Chapter 1.2
As I got up from my warm bed and stretch my legs I see Justin coming out of the shower, I see him both of our cheeks flush, I soon realize I was staring and squeaked putting my hand over my eyes. "I'll go u-um... I'll leave" he said while stumbling back to the bathroom. Justin comes back out fully clothed mind you. I go grab my extra clothes from my trunk and enter the bathroom to go shower and hopefully tame my unruly hair.
I head out of the Hufflepuff common room asking the Fat Frair for directions to the Mess Hall when I bump into Fred & George. I look up at the twins since they are at least a foot and a half taller than me "Hiya Fred! George!" I say enthusiastically. Fred flushed while George smiled. they agreed to help show me down to the mess hall. As we enter I look over at the Slytherin table and see Draco talking with the girl from yesterday. Pugsy? Punsy? Pansy! was her name. I wave to him as he sees me. He looks at me then back at Pansy before winking at me.
I flush slightly as I see Fred gain a scowl. I look at him questionably before walking over to the Hufflepuff table and sitting next to Cedric. I start grabbing a few eggs and a few strips of bacon, but as I was grabbing the bacon strips a hand went over mine I look up to see who this hand belongs too. And see Cedric having red-tinted cheeks and looking at me. I take my hand away and apologized. I hear a voice and look over to see professor sprout handing a sheet of paper. she came over to me and handed me the paper that said '1st-year schedule' I look at it and notice I have double transfiguration first, I sigh and took the bacon-eating it.
I walk into the Transfiguration classroom seeing a cat on Professor McGonagall desk, I guessed it was her because well... she is very famous in transfiguration. And it would be no surprise that she would be able to transfigure herself into a cat to trick the student to see where they would start off. I look at her giving a small smile, she looks at me then turned away. I was about to sit down when I see her give me a wink. I shake my head and sit down waiting for the class to start.
A few minutes later as we wait for the class still loud as ever the cat jumped off to the floor and transformed into Professor McGonagall. The now quite class waited patiently for McGonagall to speak, for what felt like an eternity she finally opened her mouth " First thing's, first, I have one rule, and that is if there is any foolishness in my classroom I would not hesitate to kick you out." she said sternly.
She looked over before having a few tethers of yarn fly onto each person desk " I want you to try and transfigure this tether of yarn into a knitting needle" she said before she showed us the incantation and how to perform the spell.
I look down at the small tether of yarn before picturing one of Aunt Petunia's knitting needles. I say the spell before looking down and there in front of me is a baby blue knitting needle with golden patterning and crystal shards littered on it. I look at McGonagall who was staring at me wide-eye before giving me a small smile and walking over to me, "Mr. Potter, I would like to say I am well impressed, I knew you were gonna gain smarts from Lily side of the family, 10 points for Hufflepuff for completing it first and an extra 5 points for the extra touches" she said looking around the classroom before looking at me again "Mr. Potter, I was wondering if instead of these simple transfiguration lessons would you like to move onto a little more advanced lesson" she said with a twinkle in her eyes, I looked up at her and smiled and nodded.
After lunch was Potions with Ravenclaw and professor Snape... he doesn't seem to like me very much. Mostly cause in Dinner I noticed him bearing holes into the back of my head, and in breakfast, he was doing the same.
I walk into the classroom and sit with Susan, I open a book on advanced Transfiguration that Professor McGonagall gave me. As I was flipping to the next page Snape came in, cape blowing with him. He looked at a piece of paper starting to read out names, soon he got to my name " Harry Potter- our new celebrity" he said with sarcasm dripping out of his mouth. I pout before raising my hand. he raised an eyebrow before picking on me, not before sneering though, " Professor um... I would prefer you not to make a big deal of me cause I'm not really all that special" I managed to sputter out, he looked like he was gonna do a double-take. Professor Snape rolled his eyes before putting down the peace of paper.
"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science of the potion-making. However, for those of you who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses; I can tell you how to brew glory, bottle fame, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel comfortable enough to not pay attention... Mr. Potter" He said catching Harry's attention. "What would I get if I added the powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?".
