Sweet Gracious
AhhhhHHH anime how do you do this? I'm like on the brink of tears right now. I just came from watching Twin Star Exorcists and omg. It makes me care even about the characters that don't/didn't (spoilers? Eh) show up a lot.
Think about it this way, for you fans of Tokyo Ghoul. What if someone.... Say, Amon? (Or is that the crazy dude. If so, think of the guy who worked under him in Root A) Was all of a sudden brought to tragedy just like Kaneki. Like sure, you kind of cared for him before, but now it's amplified because you sympathize with the character.
If that analogy doesn't work, then think of Attack on Titan (if you haven't seen that I don't really know what to tell you) What if.... Sasha (aka potato girl for you abridged watchers) suddenly went missing, and you found out later she had been eaten without anyone knowing. No trace left. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?
I'm going to try and explain to the best of my ability what happened (and omg if you're watching this show, and don't know what I'm talking about, this is spoiler material. If you don't care about spoilers, go ahead. Up to you...)
So. In said anime (Twin Star Exorcists for those who have forgotten and are too lazy to flip back or scroll up) there are creatures called Kegare. They exist on a plane that somehow got connected with earth. So, exorcists appeared. BUT! There's a dark magic that is forbidden (I never understood why people wrote about dark magic, or why it existed, if it was "NEVER TO BE USED EVER" Like alright. But I digress...) in which a human being can be turned into a Kegare. Why, you ask, would they want that? Well, funny truth is, they don't. They're tricked into it by a kid who's sick in the head (Like actually. He's so emo without looking like it. Deceptive lil runt)
So. I just watched an episode in which they introduced a character who was semi-unimportant. He was a daycare guy who loved kids. It was the cutest thing ever. He was also an exorcist. BUT later in the episode, the branch the main characters are in (not an actual branch, just btw. They don't live in a tree. Okay. You probably understood.) gets a letter saying that the same character they had just introduced went MIA. The only thing they found was "a picture of children that he was known to carry". BAM instant wave of sadness.
But that's not the worst of it. And this is the part where I cried. The main characters encounter a Kegare not long after they receive this news. And they find out that it's a corrupted human. They end up being to weak, yada yada, their passive-aggressive teacher saves them, yada yada, BUT THEN. As they left this plane of existence to go back to "earth", camera pans. Onto none other. Than a pocket watch. It's open. And you see a picture of the daycare children with the MIA character. I ALMOST CRIED. LIKE I WAS SO CLOSE.
This anime has gotten me to cry an impressive amount of times. It's such a good story. They better end it loud and proud. With an amazing finish. But yes. That was my story of tears for the night. Hope you enjoyed. And if you skipped because of spoilers, I don't blame you. That's all I've got for now. Cya soon, lovelies~ Also I'm getting back into anime which is bomb. K baiiiii~<3
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