Prince Naveen x Harry Potter
Hello, before we start I would like to say that there are some mentions of cutting, depression, Feminization to a male character, and some rude language, and If you don't like that you can skip! Now onto the Story.
"Good morning Tiana!" Harry called out as he checked in into the restaurant. Taking off his coat and hat and putting onto the rack he put his raven hair up into a ponytail.
"Hey, Harry!" Tiana called as he gave a plate beignets to a customer. "So hows my future head chef doin'?" she asked refilling person coffee. "Ha! I'm not that talented." Harry said as he shook his head fondly, and put the apron on his waist. "What are you talkin' about! Your the best cook I have ever met!" She exclaimed. " Yeah, and the most androgynous." He said pulling a strand of hair away from his face. Tiana rolled her eyes, "So what!". Rolling his eyes and twirling around with a plate of flap-jacks in his hand giving to a table, he looked at Tiana, " Oh Tia, look at my small and petite body, people think I'm a doll. And you think other chefs would take command from me? Yeah, it's as a fat chance of a dumb Dora gain any brain". And it's true, Harry gets mistaken for a girl all the time. He has big round emerald green eyes, and full pink pouty lips, and long eyelashes. He has moon pale skin and a heart face with blush lightly dusted on his cheeks. He stands the height 5'3 and has a lean and petite figure.
Harry grabbed his note-pad as he flipped it open he sees the diner door open. Mr. La Bouff comes out in his big proud form. "Hello, Mr. La Bouff," Tiana and Harry both said walking over. Harry grabbed a plate of beignets. "Here you go.".
"Thank you, Harry my boy!" He exclaimed taking a bite. "Congratulations on winning the Mardi Gra's Parade," Tiana commented pouring him a cup of coffee. "Caught me by surprise! For the fifth time in a row." He said before bursting out laughing. The Diner bell wrang and Lottie came runnin' in with and excitement of a busy bee.
"Harry! Tiana! Did you Here the news!" She said, bouncing up and down on her pink flats. "Tell them Big Daddy! Tell them,". Mr. La Bouff cleared his throat before saying: "Prince Naveen-" he started before getting caught off by Lottie," Prince Naveen of Maldonia, is comin' to New Orleans!" She exclaimed before hugging the newspaper to her chest and screaming in excitement. "Oh, ain't it the bee's knees! Oh! Tell them what you did Big Daddy! Tell them!" She yelled shaking her father.
"Well, I invited-", "He invited the Prince to the Masquerade ball tonight!" she said cutting him off again, while Harry put the empty platter of food back on the counter, and Tiana refilling Mr. La Bouff's coffee. "Oo! Tell them what else you did Big Daddy. Go on" She said with a dreamy look in her eyes. Mr. La Bouff breathed in, "And he's staying-", he again started as Lottie was about to interrupt but he shoved a beignet in her mouth. "And he's stayin' at our house as our personal guest," He finished, puffing up his chest in pride.
"Oh, Lottie that swell!" Harry said bringing another plate of beignets over. Tiana nodded in agreement. "A quick word of advice, my Mama always said the quickest way to a man's heart is through there stomach." She said when Harry placed the plate of desserts on the table. Lottie's eyes lit up and snatched the Beighne that was about to be eaten by her father with an exclamation of "That's it!".
"You two are geniuses! I'm a need about five hundred of you're man catching beignet's, for my ball tonight!", She ran over to her father and snatched his wallet, taking out two stacks of cash, and placing it in both people's hands. Harry and Tiana looked at each other in the eyes smiling.
"Thank you Lottie!" they both said at the same time. "I'm gettin' my restaurant!", "And a head chef with it too!" Harry exclaimed winking at Tiana who smiled wider.
------------------------------------------ The Masquerade Ball----------------------------------
Both Harry and Tiana were at the food table serving people beignet's to people. Sadly the costume store only sold dresses so Harry was fitted into one, making him more like a girl than usual. The dress was tight-fitting showing off his figure much to his displeasure. His hair was put down because Lottie said it suited him better. She curled his hair and added makeup on him.
"Here you go piping hot!" Tiana said as she handed a beignet to a guy wearing a saxophone.
"Stella- Stella no," Harry said as she looked at the dog who was drooling on the table. He sighed before grabbing the pincers he giggled before saying: "Okay, just one".
"But Mrs. Charlotte you said Later two hours ago", a boy said. He had a purple jester suit on as he followed Charlotte around, who was wearing a giant pink dress that flowed around her. Charlotte sighed before looking at him, "Travis. When a woman says later they really mean not ever." She said flicking his nose with her fan. "Now run along. I'm sure, there are plenty of young Phillies dying for you to waltz them into a stupor.", she said walking over to the beignet table.
"Give me those napkins quickly!" She yelled shoving them into her arm-pits. "What on earth for?" Harry asked as Tiana continued to serve customers. "I swear, I swear, I'm sweatin' like a sinner in church! Oh, Harry, it's gettin' to be so late," She said looking around the ballroom anxiously. "There are a few stragglers," He said following Charlotte. "This just not fair! My prince is never comin',", she said as she crossed her arm's and pouted.
