Harmione - Silver Lining
"I hate him, Harry."
"I don't blame you. What he did was wrong." Harry sighed.
He had no excuse this time around. The incident with the Yale Ball was hard enough to smooth over. Then there was everything else that happened. Ron being in the hospital, wanting an excuse to leave Lavender and using Hermione for that. Then afterwards he acted like she had drugged him or something.
It was really hard to get them on speaking terms but now with this hoarcrux hunt... Well Harry had no excuses for Ron's behaviour. It would have been easy to say it was because of the hoarcrux, except for the very major fact that Harry had literally been the only one actually carrying it.
At the start of their journey Harry had handed the fake one to his friends because this was his burden to carry. It wasn't to say that he didn't appreciate them being there with him and honestly that was enough for him.
Hermione found out when she saw the patches on Harry's neck. That was 2 days before Ron's outburst. On top of all that the locket simply broke when he had tossed it to the ground. He, of course, didn't realise because he had already stormed off.
"Is he really that repulsed by me?" Hermione sobbed.
"No. He's just an asshole. He wouldn't know a great woman if she slapped him. I'm only saying that because you've slapped him plenty and he hasn't seen the gold you're made of."
"Harry you're being weird again." Hermione sighed.
"No, I'm not. It's the truth Mione. You're gold. You're amazing and smart and hot and..."
"That's just the locket talking. It's messing with your personality. Please stop." Hermione hugged her legs to her chest.
Harry grunted in frustration and ripped the locket from his neck. "I don't need the goddamn fucking necklace to tell me I'm in love with you. So what if it ulters my personality a little? It doesn't suddenly make me in love with you. It can't because I already love you."
He got up and stormed out of the tent. He was beyond frustrated. Not at Hermione but at that goddamn necklace. Harry had been prepared to go to his grave keeping that secret. Now he had spilled his guts in a fit of rage and lust.
"What?" He sighed.
"Just... I... How much does that thing affect you?"
He shrugged. "It doesn't matter. You know Ron was never carrying it. We can't stay here we should move."
Harry walked back and packed up all their things. He found the locket in the ground and just wished he could be rid of it. Hermione walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I know a place." Hermione said.
Harry felt the familiar pull in his stomach as she apparated them. The place they landed was breath-taking. Harry found that he couldn't make eye contact with Hermione as he set up the tent. He hadn't put the necklace on again, opting to rather shove it into his bag.
His mind was a mess. Was it really just because of the locket? He knew how he felt about Hermione the moment she had walked down those stairs for the Yale Ball. He knew that his feelings for her had only grown since then. Harry actually hated Ron for causing Hermine so much pain.
"You can get some rest I'll take first watch." Harry said as he walked past her.
"I'll be fine." He said cutting her off.
He didn't know when he fell off to sleep, but he didn't want the dream to end. Hermione had gone to check on him and she had started to kiss him. He knew he had to be dreaming. She straddled him since he had been sitting on the floor. Her lips tasted like chocolate strawberries and cream.
Harry kissed Hermione back finding relief in the nearly suffocating action. His arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. She didn't protest or resist and he was sure she could feel just how much he wanted her. She broke the kiss and gently pushed away from him with a smile.
"It's cold out here." Hermione said.
"It is." Harry agreed a little breathlessly.
"Let's get into the tent."
She didn't have to tell him twice. The moment they were both inside Hermione spun on her heel and locked their lips together again. Harry lifted her with surprising ease and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He moved to kiss her neck as he laid her down and then stopped dead in his tracks.
Harry knew Hermione better than he knew himself. She didn't wear jewelry especially not necklaces. Not since using the time turner a few years back. His fingers went to the chain and he pulled it out from under her shirt. His blood ran ice cold as the realisation dawned on him. He wasn't dreaming because he would have never let Hermione touch the damn locket she now had around her neck.
"Fuck!" Harry yelled in frustration and yanked it free. "Why? Why would you go and do something so stupid Hermione? When did you take this?"
