"I'll be the one to protect them now," You pulled the knot tightly and placed your gun inside your dress' torso, then there, you went out of the room.
"Boss is here!"
Brahman said as you stepped inside the nightclub's venue where the business event will be hosted. There are table and chairs and a stage in front as many people were seated at each table. Senju, Wakasa, Benkei, Takemichi, and Takeomi were seated at one table, and you walked to them.
"The hell took you so long?" Benkei asked.
"I took a shit like you." You groaned as you decided to just go with the flow.
"Oh, and- it was more massive and gigantic than yours, just sayin'." You whistled as you leaned back in the chair.
"I'm offended." Benkei joked.
"Welcome! Everybody!" Suddenly, a man's voice was heard on the stage, and everyone's gaze turned to the stage to see the Mr. Mel that they were talking about.
"Ooh, that's Mr. Mel that you're talking about?" Senju pursed her lips in an O-shape. "I've seen him a few times before when he visits you and Takemichi."
"Yeah! He improved a lot. He has twenty percent shares on one of that one company, the media's famous platform here in Tokyo. He earns seven digits!" Takeomi smiled.
"What a good evening we have in here. I appreciate everyone who attended this event. It's our company's 40th anniversary, and to commemorate the occasion, we decided to have an arrangement with one of Tokyo's group, the Brahman!" Mr. Mel announced as the crowd applauded with cheers.
"Mr. Takeomi! It was glad seeing you again, my man!" Mel shouted as he invited Omi on the stage, they were like those types of dads who haven't seen each other for a long time.
"My brother!" Takeomi pats his back as he went up on the stage, "Long time no see!"
"I'm very thankful for inviting me here, as well as my other co-workers, but please, my sister has the highest authority in our group," Takeomi smiled as he looked at the crowd and spotted Senju.
"Senju Kawaragi, my sister! The boss of Brahman!" Takeomi said on the mic as everyone applauded and Senju's heart softened.
You clapped your hands as you felt proud of them, and you smiled as Senju went up on the stage with her brother.
But while you were clapping, you didn't notice the gloves slipping out a bit, causing Wakasa to accidentally glance at your hands to see the Kumpur peeking, which he's very familiar with since he uses it for training.
Wakasa furrowed his brows, and you side-eyed at him, seeing his gaze on your hands, then you quickly pulled up your gloves to hide them as you looked around and gulped.
"(Y/N)!" Your head then turned to them as you heard your name being called on the stage, and you saw Takeomi and Senju inviting you on the stage.
"We've heard you've been training with Brahman, and you're one of Brahman's second leaders, what do you think will be your future experiences? Will the training pay off?" Mr. Mel asked and just business talks, and you went on up on the stage while fiddling with your gloves.
"I'm grateful for the experience I had with Brahman; it was a worthwhile experience because I held a position with a lot of responsibility, I discovered something more in myself that I wouldn't have imagined I could do in the past, and I'm thankful for each of the people who helped me become who I am today," You held a smile as you faced the crowd, your nervousness slowly fading as you felt secure.
At least for now.
Seven men entered the hallway where the venue is located, and they all wore their masquerade masks to cover their faces.
As they walked in, a large wooden double door is presented to the venue, but there was a worker guarding it.
"A pleasant night to meet you, sirs. Here for Mr. Mel's event?" The worker greeted them as he checked the invitation list.
Koko scoffed under his mask. "What do you think? Maybe he needs a little company."
"Pardon? If you're not invited, I'm sorry, only invited people are allowed inside the venue, sirs." The worker said. "Mr. Mel even gave us photos and names of the people invited."
Some of the guys clenched their jaws in irritation, while others rolled their eyes under their masks from this giddily feigning professionalism stoic façade worker or whatever, and their patience is slowly losing.
"Well then sirs, may you all please take your masks off so that I can verify—"
"We're invited." Mikey walked up to him.
"I don't see your names on the invitation list, sir," The waiter said with a smile, "That's quite terrible."
"Well better check it before we lose our patience," Ran said, "And how can you be sure of our names?"
"U-uh, no sir, I'm not certain of that, unfortunately, but Mr. Mel showed us photos of the invited people since it's a restricted and special gathering with high-status people inside, and of course, Mr. Mel's acquaintances." The employee said. "Furthermore, please take off your masquerade masks so that I can verify."
"Let us in or we'll blow this fucking place." Rindou blurted, who's starting to get relentless.
"E-excuse me?" The worker's eyes widened in shock.
