Tomarry - To Change the Future
My hands were trembling. Was I too late? Had I just lost my only opportunity? Voldemort had just killed the only person that could really help me. Time, date and location were always so important. What was I supposed to do now? How was I supposed to fix things?
"Harry! Hurry! You got all the information from professor Snape, right?"
"Yeah." I lied.
I followed Hermione and Ron back to the castle. Honestly I was barely keeping up with them. My sides hurt and breathing was hard. I wasn't even sure how I was still alive. My friends had no idea how badly I was hurt. Honestly, they had little to no idea about anything that involved me.
"Here. This is the last one. Ron and I will go destory it. You set the information for the Time Turner. If our plan doesn't work we'll come back here. We'll all go back together." Hermione smiled.
"Together." I nodded.
Right, Hermione and Ron were always together. I was always the one left alone. They knew nothing about the real me. They pitied me rather than cared about me. The real me wanted to side with Voldemort. The real me wanted to destroy this fabricated prison.
I twisted the dial on the Time Turner. I estimated the year and date based on the information I already had. The memories from the journal were a decent indicator. Slughorn's and Dumbledore's memories helped too. I wanted to get to a specific point in his life. Even though it was extremely dangerous.
That's right. My friends had no idea who I really was. If I went too early things would get complicated. If I went too late nothing would change. I found it a little funny. Maybe Slytherin was the house for me after all. I had spent the last 7 years completely fooling everyone around me.
I wanted out of this imprisonment and I knew Voldemort wanted the same. We were connected after all. Why else would he be fighting like this? He had no reason to come back and yet he did. We were all just puppets playing to a pretty tune. I hated it.
I groaned and dropped to my knees. My body couldn't take any more strain. I had pushed myself to my limit. If I didn't act now then I was as good as dead. I had one more dial to set. My vision was beginning to blur even with my glasses. I just needed a few more seconds. Why wouldn't my broken body just listen to me?
I clicked the activation on the Time Turner. The world around me disappeared into a blurred line. I had to shut one eye just so that I could stay conscious. The world stopped spinning and I coughed up blood. My time was up and I couldn't tell if I had succeeded. My vision went black as I slipped into the darkness.
I felt warm and comfortable. My body ached but it wasn't too bad. I heard a voice I recognised and another I didn't. My head was pounding like it might explode. I couldn't open my eyes without the risk of putting more strain on my throbbing head.
"He'll be fine. He should wake up in a few days."
"That's too long. Wake him up now."
"Mr. Riddle, I will do no such thing. This boy has been beaten to high hell and back. He should be dead with the amount of broken bones and blood loss he suffered."
A loud sigh was followed by a book slamming shut. Nothing more was said as I heard footsteps moving away. Another sigh was followed by more footsteps. I was definitely in a familiar place. The hospital wing in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From what I heard I made it to a general time in the past.
A few more days passed as my consciousness was the only thing I could control. I felt utterly helpless just laying there. Tom Marvolo Riddle came to visit me every day though. I learnt that I had at least made it to the year he made his first hoacrux. I couldn't tell if it was before or after that just yet.
Every day Tom visited he demanded that Madam Pomfrey wake me up. Every day she refused to do so. I could slowly feel my strength coming back. When I was alone I tested my capabilities. I didn't want either of them knowing I was awake until I could at least move a bit. That meant I'd have to go without food though.
"Will you do it today?" He sighed.
"No! Stop asking me to." She responded.
"Tom." I croaked.
Both of them rushed to my side. I just barely managed to open one eye. What I saw confirmed my suspicions. I seem to have made it to the point in time I was hoping for. Just before Tom had opened the Chamber of Secrets. Before he had actually killed anyone. I knew that because the hospital wing was still quite lively.
A few more days passed in almost the same way. I could eat and sit up which was a bonus. The pain was bearable enough if not completely gone. What was driving me crazy was not being able to leave. Tom still visited me because he was curious about me.
"Hey." I said with a scratchy voice. "Get me out of here."
Tom looked at me surprised for a moment. "I can't do that."
"Yes you can." I insisted. "Take me to your room or somewhere else. Anywhere but here."
He squinted at me. "No."
"I can move well enough on my own." I sighed. "Just get me out of here."
He sighed and stood up. He cast a spell on me and carried me out. Just as we got to the door, Madam Pomfrey got to my bed. I couldn't help but grin a little at her shocked face before we disappeared through the door completely.
"You walk pretty fast." I croaked.
He didn't say anything as he put me down. He removed the spell and I followed after him. He definitely walked fast and my still aching body couldn't quite keep up. That didn't matter though because he kept stopping to wait for me. Cold and stoic as always.
I sighed and groaned as I sat down. My body was really hurting all over again. Then again I did have a whole building basically fall on top of me. I closed my eyes and hung my head back. A life lived in constant fear and I had broken free at last.
