Holo, its me... >BatFAMx Reader x Jason<
Alex p.o.v
I was watching Christine's video again, marveling at all the Holo nail polish.Once i finish the video i go on Netflix and search up 'Battle of the Year' which was queen, LIKE FAKIN SLAY BICH.
All of the sudden i near a knock on the door
"*knock knock, knock knock knock*Do you wanna build a snowmaaaaaaan?Come on lets go and.. PLAAAAAY!"Dick screams, his voice purposely cracking making me stifle my laughter
"Go away Elsa..."I say sadly
"Ooooookkk byyyeee...."He mumbles and i hear his footsteps get farther away
A few seconds later i hear a knock on the door and to make sure its not Dick again, i check my secret cameras.'oh, its Jason'i think to myself
"Hey Alex?Do you want to make some Holooooo?I"'ve found a DIYYYYYY!I never have fun anymore, come out the closet, we all know that ur gayyyyyyy boiiiiiii..."He screams to the Frozen 'Do you wanna build a snowman' beat.
I open the door dramatically as i see Dick weeping gently from the corner of my eye
"Okay Elsa!"I exclaim
"Yay lets goooooo!"He says quietly as he grabs my arms, making me drop my tablet, and drags me outside where i see a table set up to make Holo.
I grab some snow off of the floor and make a ball out of it.I go next to Jason and i break the snowball on his head.
"The cold never bothered me anyway..."He exclaims, laughing silently
"CONCEAL DON'T FEEL!DON'T LET THEM KNOOOOOOW!-"I get cut off by Jason sniffling loudly
"WELL NOW THEY KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!"I finish, bursting with laughter as Jason picks me up and throw me over his shoulder while getting some snow off of the ground.
"What are you doing?!"I squeal while giggling
"This."Is all he says before he slaps my butt with snow
"E-EH!"I stutter while blushing madly
"Love is an open DOOOOOOOOOOOOORRR!"He songs loudly while spinning me around
"LOVE IS AN OPEN..DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!"I then sing, still blushing as he stops spinning
"Love can be so much more..with you!With you!With you!With..you!"We both sing
"Love is an open..doooooorr..."He sings quietly, leaning closer to me
I giggle and bring my head closer, making us kiss.
He sets me down on the ground as i go on my tip toes and put my arms around his neck.
I hear a REALLY loud squeal from the door to the manor.I don't even open my eyes as i throw my middle finger up in the air and i near Damian scoff at Tim who was quietly fangirling (screeching to himself).
I break the kiss and open my eyes.
"I love you."He whispers to me
"I love you to but we really need to make the Holo."I whisper back
I turn towards the fam and i see Tim fangirling, Damian trying not to smile and scoffing at Tim, Dick who broke and is just staring at us while whispering "I ship it..",Alfred who is smiling and repeatedly saying "Masters, i-im so proud" while wiping away a fake tear, and Bruce who is smirking at us with my tablet in his hands that show us outside.
'So thats why they came outside...'I think, amused with them
"Thanks for stalking us but i have something to do with my girlfriend."Jason says sarcastically while smirking and glancing at me who's blushing lightly and smiling
"We need to make some Holo!"I chime in happily
Jason picks me up by my hips puts me on top of the back of his neck.
"Its so high up here!"I quietly squeal and giggle
"Oh,thats just cause your short."Jason says while chuckling at my beaming face.
"We need to make Holo babies!"I exclaim and see Jason blushing
I drag him over to the table and we start making Holo.
>Tim skip cuz i dunno detailz abut makin' holo<
"And...DONE!"I exclaim happily, hugging Jason
"I think you'd make a great scientist!"He tells me, poking my cheek
"I mean i practically already am.I enhance all of your guys' weapons."I bluntly say
"Ouch.That hurt."He says sarcastically while clutching his heart
"I made your suit enhanced by the way!"I exclaim quietly
"Really?!"He asks ,excited
"I made it so you have infinite bullets unless you get mind controlled into being a bad guy."I tell him
"Aha!Your so smart."He says and kisses my head
"Thanks!I need to tell everyone else their enhances!"I exclaim and run off to tell everyone about their new abilities
"Ah,I love that girl..."Jason sighs happily
"She really changes you for the better."Bruce says
"Why do you always stalk us?"He asks Bruce
"Just incase i miss a moment when my ship is cute."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Batman is seen stalking couples on valentines day.
Beware for wild Batmans on special days!
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