Harmion? - You, Me and Her
Polyamorous - A polyamorous relationship is one in which the two romantic partners give each other the flexibility to get intimate with other people even while committing to each other. To make such a relationship work, the partners need to follow certain polyamorous relationship rules.
Triad - In a triad, there are three people involved sexually in a relationship. For instance, a male-female couple can be involved with a male or female.
She loves him. It was clear to pretty much anyone with eyes. She loved him, but he was in love with someone else. Or was that maybe just an act? Was everything just a lie?
Honestly Harry never expected to find himself in this situation. He understood that Ron had grown jealous of the time he spent with Hermione. He understood it but he couldn't feel sorry for Ron. After all it was Ron who had hirt Hermione first by choosing Lavender. Harry didn't expect to loose his best friend over that. Although Harry didn't actually fully understand the entire situation as it truely was.
"What are you thinking about?" Hermione asked as she sat down next to him.
"Do you think maybe Ron would come back?" Harry asked.
"He's just being a dumbass. If he doesn't come back I won't ever forgive him." Hermione huffed.
Harry sighed. He knew that she loved him, he just wished the 'him' wasn't Ron. They sat there in silence for a while. Harry thought back on his conversation with Ginny before they had left. He had hurt her that much was clear, but he could no longer lie to himself especially since...
"You never told me what happened." Hermione said.
"Before we left. You and Ginny spoke, right? She was crying and you said that you would explain later." Hermione was attempting to move the subject onto something else.
Harry shrugged and laid back. He didn't say anything for a while before standing up and offering his hand to Hermione. She looked at him puzzled but still took his hand. He lifted her to her feet and started dancing with her. Hermione let him lead unsure if she should say anything or ask a question.
"I told Ginny the truth." Harry whispered.
"About what?"
Harry sighed. "I truly care for Ginny, but I'm not in love with her. She will always just be like my little sister. I thought dating her would change that. Truth is I was trying to hide and I was using Ginny as a shield. I couldn't keep doing that to her."
Hermione frowned at Harry. "Hiding? Using her? Why?"
Harry shrugged and slowly shook his head. He stopped dancing with Hermione and just stared at her. Was he being selfish? No, he always knew that he couldn't have her. He wanted to be selfish though. He wanted to steal away Hermione's heart. Harry rubbed his thumb over Hermione's cheek and pulled her into a kiss. Was this enough to answer her questions?
Hermione pushed away from Harry. The shock was evident on her face. The hurt showed clearly on his face. Harry almost apologized, but his mouth was covered before he had the chance. Hermione was the one kissing him now. His arms wrapped around her waist as he welcomed the kiss.
For that moment all their worries were gone. Harry was given the opportunity to explain his feelings to Hermione. Hermione didn't reject him, however she told Harry what he already knew. She had those feelings mostly for Ron. Although she also admitted to feeling something similar for Harry. It was a complicated thing but they spoke about it.
"What do we do about Ron?" Hermione asked.
"I don't know. Invite him into a relationship?" Harry had intended for his comment to be a joke.
"That's a brilliant idea!" Hermione grinned. "Nothing has to change between us. Other than the fact that we'll no longer be friends of course. You, me and Ron can be together forever."
On impulse Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry and kissed him. Even though Harry had meant it as a joke she had taken it seriously. She didn't want to choose between them. Harry had no chance to object either. Not that he was sure he'd be able to anyway. Hermione just seemed so happy about it.
"What the bladdy hell is going on here?"
Harry jumped and stepped back from Hermione. Both their heads turned to the entrance of the tent. Ron stood there rather shell shocked and glaring at them. Harry had been misunderstanding everything from the beginning. Hermione had misunderstood Harry's intensions. Now it seemed like it was Ron's turn. Not that there was much to misunderstand in that moment. His eyes had not lied and he had caught them.
"Do you want to kiss me too?" Hermione grinned and winked.
Ron's glare increased. The truth of the matter wasn't that he was ever jealous of Harry spending time with Hermione. It was Hermione spending time with Harry he was jealous of from the beginning. He chose Lavender because he knew Harry loved Hermione. He chose Lavender because he could lie to himself. Lavender was an excuse to...
"Or would you rather kiss me?"
The question caught Ron off guard. His glare turned into shock and surprise as his jaw fell open. Harry was obviously joking. Ron knew that because he had become quite attuned to Harry's presence. He had to because he was trying to keep his own secret. When would he ever get this opportunity again though.
Ron slowly closed his mouth and started walking towards his two best friends. He almost laughed at himself for not realising it sooner. Hermione was dead serious and almost frozen with anticipation. She wanted him to kiss her. The closer he walked to them the more things started to make a little sense.
