-sin pt. 2-
about; artist harry, rich, and ofc 2015 harry. { he looks like a whole shnack with long hair okay, don't fight me on it }
summary; chyna and harry haven't seen each other since that one crazy night whilst they were in college, now that harry has graduated and started a life of his own, chyna finds herself attending the only place that can calm her, an art exhibit.
[ word count; 7,770 ]
art exhibits.
the only place on earth that i loved more than my bed, it was something about the high ceiling buildings that i adored, i couldn't choose between the art or the aura of the buildings, so you can already guess i felt pretty content as i sat in the backseat of a cab, window down and the wind slipping through my curls, i knew by the time i got out of this car my hair would be a mess.
i ignored it though, because london looked gorgeous at this time of night, the lights radiate off of the buildings and onto the streets, making the silhouettes of the people that roam the city visible to my eye, i inhaled a deep breath as i slid the driver his money and stepped out.
the building was gorgeous, all white on the outside, different patterns carved into the concrete, i felt at home, i sent smiles back to the people that sent some my way, trying my best to look content, i was happy, but deep down there was something missing, i just couldn't figure out what.
all my muscles that were tensed relaxed once i entered the art exhibit, dim lighting bringing attention to the pieces of art that sat on the walls, everyone was dressed so elegantly this time i didn't feel underdressed, i practically sold my ass for the dress i had on, black mesh on the sleeves and chest, the tight fitting satin accentuated my figure in a savoring way.
the rest of the dress flowed behind me, silver decorating my ears and wrists, long curly hair down my back, stopping right above the curves that were tucked into the fabric of my gown, i felt as if i was royalty because i looked the part.
crimson colored lips sure to get any man's attention, now i admit i enjoy the free wine, but i do appreciate the men that litter across the building as well, i closed my eyes as i drank some of the white wine, loving the way it slipped down my throat so effortlessly, now i know what you're thinking, ' oh what happened to the pink moscato chyna?'
well things change, much like my sex life, i haven't had a proper release since about a year ago, which was the last time i saw him. i quickly brushed off the thought, tonight was supposed to be a good night, i am going to look at some stunning art and envy the artists because i could never amount to such talent.
then i will find myself a good looking man to take home for the night, and i will have a good climax for once, the sound of my heels hitting the floor were the only thing that was heard over the strangers chatter, laughs and chuckles filling the room, i loved it here, all it brought me was contentment, watching everybody so happy, time stopped for a moment in these places.
almost as if it was only me and the art, dancing alone in this empty building, and i craved that feeling, it's what kept me alive, black marble floors seemed to glow as i walked across it, i tried my best not to pay attention to the stares i was receiving from multiple people, this wasn't any small art gala like the one from college last year.
this was a well known event, and i couldn't help but remember the fact that niall told me someone else bought the building from the previous owner, i could only ponder on who it was, i was skimming over the art, there hasn't been a piece that has caught my attention yet, so i strutted around.
occasionally listening to peoples conversations because who doesn't?, i brought the cold glass to my lips again, shutting my eyes at the soothing feeling of the bitter liquid hitting my tongue and traveling down my throat, yet i felt like my eyes were deceiving me when i reopened them, there he stood.
admiring his work reminding me of the man i saw just about eleven months ago, pecan hair now down to his shoulders, tawny ringlets much like mine except exceptionally looser, he looked like a king, a red suit clung to his frame, different types of flowers inscribed onto the fabric, harry was definitely much more built since the last time i saw him.
broad shoulders more than prominent through the tight suit, i could only see the back of him, but my god, he looked as enchanting from the back as he did the front, the man that had been on my mind for a solid year, everytime another man would even try to touch me he would invade my thoughts, the calloused fingertips that grazed my cinnamon skin not feeling as glorious as his did.
all of the other men couldn't compare to him, harry was one of a kind, and i hoped, i hoped that he wasn't stuck on me like i was he, i hope that he found someone who makes him complete, i don't care if that woman was so into god she went to church every day of the week, because it fucking sucked to yearn for someone and they were out of reach.
