Welp. 13 Questions Time!
A'ight so I was tagged by Kaylianne_Likes_Pie, thanks by the way... Haha just kidding. So now I'm going to answer 13 questions chosen by them~
1. Movie, song, band, cartoon, video game, etc. that really makes you nostalgic?
Hm. Probably gonna go with video games. Pokémon Explorers of Sky and Pokémon Pearl were my first full-on video games ha~
2. What's your favorite ship?
But there are so many ships! D: Like the Titanic!
3. If you decided that you wanted to stop cursing indefinitely, what would you replace all your curse words with?
Good question. Honestly I don't curse ALL that much, but if I was gonna replace them here's a sort of list:
Crap: Crepes
And all the rest? I'll play it like my 5th grade teacher and say "Fruit!" or "Chicken!"
4. Play any instruments? If so, which one?
Don't currently play any, but I REALLY love the piano and the guitar. Someday maybe.
5. Are you a Yandere or a Tsundere?
Hm. I don't identify as any, really (I sure hope there aren't some full-on yanderes out there <looks behind me>) I'm pretty shy so (I looked up a list haha) maybe a Dandere? Eh. Who knows.
6. Would you rather lose both of your arms, or both of your legs, and why?
Both my legs. Sure it'd be hard to move around, but there's SO MUCH I use my arms for haha.
7. If you could cease any movie, cartoon, video game, song, etc. from existence, but ONLY ONE, which would it be and why?
Minion Movie. Let it burn in the sun.
8. What kind of music are you into?
Oo. I'm listening to some right now. I'm a total weeb so I listen to J-Pop, but I also like bands like Panic! At the Disco, Set it Off, Twenty One Pilots, Paradise Fears, etc. OH! I also love the music from my video games.
9. What's something you'd like to improve on? (Drawing, playing a sport, etc.)
Probably socializing with guys ahaha. I'm so awkward :T As for my talents, I'd love to get better at writing. It's my favorite hobby :)
10. If you were only allowed to eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If I wasn't ALLOWED to EAT FOOD? I'd slap whoever made that rule! Just kidding haha maybe... Chicken? I don't actually know ha
11. You find out that you only have three months left to live. What do you do throughout your last days?
Spend more time with people. Make sure I give out all of my love to the people I know until it's exhausted from me. Yep.
12. If you were trapped in one fictional world (from a book, game, etc.) for the rest of your life, where would you go and why?
So like. You say going into a fictional world. I've heard answers like, "Harry Potter! Percy Jackson! The Hunger Games! THE MAZE RUNNER!" And then I'm just like, hold up. WHY? Reason 1 why that's a bad idea: Think of your life right now. If you were suddenly thrown in a world like that, HOW WOULD YOU SURVIVE? Reason 2 why that's a bad idea: If you're choosing that because of the characters? You may not even KNOW them if you went to that world! Okay. Sorry for ranting. I'd probably go to.... Oh. This is actually hard. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe SAO. But not in the game. I don't want to be stuck. I would just want to be there for VR completion XD (total nerd just passing by~)
13. Are you pissed that I tagged you?
Nah Kaylianne_Likes_Pie. I had fun with this XD Thanks!~
Hmmmm Seems I have to tag some people here. Here we go then~
Phew! All done! Ummmm as for questions. I'm kind of lazy. Maybe you can do the ones I did...? Ahaha sorry!~ Have fun!~ G'BYE, LOVELIES!
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