Kristoff x Harry Potter
Anna looked around wondering oaks awkwardly when she heard the door-bell ring. Turning around she saw to people come in. A 6' ft tall man walked in with snow-covered from head to toe. The second was shorter, around 5'5, two inches taller than her. The shorter one took off his hat and mask to reveal a man with what looked like soft pale skin and dark long raven hair. The shortest male walked over to the end of the store grabbing a pick-ax and rope. The other walked toward Anna.
"Carrots." He said sounding muffled through his mask.
"What?" Anna questioned, feeling intimidated. "Carrots behind you." He said pointing behind Anna. "Harry got it?"
"Yeah," the other male know named Harry said walking over with the equipment. He put the two items on the counter.
"That will be Forty," the Oaken said. "Forty? No, ten", "Oh boy," Harry said rolling his eyes. "Kristoff don't start know," Harry said to Kristoff who looked at him gobsmacked. "Oh dear, that's not good. See these are from our winter stock, where supply and demand have a big problem." Oaken said sweetly. "Wanna talk about supply and demand problem? We sell ice for a living" Kristoff pointed to the sled which had a mountain of ice blocks.
"Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now. I mean that is-" Anna stopped and cleared her throat as she saw the looks the two males gave him, "That's unfortunate.".
"Still forty. But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo! Hi Family." The trio looked over at the fog covered door and saw a family waving.
"Hoo Hoo!" They responded waving back.
"Ten is all we got right now," Kristoff said while Harry massaged his temple muttering about stupid ice business. The Oaken separated the Carrots from the supplies and said: " Ten will get you this. No more,". Kristoff seethed while Harry turns around to Anna who was just waiting awkwardly.
"I am so sorry about the wait." He said with a sympathetic look. "Oh! It's ok I was just well- What do you know about the North Mt.? Did it seem, I don't know magical?" She asked eagerly. Harry was about to respond when Kristoff responded. "Yeah! now you two back up while I deal with this crook here." Kristoff said when the Oaken stood up revealing his 7' ft stature. "What did you just call me?" He said with a hurt-looked face.
The Oaken grabbed the scruff of Kristoff's neck before throwing him out of the store. Harry ran out but not before calling out "Sorry!" and running to Kristoff.
---------------------------------------------- Kristoff x Harry Potter--------------------------------------------------
"Reindeers are better than people
Sven, don't you think that's true?" Kristoff sang looking at Harry -Who glared- before looking at Sven scared of his angry Boyfriend.
"Yeah, people will beat you
And curse you and cheat you
Every one of them's bad except you two." He said voicing Sven. Harry rolled his eyes.
"Oh, thanks buddy
But people smell better than raindeers
Sven, don't you think that I'm right?
That's once again true, for all except you" Harry snorted at that knowing that his lover always smells bad.
"You got me, let's call it a night
Good night
Don't let the frostbite bite." He finished.
When the door busted down revealing Anna. She threw them- well Kristoff in the stomach- A bag with a Pix-ax and rope.
"I want you guys to take me to the North Mt." She said. "We don't do-", "we'll do it," Harry said cutting off Kristoff who pouted. "Kristoff we need more money and ice isn't cutting it," Harry said glaring at him. Kristoff shrank from the glare and agreed.
They raced top speed on the snowy cliffside. Kristoff is manning the reins while Harry is next to him braiding his long hair. Anna is behind them looking at Harry more precisely. Harry has a heart-shaped face and snow pale skin. He has a button nose and big round almond-shaped eyes, his bright emerald eyes glistening in the snowy air. His body has light muscle's from the Ice business but it's mostly lean and petite.
"Hang on! We like to go fast!" Kristoff called out trying to scare Anna.
"I like fast!" She said putting her feet on the front seat from the back. Kristoff pushes her feat off the wood annoyed. "Whoa, whoa! Get your fear down! This is a fresh lacquer. Seriously were you raised in a barn?" He asked rudely, Harry smacked his arm and he hissed in pain.
"No I was raised in a castle," she said pouting and crossing her arms. "So tell us why did the Queen well... go ice crazy?" Harry asked.
"Oh, it was all my fault. I got engaged but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him-", "Wait, sweetie, you got engaged by a man you just met? It took Kristoff 3 years to ask me out!" Harry exclaimed.