"Why are you smiling?" Tom asked.
"Because it feels good to not have to worry for my life every single second." I said, my voice finally started to sound more normal.
"What do you mean?"
I shrugged. I didn't know how to explain it all just yet. I couldn't just tell him that he had been trying to kill me since I was a baby. We were basically the same age right now. It wouldn't make any sense. My body was also trashed and explaining that was hard enough.
"How old are you right now? 16? 17?" I asked.
He scoffed. "17."
"And the date is?"
He looked at me like I was crazy. "October 5th"
I nodded my head. This was what I had been looking for. The days before he made his first hoacrux. The days leading up to the death of moaning Mertle. Now I just needed to figure out how to stop the cycle from starting altogether. Then we would both be free.
"How'd you know my name?" He sneered. "Or my age?"
"It's complicated." I sighed. "I need to lay down."
Tom groaned and cast a spell on me again. He picked me up and carried me to the dungeons. I couldn't help but smile as he laid me down on a bed. He undid the spell and I sunk into the pillow. It felt like I was laying on a cloud.
"Man." I yawned. "Were Slytherin's beds always this soft?"
"Don't get too comfortable. That's my bed." Tom grumbled.
I chuckled and then groaned in pain. He was trying to act all tough and failing at it. I knew the kind of person he was. His curiosity always won out in the end. The longer I kept him guessing the more interested he got. I must have left quite the first impression. It was too bad I couldn't remember what it was.
Tom was like me in a sense. He had been looking for something he didn't know existed. His life was less than ideal so he tried and tried to find anyone who would understand him. His family hated him and he ended up in bad places. When he finally found a place he was shunned or ridiculed.
Before I knew it I was asleep. I was still partly conscious and aware of my surroundings but my mind had mostly shut down. I felt the bed shift next to me and then I was gently moved. An arm wrapped around my waist and another was placed under my head. The body belonging to those arms was pressed against my back.
"I don't get it. I don't get you." Tom whispered. "Why would you say something like that and then act like nothing even happened afterwards?"
I felt bad for not knowing what I had said to him. I felt like maybe he might have misunderstood. Knowing myself I wouldn't have said something if it was left to chance. Whatever it was had piqued Tom's interest and for the time being that was enough to pause the cycle from starting up.
I never realised just how warm another person's body could feel. My mind was always half awake when I slept. I always had my guard up so I never really slept properly. Right now in this moment I felt no need for that. I felt so comfortable and at peace. I felt so warm and secure. My guard was dropped and I actually slept properly.
I groaned as my body felt a little stiff. I slowly sat up, my eyes still basically closed. For a moment I thought I was back in the Gryffindor Tower. I thought I had returned to my life of pain. Then I heard his voice and my mind was at ease. I opened my eyes not fully able to see and had no idea where my glasses were.
"Good morning." Tom deadpanned.
"Morning." I mumbled and grinned.
"What's your name? You know mine I think it's only fair." Tom handed me something I couldn't make out.
The left over sleep vanished in a second. I had to think for a moment before answering him. What he had given me were my glasses. I knew he wasn't likely going to believe me right now. I also didn't want to lie to him. And I couldn't use my father's name because I was sure he was probably already attending Hogwarts as a first year.
"Just call me HJ for now. I can't really give you my real name yet." I scratched my neck and shrugged.
"You're full of mysteries, HJ." Tom mused.
"I guess. I promise when the time is right I'll tell you everything." I grinned, hoping that would be enough.
He shrugged. "For now I'll wait. But I'm not a very patient person so don't push it."
I chuckled. "Yeah you are. I've never met anyone more patient than you in my entire life."
He frowned. "You don't even know me."
I slapped a hand over my mouth. I had instantly responded without thinking. It was amusing to me that he thought such a bluff would work. I had let my guard down and slipped up. I couldn't think of a way to salvage this situation right now. I also couldn't just ignore what I had said and he wouldn't ignore it either.
"Can we go for a walk? Some fresh air would be nice really." I grinned. "Especially since I can actually enjoy it."
He nodded his head and lead me to the Black Lake. The big tree was nothing more than a normal sized tree. In a few more years it's trunk would be huge and it would be much taller. Then it would be up-rooted and destroyed because of the war. For some reason that thought really upset me more than I figured it would.
I placed my hand on the trunk and sighed. This tree had been a marker in my life. Living proof that with time came strength. Then it was broken like a small twig. I had seen it happen. Maybe that was the moment I had stopped caring. Maybe that's when I had lost all hope.
"Is everything okay?" Tom asked.
"Do you think that if I carved my name here it would still be there in the future?" I asked without thinking.
"The future? Maybe?" Tom frowned.
