Chapter 7-Bond
Frigga, Kayla and Loki were in the library looking at an old book.
"There is a way to stop the problems with your magic"
"By sharing it...with Makayla"
"You can't be serious mother, magic bonds are dangerous not to mention they can't ever be reversed"
"What is a magic bond?" asked Makayla
"A part of Loki's magic would be transferred into you"
"And that would help him?"
"Yes but it would also create a bond between the two of you, you would be bound together for life"
"This is not a choice to be made lightly so take some time to consider it" said Frigga before she left the room
"I know what you're going to say but I can't ask you to do this for me"
"What if I want to? I don't want to lose you again Loki, I can't" said Kayla who leaned on the table.
"There is something else, here on Asgard a magic bond is considered a life bond"
"Life bond?"
"On Midgard you would call it a marriage"
"Now you understand I do not wish to ask you if its not what you want" Said Loki who turned around
Kayla thought for a moment and walked up to Loki who turned around
"I am sure that I love you and I want to be with you for however long we have" said Kayla who smiled at Loki
"You would do his for me despite what I am?"
"I do not care what you are, it is a part of you and its beautiful, I want you Loki" said Kayla who leaned up and kissed Loki
Later that day Kayla was sitting in Loki's room, he felt safe enough to leave the cells and so they were sitting on the balcony looking out over the land.
"Its beautiful here" said Kayla who leaned back into Loki's chest
"That it is"
"How long have we been gone?"
"Four days"
"We missed Christmas" said Makayla who turned to look at Loki
"I suppose we did"
"Worth it" said Kayla who kissed Loki
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Frigga walked in.
"Hello mother"
"Have you decided?"
Loki and Kayla looked at each other and smiled
"We'll do it" said Loki
"I'm very happy to hear it, I will start the preparations, the ceremony will be tomorrow night" said Frigga as she left the room
"So after tomorrow we will be connected forever?"
"Sounds good to me" said Kayla who went back to looking out over Asgard leaning back onto Loki.
The next day and Kayla woke up in Loki's bed alone, she sat up to see Loki walking out of the bathroom, dripping wet, with nothing but a towel wrapped around him. Kayla, whilst admiring him, saw the scars that littered his body, she got out of bed and walked up to him, putting her hands on two of the bigger scars.
"How did you get these?" she asked looking his body over at all the scars.
"Do you remember the memory you pulled from me?"
"Yeah, when you fell into the abyss"
"A man found me and well lets just say work had to be done for me to be useful to him"
Kayla looked up at Loki who had pain in his eyes.
"I'm sorry"
"Its in the past"
Kayla put her hand on his cheek and kissed him which turned into a mini make out session which was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Kayla opened to see a lady with black hair and silver armour standing there.
"Sif? What are you doing here?" asked Loki who was putting on a tunic.
"Tradition Loki, you know that, a Lady who is to be bonded spends the day with the Ladies of the court"
"Well I guess I'll see you this evening Kayla" said Loki who kissed her cheek
"Bye" she said as she walked out of the room with Sif.
That night Kayla was in a room off to the side of the main hall where all of the royal court was waiting for the event.
Kayla was pacing as she was nervous her gown was beautiful, handmade by Frigga herself.
"Are you ready?"
Kayla turned to see Odin standing there with his hand held out for her to take, he would be walking her down the 'aisle'.
Kayla took a deep breath and took Odin's hand. They stood outside the large doors of the main hall waiting for the announcement.
The music started and the doors opened to see about a hundred people watching Kayla and Odin who both began to walk down the centre to where Loki and Frigga were waiting for her. Loki was wearing his golden armour and cape, he looked quite handsome.
The second he saw Kayla his eyes lit up and he had a big smile on his face.
Odin gave Kayla's hand to Loki and the ceremony began led by Frigga.
"We are here today to celebrate the union on Makayla of Midgard and Prince Loki of Asgard and as a mother I wish these two a lifetime of happiness and I know it will be an honour to us all to witness your journey together, please join hands"
Loki and Kayla took each others hands and Frigga put her hand over the top and begun the bonding spell. magical golden ropes wrapped around their hands and they watched as the ropes turned green at Loki's hands and it travelled towards Kayla who watched as his magic became a part of her. Once the transfer was complete her eyes glowed green for a second and then faded back to their usual brown.
"It is complete"
Loki pulled Kayla in and kissed her, the people in the room erupted into cheers.
Later that night Loki and Kayla walked into their bedroom and collapsed onto the bed.
"What a day" said Loki
"A great day though, right?"
Loki rolled over to face Kayla and said "The best, we'll head back tomorrow, Tony's going to kill me"
"Not if he doesn't find out"
"He'll notice this" he said lifting up Kayla's wrist which now had a symbol of a snake on it, like a tattoo.
"What is it?" she asked
"Its my Sigil, Thor will defiantly know what it means"
"My dad will just think its a tattoo he's never noticed before, but how do we explain to Thor?"
"We'll think of something, for now lets just get some rest"
Kayla fell asleep with her had on Loki's chest and Loki's arm around her waist.
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