ll NAME ll She smiles and responds in a soft voice. "Abigail Smiroff, sir."
ll AGE & YEAR ll "I am 15 and just entered my fifth year."
ll GENDER ll She blinks and lets out a soft laugh. "Hu, you cant tell the difference?" {Female}
ll SPECIES ll She giggles and shifts to multiple animals. "A human but a shapshister as well."
ll SEXUALITY ll She blushes and coughs a bit. "I-I guess I go both ways." {Bi-sexual}
ll APPEARNCE ll She tilts her head and runs her hand through her hair. "Are you sure your alright?"
ll PERSONALITY ll She smiles and stands up. "I've been known to be kind and gentle. I never yell and I rarely get mad though when I do...Well...I rather not get into that." {As she said shes and absolute sweetheart but do get her mad and she becomes somewthing a whole lot different. She may use her powers of shapshifting for evil or for hurting others. But again it rarely happens. She is always able to give a helping hand no matter who the person is. She is a brave soul who is not afradi to stand up for herself and for others she sees in need for them.}
ll HOUSE ll She proudly pulls out a red and gold scarf. "I'm a pround Gryffindor!"
ll PATRONUS ll She giggles as a small sawn circled around her. "Swan~"
ll POWERS ll She thinks for a bit and sighs. "Other than shapshifting I dont think I have any other powers."
ll LIKES ll "Oh! I love sweets, I love to help around and I love to sing! Most people say I have a talent for it!"
ll DISLIKES ll She sneers a tad bit. "People yelling at me, being bullies, not wanting to listen to the important things."
Abigial was born into a normal family with her mother being a muggle and her father being a wizard. She was always self concious about being a half blood and never really wanted to talk to anyone. After she meet a couple of witches and wizards from muggle family, she became more open and started to become the innocent child that she was. She never explored her sense in magic until she started to shift at random times. Her family was astonished by her gift but the dark side was watching the gift as well. Her utter attmepts to get away from there eyes is always a never ending battle for her.
ll POSITION ll She blinks and raises her eyebrow. "W-what?" {Seke}
ll TURN ONS ll She covers her flushed cheeks. "N-now thats a bit personal aint it?" {Teasing, eating her out, foreplay, lingerie}
ll TURN OFFS ll She pouts a bit and closes her eyes. "Not telling!" {Stubborness, being too rough, not returning favors.}
ll KINKS ll She opens her eyes and shifts into a small dog, running off. {Possibly something to do with her shapshifting}
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