So in my Latin class, our teacher every once in a while writes a "P.S. question" on our quizzes which is basically a random question about ourselves.
Well, one time I had to come get a pass to visit in study hall to make up a quiz I had missed. And we had taken a quiz that day too. And the P.S. question that day had been something like, "What's your biggest accomplishment?" and I ended up writing down, "I finished writing a multiple chapter story." Well, he must've gotten me confused with someone else because he said, "What did you perform?" And, seeing my confused look, he asked, "Wait, didn't you write down you performed in front of a lot of people?" I answered, "No." So he asked me what I did write down. And I repeated it.
His response was, "Oh! Did you know that there's going to be a creative writing club this year?" This excited me. I said, no, and he suggested I join it.
That was last week, so I asked him about it this week, and he said the first meet is next week. So yay! This will be my first club! ... Of high school. Woo! I've always wanted to join a club, but I've never found one that's interested me until this :P
So who knows? Maybe it'll be a great success and a lot of fun, or maybe it might not be so much. I won't know unless I try! >:)
On a separate note, there were lots of clouds today, so guess who took picturessss?? Meeeee. But the thing was, this picture was taken blind because the sun hit me like a brick. So I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did. Enjoy!
And that's that. Talk to you later, lovelies!~<3
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