Some o' dat DAM Percy Jackson
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, to our first member. e114st3w4rt
They are an amazing writer so go ahead and pressure them to post some of their work.
Over the past week or so, I've managed to disappear down yet another Percabeth hole. While down there I came across an AMAZING book. I think it is one of the very few that do a really good job of creating complex characters. You guys should check it out.
The story is Notes of Lyrics and Love by crazedauthors1093
It'll be in my 'Re-read and re-read again' reading list. It's definitely worth looking at.
You guys are amazing. Have a great day.
No way to start off a good Percy Jackson chapter than with a bit movie hate...
Book Annabeth: At age seven, stabs a Cyclops if the foot to save her friends.
Movie Annabeth: *Trips while running,* "Help Me, Percy."
Me: ...
Fun Fact: Christopher Columbus RUINED- uh- I mean- DIRECTED both the first Percy Jackson and the first Harry Potter movie.
Also Fun Fact: HE DIDN'T GET ASKED BACK TO DIRECT EITHER OF THE TWO SECOND MOVIES! This dude should not be allowed near films. Someone, please, GET HIM THE BOOK!!
Just making sure, everyone here HAS read the books, right? If not, WARNING! there will be a LOT of spoilers. Or though, I don't know why you would even be interested in this if you aren't already immersed in the fandoms. And no, I will NOT count the movies.
Okay, so I was going through random PJO stuff, and I found this.
I tried it and... You know what, all I'm going to say is...
Stop reading, open google translate, and go try this right now. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!
Prepare yourselves, my fellow Demigods, for the wonder and the horror that is Percy Jackson JOKES!!!
Now, the DAM jokes have become such a part of the PJO culture that I almost forgot where they originated. Here's a little something to jog your memories.
I completely forgot that Zoe Nightshade was the one that started it all.
We love you Zoe, Rest In Peace.
Well... Here's to another reading of the Percy Jackson books. It's been a year, time to start over. Who's with me?
Which are true for you? They're all true for me except #1.
OK, New Rule! Whenever a comment is related to Percy Jackson, any swearing must be done.. the one and the only DEMIGOD WAY!
Ah, puns. What would we do without them? We'd probably be much smarter and less socially awkward beings. Oh well.
Oh, what's my OTP you ask?
Well, ever heard of...
(I looked up "Brick Riordan" and this really is what came up)
I've always thought it was Brickson, but, according to our good old Uncle Google I'm wrong.
What do you guys think? Do you ship Brason/Brickson?
Anyway, that just about wraps up this chapter, so, before we end this, we go to go out with a BANG! (or a clang, or a crash). That's right...
Who ready for a bit of LEO MCSHIZZLE VALDEZ!!
Okay, so Rick Riordan is an amazing author (we can all agree on that? Yes? Yes.). His characters fight their way into our hearts and light the match that starts the raging fire of love that is directed at all his books. He takes us on a journey, one that only the Nerdiest Nerds to ever Nerd get to experience. We laugh, we scream, we cry, then we pick up the next book in our growing pile and begin the cycle again.
One of these characters, a certain Repair Boy that has tinkered his way to the bottom of our hearts, is Leo Valdez.
Leo is amazing, and real, and nothing (DO YOU HEAR ME RICK) will ever harm him. He has gone through so much, and still he manages to force a smile in even the darkest situations.
And on that note...
I'm not completely sure where this thing is going to go. If you guys have any ideas don't hesitate to contact me.
What ships would you guys like to see commonly featured? Would you like the occasional chapter about random other fandoms?
I don't want to be the type of author who's always pestering you, but if you take the time to vote, comment and share, it really helps.
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Stay safe and stay awesome,
Mischief managed,
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