Chapter one: soul marks
POV: Virgil lightfoot
I walk quietly down towards a quiet Small hotel/pub. My friend Remy has owned it ever since his parents died in a car crash a few weeks ago. I enter the pub, my hood drawn over my face, and someone walks up to me.
"Hello, welcome to the moonlight pub and hotel, how may I help you?"
"I'm here to see remy, please." I say quietly, my voice horse form lack of use. The employee tells me she'll be right back, so I wait silently, and lean agains the wall. I stand up once I see Remy come towards me.
"Virgeee! How ya doing sweety? Come with me to the back. Thanks Loren!" He says quickly when he sees me, and leads me to the 'back'.
The 'back' splits into three sections. One is to the kitchen, one is to the employee break room and the other is to remy's house. In it he has his own bathroom, kitchen and 2 bedrooms.
"So. Nineteen today!?" He exclaims. "Your gonna get you soul mark!"
A soul mark. A soul mark can explain many things, but everyone's is different. The only thing that is the same for everyone is, It explains the most likely way we will die, and something about us. It can appear anywhere on our body's, but if two people share a soul mark, that means they're soul mates. A soul mates soul mark fades eventually, most people's soul mates' marks fade by the time they're 30, but sometimes the universe decides its 'ship' pair must happen, and it will stay there for longer. Soul marks appear on midnight on someone's nineteenth birthday, and usually there soul mate's mark will appear, if they already have theirs.
"Yep." I say, tiredly. "And it's midnight in like half an hour."
"I know! I hope it's something cool!" He must be on like his fifth coffee tonight, he has to much energy. "I know just what you need, sweety. I'll go get you a double expresso caramel frappe." He says as if he can read my mind.
"Thanks rem." I yawn and sit down on his bed and lean against the wall. I scroll through my phone and wait for him. He seems to take a long time. I get up and walk down the hall and back into the pub. I see him dealing with a customer.
"Look sweety, you completely ate your food then complained. Clearly you enjoyed the food, so don't come up to us and say you need a refund because your stake was slightly to rare for your blandness. Now get the heck out of my pub before I call the cops." He says with his monotone sass. He then turned around and saw me and rushed me back to his apartment. "Sorry 'bout that sweety, just had to deal with karen and her hell spawn. I didn't realise how late it was. And also I forgot to grab your frappe."
"That's ok, it's almost time any wa-" I feel a chill up my spine. Then everything turns black and I see something. A forest and a river, similar to where I live. I hear voices. They're happy, but they're not familiar. Everything then turns black again and I'm back in remy's apartment.
POV: Remy Chandler
Trigger warning: suicide reference
So I'm standing in my apartment with Virgil, my good friend. I forgot to grab him a frappe like I promised because I had to deal with Karen, but aw well. He then pauses mid sentences. His eyes glow purple, and purple light spread from his back. He then stops glowing and looks at me, surprised and out of breath.
"Where's my mark?" He asks calmly, huffing.
"On your back." I say taking off his cloak. He starts taking off his jacket and his shirt, and I look at his mark.
"What is it?" He asks nervously.
" I'll take a photo." I take out my phone, take a photo and show him. "A-are you ok?"
Virgil looked at it with surprise. "I-I die of...hanging!?" We look at his mark.
"Hey hey hey! It might not necessarily be you will hang yourself. It could be a public execution-"
"They don't do public executions that often anymore. And the rare times it does happen, it's usually by gullatine."
I looked at him. "Maybe it's a lasso, and your destined to be a cowboy, and the empty cage means your gonna starve to death." I say softly.
"Remy, that's rediculous." he took a deep breath out. "hey, what's this on my shoulder? Can you come have a look and tell me what it is?" I go over to his shoulder and see-
"Oh my god! It's Your s'mate's mark"
"My what?" He asks, confused.
I roll my eyes. "Your s'mate's mark. Y'know your soul mate's mark." I say condescendingly. "Lucky you! Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed. You can sleep on my parents old bed, if you want." I tell him.
"Thanks rem." He walks off towards my parents old room. And as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.
Word count: 869
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