"The Draught of living, sir" Harry answered with a gleam in his eyes.
Snape sneered "Correct. where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" He asked clearly trying to get the boy embarrassed.
"In the stomach of a goat, sir," Harry said shyly, Harry's small and petite body did not help his confidence with Professor Snape looming over him.
"Correct Mr. Potter. Seems like you did your studying... What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape asked still trying to embarrass him.
"They are the same thing, sir. but they also go in a different name, named aconite sir." Harry finished feeling finally able to breathe.
Snape scowled before turning to his desk, "Well, what are you doing, Write this down!" he yelled, walking to his desk and sitting down.
- - - - - - -
Everyone left the potions class except Harry. Harry walked over to the front desk and lightly coughed getting Snape's attention.
"Um, Professor I just wanted to say my mother forgives you. And that I wanted to apologize about my father's actions" He squeaked before running out of the classroom leaving a wide-eyed Snape.
After a hearty meal and enough social interaction, Harry went back to the Hufflepuff common room and went to sleep.
----------------Time skip to October 31st cause it's my story and I can do what I want~-------
Harry woke up and cast a quick tempus which he learned from charm's class. 5:00 am.
He breathed in then out before taking his clothes and sighed. He still had at least 2 hours before Breakfast. And he knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. So far He is in the top of all his classes, Hermione behind him. Hermione was a bit upset that she was behind him, but he encouraged her to keep going. He decided to go to the library for some reading.
He entered the library filled to the brim with books. His eyes sparkle as he walked over to one of the shelves. He grabbed a book that looked almost twice the size of his head. He walked over to the Librarian and checked out the book. 'Philopesor stone' He read. He opened the thick book.
'The philosopher's stone, more properly philosophers' stone or stone of the philosophers, is a legendary substance capable of turning such as into gold or silver. It is also called the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for achieving; immortality, for many centuries, it was the most sought goal in alchemy. The philosophers' stone was the central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, and heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosophers' stone were known as the ("Great Work").
' The creator of said philosopher's stone is the famed alchemist Nicolas Flamel. It was created somewhere in the 14th century. Flamel used the 'Elixer of Life' from the stone to extend his and his wife 's lifespan for over six centuries.'
Harry hummed at the information.
After an hour he heard the Library door open again and spots Hermione with her stuff. Harry smiled before calling over Hermione who smiled in response.
"Hello Harry, what are you reading?" Hermione asked curiously seeing the thick book.
"Oh I checked this out for a bit of light reading," Harry said when he was cut off by a voice from behind him.
"Light? you have to bloody be joking".
Harry turned around and see's Ron's eyes popped out and with his mouth open. Harry turned another page and glared at Ron with his face in a scowl. Ron shut his mouth before sitting in front of Harry next to Hermione. "What are you doing here anyway?" Harry asked knowing that Ron never comes to the Library, "I got bored so I followed Hermione. I would have stayed in the common room if I knew she was coming to the Library" Ron said frowning.
Hermione and Harry rolled there eyes as Harry flipped the book upside down and showed Hermione. "There is a stone called the Philosopher stone. It was created by Nicolas Flamel around the 14th century. Apparently, it's also called the 'Elixir of Life' which means it gives the user the ability to become Immortal." He said as Hermione soaked up the information. "Okay soo..." Ron said confused. "Isn't it fascinating!" Harry said with a big smile as Ron's face turned as red as his hair. Hermione nodded in agreement as her hair bobbed up and down. "I think it's an amazing discovery! Harry, do you mind if I check out the book after you?" Hermione asked wanting to know more. Harry nodded in agreement when he realized what time it is. "We're gonna be late for Breakfast!" Harry said picking up his book and running with Hermione and Ron behind him.
Harry asked if Hermione wanted to share notes which lead him sitting in the Gryffindor table with odd -stares.
" So Harry did you finish your homework?" Hermione asked as she took the carton of milk and added it to her cereal. Harry nodded his head taking a sip of his orange juice.
