Chapter 3-New Friend
I walked up to him and pulled out my wand from my back pocket, I placed the tip on his left temple and said "It might be a little uncomfortable but not painful"
I pulled my wand away from his head and a string of white light came out attached to it, I flung it into the open space and it expanded into a memory of him falling a great height and meeting someone who hurt him, then It just stopped.
Steve and Tony looked at each other and sighed
"I guess he can stay" said Steve
"Are you for real?" asked Clint astonished that Steve would even consider it
"You saw the same thing I did Clint...He doesn't leave the tower without at least one of us with him"
Thor looked at his brother
"I can live with that" said Loki
"And you stay away from Makayla"
"Really dad, you forget the whole adult women thing?" I said slightly pissed at him
"Right now I don't care" he said before walking away
The entire team walked out of the lounge, leaving me, Thor and Loki standing there.
"It is an honour to meet you, daughter of Stark" said Thor
"Same here, I've heard a lot about you and the names Makayla"
"Thank you for believing him, not many do"
"Yeah well you can't ignore the facts even if you don't like them"
Thor smiled and walked away leaving Loki and I just standing there really awkward.
"Why do you believe me?" he asked
We sat down on the sofa and I told him my tale, how my parents were bad guys, how I never really fit in and about my magic, I told him everything.
"So I've a had a pretty messed up life and I have hope to spare"
"That was some story"
"Can I show you something?" he asked
He opened his hand in front of me and the same green light engulfed his hand and small fireworks emerged from them. I watched them in awe it had been a long time since I saw fireworks, they were beautiful.
"They're beautiful" I said still watching them
"You think so?"
"Yeah, even with my magic I could never do something like that"
"I can sense your magic, its quite different, but its very strong" he said closing his hand
"I get that from my psycho parents"
"Do you ever wonder what they were like before they were evil?"
"Huh, I never thought about it"
"Kayla! what did I say?" said Tony bursting into the room and grabbing my arm and pulling me up to my feet.
I pulled my arm out of his hand and said "Will you stop, I am not your little girl anymore, I am a grown women, stop babying me"
"He is dangerous, stay away from him that's final"
"No, that is not final, you can't tell me what to do anymore, you have to deal with it"
No one noticed Steve and Thor walk into the room.
"Young lady..."
"Stop, I am not a child, not anymore, I am perfectly capable out figuring out who is dangerous and who's not, but I will figure it out. For. MYSELF!"
I walked away leaving the guys in the lounge, I walked down the stairs and into my room, I slammed the door and paced for a while until I put my fist through my wall.
I heard a knock at my door, I walked up to the door wiped my tears then opened the door with my bloodied fist behind my back. I looked up and saw Loki standing there.
"Hello, I just wanted to make sure you were okay"
I gestured for him to come in and sit down in my small living area but as soon as he walked inside he saw my hand.
"Makayla, what happened?"
I pointed at the hole I had made in my wall and watched his face as he looked at it, but I was surprised to see a face of concern, not anger.
"Oh Makayla, come here" said Loki as he pulled me in for a hug
I was a little shocked at first but then the damm broke and all my tears came flooding out, I cried into his chest as he rubbed my back.
"Shhh, Its okay" he said trying to soothe me
I kinda worked, after a while I stopped crying and he led me over to the sofa and sat me down.
"Are you okay?"
I nodded "Thank you"
"Of course...let me see your hand"
He put out his hand and I put my bloodied hand on top of his, he looked at the damage I had done and sighed.
"This is pretty bad" he said looking at me
"I know" I said but it was barely audible
Loki out his other hand on top of my hand and it began to glow with his green magic, I hissed in pain but he kept going. After a while all that was left was some bruised skin, I looked up at him and smiled.
I leaned over and hugged him, I whispered "Thank you" in his ear and he wrapped his arms around me.
'Miss Stark you and Loki have been requested for Dinner' said JARVIS
"Right, no time for crying now"
Loki wiped a tear from my cheek and smiled at me.
"Dinner?" he said standing up and holding out this hand.
I took his hand and he helped me up, we walked out into the hallway and into the elevator, we got off on the communal floor and walked into the dinning room/Kitchen.
"Glad you could join us brother, lady Makayla" said Thor sitting down
Loki and I walked over to the table but just as I was going to sit down Loki pulled out the chair for me. I was a little shocked no one had ever done that for me before, but I sat down and smiled at him as he sat down across the table.
"What happened to your hand?" asked Bruce who was sitting next to me
"Punched a hole in the wall"
"Then why isn't there any blood?"
"Loki healed it with his magic"
"Excuse me?" questioned Tony
"He knocked on my door and asked me If I was okay and he saw my hand, no big deal" I said with no emotion as I was still angry at Tony.
If looks could kill, Tony would have killed Loki a million times over, Luckily Steve knew that telling me to stay away from Loki would only make me do the opposite so he didn't say anything.
"So how long ago was the wedding?" I asked trying to change the subject, I saw Tony and Steve stop mid eating, surprised at my question.
"Weren't you there?" asked Natasha
"No, I wasn't even told about an engagement or even a first date"
"You never told her?" questioned Steve "Its been over a year Tony"
"There was never a right time, first she was in her senior year then she was away for work, she hasn't been at home long enough for me to tell her"
"A simple text or a letter would have sufficed" I said
"Okay enough, I wanna know why we just skated over the whole witch thing?" asked Clint
"Oh yeah" realised Steve
"Yes I am a witch, questions?"
And so I spent the next two hours of my life answering all the questions they could think of, then came the hard part.
"So when are you going back to work?" asked Tony
"Right Um...I'm not, I quit"
"What?!" exclaimed Tony
"This morning a member of my team died, the sixth this year and so I decided that that was it, I wasn't going to watch another member of my team die, so I quit"
"I'm sorry" said Nat who was sitting beside me, she squeezed my hand.
"So what are you going to do now?" asked Tony
"You could become an Avenger?" asked Steve
"No" said Tony almost immediately
"And why not? I am an adult it is my decision"
"Because I said so"
"That excuse stopped working when I was seventeen"
"Well what do you say?" asked Steve again
"I'll think about it"
"Good, we defiantly need another women on this team" said Natasha before she stood up and put her plate in the sink and left the room.
About an hour later I was lying on my bed for some reason thinking about Loki and he beautiful green eyes, I could get lost in them for days, they were so green they looked like they were glowing. I fell asleep thinking about a man I barely knew but I wanted to know him.
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