Chapter 5-Rescue
The next day Kayla was sitting in the lounge watching the tv when Loki walked in looking concerned.
"What's up?" she asked
"They went on a mission last night, I haven't heard from them" He explained
"Jarvis status update on the team"
'I have just received a S.O.S from Captain Rogers on the Avengers secure frequency, It would seem they are in trouble'
"Can you fire up the jet?"
'Yes Miss Stark'
"I'm coming with you" said Loki
"Are you sure?"
"I may not like them very much but Thor is my brother"
"You got a suit?"
Loki nodded
"Then suit up, meet me in the hangar"
Kayla ran up to her room and changed into the suit that she had been working on with Natasha, then met Loki down in the hangar.
"Nice suit" he said as Kayla walked onto the jet.
"Thanks, now lets get our friends back" "Jarvis take us to the location of Cap's signal"
It took a while for the jet to arrive at their last location and when they got there, there was nothing but an empty, snow covered, forest.
"Jarvis are you sure this was the location?"
"You sensing anything?" asked Kayla to Loki
"I can feel Mjolnir's power but I'm not sure where its coming from"
Kayla pulled out her wand and knelt down to the ground, she stuck her wand into the ground and the ground lit up with lightning.
"Thor's lightning" she said as she looked up at Loki "We follow this and we at the very least find Thor"
Loki and Kayla followed the trail and they came across some sort of facility and what was painted on the outside wall worried Kayla.
"Hydra, I should've known, we need to get in there"
"I'll distract them, you go and get to the team" said Loki
"Wait how are you going to distract...Loki?" questioned Kayla as she saw Loki running towards the facility "You're so going to get us killed" she whispered to herself.
Kayla ran towards the facility as stealthily as she could, she found a back door and entered the building quietly. Before she could take one more step an alarm went off and loads of Hydra agents ran out of the building, Kayla hid in a supply closet as they ran past.
Kayla come out of her hiding place when she could no longer hear the agents running past, she ran through the building until she found the Avengers. She walked into the room to see them tied to a wall.
"Someone call for backup?"
"Kayla? What are you doing here?" asked Tony
"Cap sent a signal on the secure frequency, so I came"
"You couldn't have told Fury and let him handle it?"
"If I'm not wanted I'll just go home" she said standing there crossing her arms.
"Fine just get us out of here" said Tony giving in.
Suddenly the wall behind Kayla crumbled and the light from outside streamed in. A roar echoed its way through the room, Kayla wondered what the hell Loki was doing, that was until a large green dragon sent fire into the room, Kayla had to use her wand to protect herself and the avengers.
"I had a feeling this was going to go badly" she said to no one in particular "We have to get out of here, now!"
Kayla freed the team and led them out side and towards the jet but Kayla didn't get on, she wasn't going to leave him.
"Kayla what are you doing? Come on" said Tony
"I can't leave him here"
"Who?" asked Natasha
"The dragon, Its Loki, I'm not leaving him here"
Kayla ran towards the dragon despite Tony's yelling for her to come back. Loki had won the day but he wasn't himself, he seemed lost and Kayla was not going to let him stay that way.
Kayla stopped right in front of Loki's head, she didn't dare to move as he eyed her up.
"Loki its me, it's okay, we did it, they are safe now, you can stop, you can rest" she said putting her hand on his head.
Loki didn't seem to realise that Kayla was trying to help and he opened his mouth to reveal fire waiting to be shot out.
"I'm not moving Loki, you are my friend, I'm not leaving you"
It took a minute for Loki to realise he was about to hurt his friend and so he was engulfed in a green mist, when it dissipated Loki was lying on the ground half conscious.
"Loki?!" said Kayla as she ran over to him and knelt beside him.
"You saved me, thank you" he said
"Anytime, now lets go home"
Kayla helped Loki up and they walked over to the jet and walked inside, Kayla sat Loki down on one of the seats and sat next to him.
"Are you alright Brother?" asked Thor
"I've been better"
"You are a hero today Loki, Thank you, both of you" said Steve
"I was a little surprised to see a dragon, how in the hell did you do that?" asked Kayla
"Shapeshifter remember"
"Right, how are you feeling?" asked Kayla
"Better now"
The journey back to the tower was quiet but comfortable, Kayla and Loki sat next to each other much to Tony's displeasure but they didn't care, they cared for each other. The jet returned to the tower, as the team got out they were met with an older man in gold and black armour and a women in a dress which was quite beautiful.
"Mother? Father?" questioned Thor "Why are you here?"
"I sensed Loki's loss of control, we came to see if we could help" explained Frigga
"That's why you came mother, why did you Odin?" asked Loki
"The mortals of this world would not stand against your magic"
"You came to stop me yourself, well as you can see I am perfectly fine and in control, you can leave now" said Loki who was still using Kayla for support.
Loki and Kayla walked into the building and sat on the couches in the lounge. Loki was still weak from over using his magic but otherwise he was perfectly fine.
"Loki we merely wish to see if you are well" said Frigga
"Yet my so called father came here with the intention of killing me"
"I'm sure he had other intentions Loki" said Kayla
"I doubt it"
"Who is this mortal?" asked Odin
"This Mortal is Makayla, she was the one who helped me regain my control and she is my friend" said Loki who stood up and was now face to face with Odin. Loki was obviously angry at Odin for being disrespectful.
"Brother calm yourself" said Thor who was standing by with the rest of the team.
"If he wishes to stay in this realm he will show her respect" said Loki not taking his eyes off of Odin, his eyes which were now glowing green.
Loki's head turned to look at Makayla who had grabbed his arm "It's okay, Thor's right, look" said Kayla who lifted up Loki's hand which was glowing green.
Loki took a deep breath and sat back down, he felt a little dizzy.
"I think you should leave, he needs to rest, he's used to much magic today" said Kayla to Frigga and Odin
"We shall return" said Odin as he walked away but Frigga's lingered on Kayla before she followed her husband onto the helipad and the bifrost came down and returned them to Asgard.
"Lady Kayla is right, you need rest brother"
Loki stood up but wobbled before Kayla held him up, they walked out of the room and up to Loki's bedroom, they walked in and Kayla sat Loki on the edge of his bed.
"You okay?" she asked
"Yes thank you"
"Anytime, get some rest" she said kissing his forehead and leaving the room.
Kayla walked back into the lounge to see Tony looking at her with his arms crossed obviously angry at Kayla.
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