I smiled and sat down on the grass. "I can't remember a time I just sat here. Every time I was here it was because there was something that needed to be done. A trial that needed to be overcome. This was the perfect place to think."
Tom sat next to me. "What do you mean?"
I grinned at him. "I guess this is the first piece of your puzzle. Or maybe not? Anyway it's all about the Black Lake."
He raised an eyebrow at me and I laid back. I was grateful for the shade even though it was much less than what I was used to. I stretched my arm out above me and spread my fingers apart. There was no webbing between them and my arm had no fin attached.
"A few years ago I was forced into participating in the triwizard tournament. One of the stages was in the Black Lake. Ever since then whenever I had to think things over or make a plan this is where I would come. The big tree would provide the best shade and the isolation was actually kimd of perfect." I sighed.
"What big tree?" Tom asked.
I pointed at the much smaller tree. "I've never come here just for me. Never to just lay here and breathe."
I dropped my arm and took a deep breath. The air was fresh and cool. My mind was so at ease I could have just fallen asleep. I wished Tom would relax a bit too. Maybe hold onto me like he did the night before. My body unwillingly shivered at the thought. I was way too comfortable around him.
"You said something about the triwizard tournament. As far as I know Hogwarts hasn't hosted it in some time." Tom said.
I smiled. "Yep. So for the next puzzle piece. I was only in my 4th year at the time. I'm also 17 now so technically I am still a student here. I'll have to go talk to that old geezer when I'm all healed up."
Tom raised an eyebrow. "If you're in the same year as me why don't I know anything about you or any of the stuff you're referring to?"
"That's the mystery isn't it?" I sat up and looked at him. "Where did I come from exactly? Why do I refer to things in the past tense? Why do I know so many things about you? Unfortunately the pieces to the whole mystery will have to stay hidden for now."
We didn't say much more after that. When I was satisfied we walked back to the castle. I had to admit that Tom was a lot hotter in person. The memories and pictures didn't do him much justice. He was a lot softer and kinder in person too. A misunderstood and curious mind. I had the benefit of being "the chosen one" to get my answers.
Tom always asked me questions but never pushed when I didn't want to answer something. The days turned into weeks and I eventually went back to the hospital wing. It was only for a check up since my condition had improved. Madam Pomfrey gave me an earful about me leaving earlier.
After that was done I went to talk with Dumbledore. He was someone I preferred not to talk to but had to. I only told him the bare minimum and showed him the Time Turner. Most of what I told him was a lie though because I didn't use my real name. I also didn't truly trust him.
I was allowed to take my final year and was given my own room. I honestly didn't care for it much. After spending so much time sleeping next to Tom I couldn't imagine sleeping on my own anymore. As expected though, Tom was furious with me when he found out I was a Gryffindor. I couldn't blame him for that though.
A few days passed without us talking much. I could tell that he was still curious about me but his pride was wounded. I used the fact that I hadn't been there from the beginning of the year as an excuse. I refused to let anyone other than Tom help me. Most of the professors were surprised but they didn't argue much.
"I want a straight answer." Tom sighed. "No more of your silly mind games."
I smiled at him. It had been nearly 5 months since I had gotten here. Honestly, I hadn't really thought it truly possible before but I had fallen in love with him. I missed all our nights together. On the weekends he'd take me to get the stuff I needed. I was essentially broke and he didn't seem to mind paying for everything.
"What would you like to know?" I asked.
"Who are you really? What's your real story?"
I sighed and stood up. "Walk with me?"
He nodded and followed me out of the library. We walked for a while until we ended up outside. I slowly took hold of Tom's hand. He didn't put up much of a fight, instead he just looked away from me. It made me smile a little more. I might not have fully understood love before but I did now.
"I miss the feeling." I sighed.
"What feeling?" He frowned.
"The feeling of your arms around me." I shrugged.
He looked at me surprised and a little dumbfounded. Obviously he had always thought I was asleep when he laid down. I was but I was also a very light sleeper. I was always prone to nightmares as well. Except when he held me. That's when I slept more like a rock.
"I've never really been able to sleep peacefully. When I was little I had to worry about my uncle. If I overslept I was beaten. After I started attending Hogwarts I still couldn't let my guard down. Someone was always after me trying to kill me. When I did sleep I was plagued with nightmares." I explained. "I ended up being a really light sleeper and I am always alert even when I'm asleep."
"So what you're telling me is..."
I smirked a little. "I felt you climb into bed next to me every single night. You were always so careful."
Tom's cheeks turned a little pink. I smiled and squeezed his hand a little before letting go of it. I wanted to feel that warmth and peace again. Ever since I started attending classes Tom hasn't really let me in. He would hardly even talk to me and it hurt my heart.
"Do you hate me?" I asked.
"No." Tom sighed.
"I'm glad. So what did you want to know?"
