Henry Stien x Harry Potter Part II
Rated: M for sexual themes but no explicit scenes and Not really but kinda necrophilia.
They met at a diner.
It was a simple diner, he saw him drinking a warm coffee, a soft smile on his face as he looked at the outside world.
He was beautiful, no doubt about it. From the soft looking pale skin to the plump lumps, he was sin reincarnated.
His hair was in a high pony tail, it contrasting against the white polo shirt he wore that looked rather tight. Some tightly fitted pants and boots went along with his outfit. His green eyes often flicked around looking at different scenery's outside.
He was the perfect angel.
He walked to the booth the boy was sitting at catching his attention. He slid himself on to the seat and smiled at him.
"Hello..?" He even had the voice of an angel too. He a musical voice that made you want to listen and pay attention to what ever the person is saying.
"H-hello. I'm Henry, and I saw you from outside and I had to ask you if you would like to apply for a job to voice act one of our characters." He stuttered out before recollecting himself and continuing on. The male raised his eyebrow before Henry continued, " I work as an animator for Joey Drew Studios. We have an old character but with new voce, as the old one is starting to seem more unqualified." He explained as the male looked more interested. Grabbing a card out of his pocket he handed it over to him.
"I will like to see if you're interested?" The other bit his lip before opening his mouth and responded " When can I get started?".
And the rest was history.
They were close, closer then co-workers should of been.
The first time they kissed was during the premier of his voice acting.
They were so happy, jumping around, he grabbed by the waist and spinner himself around. He had the most beautiful smile on, it had the energy of a thousand suns.
Out of pure will he kissed him.
His lips touched the angels.
At first there was no response, and right as he was about pull away he responded. There lips moved in sync, it was the best kiss he ever had. The soft plump petal lips on his felt like clouds.
After that they continued. In secret of course.
They sneaked little kisses here and there. He felt so alive, so happy. He felt as though he wasn't doing this alone, he was working harder not for Joey but for himself and the future he want's with him.
A few months have passed and they had sex for the first time. They came back from a date at the same diner they met at for there anniversary. The raven haired voice actor invited him over, to talk at first.
Then they started kissing, and touching, and just exploring each other. Before he new what was happening he was pounding away at his lover.
After that Joey started acting weird. Not only with him but to the whole company. Started to hang out with Harry more often then not. Always touching him, longer then normal.
Joey acted more secretive, always perking around never staying in one place.
Then one day he asked Harry to stay back.
At first he thought it was normal, noting serious. Harry asked him to wait for him outside, as Joey talked to him.
At first it was a few minutes, then fifteen, and then thirty. Until an hour passed by and there still was no Harry.
He crept into the doors of studio. Tip toeing avoiding the creaky floor boards. Walking past each respective office until he was at the corner to Harry's office.
His head peeled through the corner before it froze. His blood turn into ice, his veins felt like liquid nitrogen in his body, so cold it burned. His eyes popped open wide, as he stared and stared, his eyes never breaking away.
His beloved, his love eyes alway filled with joy and love looked lifeless. Dead to the world as it was dragged away, blood smearing on the floor, body disrespected by said floor.
The look of lust was printed onto Joeys face as said man murmured crude words under his breath. He silently followed as this man, his co-worker, friend dragged his lover down the stairs to the ink machine.
Joey grabbed Harry roughly before grabbing his clothes and ripped them off. He removed all clothing and groped every piece of flesh he could touch. He first caressed his face, before dragging his hands down to his chest, pinching his nipples. He went farther down, avoiding the genitals and going straight down to the puckered hole. He touched, and rubbed it and caressed before stopping and grabbing him, walking him to the ink machine before dumping his body into the inky depths.
Meanwhile all He tu could do was watch. Just watch helplessly his love get violated.
As he watched his only lover get dropped into the ink he did the only thing he could do.
He ran.
And oh boy did he run. He resigned, and moved away from his old house.
Until he got a letter.
Hello everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed this, and yes it's 2 am, and yes I have school tomorrow but do I care? No. Well I have to sleep now bye!
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