"Now Lottie-", he was interrupted by her when she pulled off her crown and started crying. "I never get anything I wish for!" She yelled as Harry caught her crown and ran to catch up to her up the stairs.
"Lottie wait! Just calm down," He said when she gasped. "Maybe I just gotta wish harda'" She said before looking at the Big Dipper and started chanting "Please," over and over again.
"Lottie, you can't just wish on a star and expect things-". He was interrupted by the announcer yelling.
"Ladies and gentlemen! His royal highness. Prince Naveen!", He called out. Harry stared bewildered, as she took the crown from her hands, and fixed her make-up.
She walked to the top of the stairs whistled and the lights pointed at her. She threw glitter in the air and fluttered her eyelashes. She quickly went down the stairs with surprise grace before grabbing the Prince and started to dance with him.
Harry went down the stairs smiling when Prince Naveen dipped Charlotte who looked at him and pointed at the Prince.
He went back to the station only to see Tiana arguing with the Finners. Walking over and going behind Tiana, he saw them walking away when Tiana was about to pull on the tail. "Wait, Tiana-" he started but it was too late. She pulled it only to knock into him, making fall backward into the food.
"Oh, Harry! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed helping him get up. "It's fine," He sighed trying to get the jams and sauces off of him.
"It's time to get him with yo' man catchin' beighne- what happened?" Lottie asked looking at the mess. "Tia' can you clean the mess? I'll help Harry," She said as she dragged Harry to her room.
"Oh, Harry you should have seen me!", Lottie said powdering her face. "Y'know I used think whishin' on stars was for kids and crazy people," She said putting a fresh layer of mascara on. She looked at the mirror and saw Harry walking in a gorgeous dress. (Look at the beginning) "Sorry I don't have any other clothes, but I think you look amazing,". Lottie said grabbing a crown from her station and placing it on Harry's head.
"Well, I gotta get goin'. Everyone's dream is comin' true tonight! Oh, Prince Naveen!".
⚠️(This scene is gonna have a trigger warning, I'm just saying) ⚠️
Harry looked at himself in the Mirror. He felt tears down his face at what he sees.
Flash back~
"Look at the Faggot Potter!" Dudley yelled as Harry ran away. The kids at recess laughed and pointed there fingers.
"You're a freak you know that!?" Aunt Petunia screeched. "Why can't you be like normal boys and look like one.", "You are the reason your parents are dead! Why would they want to live with a sinner in their own household!".
"Hey, hot stuff~," A man said cornering Harry. "Sir I'm male," Harry said looking at the man who's the face turned into disgust. "Disgusting you faggot! Get out of my sight!".
Harry looked at himself in the broken mirror. 'What is wrong with me!' his mine yelled, looking at himself in disgust. His conscience yelling at him that he's worthless nobody, that he has no point in living. His arms are filled with cuts and bruises that he's done to himself.
"Hi, I'm Tiana! And this is my friend Charlotte!" A black African American said, pointing to her blonde, white friend. "Wanna be friends?" the girl named Charlotte asked. "You wanna be friends with... me?". "Yeah silly,", Tiana said looking at him. "I'm a boy though...", "So? We can still be friends!".
Flash back end/ Trigger end~
Sighing, Harry walked over to the balcony. He took out the picture of his Mother and Father, along with there Best friends, Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
He looked around him, biting his nail before looking up at the big star. 'Please let Tiana get her restaurant. Not only does she deserve it... I can finally leave the Dursley's'. He thought but on the outside, he was closing his eyes and begged that wishes can come true. Opening his eyes again he looked to the side, he saw a frog just sitting there.
He glared at the star and put his face on his hand and frowned.
"Very funny," He said pouting a little. He looked back at the frog, "So what now? I reckon ya'll want a kiss?" he asked rhetorically when the frog smirked and said:
"Kissing would be nice yes?", Harry screamed and ran backward, knocking into a shelf of books.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry," The frog called out, "I did not mean to scare you, wait no, no-", Harry started throwing stuffed animals. "Wait- you have a very strong arm princess-" He used the teddy bear he was laying on to block the next on-coming toy.
"Okay, please! Put the monkey down!" he yelled only to be hit with said toy.
"Stay back or I'll, I'll!" He yelled about to hit the poor frog with the book. "Please, please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Naveen of-" he got caught off by a giant green book smooshing him, "Of Maldonia" he finished in a high pitched voice.
"Prince? But I didn't wish for any- Hold on, i-if you're the Prince, then-then who was that waltzing with Lottie, on the dance floor!" he exclaimed. The Prince sighed before saying: "All I know, is one minute I am, charming and handsome, cutting and rug, and then the next thing I know. I am tripping over these," he said showing Harry his webbed toe, who threatened to him again with the book, "Wait, wait- Wait! I know this story! The froggy proto!" he said looking at the title of the book Harry was using.
"The frog prince?", "Yes, yes. My mother had the servants read this to me every night! Yes, yes, this is exactly the answer! You must kiss me,".
"Excuse me!?" Harry exclaimed looking at the froggy human. "You will enjoy it, I guarantee. All women enjoy the kiss of Prince Naveen, come" He said before his stomach puffed making Harry looking at him in disgust. "That's New", he said with a charming smile.