He stopped walking and frowned. "Where did you come from really? What's your interest in me?"
I shrugged. "The correct answer to question one is the future. Or rather A possible future. It's probably one that no longer exists now."
"What do you mean?"
"Well. I'll explain but can we go inside? To be more accurate I want to go to your room." I chewed on my lip.
Tom sighed and took my hand. He led me through the corridors and to the dungeons. I just let him pull me along. In all this time he seemed to have forgotten about his original plan. I was glad that he hadn't gone to the Chamber of Secrets. I also couldn't shake this feeling that something was going to happen though.
I sat on his bed and patted the spot next to me. Tom sighed and hesitated before sitting. I took his hand again and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I honestly didn't care if he was uncomfortable anymore. I just wanted him to hold me. I wanted to feel that secure warmth I was missing.
"Why could you never let your guard down?" Tom asked.
I sighed and leaned against him. "You were always trying to kill me. My first year I was almost killed by a professor that worked for you. Fourth year was the triwizard tournament and you killed someone I looked up to. Then my godfather was killed when I was in my fifth year. The beginning of my seventh year was a war."
Tom jerked away from me. "Me? I tried to kill you?"
"The very first time you tried I was a baby. My mother sacrificed herself and a piece of your soul was attached to me." I showed him the scar on my forehead.
"Why would I do that?" He frowned.
I sighed and shrugged. "People said you went mad because of how many times you split your soul. It all started a few months ago for you. By the time I was born you had become power hungry. My parents were among a group of people fighting against you."
"I'm guessing 5 months ago... Around the time you showed up." He deadpanned and frowned at me.
"Yep." I nodded my head. "I always felt like I was missing a huge piece of my own puzzle. Although I lived most of my life in fear I also lived a lie. I didn't care about if you won the war. I even thought that maybe I shouldn't be fighting against you. Maybe if I told you the truth you would accept me. Then we could destroy the world together. I always felt like I was trapped in a cage."
"What does that have to do with now?" Tom sighed.
I pulled on the Time Turner around my neck. "I was dying. My so called friends never knew my true feelings. We were planning on killing you before you killed my parents. I had other plans that had nothing to do with killing you though."
"Which were?"
"Have you ever felt like a puppet on strings? Like no matter what you did your future was set in stone." I asked.
Tom nodded slowly. I sighed in relief and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes silently wishing he would lay down next to me. I wanted him to hold me. I wanted to feel safe because something wasn't feeling right. Had I gone too far because I told Dumbledore about the Time Turner?
I felt a shift behind me and an arm around me. I lifted my head as his other arm was placed under it. He tightened his grip around me and I felt his body against my back. I shivered at the warmth. He didn't say anything as he slowly nuzzled my neck. A new yet comforting feeling washed over me. I never hated him even after everything.
"I still don't quite understand. I'm actually even more confused now." Tom sighed.
"What are you confused about?" I asked.
"When you first showed up. You said something no one has ever said to me. Don't you remember?"
I shook my head. "I don't really remember anything after I activated the Time Turner. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way."
Tom lifted his arm and cast a spell. I felt something strange wash over me as a memory played in my mind like a dream. It was easy to understand that it was from Tom's point of view. I was looking at myself kneeling on the ground.
The me on the ground was spitting out blood barely able to keep my eyes open. I looked up and smiled slightly before groaning in pain. I felt a sense of sadness and fear... Tom's feelings when he first saw me. I didn't know why.
"I actually found you." I said and coughed up more blood. "Please don't abandon me, Tom."
I passed out after that. Tom's hand cast a spell and he picked me up. He carried me to the hospital wing and intended to just leave me there. He wanted nothing to do with me that much was clear. He put me down on the bed and removed the spell. My hand suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm before he could leave.
"I don't want you to die." I groaned and was out for good.
The memory ended and I opened my eyes. I shifted and turned to face him. I could feel the air getting trapped in my throat. He was impossibly close and my mind was running wild with fantasies. Tom didn't look fazed at all. He was searching my face and eyes for an answer to his questions.
"If I killed every one you cared for why would you care if I died?" Tom asked, breaking the silence.
"Because I love you." I heard myself say.
I shook my head and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes so that I could imagine that he wasn't so close. That wasn't the real reason. At least not in the beginning. My real reason was a selfish one. One that would have probably hurt him.
"You may not have truely died in the physical sense, but the day you made your first hoacrux was the day your soul died. You became nothing more than a mindless machine. I was the one forced to face you. I was forced to be a weapon." I sighed and opened my eyes. "At first my reason was purely selfish. I had to save you in order to save myself."
"At first?" He asked.
"Somewhere along the lines I fell in love with you. The real you that was hiden from the world." I shrugged. "The you that cared enough to share your bed. A surprisingly caring person who hides behind a flimsy shield of ice."
