Resented, Rejected - Story Idea
So I have this idea and I think it could turn out to be amazing... Although I'm not sure if I should actually do it... Therefore I'm reaching out to you guys... Let me know what you think of it...
15+ Votes for yes and I will persue it...
Also I didn't know where else to put this... Also also... It's like 1:05 am and I might be going crazy because this idea is crazy and I'm rambling...
Here's the idea... Let me know what you think...
He knew magic existed. He knew that it wasn't supposed to be something you feared. But having grown up the way that he had... Well he understood his anut and uncle being afraid of him.
He didn't blame them for their actions because really how could he. He only spent holidays with them but by then he was already afraid of himself. He didn't want to be like his father. He wanted to be normal like his cousin.
No normal person can actually talk to snakes though. No normal person makes glass disappear and reappear. Most importantly no normal person gets an invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
"D... Dad. My letter came."
"Fucking great. Now I have to spend more money on you. Get the fuck out of my office Harry I'm busy."
Harry swallowed hard and nodded his head. "S... Sorry dad."
His father's idea of being busy included a slow dance with a shiny bottle of what he learnt was fire-whiskey. He'd flip through pictures of when he was younger. Before Harry was even born. Right until he got fed up with the memories. Then he'd take his anger out on Harry.
Harry always expected it. He had grown to cope with it. Before the incident with the snake he had an escape. He had something to look forward to. Except as he grew up he had a number of mishaps with his magic.
Now he wasn't allowed to go and visit his aunt and uncle anymore. How he longed he was normal like his cousin. Then he wouldn't have to stay with his father who hated him. He wouldn't have to learn about magic. He wouldn't have to worry about using magic or losing control like his father.
Harry had been sitting on his bed went James burst through the door. The noise startled the boy even though he had expected it. James threw the empty bottle and it shattered. He pointed at Harry as he walked into the room.
"You're the reason she's dead. If you were never born she'd still be alive. I'd still have my fucking wife!" James slapped Harry across the face. "Now she's dead and you're here. And I have to send to that fucking school." Again he hit Harry. "I'll send you there and you'll ruin my name just like you fucking ruin everything."
Harry was fighting back tears as James hit him. Then seeming to remember he had a wand James cast a body binding spell on Harry. He kicked Harry one more time before leaving the room. Harry laid there unable to move. He knew it would be days before James came and reversed the spell.
James would fall asleep wherever he dropped. He'd wake up with no memory of what he did to Harry. Not that he would care. He'd enjoy the silence and peace from Harry. Then he'd wonder if Harry ran away. He'd wait a day or two for a call from Petunia. When none came he'd check the room and find Harry. He'd only release the spell because Harry would be filthy.
Harry had gotten used to this. After the third time he had tried training his body so he wouldn't urinate on himself too much. It hardly ever worked and he could only go a few hours before the need to pee overwhelmed him. He couldn't move so he'd have to lay there in his soiled clothes.
He feared and hated his father because how was Harry supposed to have done anything. He was a baby when his mother died. His father didn't even know exactly what had happened. Only that she died in front of his crib. Because his father had been knocked out cold.
A week had passed before James found Harry laying in a puddle of his own piss. With a disgusted face he reversed the body binding spell. He kicked Harry's back and yelled profanities at the boy.
Harry jumped up and ran to the bathroom. He felt disgusting. He hated his father and himself. As he rushed to get cleaned up he couldn't stop crying. He hadn't asked his parents to be born. He hadn't asked for his mother to die.
Harry had taken a total of 5 showers before he finally left the bathroom. James had been waiting patiently outside for him. Patiently in the sense that he didn't want to be stuck with the smell of urine again. He was quite angry that Harry had taken so long though and Harry could see that.
James tossed a bag at Harry. "That should be enough for your suppies. You can go today or tomorrow I don't care. Just clean up your mess first."
Harry nodded his head too afraid to say anything. He knew that he'd have to go alone. Even if he didn't know Diagon Alley that well he had been there once before. He'd have to find his way on his own because James wouldn't go with.
Harry dropped his head and walked past James towards his room. He was obviously going to clean up first so he'd have to go tomorrow. Since "clean up" to James meant clean the entire house. Harry had learnt that the hard way as well.
James went back to his office. He practically lived there since he no longer slept in his own room. Harry knew better than to disturb him especially after laying in a puddle of piss for a week. He'd just clean the rest of the house.
"I wish I could go back to aunt Petunia." Harry mumbled to himself as he started to clean.
He would take another shower or two after cleaning. He hated being dirty since it made his skin crawl. He hated it so much because he was sometimes forced to be dirty. He associated it with the beatings he got from his father so he hated it with a passion. On a normal day he'd shower at least twice.
James didn't die but Lily did. She protected Harry and since James couldn't protect her he takes it out on Harry... He resents Harry for being the boy who lived...
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