"Look I'm sorry, I'd really like to help you, I just- don not kiss frogs," He responded crossing his arms across his chest and looking the other direction. "But-but on the balcony, you asked me,", Harry looked at him incredulously, "I didn't expect you to answer!", "But you must kiss me, look besides, being unbelievably handsome okay, I also happen to come from a fabulously wealthy family. Surely, I could offer you some kind of reward?" Naveen responded. Harry, stopped and think over his answers. He could get Tiana's restaurant she's been trying to get for so long, and escape the Dursley's or not kiss the damn frog and lose all hope.
Harry fidgeted with his fingers and looked at the frog, "Just one kiss?" he asked. "Just one, unless you beg for more," he said licking his lips. Harry swallowed down his pride and started to lean in.
Opening one eye saw the puckered slimy, green lips of the former Prince. Harry shot back in disgust, squirming around, before whispering to himself encouraging words. Taking a deep breath he turned around and connected his lips to the frogs, not noticing the green sparkly background of voodoo magic.
In the next few seconds that their lips connected Harry poofed. The frog prince opened his eyes and looked at his body only to find it still in the froggy form, he sighed in disappointment, before gasping and looked down over the dresser. He saw the dress the former person was wearing.
"You don't look that much different," Harry retorted looking up at frog. "But how'd you get way up there and how did I get all the way down her-" His sentence was cut off as an ear-shattering scream tore from his throat. The now small green frog jumped from the floor, up the dresser where Naveen was. "What did you do to me! I'm green! And slimy!" He said as a slime stuck to the arm he pulled away from his body.
"At least you are a very beautiful female frog, and it's not slime, it's mucus," Naveen responded. Harry stared at Naveen before he stomped over to him pointing his finger at the taller frog. "Of course! This thing always happens to me! Oh, why didn't I take that opportunity for therapy!", "What, what is wrong?" Naveen asked at the small frog who was having a panic attack.
"I'm going make small enough for your teeny, tiny, little brain to understand. I. Am. A. Boy" Harry said glaring at incompetent Prince.
The Prince's eyes widened as he looked at the smaller frog, "But you were wearing a dress!", Harry glare sharpened. "It was the only thing Lottie had! Oh, this is what I get for wishing on a star.", "But you are so small and cute.", Harry stopped moving and turned around, his body shaking in pure rage.
"You-you, ugh!", Harry tackled Naveen which leads them to hit a wooden horse. They get shot out the window onto the band's drum set. Jumping away they land onto Charlotte dress. She started to squirm and she fell, revealing two small green frogs. She let out a glass-shattering scream as Mr. La Bouff yelled at Stella to get them.
Running to the dining set they dodged food, and people as Stella chased them. At the dead-end, Harry looked behind him and saw Stella barking. Tripping he and Naveen landed in a bunch of Balloons making them entangled on to them. Stella jumped up and tried to bite them when Harry yelled, "Stella! It's me, Harry!".
"Harry?" Stella responded before she landed on the cake.
"You mean to tell me, this all started cause you were messing with some shadow man?", "He was very charismatic!" Was the only thing Naveen retorted. Harry looked up at the sky, "Oh, Mother, Father if you are still watching over me please, end my misery! I knew I was stupid to wish on a star. The only way to get anything is through hard work," Harry said firmly. "Wh-why would you need to work? You are a Prince," Naveen asked nervously.
"Huh, oh no I'm not a prince, I'm a waiter.".
A waiter!? Well, no wonder the kiss didn't work! You lied to me!" Naveen yelled. "No, no, no, you assumed I was princess or female," Harry retorted back at the bickering Prince. "But you had a crown!" The prince argued, "It was a Costume Party! You spoiled little rich boy!".
"Oh yes, well the egg is on your face because I do not have any riches! I am completely broke!" He exclaimed, laughing in smugness when suddenly the balloon pops. "Uh oh," was the last thing Naveen says before they fall.
Harry lands through a spiderweb catching before he faces plants into the water, when Naveen lands on him, making them fall into the murky water.
Naveen got up as Harry removed leaves from his eyes as he started to argue, "You said you were fabulously wealthy!", "My parents are fabulously wealthy but they cut me off from- LEECH!" Naveen cut himself off as he spots a leech stuck to his arm. Harry grabs the leech and throws it, when a giant fish jumps up eating it.
Both frogs running away, they both trip and land on a stick. They look up and see a giant bird and they both scream as they run away from the pecking beak.
Both slipping on mud, they go down a steep ramp of rocks and dirt before being launched onto a log.
"You promised you will help me get my friend her restaurant!" he yelled. "No, no, I promised that to a beautiful princess, not some waiter who pretends to be a girl!", Harry steps back as he blinks back tears from escaping, he never asked to look like he does, he never asked to be born this way.
He was about to retort back when Naveen asks, "Why are those logs moving?". Moving back to back against each Harry says, "Those aren't logs,". Suddenly there own log starts moving, revealing an Aligator who smirks and says, "I got dibs on the big one,".
Harry goes to the swamp floor and swims there, he finds an entrance to a tree. Crawling up the tree, he looks through a hole within it and sees the gators fighting. He hears a 'pst' and looks down he sees Naveen pressed down onto the trunk.