i might even sound insane but i swear i've had thousands of dreams about the man, my skin coating in goosebumps at the reminiscent of his hands touching my skin, i crave the way he was so rough yet so gentle, i just, it was something about him.
he didn't dare to turn around, his eyes glued to what i was assuming was his art, arms crossed behind his back, ring-clad hands still the same as i remembered them, i moved over to the left a little so that i could take a look at his pieces without having to get closer to him.
i didn't want him to see me here, i bet i looked crazy as i held my obsidian colored dress in my right hand, and a glass of ivory wine in my left, walking through and hiding behind groups of people just to get one look at what he painted.
they were stunning, my mouth ajar as i looked at the two large pieces, body sized canvases adorning the biggest wall there, almost as if he owned this building, he couldn't possibly own this right?, i brushed the thoughts off as i observed the two large canvases.
the painting on the left held a man, parchment skin highlighted by multiple strokes of oil-based paint, fern eyes emphasized by pastels, the portrait was of himself, umber hair down to his linen shoulders, pecs were overlined with paint, bringing more attention to the toned body, except tattoo's covered his torso on various places, self-drawn pieces of art on his flesh, he was staring at what i guessed was a future visualisation of himself.
my gaze skimmed over to the canvas next to it, why did this man always do this?, it was a painting of me again, except now i was naked, my pecan skin overlayed with sweat, much like that night, my back was arched, legs spread open to reveal the most sacred part of me, the details of my core so delicately drawn and shown, it was like he remembered exactly what it looked liked, as if he took a mental image, because it looked like an exact replica.
my hands were gripping the duvet, head thrown back onto the pillows, berry lips separated, he even drew the imprints that my fingers created onto the bed sheets, his talent was raw and insane, and i could tell other people agreed as well, because slowly but surely more people started to gather around him, eyes gawking at the two displays of masterpieces.
harry held so much ability under his fingertips, one to draw, and two to cause pleasure, there i stood, about five feet away from everyone in a corner, eyes wide and lips in a straight line as i watched, harry and thousands of other people converse about my naked body, my body.
my body that's supposed to be private for me and whoever i decide to reveal it to, yet harry painted it so beautifully and hanged it on a wall so that strangers could adore it, and much like when i saw his other painting of me, i wasn't mad, oh but i should've been.
i couldn't find one piece of anger inside of me, i had so much admiration, it felt great to be someone's muse, it felt empowering to have such a huge meaning to someone that they would take the time to sit and draw you, each part of you, with such immense detail, it was like time stood still.
like things were in slow motion as i walked towards the painting, not caring if harry saw me, or if the other people got mad at the fact that i was pushing them out of my way, i had to see it up close, i had to admire it from a first point of view, i deserved to do that, it's a fucking painting of me anyways.
i was surprised that i was pushing people out of my way as if they weighed nothing, i didn't even look back to see the look on harry's face, and i felt my heart hit my rib cage as i was standing right in front of it, gasps and low chatter surrounded me, no wonder why those people were looking at me earlier, they saw my fucking bare body, they knew what i looked like without this dress on.
i wanted to be mad, i really did, but i couldn't, and i didn't think as i brought my manicured fingertip to trace the curves of my torso, the detail was mind-blowing, he added every beauty and birth mark that kissed my frame, the tiny freckles that laid across my rosewood cheeks, i really felt like i was looking at a clone of me, it looked so real, too real.
a glass of white wine in my hand, and a overwhelming feeling in my chest i turned around, harry didn't have an ounce of emotion on his face, he only blinked and slightly formed his eyes into slits, black button up moving with each breath he took, and to my shock everyone started to walk away and go look at other art, leaving only me and harry, instead of standing beside him, i was in front, bodies only four feet apart, whereas the past couple of months he seemed so far.
i had no idea where he'd gone after we had sex, i woke up alone in his dorm, naked body wrapped up in his sheets, with a cold, empty spot next to me, i exited his dorm doing the walk of shame down the halls to get to mine, dress barely clinging to my body, as my hair stood up in every possible direction, my core sour from the previous actions the night before, i probably looked like a penguin as i walked, and i hadn't seen the man since then.