He looked at me like I had grown a second head. Nothing more was said and I turned around again. I didn't want him to see how embarrassed I was. My heart was pounding and I was afraid that he'd get up and leave even if I knew he wouldn't. I only had this last term left.
I had already changed the future. My arrival had been just before Tom was forced to act on his dark desires. He had spent his Christmas holiday with me and not in the chamber. We went for walks and slept just like this while I recovered. My heart was racing at the thought.
"What is love?" Tom asked breaking the silence again. "I've never known it or felt it so I don't understand what you mean. How can you love a person like me?"
He was nuzzling against my neck again. His arms around me had pulled me closer to him. It was like he was afraid to let me go. Was he also having trouble sleeping without me? I immediately banished the thought and sighed.
"Love? It's not something I can explain." I said. "I'm happy when I'm with you. My heart hurts when you ignore me. When you get embarrassed I find it cute. Right now my heart won't stop racing. I'm always aware of how close you are to me. I'm nervous and scared that one day I'll lose you."
Tom sighed against my neck and I shivered. "Then I guess I'm in love with you too. My mysterious saviour. I can't imagine what I'll do without you around anymore. Without the kindness and acceptance you have shown me I would have probably been lost forever."
I snorted. "Please don't call me that."
"Well, then what should I call you?" Tom asked.
He shifted and I thought he might be leaving. I turned slightly to see him propped up on his arm. He was basically looming over me but I wasn't scared one bit. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I wanted to feel his lips against mine.
"Harrison." I choked. "Call me Harrison."
He actually smiled. "Sure, Harry."
My heart squeezed when he said my actual name. I know he didn't know that because Harry was a shorter version of Harrison. We stayed like that for a while just staring at each other. My body moved on its own as I slowly reached up. I couldn't believe just how much I wanted him.
My hand gently rested on the back of his neck. I wanted to kiss him. Tom sighed and sat up. My heart cracked in a instant. He stood up and straightened out his clothes. I just laid there and watched him. Had I just pushed him too far?
"It's time for dinner and I'm hungry." Tom said.
I nodded my head and followed him out. Maybe it was better to keep my distance. If I made him uncomfortable then maybe he wouldn't want me around anymore. But didn't he say he loved me? Is it okay if I wanted to believe that? Hearing him say that had given me a hope which I had lost.
My mind was foggy as I sat down for lunch the next day. I hadn't been able to sleep the whole night. I was exhausted from trying not to upset Tom the whole morning. My body was drained and my heart ached. I longed to feel Tom's touch. I found it just a little odd that I was longing for the man that had tortured my entire life.
I hadn't realised anything was happening. The Hall was in an uproar and I was just too tired to care. A finger tapped my shoulder and I slowly turned around. Tom was standing there with his hands in his pockets. I wanted to ask why but didn't get the chance. He leaned forward and captured my lips with his in an effortless movement.
It took me a moment to respond and return the kiss. I had been a little too shocked. He pulled away and stood up properly. His hands still shoved in his pockets. Everyone there was watching us closely. A strange unwanted yet familiar feeling washed over me. How long had it been since I was the centre of attention?
"Come to the Black Lake after class okay." Tom demanded.
"S-sure." I said.
He smirked and walked away. I was still in shock. I couldn't believe he had just done that in front of everyone. It made sense why everyone had been in a fuss. A Slytherin purposely walking towards the Gryffindor table. Then he kissed me! Oh Merlin he actually kissed me. He kissed me in front of everyone.
I couldn't even find the courage to kiss him when we were alone. My face felt like it was on fire and I couldn't stop smiling. I felt like a girl with a stupid crush. Why did his mere presence do this to me? Before I would have just been sad because I didn't want to kill him. Now I was reduced to giggles and smiles.
It was no surprise to see a bunch of people hiding out around the Black Lake. Tom had created quite the spectacle in the Hall after all. Of course people were curious about what was happening. My heart was pounding as I sat down under the tree. Tom wasn't here yet so I was alone. I had time to think and take a breath.
My fingers gently touched my lips. I was still pretty much in shock. I would have never imagined my life turning out like this. A place where I could truly be my 100% self. A place where I could be with someone I was actually starting to love. A place where I could be happy. Tom didn't know the version of me I showed my friends.
"Do you want me to kiss you again?" Tom asked.
I jumped just a little. "Yeah. I mean if you don't mind."
Tom rolled his eyes. He sat down next to me and pulled me closer to him. His fingers tangled my hair as he connected our lips. It was slow and deliberate. It made my heart do backflips and I wanted more. He didn't stop kissing me as he pushed me to lay down. I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying the feeling.
I rested my hand on the back of his neck as he kissed me. I couldn't bring myself to try taking control from him. When he eventually broke away he smirked. He was propped up on his arm looming over me. His other hand rested lightly on my stomach. I wanted to feel his skin against mine.