"Lower the vine," he said whispering. Harry looked at him before glaring and saying: "Find your own tree,".
"There he is!" One of the Alligators called out. "Oh-oh ok, help out of this one, and once I marry Charlotte, I will get you your friend's restaurant," He said pleading. "Apologize first," Harry said crossing his hands over his green chest. "Why do I have to apologize for!?" He exclaimed.
"Oh well, enjoy being gator food," Harry responded. "Wait! I-I am soory- soury? I apologize," Naveen said sounding sincere.
Harry dropped the vine, and Naveen grabbed it, right before he was bitten.
"Well, waiter, it looks like we are going to be here for a while," Naveen said suavely, "So we might as well get comfortable~". Harry grabbed a straggling stick before he hit Naveen in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
"Get yo' slimy self away from me!", "I told you, it is not slime! It is mucus!".
-------------------------------------------- The Next Day --------------------------------------------
Harry woke up bright and early, and he started to make a raft from random pieces of sticks and vine.
"Gators are gone!" he yelled, as Naveen started crawling out of the hole. "We have to get back to New Orleans and undo this mess you got us into," Harry said grabbing a stick as Naveen jumped onto the raft.
"Well, I wasn't the one running around with a phony, bologna, tiara," Naveen said as started strumming a stick that has a spider web on it like it was a guitar. Harry rolled his eyes and sighed before he started paddling with the stick. "Are you sure you are not a girl? You have the frog body of one," He said as he continued strumming. Harry sighed, used to this before he looked at Naveen and glared, "I could use a little help...?", "Oh, well I will play a little louder," He said as strummed a little louder.
"How about a little less pickin' and-" He cut himself off as he looked at the giant mouth of an Alligator. Naveen stopped strumming to see what Harry was staring at, only to see the razor-sharp teeth.
The raft bounces as Harry jumps up, and Naveen accidentally catching him.
"I know that toon! Dipper Mt. Blues!" The Alligator yells before he starts playing on his trumpet. Naveen drops Harry and grabs his make-shift guitar and starts playing with him.
As they finished playing it they laughed and jumped around. "Where have you been all my life!" the gator exclaimed, "And where did you learn to play like that!" He yelled.
"Well everyone knows that the Bayou is the best jazz school in the world. All the greats play on the riverboats, oh Louis will give everything to be up there jamming with the big boys," He ranted.
"Why don't you?" Naveen asked in which Louis responded with, "I tried once. It didn't end well...".
"Well it was nice to meet uh, Loise but know we must get goin'" Harry retorted as he dragged Naveen onto the raft. Naveen started murmuring something but only one thing Harry caught: "Do not kiss him,". Harry gasped and put down his stick before stomping over, "Now listen here, this goon here got turned into a frog by the boogeyman now-" He was about to finish when Louis interrupted, "Voodoo! Like the kind Mama Odie do!?" he exclaimed.
"Mama Ruthie?" Naveen questioned, "Mama Odie, she the voodoo queen of the bayou, she got magic and spells, and all kind of voodoo," He said doing exaggerating movements. "Can you take us to her?" They both asked at the same time.
"Go through the deepest darkest parts od the bayou, facing razor-sharp pricker bushes, and travelers and hunters! With guns! No." He responded before sliding down and played his trumpet.
Harry sighed before shrugging at Naveen, "Watch and learn," was the only thing Naveen said before walking to the Alligator. "Louis, Louis, it's too bad we can not help you with your dream, if only smaller, less toothy. You could play jazz to adoring crowds without scaring them. Anyway have a good day," He said before back on the raft.
"Cute but it's not gonna-" Harry started, when Louis yelled, "Hey guys I have a great idea! I can ask Mama Odie to turn me human!", "Louis! You're a genius!" Naveen commented before grabbing Harry's hand and hopping onto Louis's head.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"If I were a human being I'd head straight for New Orleans And I'd
Blow this horn so hot and strong Like no one
They've ever seen You've heard of Louis Armstrong Mr.
Sidney Bechet?
All those boys gonna step aside When they hear this old ex-gator
Play, Listen When I'm human As I
Hope to be I'm gonna blow this horn '
Til the cows come home And everyone's gonna bow down to me When I'm
Myself again I want just the life I had A great big party every night
That doesn't sound too bad A redhead on my left arm A brunette on my
Right A blonde or two to hold the candles
Now that seems just about right Eh, Louis?
Life is short When you're done,
You're done We're on this earth To have some fun And that's the way
Things are When I'm human And I'm gonna be I'm gonna tear it up like
I did before And that's the royal guarantee Your modesty becomes you
And your sense of responsibility I've worked hard for everything I've
Got And that's the way it's supposed to be When I'm a human being At
Least I'll act like one If you do your best each and every day Good
Things are sure to come your way What you give is what you get My
Daddy said that And I'll never forget And I commend it to you When
We're human And we're gonna be I'm gonna blow my horn I'm gonna live
The high life I'm gonna do my best To
Take my place in the sun When we're human".
Harry looked at Naveen who was trying to catch a bug. Harry giggled and looked at a dandelion that had a bug on it when his tongue shot out for without him telling it too.