he even went as far as to drop out of our art class, i never saw him in the halls, nor at any of the school events or games, it was as if he went missing even though he graduated from the school, but he had the audacity to paint me, a drawing of that night, the night that changed my life, and display it for people to see.
god, i just wanted to slap his pretty face but i couldn't bring myself to do it, so i copied his stance as i stepped in front of him, and once again even with heels he towered over me, my chin slightly tilted upwards to stare him in the eyes, this time i couldn't read them, his basil irises were blank, and no cross sat on his chest.
" why ?" i muttered, hands crossed behind my back with the glass of white wine in my left, i awaited his answer, not caring about his dull demeanor, he only shrugged his shoulders, large hand coming to run through his hair.
that oh so sexy hair.
harry finally acknowledged me, shamrock eyes meeting mine in an intense stare, full of unspoken emotions, and i swear i saw a hint of vulnerability in them before he spoke, " even if i hate to say it, you're art embodied chyna, even i would pay millions for that painting, it's art, real art" he explained, this time my name slipped past his tongue as if it was a bad word, his voice laced with anger, he wasn't the harry i knew anymore.
i shook my head, letting a pathetic smile grace my lips, he was so effortlessly charming, he didn't even plan it, it just radiates off of him, " what's so funny chyna, what could possibly be amusing right now?" his stern tone shocked me, but i didn't let it show, harry has never talked to me like that, and i could only wonder what happened to him this year.
no matter how he changed, i wasn't weak, i don't become this fragile girl when men raise their voice at me, i'm a grown fucking woman, and i stand up for myself, so i didn't hesitate once as the words left my full lips, " you're funny harry, we have sex and you just disappear, are you that much of a coward?" he was ready to protest but i stopped him with the raise of my hand, the anger that i needed earlier was now bubbling inside me, a fire that was ready to be released, clawing at my chest to be free.
i looked at him from under my lashes, taking notice to the remorseful look on his face as he stared down at me, " you leave me alone and confused in your bed the next morning, don't speak to me ever again, hide from me for the rest of the year, only for me to attend the new opening of the local art exhibit and what do i find?"
parakeet pupils watch me as i step closer, our chests now flushed together, " i find you, all dressed up, with beautiful paintings of you and i, a stunning painting of me, that no matter how much i wanna hate it and hate you for what you did, i can't " i explain, glaring at him with all the anger in me, i was probably not the least intimidating to the man, but i expected him to react, yet he didn't, the only thing he did was lace our hands together as he dragged me out.
cold air hitting my heated skin, as he pulled me to his car, which was impressive if i may add, a brand new audi is what we sat in, black leather smelt fresh, harry didn't speak as he started the car, i guess he's taking me somewhere to talk, which was all i wanted to do, i wanted the real explanation of why he went through all of the work to stay away from me.
when he could've simply told me he didn't want to do it anymore, and i would've been fine and moved on, but he didn't, which kept me hanging onto him for the past year, mind drifting to the night we spent together at the most inappropriate times, it's crazy the amount of damage this man has done.
i didn't have time to react as we arrived to a large house, glass windows surrounding the edges of it giving me a slight view of what the interior looked like, a white long concrete driveway that lead to the front door, LED lights adorning the edges of the roof, it looked like a museum, he didn't even turn towards me as he closed the car door and strided to the front of his house.
he shouldn't even be the one mad here, i should be, but nonetheless i exited the car closing it behind me, and walked up to the now open front door, i heard it slam shut behind me as i waited for him to lead me to wherever he wanted to talk to me at.
we both walked up the spiral staircase, my heels and his loafers hitting the spice wood creating a 'click' sound, which was the only sound that filled the house, by the time we made it up the stairs i was exhausted, but harry looked unfazed as he walked to the bar that was as big as my whole apartment.