"Well I mean— but anyways she got mad and I took her glove—" She got caught off again but this time by Kristoff. "Hang on you mean to tell me you got engaged to a man you just met that day!".
"Yes, Pay attention!" Harry and Anna said at the same time getting annoyed. They looked at each other before giggling. Kristoff ignored that but continued anyway, "Didn't your parents tell you about strangers?".
"Yes, they did... But Hans is not a stranger" Anna said she's sure.
"Oh yeah, what's his last name?" Kristoff questions.
"Of..the southern-Isles?" She said she isn't sure herself.
"What's his favorite food?"
"Best Friends name?"
"Probably John"
"Eye color"
"Foot size...?"
"Foot size doesn't matter?" Harry snorted at that.
"Oh well if your such an expert ask Harry," Anna said confidently. Kristoff raised an eyebrow before looking at Harry who was looking at his nails.
"Bjorgman, Carrots, Sven, Hazel, and that's personal..." Harry said not looking up from his nails the entire time. Anna's mouth was wide open.
Sven suddenly stops and his ears perk up. Anna was about to open her mouth when Harry put his finger to her lips shushing her.
Kristoff stands up grabbing the lantern, holding it up the light reveals eyes, a lot of them. Kristoff quickly sits down before lighting the torch and handing to Harry who put it into a holster before bending over opening a compartment. Harry took out a shotgun.
Moving to the back he put the gun in position and started to try shooting the wolves.
"Wolves! What are we gonna do!" Anna squeaked out. "You are gonna do nothing, me and Harry though well... you saw, just try not to get eaten."
"But I wanna help!" She said.
"No" Kristoff retorted.
"Why!" Anna whined.
"Because I don't trust your judgment," Kristoff said kicking a wolf who tried to attack him.
"Excuse me!?", "Uh, ladies a little help here!" Harry called out as he ran out of bullets. He crawled back to the front and grabbed a bat.
"It's True Love!" She yells right when a Wolf came out. Harry hit it with the bat making it fall back. "Thanks!" Anna yelled.
"Anytime!" Harry said looking out for more when a wolf came up and grabbed Kristoff.
"KRISTOFF!" Harry yelled quickly handing Anna the bat. Kristoff grabs a loose peace rope and hangs on. Harry grabs Kristoff's hand trying to get him up. Anna holds the torch gaining an idea. Lighting a blanket on fire.
"Duck!" Anna said. Both of the males lowered there head and she threw the blanket hitting the wolves making them let go of Kristoff. Harry pulled Kristoff up.
"You almost hit us!" Kristoff yelled. "But she didn't!" Harry yelled as he spotted a cliff.
"Get ready to jump Sven!" Anna yelled. "You don't tell him what to do!" Kristoff yelled at Anna. He scoops up Harry, who scooped up Anna.
"I do!" He said throwing them onto Sven. Harry turned back around panicked "Kristoff!" He called out as Kristoff unhinges the harness off of Sven.
"Jump Sven!" He cried out as he was flying still on the slay. He feels the slay go down. He jumps off and tries to swim through the air. He slams into the snowy edge and hangs on. He looks down at the sled which caught on fire.
"But I just paid it off..." he said sadly when he felt himself slip. He starts to claw at the loose snow before he saw the ax slam into the snow in front of him.
"Grab on!" Harry yelled with Anna behind him pulling on the rope. Kristoff grabbed it and felt himself being lifted off.
He groaned as he laid onto the cold ground until he felt cold but soft lips on his, kissing the living daylights out of him. Opening his eyes he sees his boyfriend's closed ones. Harry finally pulled away letting Kristoff get up. Harry then smacked the back of Kristoff's head and he hissed at the pain.
"NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" He yelled before going back to kissing him.
"Aww," Anna said as she saw the cute couple hoping she and Hans we'll be like that someday.
Harry got up and pulled Kristoff with him, who had a goofy smile on his face. Harry pinched him.
——————— Time Skip———————
"It's too steep," Harry said looking at Anna as she climbed up the wall.
"I wouldn't put my foot there. Or there." Kristoff said as Anna almost slipped.
"You guys are distracting me," she said straining. "How do you even know if Elsa wants to see you?" Kristoff asked the struggling girl.