"No! No, no, no, there is no way I am kissing a frog, and eating a bug, on the same day." He stated firmly, but his tongue was disagreeing with him and shot out much to his displeasure. Harry put his webbed hands over his mouth as his tongue was dragging him.
His tongue shot out the same time Naveen's did, and their tongues got tide together much Harry's displeasure.
His body shot off the ground and crashed into Naveen's. Pushing away, from he glared as the there tongues were tied, in a knot. They started arguing all the way to the shore.
"Anybody- Oh my," Louis said at the to connected frogs. "Hang on! Lois got it covered!" he yelled and grabbed them entangling them even more. Placing them down he looked at them before tapping his chin and yelled, "Y'know what this needs. A sharp stick! Be right back!" he yelled running through the bushes.
"This is all your fault," Harry tried saying in his uncomfortable position. "How is this my fault!" Naveen exclaimed as he started to squirm, "Stop wiggling!" Harry yelled.
"Oh! Well, look' here! You and your boyfriend gotta little carried away am I right?" the firefly said as it flew over.
"Do not be ridiculous!", "I am a boy!", "Why would I date him!" was the only thing the two frogs yelled.
"Let me shine a little light on the situation!" he said as started grunting only to fart, he shook his buttock only for it to lightly glow. He frowned before twisting it, and a bright light came from the bulb looking thing. "That's better yet!" He said before flying over to them. "Oh that's ok baby, I don't explode'. I ain't no firecracker! I just got my big butt glowing, that's right! The woman likes a man with a big bad pouch! Oh lord, you done this up real good." He commented before squeezing through a small gap and started to untie them. He left the gap before pulling on the tongue making them untie.
"Bout' time I introduced myself, my name is Raymond, but my friend call me Ray!" He said writing out his name with light. Uh Pardon me, but your accent. It's funny no?" Naveen said.
"Oh! I'm born and bred in the bayou, ya'll must be new around here," He commented looking at the two frogs. "Actually we are from a place far, far, from here.", "What no way! Ya'll from the tree forest!" Ray exclaimed.
"Uh, no. We are people!" Naveen fixed. "Prince Charming here got himself turned into a frog,".
"Well, there you go!", "We were on our way to see Mama Odie, so she can-" Harry started when Ray went up in his face and said " Woah, Woah, Mama Odie? Ya'll headin' the wrong direction." Ray said. "Wanna kinda chucklehead told ya'll to go this way?" He asked when Louis burst through the bushed yelling: "I found a stick!".
Harry crossed his hands over his chest and glared, "Louis... Ray says you were takin' us in the wrong direction." He said and Louis dropped the stick before laughing nervously. "I was- well I was confused by the biography, time-graphy, and geography, and chorography-" Louis continued to rant.
"The first rule of the bayou, never take directions from a Gater," Ray whispered before whistling. "Well me and my relations show ya'll the way!". They looked up and saw a bunch of bright lights.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"We're gonna take ya down
We're gonna take ya down
We're gonna take ya all the way down
We're gonna take ya down
We're gonna take ya down
We're gonna take ya all the way
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Takin' you all the way
We got the whole family
There goes Mimi
Cousin Boudreau
Oh, grand-maman, you're light on!
We all gonna pool together
Down here that's how we do
Me for them, and them for me
We all be there for you
We're gonna take ya
We're gonna take ya
We're gonna take ya all the way down
We know where yer going and we're going with you
Taking you all the way
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Takin' you all....
Yeah, you know!".
Harry grabbed a stick and whacked away apart of the bush. Louis touche the bush and yelled: "Ow! Pricker bush just got me! Gator down! Gator down! The darkness! It's closing in! I'm so cold!" Louis said dramatically as Ray flew over.
"Y'know waiter, I think I know what is wrong with you," He said casually walking while Harry beat away the bushes. "Oh really? Have you know?".
"You do not know how to have fun, there someone had to say it," Harry popped his head up and looked at the Prince before looking back at the leaf, "Why thank you, cause I figured out what your problem is." As he smacked away the bush which smacked Naveen back. "No, you are a lazy bum who doesn't understand what it's like to have your life ridiculed for how you look! You also do not understand that the only way to get what you want is to work hard!" Harry said waving around the stick he was using.
"Killjoy," Naveen said under his breath. "What did you say?" Harry asked innocently, "Stick in the mud," he said again under his breath.
"Listen here mister, this stick in the mud has worked five jobs, given there tips to there best friend so she can finally have her dream come true. This exact stick in the mud has to live with there lazy bum Aunt and Uncle, and do all there chored in the house with not so much of thank you!" he yelled, his green face turning red. "While you were sucking on a silver spoon, chasing chamber mates, and living in a giant Ivory tower!" He exclaimed jumping away to the next stick.
"It was marble," Naveen said before he yelled as he got caught by a net.
"I got me a big one boys! Why don't you go get that little one over there!", a frog hunter yelled running away with Naveen. A two-finger hunter grabbed Harry, who split his fingers wide open causing him to yell in pain. Jumping away he almost got stabbed by a sword when he dodged in time.