i was the first one to break the silence with a dumb question, " so you drink now huh?" he nods his head as he grabs a bottle of green apple smirnoff, heart-shaped lips kissing the bottle neck to retrieve the liquid, " i came here to talk harry, not for you to nod your head yes and no to every question i ask" i told with a scoff, i was leaning against the marble counter that held various glass bottles of liquor, i don't know what he did to obtain this much money, but he definitely had a lot of it.
i kicked off my heels because of the aching sensation in my feet, i took a seat on the stool that was across from where he stood, hands wrapped around the neck of the bottle, candy lips slightly glossed from the cold liquid, " what the fuck do you want me to say chyna?, i'm sorry that i left you alone in my dorm, i'm sorry that i ran from you afterwards, i'm sorry okay" his knuckles tinged white from how hard he was gripping the glass, his other hand held onto the edge of the marble countertop.
i hate to say it but i was getting aroused by the sight of him cursing and raising his voice at me, god, i need help, " i don't give a shit about your sorries, i wanna know why, that's all " harry quirked his eyebrow, most likely surprised by my calm demeanor, my fingers fiddled with the soft fabric of my dress as i waited for him to reply.
the sound of his shoes hitting the floor and his heavy breathing were the only things that hit my ears, when i looked up he was now sitting on the stool next to me, slowly sliding me the bottle of smirnoff almost like he was not sure how i'd react, as if i was fragile and i'll break if he made any harsh movements, and i liked it. a lot. but i grabbed the bottle, ready to take a sip if i needed to.
harry breathed harshly out of his nose before he began to speak, " well when i woke up the next morning, you were fast asleep, i didn't wanna wake you up because you looked ethereal " my heart fluttered at the elegant compliment, there was the harry i knew, the kind but smart and sexy one, i took a swig from the bottle, starting to get worked up by the old thoughts that creeped into my head.
" i hopped into the shower, changed, did what i had to do, but you were still asleep, so i started to pray, repenting for what happened the previous night, but i couldn't seem to reach god, you just kept popping up in my mind, you and your sinful mouth"
i gulped when he finished, not sure how to reply to what he admitted, so i didn't speak, and watched him, he was so calming to watch, eyebrows furrowing as he spoke, love-heart lips moving with each word that slipped past them, harry was the most handsome man i've ever seen, but he didn't know his true beauty, he didn't know that he was art himself, a man that belonged in a museum, for his looks were gorgeous enough to be gawked and talked about, not mine, i wasn't worthy of that painting.
his hand swiped over my eyes bringing me back to reality, " are you even listening to me chyna?" he chuckled. i repeat chuckled. god,it sounded heavenly, i blinked my eyes multiple times to regain my composure before i looked at the man again.
" of course i was" i lie, bringing the bottle to my lips in an attempt to make him believe me more, but he wasn't buying it, and i felt my heart sink to my ass as he got off the stool, swiftly swinging my stool around so that he could stand in between my legs.
harry looked sorta off, green eyes now a seaweed color, pupils blown as he looked straight into my eyes, hand coming up to caress my face, i let go of the bottle and placed my hands in my lap, his thumb glided across my face so gently. so delicately. as if i was porcelain doll.
i leaned into his touch, letting him cradle my chin with his hand, thumb swiping over my scarlet bottom lip, and i stared straight into his eyes, eyelashes fluttering innocently as i enclosed my lips around his large thumb, swirling my tongue over the calloused skin, moaning into the way he pushed it farther down my throat, his bottom lip trapped behind his teeth as he watched me suck on his thumb, eyes wild with lust and arousal.
he quickly pulled it out, " you still have it in you don't ya peach?" i sent a wicked grin his way, letting my eyes roam his attire, he looked good enough to eat, and i didn't even notice that he removed his shoes, this man is a sly one i tell you, " like what you see darling?" he teased, grabbing my chin in his hands and forcefully tilting it up to face him, he scolded me with his glare, i could feel the dominance that oozed off his figure, he'd definitely changed.
