Chapter 4- Will
I woke up the next morning to see a massive blizzard wreaking havoc on the city. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower. I got dressed in some black skinny jeans and a black hoodie and walked down the stairs to the communal floor for some breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and saw Tony and Steve sitting at the table talking, they went silent when I walked in.
"Don't stop on my account" I said walking in and pouring myself a cup of coffee
"Kayla, we need to talk, just the three of us" said Tony
"Why?" I asked turning around and leaning on the counter while drinking my coffee
"Because there is clearly some tension"
"Not my problem" I said walking out of the kitchen
I walked into the lounge and saw Clint and Natasha playing Mario Cart while the others watched cheering them on.
"Who's winning?" I asked sitting down on the floor leaning against the sofa.
"Me obviously," said Clint
"Dream on birdbrain" retorted Nat
Everyone erupted into cheers when Nat drove over the finish line first.
Thor and Loki walked in and sat down watching the next two players begin the race, Bruce and Nat.
"Hey guys" I said smiling at them
"What are they playing?" asked Loki sitting down on the floor next to me
"Mario Cart, it's a racing game"
Everybody jumped when Petra flew into the living room.
"Is that an owl?" questioned Clint
"Yeah, her names Petra, she's mine"
Petra dropped a bundle of packages in my lap, and she flew off through the hallways to my room.
"Your mail gets delivered by bird?" questioned Thor
"Owl and yes"
I took the packages and letters from where Petra had dropped them. The packages were ingredients I had ordered for potions and the letter was my paperwork for quitting work.
But there was one letter I did not know the origin of.
"What's wrong?" Asked Bruce
"This is my father's handwriting" I said looking at the letter.
"Why would Tony write you a letter?" Asked Clint
"My biological father, Voldemort"
"Weird name" said Thor
"He was the evilest wizard in three centuries, his real name was Tom, Tom Riddle"
"Your dad was a villain?" Questioned Nat
"And my mom, yeah. I can' read it" I said holding the letter out in front of Loki.
"You sure?"
I nodded and he took the letter, he opened it and was silent whilst he read a little.
"I can't"
"What do you mean?"
"It's not a language I recognise" he said giving the letter back to me.
"Its parseltounge"
"Parsa... what?" Questioned Clint
"The Language of snakes"
"You can read it?" Questioned Bruce
"Read, speak and write, yeah"
"What does it say?" Asked Loki in a soft voice not meaning to be impolite.
"It's his Will, he left me his vault at the bank and everything in it along with everything in my mother's vault, why would he do this?"
"Maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought?" Said Nat with a hint of hope in her voice.
"He was, what Loki did was mere child's play to what he did...sorry"
"It's fine" he said with a smile
"What's up?" asked Tony who walked in with Steve
"Makayla was showing us her..." said Nat
"Packages, the ingredients for my potions" Interrupted Makayla
"Cool...can the three of us talk please?"
"About?" questioned Kayla
"Your attitude towards Steve"
"My attitude is fine, it took me over a year to get used to you and now you want me to get used to him, good luck with that" I said getting up about to storm off.
"Kayla, stop that's not what I meant"
"I barely treat you as my father, don't expect me to do it to Steve as well" I said before leaving
I walked into my room and closed the door, the second I turned around I saw Loki standing there.
"Don't, I'm not in the mood"
"I wasn't going to, I was however going to ask if you are okay?"
"I...I have never shouted at him like that before, not in front of everyone like that" I said sitting on the floor leaning against my bed
"If it helps, I'm on your side on this" he said sitting next to me.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
"Are you okay?"
"I've been better, can I ask you something kind of personal?" I asked
"Will I like your question?"
"Most defiantly not"
Loki and I looked at each other in the eyes and he sighed a little and nodded.
"When you found out you were adopted, did you wonder about your birth parents?"
"My mother yes but I already knew who my father was, but I don't know anything about my mother, I wish I did"
"Where do you come from?"
"A place called Jotunheim"
"Sounds interesting"
"It's a realm covered in ice and snow"
"Interesting and cold" I smiled
Loki and I sat there for a while in comfortable silence before he spoke.
"Can I show you something and promise you won't get scared?"
"Okay?" I asked nervous
Loki sat up and I looked at him confused at what he was going to show me.
"When I was born, I did not look like this and I want to show you my true form, it can be a little scary"
Loki took my hands in his and closed his eyes, I watched as his skin started to become blue. The blue seemed to be emanating from his chest. When every inch of his skin was blue, he opened his eyes and looked at me, I think he thought I was scared because he looked away like he was ashamed. I put my hand on his cheek and moved his face back, so he was looking at me.
I smiled at him and began to trace the lines on his arms with my fingers. I looked him in the eyes and saw that they were now blood red, which was kind of hot.
"Are you okay?" he asked
"Are you?"
"I'm fine, you seem...well I don't know"
"Loki how can you be ashamed of this, it's amazing" I said with a big smile on my face.
"You really think so?"
I put my hand back on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him "I do"
What I didn't expect was Loki to kiss me back, it turned into a heated make out session.
When I pulled away for air, I saw that his skin was back to its normal colour.
"Promise me something?"
"Stop being ashamed, you are amazing, in either form, don't hide, especially from me"
"I will try"
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