Louis yelled as the pricker was removed from his finger. "Hunters with guns!" he yelled jumping into to the bush only to scream again more prickers stabbed him. Ray looked behind him and saw the hunters with Naveen on the Net.
"No, no, no! A bug's gotta do what a Bugs gotta do!" He yelled flying full speed up the hunter's nose, which made him let go of Naveen.
Harry bounced away when a giant man with a bat game running before he slipt and landed on the log, making Harry jump up and land in the cage.
They placed the cage on the boat and one of the men sat on it, blocking the escape.
"Free! Haha!" Naveen said popping his head out of the water as he started singing when he spots Harry in the cage. Gasping he looks around before he shoots out his tongue and water ski's to the boat.
"Did you hear that suspicious thud!?" the large man asked. "Yeah..." the smallest one said taking off his hat, to reveal Naveen. The large man took his bat and started to hit the smallest on the head with it. The two-fingered man sat up which allowed Harry to escape the cage. He tilted the gun downward which pointed to the man's crotch.
"Watch this," Naveen said before buffing up his chest freaking the man out. They jumped up on the large hunters' head, and Harry stuck his tongue out at the two-fingered man eye him not being able to see. Both of the frogs jumped around causing the hunters to hit each other with there weapons.
Naveen offered a hand and, Harry took that offending hand and they both jumped up landing on the Larger man's stomach.
"They ain't like no frogs I've ever seen," One of them commented when both of the said frogs landed in front of them. "And we talk too," Harry stated causing them to freak out.
"And we talk too! I like it!" Naveen said as they walked away from said incident. "You are secretly funny,", "Not a stick in the mud. Say it, say it!" Harry teased. "Alright, you are not exactly-", "I'm sorry I can't hear you," Harry said putting his hand near his ear. "Complete stick, deep in the mud," Naveen complied as Harry giggled.
"Ow!" they both heard as they saw Louis crying out as Ray pulled another prickle out of his behind.
"Oh I'm sorry, I know we gotta go to Mama Odie lickity split but this specific exstratification is gonna take a while," Ray said pulling another prickle out. "Oh, poor Louis," Harry sympathized.
"Y'know what would make me feel better? Crawfish smothered OW! In remaliya sauce, some banana foster, Agh! springled with, OW!" Louis tried saying. Harry pulled off a leaf revealing a pumpkin, he knocked on it before saying, "How about some swamp gumbo?". "That'll do," Louis said before yelling in pain.
"Sounds delicious, I will start with a pre-dinner cocktail and something to nibble on, while I wait," Naveen said placing his feet on a mushroom.
"No, no, no, you will be helping me mince," Harry said grabbing a leaf and tying it around his waist like an apron. "D-do what?" He questioned as Harry handed him a sharp rock. "Mice the mushrooms!" He yelled climbing a chili pepper stalk and picking a few.
"This is ridiculous,", "Are you mincing!" Harry called out. "All right!" Naveen responded poking the mushroom with the rock before, placing it down. Slicing the mushroom slowly he brushed away a droplet of sweat off his face. He looked behind him and saw Harry already done with the fire and already had the ingredients in there. "Step aside," Harry said scooching Naveen over and quickly minced the Mushroom. Naveen looked in wonder as Harry minced. Harry handed the makeshift knife back to Naveen and walked behind him showing him how to Mince.
Grabbing the already minced mushrooms he took it over to the gumbo and put in there. "Y-y'know I never did anything like this before," he said as continued to chop. "Really?" Harry asked in a false surprise as he sturred.
"Alright, but everything is done for you, all the time, dress you they feed you, Brush your teeth!", "Aw, poor baby," Harry teased, "I admit it was a charmed life, tell the day my parents cut me off and I realized, I don't know how to do anything..." Naveen admitted playing with a piece of mushroom. Harry stopped mixing and walked over getting the rest of the mushrooms, "Well, hey, at least your a decent mushroom mincer,". "Oh, you think so?" He asked following Harry over, "Keep practicing and I might put a recommendation,",
"Aw, c'mon! That was below!" Naveen exclaimed as Harry giggled.
Ray gasped as he looked up at the sky, "Evangeline," He called out as he looked at the bright star.
"Who?" Harry asked walking over to him. "My girl Evangeline," he said pointing to the star.
"What do you mean that's just a star-" Louis started only to be cut off by Naveen.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Look how she lights up the sky
Ma Belle Evangeline
So far above me yet I
Know her heart belongs to only me
Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline
You're my queen of the night
So still
So bright
That someone as beautiful as she
Could love someone like me
Love always finds a way it's true!
And I love you, Evangeline
Love is beautiful
Love is wonderful!
Love is everything, do you agree?
Mais oui!
Look how she lights up the sky
I love you, Evangeline"
Naveen yelled as he felt his foot being pulled.
"Harry!" He called out hanging on for dear life.
"Naveen!" Harry yelled, hopping quickly over to Naveen when something bright hit the shadow puppets which let go off Naveen.
A blind old lady came out from the shadows with a torch, he was laughing maniacally. "Not bad for a 197-year-old blind lady," she said before blowing out her torch. "Now which one of you kiddies, messing with shadow man?" She asked as everyone pointed to Naveen.