"Guards help—!" The worker shouted, but he was suddenly manhandled with his mouth covered by the Haitani brothers.
"Man, watch your mouth." Ran said as he pulled his necktie down to show the tattoo on his neck glistened with sweat.
The employee's eyes widened from the familiar tattoo.
"I-it's Bonten..."
"You're right," Sanzu said as he walked to him with a gun pointed at the worker's forehead, "You're fucking right."
Meanwhile, the two Haitanis were manhandling the worker, their arms on his shoulder and arm, and restraining him in his place so he wouldn't flee.
"Let us in, or this place isn't the only thing that we'll blow off," Kakucho groaned.
"Talk," Ran commanded as he lightly kicked the man's legs but still caused him to kneel and stumble on the floor.
"I-I will let you in! Please don't kill me!" The worker warbled as he begged for his life and bowed on the floor.
"Good." Ran said as he lets go of the man and pushed him off.
Rindou threatened as he stepped on the worker's face then leaned down at him to pull his hair. "Keep your mouth shut after this."
"Wonder why?" Rindou smirked as he looked at the other members.
"Because we've already tracked down your family, and every place you go... there are eyes on you." Koko said as he showed a phone screen in front of the worker's place, and it has the records and personal information of the employee.
"NO! Not my family! Please, sirs! No!" The man cried with a cracked voice, panicking as he saw the picture of his family.
"Then be quiet," Mikey said while his hands are inside his pockets, glaring down at the worker. "Your voice is a nuisance."
"Remember the word, 'mkay?" Sanzu chuckled at the man as he leaned down at him, grabbing the back of his head.
"Every place we go will be automatically our property, whenever and however we want, you hear me?" Sanzu said with a threatening face, "So watch out, this nightclub will be owned by us later."
"Bonten. Remember the name."
The employee can't even speak with his jaw dropped and mouth agape but no words dare to go out; he's stunned by everything he's witnessed, especially the Bonten tattoo image that's flashing through his mind, causing him to have a panic attack.
"Speak up." Ran stepped on the employee's head as he leaned down at him.
No answer.
"Seems like you're threatened enough," Ran chuckled. "That's good to know."
"Handle this man, make sure that mouth of him won't open," Rindou said to the Bonten workers, or their bodyguards as they let the poor employee go, but of course, only literally.
Bonten then entered the venue, with Kakucho and Ran fixing their neckties, Rindou, Mochi, and Koko adjusting their mask, and lastly, Sanzu and Mikey's hands inside their pockets as they kept their heads up, their black masquerade mask covering all of their faces.
"And yes, that's how my training journey went with Brahman, I'm more than thankful, and I wouldn't let this go to waste." You smiled as you finished your speech, receiving positive feedback and applause from the crowd.
"A thoughtful woman, indeed, Brahman looks up at you," Mr. Mel said, "Our business will soon be with Brahman's, will you still be a devoted member, Ms. (L/N) (Y/N)?"
"Of course, I will be Brahman's devoted member—" You answered until you spotted some familiar men in the crowd, and your whole body freezes on the stage as your words got stuck in your throat.
It was them, and you knew it even if it's from afar, even when they're wearing masks.
"Oh, really?" You saw him mouth some words as he narrowed his eyes at you from the crowd, and you felt stares linger on you while you were standing on the stage.
"Ms. (L/N)?" Mr. Mel called you.
"Uh, (Y/N)? Are you okay?" Senju held your hand as she whispered beside you, and she looked down to see that your hands were trembling.
"O-oh, y-yeah um, that's it, thanks so much for inviting us here," You forcefully plastered a smile, "But I'm afraid I need to go now—"
"Huh? What's happening—?"
"AHH!" The people shouted as they heard gunshots from the venue, and they started running around while chaos is starting to occur.
Brahman's eyes flew to the very corner of the venue, and they saw men with armed weapons and the uniforms they're familiar with, but the seven men were nowhere to be found.
"Bonten." Brahman thought, and they felt infuriated with wrath in their chest.
"They're gone yet their workers are attacking us!" Senju shouted, "Watch out, they might be planning a surprise attack while we're fighting their men."
"Mel, go home," Takeomi grunted as he brings out his gun, "We'll handle these shits."
"W-what's happening?!" Everyone looked around to see that the room was in disarray, with people fleeing the venue and being stomped, gunshots blaring out, hostages being seized, and more armed weapon men workers from Bonten approaching.