"I finished it all last night!" He said proudly and smiled. Hermione smiled.
- - - -
Draco walked into the Mess hall seeing his Harry, wait His? whatever. He sees Harry and that filthy mudblood (That was Hard to write) talking. He walked over to the Gryffindor table near Harry.
"Harry, why are you sitting with a Mudblood?" He asked forgetting that Harry loathed that name. Harry looked at Draco his face in a scowl.
"Excuse me!?!?" Harry said outraged that one of his friends just called his other friend a horrid and horrible name. "Draco, did you forget my mother was a muggle-born!" Harry said when Draco's eyes widened that Harry yelled at him. It takes a lot for Harry to yell, so Draco figured that he just messed up badly. Draco's Faced paled if that is even possible. "O-oh um s-" Draco was about to apologize when he was cut off. "No, forget it. I don't want to talk right now. Let's go, Hermione, don't we have charms together?" He asked Hermione ignoring Draco. Hermione nodded her head as the two left the quiet Mess Hall.
Right when the two left the entire Mess hall in unison just said "ooooh" leaving Draco even more embarrassed.
Harry's brows were furrowed. He still couldn't believe that Draco said that to Hermione.
"Harry are you okay?" Hermione asked as the entered the empty Charms classroom. Harry took a deep breath in before nodding as they went and picked a desk. For the time being Harry knew that it would take a while before people came so he offered to share read the book with Hermione.
After at least 30 minutes kids started pouring into the classroom.
Professor Flitwick soon entered with floating books behind him. The books piled up as he climbed on top of it.
"Ok kids pick your partners. We are going to learn the levitation charm, Windgardium Leviosa. Now say it with me!" Flitwick said as they said the incantation. "Know to remember to swish and Flick!" He said as Harry and Hermione are already at the same table decide to be partners.
Ron and Seamus became partners. In trying the spell Seamus burned off eyebrows somehow.
"Windgarduim Leviosaaaaaa" Ron said flicking his arm repeatedly only to be stopped by Harry.
" Stop, stop, stop, your going to take someone's eye out, beside's it Leviosa not" Harry started.
"Liviusa" Hermione finished with a smug grin. "You two do it then if you're so clever. Go on!" Ron said. Hermione and Harry looked at each other before grabbing there wands. "Windgardium Leviosa," they both said as their feather's levitated up in the air. Ron frowned as the two of them looked at him smugly.
"Those two, bloody terrifying. It's like there twins." Ron said to Seamus as Harry walked next to Ron blowing into his ear. Ron squirmed "What was that for!" Ron yelled at Harry who was standing next to Hermione. They both scowled at them and walked away.
Harry and Hermione walked up to Dumbledore's office. They were hoping that Hermione can get resorted. They walked up to the Gargoyle when it opened and it revealed Snape. Snape looked at the two before walking away. They both shrugged before entering the Office.
"Ah Harry my boy, and Mrs. Granger what a nice surprise. What are you guys doing here? Lemon drop?" Dumbledore asked.
"Ah, we were wondering if Hermione could get resorted? She's not liking Gryffindor very much. and no thank you" He said as Dumbledore nodded in understanding. "We can resort her at supper" Both nodded as they head to class.
At supper, the Hall was decorated head to toe in Halloween decoration. The Hall was quite loud until they heard an 'Mmh'. The Mess hall of student's looked over to the front were Dumbledore is.
"Before we feast I would am going to say there is going to be a quick resorting for Miss Granger," Dumbledore said as McGonagall got the sorting hat out. Hermione sat on the stool.
'Oh, hello Miss Granger' the sorting hat said in Hermione's head. 'look's like you want to resorted. Now, where should we put you? Very Loyal, Hardworking, a thirst for knowledge. I know where I should put you.' The Hat said before yelling out loud: "HUFFLEPUFF".
Hermione's face beamed as her robes turned from Red and Gold to Black and yellow. Hermione walked over to the Hufflepuff table and sat next to Harry.
YAY! I updated! *Happy Dance* Thank's for reading!
2586 words
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