"Isn't this what you wanted yesterday?" Tom asked.
I nodded my head. "How'd you know?"
"I wanted it too." Tom said and kissed me again.
I gently pushed him away. "Why the Black Lake?"
He shrugged and laid next to me. "Just because. Just to be here. There was no particular reason."
I couldn't help but laugh. He really was a whole different person deep down. Kind, caring and oddly understanding. I could live my entire life here just by his side. I wish I had lived my life with him. Maybe if I had, neither one of us would have been so broken.
Tom told me about his life. About what he had been through. The reason my words had struck him so strongly. I learnt more about him and fell in love all over again. This man who had been controlled like a puppet. He had a heart that was breaking much like my own.
I had come along and stuck the pieces together. After everything I had been through because of him I couldn't help these feelings. He had saved me as much as I had saved him. I had given up on life entirely. I had given up on myself. I hadn't even realised that until coming here. Until being with the real him.
Tom lead me to his room later that evening. More like snuck me there. He used some of his cunning and charming habits to keep his roommates out. We had the whole place to ourselves and it really made my heart do some more crazy backflips. The ideas flooding my mind made me nervous.
"I won't bite." Tom said.
I smiled. "Was that your attempt at being playful?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Yes."
"It needs work." I giggled.
He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Harry, come here please."
I walked over to him and in one swift move he had me laying under him on his bed. My heart was racing and breathing became a little too difficult. He slowly lowered himself and captured my lips. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away from me and smirked.
"Actually, I do bite." Tom winked.
I chewed my lip and he kissed my neck before biting me in that spot. I gasped and he smiled against my skin. He kissed me again and ran his tongue over my lips. I opened my mouth as the kiss became more frantic. Tom gently grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth as he pulled away from me.
He shifted and laid down next to me. We moved into our normal laying position and he nuzzled my neck. He gently nibbled areas he could get to without moving too much. I had to bite my lip to keep my voice contained. He left marks all over my neck. It was so much harder for both of us to fall asleep that night and we did end up going all the way.
The last thing I expected was to end up back in my original timeline the next day. It all happened so fast. Someone grabbed the Time Turner and smashed it. Tom and I shared a look of shock and pain. Then my world came crashing down around me. Before I could say anything Tom was gone in a blur of sickening motion.
I felt more than just sick to my stomach as my worlds collided together. I tumbled to my hands and knees as I struggled to breathe. My body felt like it was crashing and crumbling into itself. My head spun and my vision went black. I don't remember anything that happened after.
I opened my eyes and sat up. My head was still hurting. I groaned and looked around. The hospital wing, of course that's where I was. When I was, was still a mystery. I hoped that it was still with Tom but I doubted it. The war at least hadn't come to its climax.
"Harry! Thank goodness. How are you feeling?"
My heart broke the instant I heard her voice. I couldn't stop my tears from falling. The life I had started to build. The happy peace I had found. It was all gone. I couldn't stop the sobs that racked my body. I had worked so hard. I had done so much. Was I really just stuck?
"Harry?" Ron questioned.
I eventually stopped crying and smiled weakly. "Sorry. I had a bad dream. But I'm okay now."
They didn't seem to believe me but left well enough alone. I was in my seventh year, but the first term had barely just started. In my original time this was about the middle of the war. I had arrived moments before Ron and Hermione ran off to destory another hoacrux. Moments after I had clicked the Time Turner.
Of course this was the time I had returned to. A few days might have passed and things might have been kind of different. I had vague memories of a life I don't remember living. Enough to help me act in front of my friends. Not enough to fool them I feared.
The days all blurred together as I relived my first term for the third time. I didn't need to pay attention because the lessons hadn't changed much. I passed the exams at Christmas with the highest grades. I was picking at my breakfast when an owl flew in and landed on my shoulder. I took the letter and it flew away.
"Your father and I won't be able to pick you up from the station. We have a guest coming over and will be going to fetch them. Please make it home safely.
With love - Lily (your mother)."
I choked on my food. A flood of memories from this new life clouded my sight. My head hurt even more than usual. My mother and father were alive. Sirius... Sirius was alive. Cedric was alive. I remember him frowning at me for letting him win the triwizard tournament. Some older kids thought it would be fun to put my name in the cup.
My head... More specifically my scar burnt like all hell. I felt like I had been hit with Crucio again but the pain wasn't as bad as the first time. There were other things that were suppressed from this new life of mine. So much overloaded me and I passed out.
I spent my second term learning all I could about everything that changed besides the things I remembered. Mertle never died. Tom never created a single hoacrux. He barely graduated from Hogwarts and then disappeared. In all these years no one has seen or heard from him.