Ron stopped and looked at both of them again. Harry couldn't make eye contact with him and Hermione was blushing like crazy. Ron reached his hand forward and grabbed Harry's chin. Forcing Harry to look at him for a moment before kissing him. Harry had the same initial response as Hermione.
Ron shrugged and smiled. "You offered."
Harry opened and closed his mouth. "I... I... I was j... Joking."
Hermione didn't seem as hurt as Ron had expected and he raised an eyebrow. "You don't mind that I just kissed your boyfriend without hesitation?"
"Honestly I was hoping you'd kiss me, but I also didn't want you hurting Harry. I want to be with both of you anyway." Hermione said with a matter of fact tone and shrugged.
Ron and Hermione both turned to Harry who looked as red as a cherry. Harry was still too shocked about the whole thing. Ron was his best friend. Ron just kissed him and didn't seem disgusted. Harry's brain was running in circles. He slowly stepped around Ron and then bolted out of the tent.
Ron and Hermione looked at each other and then at the entrance. Ron sighed and everything immediately made sense in Hermione's mind. They really had a love triangle without even knowing it. She smiled a little and hooked her arm with Ron's. Her intention was to simply confirm what she knew.
"So Harry likes me, I like you and you like him. We never even realised the love triangle between us. I know Harry was probably joking about it earlier when he suggested it but I was serious. The three of us should all be together as more than friends." Hermione smiled.
"Wait what?" Ron asked shocked. "As In the three of us dating each other? How exactly would that work?"
"First let's get Harry back. We can discuss the finer details later."
Ron and Hermione spent most of the day looking around for Harry. Surprisingly Ron was the one who had found Harry. Harry didn't move even when Ron sat down next to him. He was too embarrassed and ashamed of himself.
"Hermione told me about your joking idea. Also I know you broke up with Ginny to spare her feelings. That being said you can't just run away now."
"What do you want?" Harry sighed.
"I agree with Hermione. Why do we have to change anything? You, me and her. I kinda like the sound of that."
"I thought you hated me." Harry lifted his head slightly.
"I was actually jealous of Hermione not you. I didn't realise that she liked me because I was more focused on you. I knew you were joking about the kiss but I was furious when I saw the two of you kissing. I honestly wanted to hurt Hermione and steal you. I didn't think she'd accept it." Ron sighed.
1. Consent of Partner - Your partner has to approve of this setup.
2. Be Clear of What You Want - Before experimenting with polyamory, you and your partner need to be clear about what you want from the relationship and how much you are willing to give.
3. Establish Clear Boundaries - Having two or more partners can be a cause of jealousy for you and your partner. To avoid this, make it clear how much information you and your partner are interested in.
4. Have Clear Communication - If at any moment you are not comfortable or unhappy with the polyamorous relationship, you need to convey the same to your partner.
5. Pay Attention to Your Partner - Maintaining your relationship with your partner is also important. You have to make time for them and make them feel loved as you would in a normal relationship.
"I have a very pressing question."
"What is it Mione?"
Hermione smiled and leaned over the table so she could speak softly. "Between the two of you who would be the one getting screwed anyway? I think I know but I don't want to say."
Harry started to violently choke on his drink. The question shouldn't have been such a surprise since they had all agreed to the three way relationship. Still Harry hadn't even thought about what would happen between him and Ron. On the other hand however that wasn't true for Ron.
"Harry." Ron shrugged and smiled.
"What!? No way!" Harry yelled.
Hermione sat back in her seat and nodded her head. "I thought as much. No offence to you Harry of course."
"How is that not offensive!? The two of you just decided I wasn't... Agh! Forget it." Harry stood up and walked away.
He was shocked but way more annoyed. The more he thought about it the more annoyed he got. He didn't even know where he was walking to. His feet moved while his mind replayed what Hermione and Ron had said. Was he really that... He didn't even know what the right word was.
"I'm going after him." Ron said.
"Wait, alone?" Hermione frowned.
"Well yeah." Ron shrugged.
Hermione rolled her eyes and waved Ron off. Ron smiled and went after Harry. It didn't take Ron very long to find Harry and the first thing he did was kiss him. Harry was almost instantly snapped out of his thoughts. He pushed away from Ron but found himself trapped.
"Shhh. I'm prooving a point."
Ron kissed Harry again and this time Harry didn't resist. Ron's hands found their way under Harry's shirt. He pulled away from the kiss to catch some air before he stated to kiss Harry's neck.
"See." Ron whispered. "You're not fighting me for control."
"Shut up." Harry responded.
