Christmas Gifts+Wifi
SO! I'm a broke child. And we had secret Santa between all the children in our family (aka cousins and siblings) and I spent what I had on that. Then I helped pay for something for my mom. But uh.
I had nothing for my dad. Or something personal from me to my mom. (My dad just bought something and asked if I wanted to pitch in for a gift to my mom.)
So! I asked them, without including why, for story prompts. Since that's all I'm good for when I have no money XD
And I have finished writing them. So as soon as my wifi person comes today, I'll upload them. But I'll give you their prompts. (My mom wanted a sincere story. My dad... Uh. You'll see hahaha)
Prompt from my mother: A girl who's insecure meets a guy who accepts her (she knows it's cliche, but it's what she wanted so who am I to turn it down haha)
Prompt from my father: .... Bear with me here. "The quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog." Uh yeah. You know that one sentence that includes every word of the alphabet? (I know it's usually the quick BROWN fox but he gave me that so.) He wanted me to make a story out of that. And I did it. And I laughed so hard when I finished.
THOSE ARE THE PROMPTS! Sneak peek on what you'll see later today, if you choose to read them. I guess I want a first opinion even though I'm not changing them haha. My mom's is pretty long and my dad's is short because I just can't write anything that long about a fox jumping over a dog pfft. But it's funny so it's got that going for it. I think.
AAAANYways. I'm goin' around taking prompts from my friends for Christmas. So who knows. Maybe if you ask for one it may appear. Oooo. Fun.
See you all later. So glad my wifi is coming back. Don't wanna have to use up all my new data here. Bye, friends!~<3
The quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog.
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