"Senju! Takeomi! (Y/N)!" Wakasa and Benkei yelled from the back of the stage as they immediately jumped down from the stage and grabbed their weapons.
Your eyes widened as the flashbacks from before replayed in your head, and you felt panic overtake you as you covered your ears from the gunshots with your heart racing.
While Wakasa was fighting off some of their opponents, his head turned to you at the stage, and you were frozen on the spot until he saw a weapon aiming at you from one of the men, and Wakasa's eyes widened.
"(Y/N)!" Wakasa quickly ran up to the stage and pushed you off as he covered you from the wooden plank going to hurl at you, which made you both fell down on the floor.
"Pull yourself together!" Wakasa grabbed your shoulder as he shook you, shouting at you as he chastised you while other members from Brahman and Bonten started fighting each other, just like before. Your lips quivered in dread, your teeth clenched, and your eyes widened as you felt your air escape your lungs.
"(Y/N)! Fucking listen!" He shouted, his brows furrowed in rage, and he looked at your hands, which were wrapped in gloves, before pulling them off and revealing the Kumpur then your eyes widened.
"This? You wore this for a reason, right?!" He said as he grabbed your hands and showed it in front of you, while your eyes were still widened, body stiff in place.
He knew all this time.
"And this?! You brought this for a reason, right?!" He grabbed the gun that was peeking through your dress.
"And that?! I trained you for a reason, right?!" He shouted at your face with worry and anger plastered all over his face.
"So don't die on me!" Wakasa added.
You felt courage rising from your chest, and you looked around to see Senju, Takeomi, and Benkei desperately fighting and punching their opponents.
"They need you!" Wakasa said as he made you face him, "I need you!"
Suddenly, you saw a shadow running up behind Wakasa, and a man was holding a weapon.
"Wakasa!" You shouted as you quickly grabbed your gun and shot the man behind him with blood splattering all over before he can strike Wakasa.
"Get up, it's dangerous here." He grunted as you both stood up and started grabbing your weapons as well.
You jumped down from the stage as you tightly knotted the Kumpur around your hands, but a man was running up to you with a pocket knife, yet you dodge him and went under his arm, elbowing his back as you did a rear chokehold and stole the knife from his hand, stabbing him on the stomach as blood oozed out and used the knife to slash other opponents running up to you while swiftly twirling the pocket knife around your fingers.
"Damn, bullshits." And most of all, It was difficult to fight while wearing your long dress, which the strap now barely holds, and you groaned as you ripped your masquerade mask off your face and tossed it far away as you ran your hand through your scalp to brush some hair off your face in frustration.
"There are too many of them!" Senju shouted as she dodged a kick from an opponent and kicked them before knocking them off, "Grab more guns and weapons!"
The place was in chaos, shouting, gunshots, and slashing everywhere, it was just like the battle between Brahman and Bonten before, but the only difference is that you're now included as well.
You looked around, and the seven men were nowhere to be found except their workers whom Brahman and you are fighting with.
"They're not here, it's more dangerous," You thought while fighting, "They might ambush us any second, landing a surprise attack."
What they didn't know, was that their opponent and target were seated at the nightclub's balcony. Bonten was just leaning back while enjoying a glass of wine as they watched the battle they caused unfold downstairs with amused smirks.
And most of all, they were watching you fight, something new from you which piqued something in them.
"Hmm, you got feisty, baby," Sanzu licked his lips as he's watching you fight from upstairs, "I fucking like it."
Ran and Rindou were sitting on the couch, with Rindou's elbows prompted to his knees with his hands intertwined under his chin, and Ran leaning back on the couch with his hips pushed up in a man spread while his elbow on the armrest of the couch, swirling the glass of wine with his fingers.
"How many bets will you place?" Koko asked Kakucho and Mochi as he stuck his tongue out while leaning on the balcony's railings, "If that guy over there dies, you win a million from me."
"M'kay, bet." Kakucho shrugged as his forearms were placed on the railings.
"How about I shove that million up your ass and let me pick a stronger one to bet on." Mochi groaned.
"You just lost the bet." Koko yawned.
And lastly, Bonten's boss, Manjiro Sano is seated in the far back, both of his elbows placed on his knees with his head tilted and a stern expression on his face as he watches people die and fight downstairs.
"I'm getting impatient." Sanzu sighed as he stood up from his seat.
"Let's join them," Kakucho said as he grabs his gun.
"A little fun won't hurt." Ran said as he slung his baton on his shoulder and kept his gun hidden in his pockets.