Ron kissed him again, forcing his tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry let out an involuntary moan as he felt Ron's thumbs brush over his nipples. Ron broke the kiss and they were both gasping for air. Harry dropped his head onto Ron's shoulder.
"You always run away when you get overly embarrassed. Even when I first kissed you, you didn't fight me."
"I said shut up." Harry huffed.
"Only if you admit it." Ron shrugged.
Harry pushed away from Ron and realised he had been trapped by a tree. "It's cold out here."
"You're looking to run away again." Ron sighed.
"Am not."
Ron kissed Harry again and this time pressed his whole body against Harry's. He ran his hand down to the top of Harry's pants and undid the belt buckle and button. Harry grabbed Ron's hand and pushed him away.
"Stop. Let's go back." Harry said.
"Why? I'm not going to let you..."
"Ron please. I promise I won't run away again. I'm seriously feeling cold." Harry pleaded.
Ron sighed again and stepped away. He followed Harry back to their tent. Harry went straight to the bed and flopped down on his back. Ron laid down next to Harry and started to kiss his neck. Much to his delight Harry didn't resist, instead Harry moved his head to give ron more space.
Hermione walked over to them and straddled Harry. "It's not fair that the two of you are leaving me out."
Harry reached up and pulled Hermione towards him. Their lips locked and Ron smiled against Harry's neck. Ron's arm wrapped around Harry's waist and held him in place. Hermione's hands found their way into Harry's already undone pants. Harry let out a low moan.
His body felt like it was on fire between kissing Hermione and having Ron kissing his body. Ron's hands switched places with Hermione's as she broke her kiss with Harry. Harry let out a gasp when Ron gently squeezed his already hard dick.
"Guys..." Harry huffed out.
"Relax." Hermione smiled.
Harry's breathing was heavy and his concentration fuzzy. He watched Ron and Hermione exchange a heated kiss while she still straddled him. Hermione pulled off her shirt and let both boys play with her boobs. Harry grabbed her waist and pressed his hips up against her. A moan of desire escaped both of them.
It wasn't long until they were completely naked. Hermione still straddled Harry as she slowly lowered herself onto him. Ron positioned himself behind Hermione and pushed into her other hole. Hermione arched her back and let out a cry. A mixture of pleasure and pain as both Ron and Harry's dicks moved inside her. Her nails dug into Harry's chest as her mind went blank.
*~*~* (I realised that it's a lot harder trying to write smutt for 3)
"Hey! Idiots wake up!"
"Why are you yelling?" Harry groaned.
"Because there are some people heading this way. We need to leave." Hermione huffed. "Now hurry."
Ron and Harry both groggily dragged themselves out of bed. Hermione was right to get them moving though. The people who had been heading in their direction were obviously bad people. Despite getting a head start on their movement the people were still tracking them.
The simple escape soon turned into a chase. Before long Harry, Hermione and Ron were surrounded. Hermione turned to Harry and pulled him into a kiss before hitting him with a spell. They were taken to Malfoy Manor and Hermione suddenly felt a lot more scared. She held onto Ron's hand for comfort.
It had been a painfully long hour before they finally got out. Ron and Harry were both concerned about Hermione's well being. They refused to leave her side even though Hermione kept saying she was fine.
"I'm not some fragile little thing you know."
"We know." Ron shrugged.
"We both just love you." Harry added. "It wasn't easy hearing..."
Hermione sighed. "I get it. Should we just make plans for what to do next? I mean..."
"No." Harry cut her off. "The two of you should stay here. I'll finish this on my own."
"Like hell." Ron frowned. "There's no way Hermione and I are going to sit back and watch you get hurt either."
"Just like you guys love me. Harry, we love you. We're in this together whether you like it or not." Hermione smiled.
Harry sighed and shook his head. He wanted to reject allowing them to help but he knew that he couldn't. He moved closer to Ron and kissed his cheek and then did the same to Hermione. Harry had learnt that he literally had zero control in their relationship. Ron was more dominant than him and Hermione was way more controlling than both of them.
Ron smiled and pulled Harry into an actual kiss. Harry responded by opening his mouth and letting Ron explore. Hermione huffed and cleared her throat making the boys break their kiss. She smirked a little as she crossed her arms.
"As hot as it is watching the two of you kissing I still feel oddly left out." Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Are you letting Ron steel your entire heart away from me?"
Harry backed away from Ron and shook his head. "No."
"Awww. Come here Mione." Ron said in a teasing tone.
"Yeah no. I'm angry with you. Harry gives you an inch and you take a mile." Hermione huffed.
Ron shrugged. "I can't help it if he makes it so easy."
"Enough!" Harry yelled.