" you're exquisite chyna, but not that cute when you lie" he tsked, noticing the way my eyebrows furrowed in confusement, the grip he had on my chin was forceful, all the anger he held in him showed by the grip he had on me, but i liked how he was rough, it was insanely hot.
i suddenly remembered why he said i was lying but i had to play stupid, " what did i even lie about?" i plastered a baffled look on my face which most likely looked forced, he shook his head playfully but the dark look that was in his eyes when we made eye contact again, wasn't playful at all.
harry hummed as he let go of my chin, and within seconds i was thrown over his shoulder, " harry if you don't let me down i swear to god " i said through gritted teeth, his shoulder was fucking poking my organs and it hurt.
he didn't answer me, the hold he had on me only tightened, and i heard a door being opened before i was thrown onto a memory foam bed, it felt like clouds, it felt expensive.
i sat up on my own to see harry locking the room door, now last time i did that, and he watched me undress but this time it was the complete opposite, his hands reached for the blazer he had on, he took it off swiftly, afterwards he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing two swallow tattoos on his upper chest, and a butterfly on his stomach, i gasped, he looked sexy with tattoo's and i didn't know i needed to see him with some until now.
next was his trousers, he tugged them down his legs and let them pool at his feet before he stepped out of them, flinging them across the room with his feet without a care in the world, next he took of his socks, but walked over to me in only a pair of red calvin klein's, i noticed the fern tattoos on his lower abdomen which fit him well.
harry was now in front of me, only thing leaving me from seeing him in all of his naked glory was a pair of red briefs, " you know lying is a sin right, and also using the lord's name in vain is, sinning is bad baby, so you're gonna have to get punished" my breath hitched in my throat at his words, i never, i repeat never expected those words to leave his lips. ever.
what type of 50 shades of grey shit was he watching ?
" but i'll save the punishments for later, now take it off " he pointed to his boxers, my skin crawled at the thought of me getting punished by him, but i listened to his demand and reached for the waistband of his briefs but squealed when he slapped my hand away, i felt the skin of where he hit heat momentarily but ignored it, because of some reason i liked the pain.
" with your teeth "
my eyes went wide at his request, this was another level of kinky, i've never had someone ask me to do this, but i pushed away my thoughts and morals and i bit onto the waistband, looking up at harry through my eyelashes for approval, he kicked his chin up in a way of telling me to keep going, so i continued, dragging the fabric with my teeth down his legs, not paying attention to his length that was right in front of my face, semi-hard and ready for attention, i focused on getting his boxers off like he wanted, so he stepped back a little as i got on my knees to pull them down the rest of his legs, he stepped out of them himself.
i kid you not, i felt like a puppy ready to be ordered to do something, as i sat on my knees, palms flat against his hickory wood floor, as i stared up at him, trying my best to portray a pure look in my eye, harry was fully naked whereas i was still in my dress.
his hands were crossed behind his back as he looked down at me, a wicked smirk played at his lips, he was enjoying this, " i dunno if i want you to blow me, or if i wanna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours " i whimpered at the filthy words that left his lips, which he noticed and grinned at.
what a kinky little fucker.
my eyes went to his member that stood hard and proud, his slit was dripping with pre-cum that i so desperately wanted to lick clean, the thought of him inside my mouth had my panties dampening with excitement, god i missed this so fucking much.
i didn't know what he was gonna do as he stepped closer to me, his cock was directly in my face, if he moved just a little he would slip into my mouth, " you've been a bad girl peach, so i'm not sure if i wanna let you chose " he tsked as he gripped my chin in his ring-clad hands, the pressure he added made his fingers dig into my lower jaw and cheek, but it was turning me on, a lot, " should i kitten?" my bottom lip trembled at the pet name, a name he never used on me before. kitten.
i nodded my head frantically, " beg for it you dirty slut " the grit to his teeth only made it hotter, with the lust and want that was taking over me i didn't have time to think, my mind was no longer making reasonable choices based off of outcomes, it was only worrying about him, and his cock that i wanted deep inside my mouth.
so with my chin in his hands, and his dick directly in my face i started to beg, " please harry let me suck your dick, please." i begged, not caring if i looked or sounded stupid, because the heat in my core was deciding for me, harry shook his head, and i didn't honestly know what i did wrong.