According to all the teachers that taught him. Tom had fallen in love and one day that person just disappeared. He had devoted himself to the research of Time Turners. There was also an incident where he beat a kid half to death. It almost got him expelled but he was given a second chance.
I figured that kid was the one who broke my Time Turner. The reason I had been sent back. The world I had returned to was very different from my original one though. Tom hadn't lost himself. He hadn't become Voldemort. He even stayed in contact with Madam Pomfrey. I was hopeful I'd be able to see him again.
Before I knew it the year was over. I returned home feeling anxious. My life was so different and yet there was now something missing again. I would be 18 soon and Tom would actually be around 40. That's if he was still alive. It wasn't the new 22 year age gap that I cared about anyway.
"I'm home." I said as I walked into the house.
A house elf popped into view. "Good day young master. Please allow Willow to take your things."
I let her do as she wished and went to my room. At least from the memories I had this was my room. I laid in bed and hugged myself. I shivered, missing the warmth I had once felt. I had done this every night hoping that this cold chill would just disappear. Hoping that I'd be able to feel warm and safe again.
"Harry!? We're back."
My mother's voice sounded foreign. Like a distant memory from a life long lost. I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. I didn't want to be rude especially if we had a guest. I made my way to the lounge and froze at the door.
"It's you." I whispered.
He looked older but not much had really changed. I knew without a doubt that was Tom. He was here standing next to my father. He gave me a small smile and we sat down for dinner. I excused myself early and went to bed. My heart was racing the entire time.
A long while later I felt something... someone behind me. A hand brushed my hair from my face and forehead. A sigh of relief soon followed. A moment passed before an arm wrapped around my waist. I lifted my head and heard a soft chuckle in response.
"I finally found you." Tom whispered against my neck.
I held onto his arm and tears fell from my eyes. My body started to shake as I cried. His grip around my waist tightened. I turned in his arms to face him and pressed my face into his chest. He just held onto me as I cried.
I woke up the next morning feeling cold. A new fear settled in my heart as I thought that I was never going to see Tom again. Even if I did, how would I explain it all to my parents. Was my entire existence now just going to be filled with past memories?
I made my way to the kitchen for something to eat. My mother and father were sitting in the lounge talking. It didn't register until I walked into the room, but Tom really was here. I went and sat next to him not really caring about anything else.
I wanted to be next to him. I wanted the peace and warmth that he offered me. The security and love I had found by accident, I didn't want to lose it again. I wanted to protect my heart. To keep it from shattering completely. To ease the pain I was feeling.
"So it's true then?" My father sighed.
"What?" I frowned.
"I told them the truth." Tom deadpanned. "Last night after you went to bed. I explained everything in detail."
"But you could have been wrong." I frowned.
Tom nodded. "I already braced myself for that possibility."
I sighed. "Explain please."
Tom wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. "After you disappeared things changed. You never told me your real name so I could only go on what I knew. You were from a future I didn't know. The name you gave me matched the initials so I started there. I went back to Hogwarts every year on the day you disappeared for 3 years. The last time I returned I ran into your father. He looked like you but I knew it wasn't you. I learnt that his name was James and I stopped retuning to Hogwarts after that. I stayed in contact with Madam Pomfrey though. Since she was the one who had treated you back then."
"How did you know it was me though?" I asked.
"I didn't at first. Madam Pomfrey told me about a boy who started attending Hogwarts. She found it strange that you resembled the stranger I had taken to her all those years ago. His name was Harry James Potter and he was always getting into trouble." Tom smiled a little. "I was hopeful but it wasn't the right time."
I sighed. "You knew I wouldn't remember. Not until after I turned 17. If I remembered anything at all."
Tom nodded. "Just because it took you back didn't mean it gave you memories you hadn't made. You were the one that told me that the future was already different."
A realisation struck me. "That heart carved into the tree. It wasn't there before."
Tom smiled. My parents didn't say anything as they watched us. It was almost like they were accepting this way too easily. It made me nervous but I wanted to know the whole story. I wanted to know why Tom had decided to come here.
"I got a letter from Madam Pomfrey one day. You suddenly had all these scars on your body. It was as if your bones broke and healed within seconds. That was when I knew." Tom shrugged. "I still wasn't completely sure and I had to see for myself."
"And my parents?" I looked at them.
"I recognised him." My father said. "I also knew the power of the Time Turner. It seemed crazy and I didn't want to subject my son to something so ridiculous. Then Hermione and Ron sent this."
He handed me a letter and my mother sighed. I opened the letter and decided to just read it out loud.
"Dear Mr and Mrs Potter.
Ron and I are growing more and more worried about Harry. He has been acting strange and withdrawn. He said that he had a bad dream but since then he hasn't been the same.
He wonders around at night mumbling to himself. The other day I heard him talking about a supposed war and some other nonsense. He has also asked most of our professors about someone named Tom Riddle. Ron even told me that he spends most nights shivering despite being covered with many blankets.