"We so glad that we found you, Mama Odie, Ray, and Louis here have been telling us all about you. We've been traveling quite a long way, and you can't imagine what we've been through..." Harry trailed off as he looked at a jar with eye-ball and dentures. "An-and we heard that," Harry was cut off as she yelled, "Juju!", a yellow snake appeared. "Come over here you bad boy," She said as she started kissing the snake on the lips.
Harry and Naveen started at the women, wide eyes as Louis started making gagging noises.
"Good to see you again Ray!" She said using the snake as a walking stick. "How's yo grandma?", "Oh, she's fine. Got in a little trouble for flashin' the neighbors, again," He said fondly. "Ooh, I like that gal's spunk!" she commented.
"Mama Odie, we don't wanna take up too much time-" Harry was interrupted by Mama Odie asking if they wanted some candy. "Uh, no thank you," They politely responded. "Well, that's too bad. This is special candy, would've turn ya' human!" She said before eating it, causing them to panic. "I'm just messin' with ya!" She laughed.
"Wait, how did you know we wanted to turn back human?" He asked when she fell asleep.
"Eh, Mama Odie?" Naveen asked when she woke up and yelled: "Juju! Why didn't you tell me my gumbo was burning!", she walked over to the tub that was overflowing. "I can't believe I have to do everything around here!" She yelled as Harry and Naveen jumped over.
"Mama Odie, if you-", "Taste this," Mama Odie said shoving the spoon of gumbo into his mouth. "Well?", "Hit it with a couple of shots of Tabasco, and it's the bees knee's." He stated as Mama Odie did what he said to do. "That's just what it needed!" She yelled and looked at them"Now, you figured out what you need?". "It's just like you said, Mama Odie, we need to be human," Harry responded. "Ha! You only had to say so!" She exclaimed making Harry trip, almost falling into the gumbo, only to be saved by Naveen.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Don't matter what you look like
Don't matter what you wear
How many rings you got on your finger
We don't care, no, we don't care
Don't matter where you come from
Don't even matter what you are
A dog, a pig, a cow, a goat
Got em' all in here, we got em' all in here
If they all knew what they wanted
What they wanted, need to do
I told 'em what they needed
Just like I be telling you
You gotta dig a little deeper
Find out who you are
You gotta dig a little deeper
It really ain't that far
When you found out who you are
You find out what you need
Blue skies and sunshine
You gotta dig, dig
You gotta dig, dig
Prince Froggy is a rich little boy
You wanna be rich again
That ain't gonna make you happy now
Did it make you happy then? No!
Money ain't got no soul
Money ain't got no heart
All you need is some self-control
Make yourself a brand new start
You gotta dig a little deeper
Don't have far to go
You gotta dig a little deeper
Tell the people Mama told you so
Can't tell you what you'll find
Maybe love or grant you peace of mind
Dig a little deeper and you'll know
Mister Froggy, might I have a word?
You's a hard one, that's what I heard
Your parents was a loving group
Family through and through
You your daddy's son What he had in him you got in you
You gotta dig a little deeper
For you, it's gonna be tough
You gotta dig a little deeper
You ain't dug this far enough
Dig down deep inside yourself
You'll found out what you need
Blue skies and sunshine
Open up the window
Let in the light, dearie
Blue skies and sunshine
Blue skies and sunshine
Blue skies and sunshine
"Where are you taking me?" Harry asked at the top of the steamboat as Naveen helped him.
"Oh I just, I wanted to show you something, to celebrate our last night together as frogs," Naveen said giving a hand to Harry who accepted it.
Looking up Harry looked at the dining set and gasped, "Oh, oh, my years, no one's done anything like this for me," Harry said, his eyes softening. Harry looked over at Naveen and giggled, seeing the giant bow.
"Oh, it is too much isn't it," He said before clearing throat, "Um, thank you bow," he said as the butterfly flew away. "Pretend you did not see that," He said leading Harry to the table. "Please, please, sit down," he commented before grabbing the silver dish.
"What's this?" Harry asked as Naveen opened the lid revealing a bunch of minced fruits and veggies. "You minced!" Harry said surprised, "I did! you have quite an influence on me, which is amazing because I have dated thousand of women-" He looked at Harry's deadpanned face, "And no, like 2/3, b-but other women- just other woman and listen ugh, I know you are male-" He said reaching under the table, and Harry tried to look over to avail.
"Anyways you could not be more different you are, you are practically a girl!" Harry glared his hand hardening in a fist. "If you think I am just a girl because of how I look-,", "No, no, no! Your not a girl! Wait, let me start over-" he said as he put his hand on the table making him fall, all the food landing on him.
"Aha, I am not myself tonight..." he said as snatched something and covering it. "Harry! I-i'm sorry I don't know what that was about,". Harry blinked before giggling behind his hand.
"This is a disaster," Naveen said disappointed. "No, it's cute," Harry said picking out a piece of parsley off of Naveen's head. "Harry I-", "There it is!", Harry said walking over to the edge and sat down. "Is that where the restaurant is going?" he asked looking at the run-down mill, Harry nodded in agreement.