he held his cock in his hand as he slides the tip across my bottom and top lip, " wrong darling, that's not my name in the bedroom, you know this" i didn't have any time to respond because he shoved his shaft in my mouth, he immediately hit the back of my throat and i gagged around him, both of his hands were on the back of my head, buttermilk fingers tangled in my curly hair as he fucked my mouth repeatedly, i felt my eyes prickling with tears, but i closed them as he continued his assault.
his assault that felt so deliciously good, this new side of him was one that i enjoyed too much, i moaned around him which caused him to hiss in pleasure, the speed he was pushing himself in and out of my mouth at was incredibly impressive, i made sure to hollow my cheeks, and lay my tongue flat so that he could suck up every ounce of pleasure i had to give, it was like i was his puppet, he was controlling me, and i was kinda into it.
" so good for me aren't you doll?" i hummed around him, which he cursed at, " m'not gonna last long if i keep doing this, fuck" he pulled out of my mouth with a pop, cheeks flushed once i looked up at him, " c'mere and gimme a kiss " i was on my feet in seconds, i've wanted to taste and feel his lips for what felt like ages.
our lips met in a heated kiss, his hard-on was pressed against my stomach, i could feel a wet patch start to form there, but the feeling of his tongue caressing mine distracted me from it, and at this moment i didn't care about the money i spent on it, or the fact that his pre-cum and my saliva were ruining it, because being here with him was worth more than any materialistic item or money.
i sighed into the kiss, tongues battling for dominance which i lost, his hands were holding my face as he turned his head to deepen the kiss, i grew weak at the way he lapped at my tongue, teasing me with the slow torturous movement of his own.
he was the first one to pull away, bending down fastly to grip the bottom of my dress, when i caught on to what he was doing i lifted my hands so that when he pulled it over it would be easier, cold air hit my body immediately as i was left in nothing but a pair of maroon g-string panties.
harry joisted me onto his body quickly, out of instinct i wrapped my legs around his waist, his cock meeting my clothed core, both of us moaning at the touch, i suspected that i was going to be thrown onto the bed but instead it was harry, and it shocked me by the way that he just threw himself onto his bed, and i watched the way his hair moved with him, and i giggled as i moved it out of his face when he landed on the bed with me on top of him.
this feeling that i felt in my stomach, the butterflies were having a parade because he chuckled as well, and god, i could live with this feeling, i could live the rest of my life coming home to harry every single night, and i felt as if he was reading my mind as he stared into my eyes, his large hands held my waist as i sat on top of him, palms flushed against his chest.
harry let his hands roam my body, eyes traveling to where we were almost connecting the only thing separating us were my panties, and i closed my eyes at the feeling of his rough hands caressing each part of my body, both of my breasts fitting perfectly into his hands, hands then went to my hips, then lastly my ass, he held the thick flesh in his hands, which he then proceeded to roll my hips, grinding my center against his, as i squeezed my eyes shut at the feeling of our pelvises meeting.
the rhythm soon started to speed up and before i knew it we were dry humping on his bed, hips meeting in desperate movements to create more friction, by now he was bucking his hips into mine, he had a dangerous grip on my hips, pushing them down with force, as he slowly gilded them across his manhood, he wanted to soak up every movement, every roll of my hips were controlled by him, and my lips were parted as gasps left them.
harry suddenly held me still, stopping and biting his inner cheek much like last time when he told me to bend over and i could only hope that he had a different position in mind this time, " i wanna try something love, but you have to trust me " i nodded, i trusted him.
he removed me from his hips as he moved more up the bed, while he did that i took it upon myself to remove my panties, dropping them to the floor and turning my attention to him again, he gestured me over with his finger, so i listened, crawling up the bed to where he laid, head propped up on his pillows, knees bent.
leaning forward he grabbed me, and placed me on his lap, except my ass was on his lower abdomen as he leaned me back so that i was laying on his chest, i didn't know what to do so i let him handle me, he spread my legs with ease, placing them over and next to his, so i mimicked his actions, i bent my knees and put my feet flat on the bed.
