Astrofengiá Koukouvágies aka Starlight Owls
These what Astrofengiá Koukouvágies aka Starlight Owls would look like they may look like Normal owls but with their feathers in galaxy colors and stars on them
Astrofengiá Koukouvágies magical are magical owls that look like normal owls with galaxy color feathers with stars that would fly faster in longer distance, teleport, telepathy and change their feathers colors but they do have their own special abilities but depending what kind of stars on their wings, no matter how many the star type they get or random stars they get that represents of their characteristic traits not by their owl breeds they're born with galaxy color feathers and stars but if they feel a strong connection of the human, witch/wizard, vampire and etc means they're worthy of the owner of the Galaxía Owl
Astrofengiá Koukouvágies: Starlight Owls in Greek
Stars of Special Abilities:
1. Leo start of animal Shapeshifting
2. Alpha Cephei star of owl shifting
3. Gemini star of mimicking
4. Cassiopeia star of jewelry Shapeshifting
5. Aquila star of elements manipulated
6. Cepheus star of Pathokinesis
7. Vega star of cloning
8. Boötes star of lie detection
9. Maia star of Intangibility
10. Alnilam star of Portal Opening
11. Orion star of invisible
12. Gacrux star of mind control
13. Taurus star of Sensory deprivation
14. Aries star of Pain illusion
15. Alpha Herculis star of mental shield
16. Aquarius star of reincarnation
17. Libra star of Ability Replication
18. Virgo star of Power transferal
19. Sagittarius Star of Ability identification
20. Antares star of healing
21. Betelgeuse star of wish grant
22. Arcturus star of Visual projection
23. Taygete star of Dream teleportation
24. Alpha Persei star of Levitation
25. Vela star of Tactile thought projection
26. Alpheratz star of shield penetration
27. Pleiades star of Human shape shift
28. Cancer star of Blood Bending
29. Theta Scorpii star of Shadow Conjuring
30. Eridanus star of Light Conjuring
31. Capricorn star of Gem Manipulation
32. Castor star of Dream & Nightmare Bringer
33. Scorpio Star of Acid Spit
34. Canopus Star of Tickle curse
35. Saiph Star of Metallic Feather Morphing
36. Phecda Star Star of Spiritual Detection
For Example:
Astrofengiá Barred owl would have the Aquila stars on the wings meaning it will shapeshift into all animals meaning it has one special ability
Astrofengiá Snowy Owl would have Auriga stars and Cassiopeia stars which means it has jewelry Shapeshifting and elemental manipulation meaning it has two special abilities
Astrofengiá Elf owl would have Alnilam stars means mental shield, Cepheus stars means Pathokinesis , and Antares stars stars means healing meaning it has three special abilities
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