"Boss, shall we?" Bonten turned their heads to Mikey, waiting for their boss's approval.
Mikey slowly looked at them with narrowed eyes, raising his brow as he nodded and stood up, also grabbing his gun as he kept it inside his pocket.
"Go on, I won't hold back."
"Where the hell are these—" Grunt "Coming from?!" You groaned while kicking and punching the men endlessly, and it's been minutes now. Everyone was starting to get tired and losing their stamina, but none stopped and gave up, plus their masquerade masks were all worn out.
In an instant, a man was running up to Senju who was still regaining her stamina on the floor, and you felt anger on your chest as you immediately grabbed your gun and shot the man multiple times causing him to collapse on the floor. You jumped on top of the man and grabbed a knife, stabbing and stabbing him mercilessly in the chest, face, neck, and everywhere else, with blood splattering everywhere, but you didn't even bother since you were releasing your anger on him and shouting as you stabbed him brutally.
You continued punching as numerous men attacked you, and you looked back and saw a fast person running up to you, and felt that you've been hit with a weapon on the back of your head that caused you to collapse on the floor.
"(Y/N)!" Senju's eyes flew to you as her eyes widened in shock and didn't waste any time running up to you, but she was stopped when some opponent attacked her.
You felt your eyes getting blurry as blood sipped out from your head while laying down on the floor, but you heard someone thump on the floor, and you forced your eyes to open, slightly seeing Senju and Takeomi.
You clutched your stomach which was aching in pain, especially your head which the continued pang of pain won't stop, "Fucking hell," You grunted as you try to stand up and clear your vision with blood dripping down your forehead.
You stood up from your faint and collapse after minutes, and you wiped your chin with the back of your hand as you were now covered with blood, vision beginning to blur as you stabilized yourself for minutes, and as you were done, you looked around to look at Senju, Takeomi, Wakasa, and Benkei, but your eyes widened in shock.
They were all gone.
Yet there were trails of blood, and their masquerade masks were on the floor.
"S-senju?! Wakasa?!" You started to panic as you searched everywhere, "Benkei?! Takeomi?!"
"Huh?!" Your breath was running out as you ran everywhere in the venue, but they were nowhere to be found except the worker's and men's bodies strewn on the floor, you fought to believe that it was all a blunder.
You decided to check outside the venue and took a run to the large entrance door, pulling the door handle, until it opened by itself.
Your breath hitched as you looked up to see that the door opened by itself, and you spotted exactly seven men behind the doors.
Your eyes widened in horror as they took their masks off, and there, you saw their features perfectly, knowing it was really them, no doubt.
It's Bonten, and you knew them very well.
You quickly pointed a gun at them as you stepped back, "Don't you fucking dare come near me."
"Where are they?!" You shouted as you looked at them, and it was the same façade they held after a year that still never fails to intimidate you, but there was no time to think that. They're the same, still the same after a year, still the same demeanor, still the same alluring looks, still the same of feigning ignorance and sympathy, still the same deviousness.
Still the same, they're still Bonten.
"Want to know?" One of them said in a cunning tone.
You didn't answer, but you kept aware of your surroundings and held your gun to them.
"If you really want to know..." He sighed as he glared at you.
"Fight me first."
Your eyes widened as you looked at the other men behind him, and they all have amused looks as they watched you.
You thought thoroughly about your choices, do you really want to fight them? Knowing that the credibility is low in this circumstance?
"After all, your little training brings you to this, huh? Let's see if it's worth the try." He said as he throws his gun on the floor. "No guns; just use of physical strength; you can use knives."
They were underestimating you.
"Worth the try, huh?" You chuckled, "I don't want to disappoint Wakasa after all," You provoked as you also threw your gun on the floor that emits a loud thump.
Their brows raised, a little taken aback, but some of them emit a chuckle at your boldness. To be honest, they felt utterly provoked and stoked by something from you.
Admit it or not, you were hellbent to achieve something that is beyond your skills and knowledge.
"Ah damn it, fuck the promise." You whispered as you dropped your gun on the floor which caused a loud thump, echoing through the venue.
"Okay," You grunted while pulling your Kumpur, "I'll agree to fight with you."
"Oh really?" He smirked as he stretched his knuckles which emitted a loud cracking sound, and he also grabbed his pocket knife, similar to yours.
"Really." You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes as you took out your pocket knife from your dress and twirled it around your fingers then unfolded the knife.
And there, you both started running toward each other at such speed with enraged, searing eyes while you were aiming the knife at him.
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