"I never met anyone so determined to help there best friend," Naveen commented, and Harry looked at him in surprise before smiling. "Yeah, Tiana is the best. I never had t-the best childhood, and Tiana was my first friend. She always helped me and after her father passed away, she became even more determined. So I decided that since she does so much for me it's time for me to repay the favor. And as you know my uh, guardians aren't the well best, so I was hoping that since Tiana promised me the head chef position, I will be able to afford a flat so I don't have to live with them," He said looking at the restaurant.
"But can't you just picture it, lit up like the Fourth of July!", "Yes! Jazz pouring out of every window!" Harry giggled at Naveen's antics as he slid closer to him. "I know a good ukulele player?" Harry teased.
"Maybe I could get you a gig?" Harry responded looking up and tapping his finger on his chin. "Really!" Naveen asked, his eyes sparkling. "And people well walk in from everywhere to get a taste of our food," Harry said melting onto Naveen's side. "Our food?" He asked.
"Oh yes! Me and Tiana's! Her father always wanted to open one, and so she took over his dream to help it make it come true," He said as he grabbed his hand. "And with your help tomorrow, our dream is finally coming true,".
"Tomorrow?" He asked looking at the emerald green eyes. "Oh yes, if Tiana doesn't deliver the money first thing tomorrow, we'll lose this place forever," He said his voice getting sadder.
"Harry, I-i love the way you light up when you talk about your dream, a-a dream that is so-so beautiful I, promise I will do whatever it takes to make it come true," Naveen responded grabbing Harry's hand when the conductor called. "I-i I'll round up the boys."
"Harry, I can give you whatever you want, if you just give me the necklace," Dr. Facilier said. Said boy was staring at his an Illusion of what his dream could be. He is in the restaurant with Tiana who was wearing a beautiful white gown, and him, fit in a long sleeve light green dress, with designs made in jewels decorated on the cuffs of his sleeves and his waist. His hair was put into a high ponytail with braids coming out the side, and gems in it.
"No!" Harry said turning to him. "You can't undo what's already done! And I'm glad you can't. I would never forgive myself if I never met Tiana, Charlotte, Naveen, Ray, or even Louis!" Harry yelled stomping, his body movement showing he will destroy the necklace without a doubt.
"I didn't lose sight of what's important and I never will!" Harry yelled throwing the amulet.
Only for it to be caught by Dr. Facilier's shadow. He laughed maniacally as he undid the illusion making Harry back into a frog. "You should have taken my deal," He said using his staff trapping Harry under it. "Now, you will spend the rest of your life being a slimy little frog," He stated smugly.
"I have news for you, shadow man! It's not slime! It's mucus!" Harry yelled snatching the necklace out of his hand before smashing it on the ground.
"Harry! Naveen!" Louis yelled running. Both frogs ran over to see what happened.
"Louis, what is?" Naveen asked. "The shadow man didn't leave poor Ray alone. He's hurt awful bad,". Harry gasped as he looked at the dying body of his friend.
"Heya' shouldn't ya'll be-", "We're staying frogs Ray," Harry said grabbing Naveen's hand. "And we're staying together," Naveen finished.
"Aw, I-i like that very much," he said looking up at the sky. "E-Evangeline, like that too," he said smiling before slowly closing his eyes as his light slowly goes away.
Harry looked away putting his face in Naveen's chest crying as it started to rain.
Louis swam as Naveen and Harry bowed there head down, holding a white Lily. The firefly family held Ray in a leaf. They laid the leaf in the water as Louis started playing a memorial song on his trumpet.
The leaf passed through the frog couple and they laid the two white lily's.
"So by the power invested in me, I pronounce ya'll Frog and wife," Mama Odie declared, as Harry is wearing a flower vale and has a lily in his hand, as Naveen was wearing a white butterfly as a tie. "Now you two hop along, know and give yo' wife some sugar," Mama Odie said as Harry giggles before turning to Naveen.
Leaning in both frogs lips touched a spark erupted around them. Magic spread around the couple as they both grew taller. The first form was the size of 6'0 man, with short brown hair, and tan skin. He was wearing a green suit with a cape. The second form was a 5'3, they had long black curly hair flowing around them like a halo. They had radiant pale skin and they were wearing a long sleeve light green dress. It had swhite trimming and flower designs on it. On there head was a diamond tiara with emeralds in it.
They two pulled apart, opening their eyes before gasping. Looking down they looked at their clothes before looking at Mama Odie who was laughing. "As I told you, Kissing a prince breaks the spell.". "Wait, that make you my wife!" He said looking down at Harry who raised an eyebrow. "Er, Husband." Harry laughed, " And that also make you,", "A princess," Harry responded bowing down. "You just kissed your self a princess," He said grabbing Naveen's collar.
"Yeah, and I'm about to do it again," He said grabbing Harry's chin and kissed him passionately.
------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------
And so after that, they gave Tiana her restaurant. Harry got the house he wanted, with his special prince, and they live happily ever after.
Here are the dresses Harry was put into:
When his costume was messed up at the Ball.
In the illusion, he was put into by Dr. Faciliar.
The wedding dress when they transformed back!
This was the longest chapter I ever made. Well, thank you for reading this chapter!
8456 words.
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