He went over to his bag and searched through it. The second realisation hit him like a brick. She had repaired the fake locket and left it where the real one had been. It wasn't really Hermione he had been kissing, she had been under the influence of the locket.
Hermione hadn't moved from where Harry had left her. She wanted to say something but she couldn't. Harry paced back and forth for a moment before leaving the tent. He walked to the edge of the river and was about to throw the locket.
"You can't do that. We need to destroy it."
"I know." Harry sighed. "You should go look for Ron. I'll do this on my own from here."
It wasn't that he wanted to be alone, he just couldn't trust himself around Hermione. He knew that if he hadn't seen the chain he would have taken advantage of the situation. Hermione made it clear she didn't feel the same... Didn't she?
"I'm not going anywhere Harry. Especially not after Ron."
Harry turned to her with a small smile. "Then take watch. I'm going to check out the area."
Hermione nodded her head and Harry started to walk away. His heart was pounding in his ears. He had been so lost in his mind he hadn't seen the thin ice under his feet cracking. He fell through the ice and the sudden cold brought him back to the present. Much to his surprise and delight he spotted the sword of Gryffindor beneath him.
Harry's biggest problem now was breaking through the ice again or finding the hole he had fallen through. Either one needed to happen fast because he was already almost out of breath. Fighting desperately for his life yet again Harry's head just barely broke the surface before he gasped for air.
He couldn't respond. He could feel his body locking up from the cold. His fingers wrapped desperately around the sword as he struggled to stay afloat. He needed to to get out but it was hard when he was slowly becoming a popsicle.
"Harry! Where are you?"
He managed to raise the sword above the water and get it onto the ice. He somehow knew that he wouldn't be able to lift himself up. The locket around his neck got heavier as his body got colder. He tried to call out but he was shivering way too much. All he could do at that point was struggle to keep his head above the freezing water.
"Oh my god! Harry! Hold on!"
Harry woke up feeling extremely constrained. He could move his head but his arms were trapped next to his body and his body was trapped under Hermione. Wait... What? Harry frowned as he looked around. Had he dreamt the whole near death thing? Had he actually slept with...
"Thank Merlin you're okay." Hermione sighed.
"The locket?" Harry struggled to ask.
"Gone." Hermione dug through her pockets. "I destroyed it with the sword. You're an idiot Harry. You should have come to me for help instead of just jumping in the freezing water."
Harry smiled slightly. "I didn't... Intended to... Fall in."
Hermione sighed and hugged Harry. "I was so worried."
"Would have... Been fine." Harry said.
Hermione rolled her eyes and slapped him lightly. She walked away and Harry realised why he was trapped. She had wrapped him up in blankets, nice and tight and toasty. When Hermione returned she added wood to the fire before checking Harry's temperature. Harry smiled at her and decided to take a chance.
"Can the patient get a kiss from his nurse?"
Harry had totally expected a rejection, even a snappy comment in response. Instead he noticed Hermione blush for a moment before she changed the cloth on his head. A moment later Hermione leaned over him and kissed him. He wanted to hold her but his hands were still pinned by the blankets.
"Stop struggling I'm trying to keep you warm." Hermione said as she pulled away from him.
"I just wanted to pinch myself. Make sure I'm not dreaming." Harry responded with a smile.
Hermione shifted and laid her head on Harry's chest. She told herself that she was just listening to his heart beat, then she started crying. Harry desperately struggled to get his arms free. The moment Hermione lifted her head to leave one arm brust from under the blankets.
Harry quickly got the rest of his body free and stopped Hermione from leaving. Just in time too because he wasn't so sure he could walk just yet and she was almost out of reach. He pulled Hermione towards him and didn't let go. She struggled lightly and just gave up.
"Tell me what's wrong." Harry said.
"You were right to be pissed off with me. When we kissed and you saw the locket. It was messing with my head. Even though you could have you didn't take advantage. I was hurt when you told me to leave but I understood. Then you didn't come back from the patrol and I got worried. You looked like death Harry. I really thought you had died but your heart was still beating. It was so slow and between each beat I couldn't breathe. It's been 3 days Harry. You were unconscious for 3 days and... And it took you nearly dying for me to realise that... I don't ever... Harry I can't..." Hermione started crying unable to finish her sentence.