Harry moved towards Hermione and pulled her into a kiss. He never liked it when they argued even if said arguing was playful. Hermione smirked into the kiss and took the opportunity to wrap her legs around Harry's waist.
"And you say I'm being unfair." Ron whispered into Hermione's ear.
Harry and Hermione broke away for air. Ron pulled Hermione's head to the side and kissed her. He never shyed away from showing Hermione the same level of affection he showed Harry. Harry let Hermione stand on her own two feet forcing her and Ron to stop kissing.
"Want to take this to a bed?"
"I wanted to give you both this. Just couldn't find the right time." Harry smiled sadly. "It's just something I found and thought of you two."
"Harry these are rings." Hermione frowned.
"Yeah." Harry scratched the back of his neck. "I just want you to remember that I love you both."
"Harry?" Ron swallowed a lump forming in his throat.
"No matter what happens I want the two of you to be happy. I'm sorry about Fred. I will put an end to this." Harry shrugged.
"Harry no. It's supposed to be you me and her. To the end, remember? Whatever you're planning..."
"I can't lose either of you Ron. This was how it was always meant to be." Harry sighed. "I'll protect you."
"It... It sounds like you're saying goodbye for good Harry." Hermione choked. "You'll be alright won't you?"
Harry smiled again. "I'll see you guys."
Harry pulled out a third ring and slid it onto his own finger. He then turned on his heal and ran off. Hermione turned to Ron. Her eyes were full of fear and pain. Ron pulled Hermione into a hug. They couldn't run after him and they knew it. The wait for news was painfully long for both of them.
Hermione started crying as soon as Voldemort claimed Harry was dead. She was normally the composed rational one but her heart couldn't take it. She wanted to swear Harry for getting himself killed. The only thing holding her back was Ron. He refused to let go of her as he watched the scene unfold.
"Thank Merlin he's alive." Ron mumbled loud enough for Hermione to hear.
Her head snapped in the direction of Hagrid and she caught Harry running in the opposite direction. Her heart was pounding in her ears as Ron pulled her back into the castle. Everything went by so quickly and Hermione was mostly in a daze. By the end of the battle her legs couldn't hold her up.
Ron carried Hermione back to the Hall hoping they'd see Harry return as well. It didn't take long for Harry to get to the Hall. Without thinking much Ron left Hermione's and ran over to Harry. Before the question could leave Harry's lips Ron kissed him. Harry didn't do much in the way of resistance.
"I really thought you were going to die." Ron sighed when he pulled away from Harry.
"How could I?" Harry smiled. "It's you, me and her to the end."
Ron smiled and nodded. He took Harry's hand and they made their way back to Hermione. Hermione wrapped Harry into a tight hug and started crying again. Harry held onto her and waited for her tears to dry up.
"Sooo. Is Harry dating Hermione or Ron?"
"Ginny!" Ron yelled.
Ginny shrugged. "I have a right to know. He did break up with me for Hermione but I just saw you kiss him."
Harry began to laugh. "Actually both of them. It's a complicated story but we're all together."
Ginny pursed her lips. "Hmmm. Makes sense I guess. The three of you were always inseparable. I approve."
"We don't need your approval." Ron scoffed.
"Well you get it anyway. As long as you three are together I know none of you will roll over and die easily." Ginny grinned. "I feel sorry for Hermione though. You guys are idiots."
"Thanks Ginny." Hermione giggled a little.
Ginny grinned and sat down next to Hermione. While the chaos died down the group of four sat and talked. Mostly Hermione just filling Ginny in on their adventures. Obviously leaving out some of the more restricted details while the boys were there. It was nice finally having some time to breathe.
"So when's the weddings?" Ginny grinned and pointed at the rings they were all wearing.
"Ginny!" Ron yelled again.
"Relax silly. I'm just curious." She rolled her eyes.
"After we graduate." Harry stated. "Obviously it's too soon now but don't worry you'll be the first one invited."
"Great! You should make it official as soon as possible. I have just the idea too. Hermione gets to have two weddings of course. And then Harry clearly." Ginny smiled proudly.
"Why me?" Harry frowned.
"You clearly let my brother top so technically you're the chick in that relationship." Ginny shrugged.
Ron was trying his best not to laugh at Harry's reaction. Not to say that Ginny was wrong or anything. Hermione on the other hand did start laughing. Harry huffed and crossed his arms. That only made Ron laugh and Ginny smirked.
(3475 Words)
I hope you guys enjoyed the story... This was a real challenge for me to get done so I hope it came out well... This story comes to you guys thanks to GarrettKlawuhn who came up with the idea...
Vote, comment and stay weird always!
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