Another thing that worries me is that he seems to be off in another world all the time. I sometimes find him sitting by the Black Lake like he's waiting for something to happen.
The other day Ginny confessed her feelings for him and he got upset. He said that he didn't feel the same and even went as far as to say that she had no idea what real love was. Whatever has happened to him it is quite concerning. He refuses to talk to us about it so I hope that you will be able to talk to him.
With regards
Hermione Granger."
I sighed and put the letter down. I could feel my face burning a little as I looked down at my hands. Tom as still holding onto me.
"So you were also looking for me?" Tom broke the silence.
I looked at my parents waiting for them to start saying that all of this was stupid. I waited for some kind of negative reaction but it never came. This life. The future that I was now living in. It was so very different from the future I knew.
"Well sweetie?" My mother questioned.
I sighed. "I knew what I did would change the future but I didn't know to what extent. The future I knew was a struggle. I didn't have a loving family or friends I could rely on. I fought to survive every single day until I couldn't. So I used the Time Turner to change that future. I never expected to return until I was old. Even then I would have just stayed out of the way."
Tom's hand was shaking. "So I guess you heard what I did to that kid then? I kind of just lost my head unfortunately."
"Yeah I know. I don't blame you though. I mean you didn't kill the kid. Which, for you, is a major win." I shrugged.
My father sighed. "He asked us yesterday if it would be okay to check if his theory was true. We were hesitant but what else could we do. At least one way or another something would be true."
My mother got up and crouched in front of me. "I've never heard you cry like that before. My sweet son. It nearly broke my heart."
I blushed a little. "I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was making anyone worry. It's just that... I actually really love Tom. I thought that I'd never see him again or that if I did he wouldn't know me."
Tom kissed the top of my head and held me a bit closer. My mother went and sat down next to my father again. My heart felt so full as I closed my eyes and rested against Tom. I no longer felt cold and alone. I was warm and safe.
"Harry?" Tom questioned.
"If you don't mind the current age gap. I've asked your parents for permission to take you home with me." Tom said.
I sat up and pushed away from him. I stared into his eyes for a moment to make sure he wasn't lying. They had been up and talking long before I had even woken up. I looked at my parents and they nodded. I was officially an adult now anyway.
"I don't care." I said. "How old you are doesn't matter. I was prepared for that. I wasn't prepared for a rejection."
Tom started to laugh. "This was what you wanted, wasn't it?"
I grinned. "How'd you know?"
"Because I wanted a future with you." He shrugged.
"Awwww honey. Our little boy found happiness." My mother said.
My father nodded. "Who would have thought."
I smiled feeling a little embarrassed. My future had always felt controlled. Like anything I did had been set in stone. To escape my prison. To free myself from the puppet strings. To finally know what it meant to have peace.
For the future I had given up on. I decided that I would go back in time. The original plan had been to go back to the night my parents died. That wasn't my plan. I planned to change the man himself. If he didn't change then neither would my life.
In order to do that I had to go back further. I had to go back to the time the scales had tipped. I didn't want him to die because then my life would have never changed. It was all for selfish reasons. It was all because I was constantly abandoned by people.
I don't know when or how it happened but my selfish reasons changed. My heart had been stolen by the man I was trying to save. He didn't need to be changed. Like me, he just needed someone who would love him.
"To change the future." I mumbled and laughed.
Tom brushed my hair aside and lifted my chin. "Please don't abandon me again Harry. It'll kill me."
My heart jumped and did cartwheels in my chest. I slowly nodded my head and leaned forward. He closed the distance between us and kissed me. I never imagined something so simple would get me addicted to future possibilities.
My father cleared his throat. "Can you please wait until you have actually moved out of the house?"
My mother slapped his arm. I guess in a small way I understood. They were still my parents and I was still only 17 years old. My birthday might have been close but it was still a bit early. Even though I agreed to live with Tom I wanted to spend time with my parents as well. So we agreed to move after my birthday.
"You're really selfish you know that." Tom said as we laid in bed.
"Why?" I asked.
"You did all of that. Made me curious. Made me fall in love with you. Just to change the future you didn't like." He sighed.
I smiled. "I'd do it all over again."
Tom kissed my neck. "Next time you shouldn't leave me. It would have been nice to grow old together."
I laughed. "Old? I don't think that."
"You're too kind to me, Harry." Tom sighed.
I turned around to face him. He looked a little sad and I could understand that. I had to go a few months wondering if I'd ever see him again. He had to feel like that for years. I felt guilty even though it wasn't actually my fault.
Soon we'd have forever to be alone together. I had only been with him for 8 months and yet the love we developed... it transcend time. Two broken people who had become each other's final piece.
(9000 Words)
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