"You can't what Hermione?" Harry asked as he gently rubbed circles on her back to try and calm her.
"I can't lose you." Hermione sobbed. "You've been in danger before but I always knew you'd be okay. Except this time. This time I really didn't know and I was so scared."
"Shhh. I'm okay now." Harry said softly.
He slowly laid back down taking Hermione with him. It hadn't dawned on him yet that she was literally wearing his clothes. She had two reasons... Well actually 3 reasons for that. 1 - She had used all the blankets on Harry. 2 - She found wearing his clothes rather comforting and warm... 3 - She realised she was in love with him and wanted to be held by him (wearing his clothes was the next best thing).
Hermione struggled a bit trying to get them both covered by the many blankets Harry had tossed aside. She succeeded with 2 of them but the rest were left alone. Harry absentmindedly ran his fingers through her hair and she curled up against him. They both fell asleep like that, wrapped in each other's arms.
"What the bladdy hell is this?!"
"Huh?" Hermione shot up and wiped her eyes.
Harry groaned and turned to his side. His arm wrapped around Hermione's waist. Half asleep still and in a daze, he shifted again and rested his head in her lap. Hermione was more awake now and she absentmindedly combed Harry's hair with her fingers. Her vision clearing from sleep a lot slower than usual.
"Well then? Answer me!"
Hermione frowned and then she basically jumped back. "Ronald!? What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you two duh. Now what in the hell is this?" Ron barked and gestured between them.
Harry sat up and Hermione handed him his glasses. He wasn't too pleased with the disturbance but he knew that he should have expected it. After all it wasn't like Ron just... Oh wait he did just disappear after causing a scene.
"Exactly what it looks like." Harry responded with a frown.
"No way. No. There's no way you too slept together. You're probably just wearing his shirt to pretend you did." Ron frowned and shook his head vigorously.
Hermione realised the implication of what Harry had said. Even if Ron was partially right that didn't mean she was going to tell him. Besides Harry hadn't even realised that she was wearing his clothes. Harry looked at Hermione and she found herself unable to breathe. Her breathing returned when she saw the small smile growing on his face.
"So what if we did." Hermione responded and moved closer to Harry. "It's not your business either way."
"This is the hoarcrux's doing. Where is it?" Ron frowned.
"Hermione destroyed it a few days ago." Harry shrugged and smirked. "She was nursing me back to health before we left. Guess things just got carried away."
Hermione could see the amusement in Harry's eyes. Even though they really didn't do anything other than kiss, Ron was assuming they had. After what he had said to her, Hermione really wasn't interested in getting his approval anymore. Especially after what had happened with Harry and how Harry still tried to make her feel better.
Harry had never once berated her feelings. Even when she thought she was in love with Ron. He was always there when she needed him. He supported her even if it hurt him. He truly cared about her and always listened. Harry was everything Ron could never be and it took a stupid hoarcrux's influence for her eyes to be finally opened.
"We were going to leave yesterday but..." Hermione knew she was lying but Harry was happy.
"Anyway we should probably pack up and get going now." Harry added as he took Hermione's hand.
Ron was staring at them, his mouth agape. "I... I don't believe you."
Harry smiled and turned to Hermione. He had been wanting to kiss her since the night before. It wasn't the right time then, but now it was. Ron had given him the perfect opportunity. Harry gently pulled Hermione closer to him and kissed her. There was no sense of urgency as he gently covered her lips with his.
Harry softly bit her lower lip and ran his tongue over it asking her to let him explore her mouth. Hermione smiled a little and gently pushed away from him. She wanted to let him explore but she didn't want the gaping audience. She looked at Ron and then back at Harry. Her eyes dropped to Harry's lips before she licked her own and forced herself to look away.
Harry kissed her cheek understanding that it really was a little awkward having Ron there gaping at them. He turned to Ron and rested his head on top of Hermione's. Even sitting down she was almost a head shorter than Harry. Harry couldn't help but smirk at the expression on Ron's face.