i whimpered when i felt his fingers come into contact with my clit, he slid his middle finger past my folds slowly, massaging me to work me up, and it felt heavenly, and he groaned when i arched my back and my ass grinded against his length, i moaned once his finger entered me, the slickness of my walls engulfed his finger perfectly, letting him slide in and out gracefully, his long finger hit my g-spot repeatedly, " fuck my finger yeah?" i listened, and started to buck my hips onto his finger as i felt him run his hand up and down his length from behind me.
for some reason i felt like i was in an exotic porno, with the rare position we were in, and the loud moans that left our mouths, with that he slipped in another finger, his other hand going to my left boob, he started to roll my nipple in between his fingers as he fucked me with his other ones.
the pace of his fingers were fast, and he hissed when i started to pulsate around him, he would push into me and curl his index and middle finger, successfully hitting my g-spot each time, and i could feel the familiar knot in my stomach, i whined when he pulled his fingers out of me, only for me to turn around so that i could see him stick his fingers into his mouth, eyes closed as he sucked on them, and it was so arousing to watch.
they left his mouth with a pop, " i want you to sit on my face " the look on my face showed him how baffled i was by his statement, i never did that before and i wasn't sure how to, i didn't want to hurt him or worse possibly suffocate the man.
harry rubbed my arm soothingly, " i know what you're thinking baby, but it's fine trust me, i got you okay, remember you have to trust me" baby. i gulped as i moved off of him, watching in awe as he moved down the bed more so that his head was flat against the bed, his hand entwined with mine as he moved me up his body, i positioned myself so that my knees were near his head, my dripping core right in his face, it was sort of weird that he could see right through me, like literally right through me.
his tongue licked a bold stripe up my slit causing me to shake with bliss, but what i didn't expect was for his hands to go to my waist and push me down on his face, holding me there as i withered above him, his tongue lapping at my pussy like a dog does water, my body trembled with each lick, with each force of his tongue, i moaned as he started to nibble on my clit, the action sending sparks to my stomach.
by now i started to grind my own hips on his face, tongue working wonders on the most sacred part of me, nose occasionally hitting my clit causing me to arch my back and add my pressure into the movement of my hips, i honestly wasn't sure how he was breathing but i couldn't pay attention to it.
the feeling of him stroking my walls with his tongue was too overwhelming, " fuck harry, oh right there, do that again daddy" the name slipped past my lips when i didn't mean it to, but harry seemed to enjoy it because he started to shake his tongue inside me, and i was sure he felt my walls squeezing his tongue, i wasn't sure how much longer i was gonna last because i felt the familiar knot in my stomach, and i was done for when harry groaned against me, my juices squirted directly into his mouth, and i shook because of the feeling of his tongue licking me up.
i collapsed on the bed next to him when i finished, hands going to my eyes as i rubbed them, trying to see if this was actually real, or if it was a dream, my whole body was numb, i saw swirls of colors until harry came back into my vision, he was in between my thighs again, body hovering over mine, cock teasing my folds, " i've decided your punishment kitten" i hummed so that he could continue.
" you can't touch and you can't cum, hands above your head, keep them there" his tone was dominant and full of power and demand, i didn't have any time to contradict the man because he pushed into me, his chin and nose were glistening with my arousal and he looked magical, like a greek god of some sort.
i placed my hands above my head, his hips snapped into mine at a fast speed, my legs wrapped around his waist to pull him in more, the feeling of him buried deep inside me had my eyes rolling back and my toes curling, i could feel the sweat forming on top of my lip and forehead, " you want more peach, you want more of daddy yeah?" i moaned in response, back arching at the words that left his lips.
i felt his hands grab my thighs, picking me up off the bed completely, despite his previous orders i gripped onto the first thing i could which was his hair, he hissed at the deadly grip i had on it, a hair pulling kink. cheeky.