"I'm just blocking you out cause I gotta concentrate" she ignored them. "You know most people who disappear into the MT. Want to be left alone." Harry commented wincing when her foot slipped.
"Who wants to be alone? I mean besides you two." She said. "We're not alone, we also have other friends." Kristoff said. "Oh like who?" She asked when Olaf pointed out:
"Hey, Sven? Not sure if this is going to solve the problem, but I found a staircase that leads to exactly where you wanna go." He said pointing to an ice staircase. Harry's eye twitched.
"Oh! Well." Anna said letting herself go making Kristoff catch her questioning her sanity.
"Now that ice. I think I might cry" Kristoff said in awe, Harry rolled his eyes at his antics but went back to the gorgeous Ice palace.
"Go ahead. I won't judge." Anna said which made Harry snort and Kristoff pout at him in which Harry kissed away with a wink. Kristoff has left a tomato. Anna, Harry, and Olaf started heading up the steps and Kristoff about to follow when he saw Sven having trouble. Heading over to his first friend he stabled him, "Easy buddy. Just stay right here." He said as Sven plops his butt on the ice.
Kristoff whistles touching the railing, "Flawless," he whispered as he started climbing.
The trio looks up at the big door in awe. Anna brought her gloved fist to the door about knock.
"...Knock... Just knock... why doesn't she knock?... Does she even know how to knock?" Olaf asked until Anna finally knocked on the giant door and the ice doors slide open.
"You two should probably wait here," Anna said looking at the couple. Harry nods but Kristoff responds with a "What?".
"Last time I introduced her to a guy she froze the place." She responded. "But ice is my life! Our lives!" he cried pointing at both and Harry. Harry placed his hand on Kristoff's bicep and looked at Anna.
"Go," He said and Anna nodded going in with Olaf. "Wha?! Babe!" Kristoff whined as the door shut. "Nuh-uh, this is a family matter." He said looking at his lover who was doing the puppy dog eyes and pouting. Harry did tippy toes and kissed his lips. Kristoff snaked his hands around Harry's waist to get the kiss last longer. Harry placed his arm on Kristoff's neck making the supposed chaste kiss into a mini-make out session.
Pulling away for air the two lovers looked at each other in the eyes before they were interrupted by certain Raindeer. Harry giggled and Kristoff chuckled as they went down the step to Sven. Kristoff placed Harry onto Sven. And they chatted only Harry and Kristoff... plus Sven.
Harry and Kristoff were talking when all of a sudden Anna came running out with Olaf and a giant ice monster.
Running as fast as they can Harry grabbed both Anna and Kristoff as he started to Runaway. Anna threw rocks but it made it more aggravated. Anna jumped off of Sven and grabbed and ran to a tree covered in snow. The tree made a make-shift slingshot and hit the ice giant with a ball of snow.
Anna jumping back onto Sven they rode until they got stopped by a huge cliff.
"Jump!" Anna said as they looked at the giant Ice monster.
"Are you crazy!" Harry yelled.
"Yeah!" She said jumping down. Kristoff then scooped up Harry bridle style jumping down. Harry buried his face into Kristoff's chest and held on tighter.
Feeling something cold on his ass he looked and saw he was being held right above the snow. Harry took off his glove and smacked Kristoff with it.
"NEVER, EVER, DO THAT AGAIN!" He yelled with each smack.
-------------------------------------- Another Skip----------------------------------------
Harry cried in Kristoff's chest as their friend was frozen. Kristoff cradled Harry in his arms and looked down sadly.
Kristoff suddenly gasped making Harry lookup. Anna was defrosting.
- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -
"As promised a new slay!" Anna said as they saw a brand new slay. Kristoff ran up to it and looked at it in awe. Harry giggled and walked to it touching it. "Wow! This is amazing!" Kristoff said to Anna. Kristoff took hold of Harry's waist and walked up to Anna. " I- we really don't know how to say!" He said.
"Oh, I know what to say. It's just he doesn't know how to say it" Harry said teasingly. Kristoff lifted Harry off the ground earning a squeak from him. Kristoff twirled him in the air before kissing him his arms still around the raven's waist. Harry slid his arm's around Kristoff's neck and kissed him happily.
2422 words
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