"Believe it now?" Harry asked with a huge grin.
"Sod off." Ron spat and left again.
"Harry! You can't do this."
"Hermione I have to. I love you so much and if this will end things. If this will keep you safe then I have to." Harry kissed her forehead and held her tight.
"Please don't." Hermione held onto him for dear life.
They were standing in the hall where all the dead and injured people where scattered. It had been seeing Fred, Remus and Tonks dead that made Harry's mind up. He knew he couldn't bare it if the next person was Hermione.
"Harry... I love you." Hermione sighed trying not to cry.
"Everything will be okay. I love you too." Harry kissed her softly and started to walk away.
He never looked back over his shoulder as he made his way to the forbidden forest. Even though he had steeled himself for what was to come his heart still raced. He faced Voldemort in hopes of protecting the woman he loved.
The spell hit him and the last thought he had was 'I love you Hermione'. The feeling of fingers on his neck made him realise he wasn't actually dead. He was somewhat glad to hear Narcissa's voice and glad she hadn't said he was alive.
After listening to Voldemort's speach and in turn Neville's speach, Harry decided he was done playing dead. The fact that the entire courtyard witnessed it made it so much easier for Harry to forgive Draco. Even with the dark mark on his arm, Draco sacrificed everything by throwing his wand to Harry.
While Harry had his own fight happening, Hermione had her own troubles to deal with. She wasn't just fighting for her own sake after all. Even when she was being chased by that damn snake her only thoughts were on Harry and the little bundle growing inside of her. She hadn't told him yet, she couldn't.
The chaos died down pretty fast after Voldemort died. The left over Death Eaters were killed or locked up to await trial. It was in the last few dying moments of chaos when Harry started to freak out. He ran past a few pointless fights not bothered by the outcome because he wanted to find Hermione.
To say he was relieved she wasn't dead would be an understatement. He didn't stop to accept the thanks from the people in his way. He didn't stop to apologise to those who had lost someone. He really didn't care about any of it as his main focus was on Hermione.
Hermione had been talking to Molly Weasley, apologizing for their loss, when she was suddenly yanked away. She hadn't even had the chance to question what was happening when her lips were covered by Harry's. They hadn't exactly flaunted or hid their relationship but they had decided to only hold hands in public. Any other PDA was off the table.
Except now Harry was kissing Hermione in full view of everyone, not that he cared. She was alive and that's all that mattered to him in that moment. Hermione didn't care either. Once she realised it was Harry kissing her she all but melted into him. She kissed him back and held onto him afraid this was only a dream.
They broke away for air and Harry dropped to his knee. At first Hermione thought something was wrong until she saw the box. Harry smiled up at her and held out a hand to her.
"It's not an engagement ring." Harry reassured. "It's a promise ring. A promise I'm making to you that one day, in the near future, I will buy you an engagement ring. Then I'll buy you a house and a wedding ring. It's a promise that my love for you won't fade or faulter. I promise that through all the bad and hard times I'll always come back to you. Hermione Granger will you accept my promise to you?"
"Harry! Now's not the..."
"Actually it's the perfect time." Neville interrupted Hermione. "It gives everyone here hope that the dark times have a light at the end of them. Hope in the future."
"You're an idiot. A selfless, self-sacrificing idiot, but I love you. So, yes I accept your promise and I swear to Merlin I'll make your life hell if you don't keep it. If you die I will kill you so you better return alive." Hermione smiled at Harry and then knelt down in front of him. "After all I'm not going to be the only one waiting for your return and I can't say no to the father of my baby."
Harry frowned and blinked at Hermione. He stood up slowly and helped her up. All the while his mind was running wild. Did she... Is she... He searched her eyes for a moment before his eyes went wide. Everyone else was silent as they watched them.
"I'm pregnant, Harry!" Hermione yelled when she got irritated that he wasn't responding.
"I got that part." Harry said softly and frowned. "I can't... I'm going to... Oh my Merlin! You're pregnant!"
(3480 Words)
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