my back hit the headboard forcefully, the pain was overlaid by the feeling of him pushing in and out of me, his knees were bent, his hands were on my thighs as my fingers pulled on the hair that resides on the nape of his neck, causing him to let out a throaty groan, the headboard hit the wall, creating a sound as loud as my moans, i was literally being fucked against the headboard as he held me against it, " call me daddy baby, just call me daddy" i mumbled an almost incoherent 'daddy' and his thrusts started to speed up.
the fact that i had to hold my orgasm had my teeth gritted, my legs now on the crook of his neck, as he fucked me like an animal, long ringlets of hair sticking to his neck from the sweat, head going to the crook of my neck as his hands gripped onto the headboard, i wasn't sure how he lasted so long, because i started to feel my walls pulsating around him again, " holy shit chyna, don't cum" i only gasped at the slower pace he was fucking me at.
even though i knew i was going to get punished i couldn't hold it anymore, i heard harry repeating no as i let go, a piercing moan slipping past my lips as i released onto harry's cock, juices flowing down my ass but i couldn't pay attention to that, i saw white as a beeping sound ran through my ears.
this was the most intense orgasm i ever had, and i winced as harry pulled out of me, and laid me on the bed carefully, i could hear the worried tone in his voice as he asked me if i was okay, his large hands fanning my face, and when i opened my eyes i laughed, i laughed at the fact that i just had one of the most mind-blowing climax's and because harry thought something happened to me.
his chuckle sounded harmonic to my ears, and i reached up to caress his face, and i felt vulnerable when i looked into his eyes, " don't leave me this time harry, please don't" i beg breathlessly, not wanting to lose this man again. ( a:n bitch I'm sobbing, i added this sappy shit cuz i hate myself, continue )
" don't worry darling, you're never gonna lose me again" he assured, as i felt the blush that tinged my cheeks burn as he leaned down and connected our lips, this time we indulged into a slow kiss, with much passion and meaning, he pulled away and spoke, " i couldn't get you off my mind for this past year chyna, i swear i tried going with other women but none of them compared to you" he admitted, peppering kisses on my collarbones and all the way up to the corner of my lips.
i swooned at his words, " you're so addicting, god i could never get tired of you peach " i connected our lips again, except this time i slipped my tongue into his mouth, turned on and ready to go for another round.
" let me ride you harry" i said in between pecks, and he swiftly flipped us over so that i was now on top, we both moaned as i slid onto his shaft, " tell me how good i'm making you feel daddy " i ordered as i started to buck my hips against his.
mewling at the feeling of him slipping in and out of me, " really good kitten, so fucking good, shit" he cursed as i started to bounce on him, his hands were on my hips to guide me, and i let a throaty scream leave my lips as he started to fuck back into me, knees bent and feet flat against the bed as he plunged into me relentlessly.
my head was thrown back as my feet were flat against the bed as well, " look at me baby, m'gonna cum and i wanna see you when i do" he voiced out of breath as his face was scrunched up in pleasure, eyes boring straight into mine and just then he let go, a loud groan ripping through his throat and filling the room, i could feel his seed shooting into me in hot spurts, and that alone was enough to trigger my own release, both of our breathless pants mixing together, each of us exhausted by the time we came down from our highs.
i collapsed onto his chest, my cheek sticking to his sweaty chest, fingers coming up to trace the swallows tattoo above his pecs, " when did you get this one?" i question lowly, voice barely above a whisper as i looked up at him with curiosity as he smiled down at me with a toothy smile that reached his eyes.
" one night i just couldn't get you off my mind, went to the tattoo shop, got these babies, they represent love, and you my darling are what love consists of " i blushed but only pointed to the butterfly tattoo on his stomach so that he could explain to me more.
i loved his voice it was so raspy and hoarse, i felt him pull out and place me next to him as he pulled the blankets over us, we didn't care that we were sticky and smelt of sex, because i closed my eyes as i laid on his chest, liking the way it vibrated, and i could hear his heart.
it was beating just as fast as mine.
who knew a sin could turn out so good, i guess being bad actually is as fun as they say.
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